Fortunately, there was [Crazy Diamond]. I looked around and saw that there were not many pedestrians. He Feiyu picked up some glass residue and pretended to stick it on it. In fact, it concealed the ability to activate the double. After a while, the door was repaired, and another step was saved. fee.

Arriving in front of the scattered goods, the invincible stand was activated, and everything seemed so simple. The figures of [Platinum Star] and [Crazy Diamond] flashed crazily, and returned to their normal appearance in less than a minute.

He Feiyu walked around and restored all the damage caused by Shimoda Fangyu. He didn't want the two women to worry when the meeting came and think of some bad things.

After He Feiyu received the two customers, the two women arrived belatedly, changed their clothes, and returned to their posts to start working.

Everything went smoothly, and the morning passed in an ordinary manner, except that He Feiyu noticed that Nakaizumi Yui would peek at him from time to time, and when he looked over, he would immediately look away, leaving He Feiyu wondering what this little girl wanted to do.

"Okay, let's continue working in the afternoon."

He Feiyu stopped what he was doing and said relaxedly, but he was a little strange. The two women usually race against time, just like when he was in high school in his previous life, when it was almost lunchtime, he would always start running one minute in advance. The two of them were taking a long time getting ready to leave the classroom today, and it was really strange that he had to remind them.

"Yu...Yu Jun...actually...we..."

"Hehe, we brought lunch boxes. Mom has something to do today and can't come back at noon, so we decided to eat at the convenience store at noon today."

Seeing Fuyutsuki's hesitation, Nakaizumi Yui rushed to answer.

"Oh, that's good. See you in the afternoon."

He Feiyu nodded and didn't feel anything wrong.

"Hehe~ Yu-kun, please stay with us today. Shiro-chan also brought you a portion, right, Shiro-chan~"


Dongyue Zhi's face turned red when she heard her best friend's straightforward words. She didn't dare to look at He Feiyu, lowered her head and spoke shyly.


Just when He Feiyu was hesitating, Zhongquan Yui walked around He Feiyu, closed the glass door, and changed the OPEN hanging on the door to CLOSE, and also pulled up the door curtain.


He Feiyu looked at Zhongquan Yui's actions and couldn't help but feel speechless. It's not like that, it's not a candlelight dinner. Just close the door and draw the curtain.

"let's go"

Zhongquan Yui took He Feiyu's wrist and walked towards the lounge, while winking at Fuyuki Shiori.

Dongyue Zhi understood the idea, walked to the locker room, and took out three lunch boxes from the bag. He only needed to heat it in the microwave for a few minutes before eating. He didn't expect to have dinner with He Feiyu today. Dongyue Zhi was still very happy, but in the end The boldness of the clothes was beyond her imagination.

In the lounge, Nakaizumi Yui chatted with He Feiyu wordlessly. Her attention was not on the conversation at all, and her small hands subconsciously moved closer to the bulging skirt.

He Feiyu looked at Yui Nakaizumi, who was pretending to be calm. He didn't know what she was thinking. Although they were chatting, it felt very perfunctory, but He Feiyu didn't pay too much attention. After all, what was the cute girl thinking? ?

Ten minutes later, Dongyue Zhi walked in with three steaming lunch boxes. He Feiyu quickly took them and put them on the table.

"This is yours, Mr. Yu"

Zhongquan Yui pushed one of the most luxurious-looking lunch boxes to He Feiyu.

He Feiyu thought for a while but still didn't refuse. It was just lunch anyway, and the three of them finished their lunch in almost twenty minutes.

"Zhi-chan, let's go and rinse your mouth together~"

Nakaizumi Yui packed up the lunch after eating the night attack, Gunlu; Nine Four Nine Three'⑥One' after the Third Five-Year Plan, and took Dongyue Zhi and walked out. He Feiyu always felt inexplicably strange, but he couldn't explain it. , restless, waited for a while, and then walked out.

"Jun Yu, you should also rinse your mouth~"

The two girls hooked their arms with each other and walked out of the locker room. Nakaizumi

Yui saw He Feiyu coming out and said to him with a smile.


No, no, very wrong! He Feiyu felt like there were ants crawling all over his body, but he just couldn't tell. Something was wrong with Yui Nakaizumi today.

But He Feiyu still listened to the girl and went to wash up. After all, he usually washes up before taking a nap.

"Hehe~ Yujun, let me show you a baby~"

"What treasure..."

When He Feiyu returned to the lounge, he saw two women sitting on the sofa talking and laughing. He also sat on a stool, accompanied by a beautiful woman. Although it was a pity that he could not take a nap, but it was okay, he heard Yui Zhongquan Smiling and saying to him, He Feiyu was also very interested when she said she had a treasure.

Could it be that the girl is mysterious today because she discovered something strange? Because this is a fusion world, some strange things do not exist, and He Feiyu's curiosity was also aroused.


Chapter 91: The Succubus scored twice

Zhongquan Yui immediately took out a bottle of spray from her skirt and sprayed it on He Feiyu's face.


[Platinum Star] sensed the threat and automatically protected its master. A burly figure emerged and slapped Yui Zhongquan. He Feiyu shouted immediately.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yu, I can't stop."

All the liquid in the bottle was sprayed out, not a drop was left, which was comparable to the amount Shimoda Yoshiyu sprayed out at that time. Hearing He Feiyu's anxious scolding, Nakaizumi Yui said with a sly smile on his face.

On Saturday night last week, He Feiyu treated her mother, Mayo Nakaizumi. As long as there was no ear problem, she would naturally know what was going on. It was the first time since she was born that she heard her mother scream so...lang, So hysterical, but you can hear the joy coming from the heart.

Although it is a wonderful feeling that a peer of the same age, or even a peer with whom he has a crush, may become his stepfather, it is not impossible if his mother likes it.

But yesterday afternoon when I saw Shiro-chan looking so distracted, the joy in my heart was completely washed away, and then I remembered that Shiro-chan also liked Yujun very much. On one side, she was her mother, and on the other side, she was her best friend. It was meat that made her inexplicably irritable.

When she went to bed at night, she thought about it and finally came up with a bold idea. She got up and dug out the spray hidden in the closet. She hid it quietly when He Feiyu wasn't paying attention.

At first, she was just curious, but she didn't expect that one day she would be used by her. She struggled a bit internally, not wanting to be like Shimoda Yoshihiro, but for the sake of Shichi-chan's happiness, the girl convinced herself in her heart that this was to help others, not for the sake of others. My own selfish desires, huh! The essence is different!


Zhongquan Yui didn’t know that He Feiyu’s call to stop was not meant for her. Although [Platinum Star]’s slap did not hit Zhongquan Yui’s body, the powerful palm wind would still hit the pink color on He Feiyu’s face. All the spray was blown back.


The pink spray swept over the faces of the two women, and both of them inhaled a lot. Dongyue Zhi didn't even know what was happening, but a large amount of liquid poured into her nose. She couldn't adapt to it for a while, so she pinched her throat. cough.

The effect of the medicine was immediate, and in less than half a minute, the two women's faces turned red.

"Yui-chan, what are you..."

He Feiyu's eyes widened and he didn't react. After all, he didn't expect that the harmless girl would suddenly attack. He said that he went out to look for it afterwards and didn't see it. He thought that Yoshihiro Shimoda was dead, so it should be harmless, so he didn't care too much. Besides, that kind of thing It has no effect on him. Even if he swims in it, he will not be aroused at all.

"Yujun, I'm sorry, I just... my body is so hot~Yujun~"


He Feiyu's eyes twitched, already thinking about what would happen next.

Cover your head.

I don’t know what the girl is thinking.

Nakaizumi Yui and Fuyuki Shiori pressed up one on the left and the other on the right, their whole delicate bodies rubbing against He Feiyu's arms.

He felt something as soft as bread coming from his hand. He Feiyu looked at it. Although the breasts of the two girls were not as exaggerated as Hana Minato-chan, they were even a little small and could be covered with one hand. However, in this world where everyone is a big European, it is not possible. It doesn't have any charm anymore.

"Mmm~ It's so hot, Yu-kun~ I really like you~"

"Thank you for protecting me again and again~ I love it the most~"

Dongyue Zhi showed her true feelings, rubbing her pretty blushing face against He Feiyu's neck, blowing hot air into his ear, and licking his earlobe with her tongue covered in body fluids.

"Uh~ Shiori-chan, don't~"

He Feiyu's body trembled, his sensitive parts were teased, and Brother Long instinctively raised his ferocious head.

On the side, Yui Nakaizumi also followed the example of a good best friend, and her tongue roamed on He Feiyu's ears. The double stimulation made He Feiyu almost dizzy with desire.

Her heart was pounding, and she couldn't stop doing anything. Each of her arms picked up the petite body and threw herself on the sofa.


Breathing heavily.


But the two women didn't give He Feiyu a chance to breathe, and kissed him directly. They kissed at the corner of He Feiyu's mouth, trying to pry his lips open. He Feiyu just opened his lips slightly, and he felt two things as slippery as loaches coming through. Entered the mouth, stirred and sucked inside, He Fei

Yu was not used to it, so he caught one at random and started to attack. The three small tongues were entangled and intertwined with each other in He Feiyu's mouth. He didn't care who belonged to whom and simply immersed himself in it.

Naturally, the two women were no match for He Feiyu, and they were defeated after a while. Fuyuezhi turned over and sat in He Feiyu's arms, pushing Zhongquan Yui aside, occupying He Feiyu alone, but Zhongquan Yui also Without paying attention, he stood up and left the sofa, walked in front of the two of them, squatted down, and touched Brother Long with his little hand.


Nakaizumi Yui opened the zipper and released the dragon from its cage. The dragon was revealed again, showing its most ferocious side. The ferocious veins were wrapped around the dragon's body like an ancient totem. Even if it was caught in lust, Nakaizumi Yui was also slightly startled, as if she was frightened by this terrifying dragon.


But after only hesitating for a moment, she bent down her petite head and licked the dragon's head, trying to comfort it in this way. The dragon seemed to be moved by her, and there were a lot of tears in its eyes. Yui Nakaizumi took them all into his mouth, and even dug into the longan with the tip of his tongue, as if he was attracted by the delicious taste.

Flowers bloom both above and below.

At the same time, in a splendid palace, more than a dozen sexy, charming and graceful women were divided into two rows, each standing on one side. Although they looked extremely beautiful, and every move seemed to arouse the desire of others, but They all have more or less strange features, such as devil-like horns on their heads, bat-like wings on their bare white jade backs, and a black tail on their plump buttocks.


'boom! ’

"Tiffany! This is a court meeting! Call me your Queen! Do you hear me?"

A woman who looked like a human was sitting on the golden throne at the top. She raised the golden scepter in her hand and hit it heavily on the metal ground, making a huge roar. There was a large red inlaid on the top of the scepter. There seems to be a raging fire burning inside the gem, as if it will be devoured if it is contaminated even a little.

"Mother...yes! Your Lady Queen!"

Ti Fenni was about to retort, but when she saw her mother's stern eyes, she immediately lowered her head and said in an awkward tone.


The woman on the throne nodded. Even her daughter must abide by the rules. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for the small succubus species to survive in such a harsh environment.

"By the way, what happened to your wings? Why are there three pairs?"

As if remembering something, the woman looked at Ti Fani's belly with a serious and curious expression and asked.

The other succubi also looked over with curiosity, with curiosity and longing in their eyes. The more wings they have, the greater their potential in the future. At Ti Fenni's age, they only have one pair at most, and they can't even think of three pairs. Dare to think, that is only possible for those with extraordinary talents.

Although Tiffany is the Queen's daughter, they are not unaware of Tiffany's talent. They can only say that it is average, and she can reach four pairs. Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a while, she actually reached three pairs. This is too incredible. , if they can also improve, then the status of their succubus group in this world can be even higher.


Ti Fani didn't know whether she should tell her mother or not. If she let her know about her secret communication with humans, would she be put under house arrest? How would she be able to go out to play and how would she arrest that hateful human being?

"Tell me, don't think that I don't know about you. If you can explain clearly what's going on, I will forgive you this time. Just tell me!"

"...Okay, actually...Ah! Um~Mother~"

Ti Fani struggled for a while, but decided to speak out. Although her mother looked harsh, she kept her word and would atone for her sins. She might even go to the human world to catch the man back and squeeze him severely on the way. She thought Here, Ti Fenni almost laughed out loud. Just as she was about to speak, something strange came from her body. Huge pleasure hit her head, and she couldn't help but moan.

Ti Fani fell softly to the ground, her small hands covering her bulging belly. As she occasionally went deeper, the girl's scarlet pupils turned up, revealing the whites of her eyes. Saliva flowed from her cherry-like mouth, and her body arched. From time to time, the naked, small, delicate and beautiful feet curled up and unfolded, accompanied by seductive moans.

"what happened"

"What's going on here"

"A bit like..."

“That’s it for today’s court meeting.”

When the woman on the throne saw this, she didn't care about her people's comments. Her pretty brows furrowed, and she came to Tifani's side in a flash. She watched her performance, her brows furrowed deeper, her red lips slightly pursed. Moving, a formation rose up, wrapping the two of them, and in the next moment, they came to the palace where she was resting.

Ti Fani was placed on the bed, and another spell was recited. Red halos appeared on Ti Fani's limbs. Ti Fani, who had been huddled tightly, was slowly unfolded, and her petite and exquisite body was completely exposed.

The Queen stared at her swollen belly. There was something like a stick appearing on it, like a man's thing. But why it appeared on Tifanni's body for no reason, aroused her curiosity, and turned around to Tifanni's body. body, eyes looking at the propped up peach blossom garden.

There is nothing, but you can see clues from the changes in the lower abdomen. One hand slowly touches it, and the stretched shape can go deep, but you still can't feel the existence of anything, but the lower abdomen still bulges from time to time.

This situation was beyond what she knew, and she could only wait until Ti Fani was relieved from this state before questioning her.

But before that, she looked at Ti Fenni's expression and sighed. The white robe slipped from her body, revealing her plump and concave body. Like Ti Fenni, only the most private parts were covered with black The succubus creature increased its mass and blocked it. Originally there was nothing behind it, but now a black tail appeared with a seductive love at the end. It wrapped around Tifenni's tail, and his whole body was attached to her body, with his mouth And the hands started to move.

Chapter 92 Yui Nakazumi’s thoughts

If someone is in a convenience store, they can hear the "singing" coming from the lounge, sometimes high-pitched and sometimes gentle.

One after another, the "playing" continued until about three o'clock in the afternoon.

He Feiyu stood up and moved his aching body. The narrow space was very restrictive for him. He kept a stiff posture on the sofa, which greatly affected his output, but...

Fuyutsuki Shiori and Nakaizumi Yui lay tiredly on the sofa, one on the left and the other on the right. Their young bodies had traces of He Feiyu, and Xiao Hecai's delicate and sharp breasts were covered with fingerprints.

He Feiyu shook his head.

He took out paper towels from the table nearby, wiped the girls' bodies carefully, and then found two clean bath towels to cover them.

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