The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 317: Q-class mask

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Sean is also looking forward to the upgrade of the explorer level and mask.

Because this not only means being able to take on higher-paying tasks, it also means getting higher authority.

It means that in this era of impending change, there is a greater chance of survival and more initiative.

The three took the elevator to the floor where the Hall of Thousand Faces was located, came to the office of the rank committee, and raised the promotion application to the clerk.

To be promoted to the Queen level, there are two requirements, one is comprehensive strength, of which the concentration of soul is the most important indicator, and it must reach the level of mead or above.

The other is that you must complete at least one Queen-level mission independently.

For example, the Raventown incident, which was finally ended by the King class, did not meet the requirement of "independent" completion.

And Sean's team, looking for Jojo in Ocean City this time, is a high-risk Queen-level mission, and it was completed by them independently.

While these two criteria may seem easy to meet to Sean, in reality, these two requirements keep nearly 80 percent of the explorers out.

First of all, if you want to raise your soul concentration to the mead level, you don’t have a certain talent. Even if it is supplemented by the heart chakra ceremony, it will take more than ten years.

Without the corresponding strength, in the Queen-level mission, there is a high probability of either missing or going crazy...

It is rare for three people to be promoted together in the same team like Sean, but it does not mean that promotion to the Queen level is very common.

If the Jack-level is a qualified explorer, then the Queen-level is already regarded as the elite among the explorers.

Although in Ocean City, Sean faced enemies far beyond this standard, but he did not swell to the point that he would think that the Queen level was just a trash fish for his current self.

He has undoubtedly surpassed the newcomers of the same period, but if he has unrealistic perceptions, he is likely to be capsized...

Just like the Rabilins of yesteryear.

"Now I can stabilize the middle stream in the same level.

"However, there is still a long way to go before the strongest Catherine...

"And when it comes to King-level, unless you use the last Philosopher's Stone, you can still only choose to run away or give your life to encircle and suppress it."

Being rational and not inflated is the biggest advantage of Sean's personality.

The evaluation process of promotion is extremely fast - the staff can use the mysterious heritage and ancient magic to directly "read" the mask of the explorer, and then they can judge the strength of the other party.

Wearing a black suit and wearing a black mask, the "witness", using a fingertip lens, observed the masks of the three of Sean, and directly gave a "promotion allowed" rating.

After seeing the concentration of Sean's soul, he tilted his head somewhat unexpectedly, and muttered while writing the observation results: "Unknown sea, just promoted to J rank a month ago..."

As for Sean's soaring ascension, even if he is used to seeing genius, he seems to be somewhat incomprehensible.

After obtaining permission for promotion, the three were taken to the solemn and special "Hall of a Thousand Faces".

Standing at the entrance of the hall, Sean said humbly, "please first."

After seeing the mask of Sean's "Unknown Sea", Moonlight was already dissatisfied with his too ordinary wooden mask.

He looked at Ivan, and after obtaining the permission of the other party, he pushed the door first and entered.

About ten minutes later, the door opened, and Moonlight 1902 slowly walked towards Sean and Evan from the center of the hall.

From a distance, Moonlight wears a silver mask.

The shape is different from any known Q-class mask - it seems that he has obtained the mask customized for him by the Master of the Hall of Thousand Faces.

Usually, the Q-level mask corresponding to the court musician is called "The Imperial Tuner".

It's a brass mask.

Therefore, just from the color, Sean can know that Moonlight is wearing a custom mask at this time.

Moonlight, who was wearing a gray suit, walked in front of Sean and Evan step by step.

Sean was surprised to find that Moonlight's face was not only a custom-made mask, but also had extraordinary features!

Above his forehead, there is a crescent moon emitting silver light, and the crescent moon is reflected on the silver mask. It is the face of a quiet, handsome young man who seems to be immersed in the performance.

On the lower half of the face overflowing with silver light, the black and white piano keys being played are reflected. If you listen with your soul, you can even hear the faint sound of the piano...

Standing in front of Sean, Yueguang gave a face-to-face salute: "Q-level explorer, the soloist under the moon."

"Solo under the moon?" Sean suddenly realized.

Moonlight obtained the guqin score of Bernard Shaw's "Nocturne", adding a unique color to his explorer career.

Under the moonlight, in the depression, the person who plays the nocturne alone...

It is simply a perfect profile of the moonlight and temperament in the battle.

After he obtained the mask of the Unknown Sea, Sean once again witnessed the magic of the "Hall of a Thousand Faces".

"Like some kind of divination...

"The existence in the hall seems to be able to see through our past and future..."

Looking at his old friend who was quite complacent, Sean smiled and said, "I'm satisfied this time."

"Satisfied and satisfied." Yueguang replied to the kind of escape from the contrived state, "Haha...

Just as he was about to show his "true character", he realized that there was Moonlight from the staff of the association next to him. He coughed lightly, returned to his silence, and gave a face salute: "God prefers explorers."

"God favors explorers."

After Sean and Evan replied, the clown hermit pushed open the door of the hall and walked in.

Unlike Moonlight, Evan Burns is not interested in the shape of the mask.

He just wants to devote himself to the mystery, so he doesn't seem to feel much about the promotion ceremony.

While waiting for the promotion of Ivan Mask, Moonlight turned around from time to time and looked into the mirror on the side of the road...

Sometimes I change the angle, sometimes I stare at myself...

Obviously, he is very satisfied with the mask of "The Solo Man under the Moon".

Especially the little crescent moon on his forehead seems to confirm his name.

The Q-level mask seems to have spirituality, and the silver crescent moon will turn on and off with the will of the moonlight.

Moreover, the faint sound of the piano that can be activated in the mask has a certain effect of calming the mind...

Not long after, the hall door opened again.

Ivan walked over from the center of the hall.

On his face was a silver mask that was ground into a mirror. The curved mask was engraved with an eye similar to the eye of the explorer.

In the pupil of that eye, a little thunder shone...

"The Hidden Eye" - the standard queen mask of the clown hermit.

Symbolizes a hermit who holds more secrets.

Reclusive, mysterious, and powerful.

It is a rare and powerful Q-level mask.

The thunder in the pupil symbolizes the "Thunderbird Myth" that Ivan has mastered.

Wei Wei gave a face salute, and the taciturn Evan sighed: "Finally...

"If I want to complete the Thunderbird mythical totem I got, I can only get a Q-level mask..."

"Fortunately, I went to Ocean City with you," Evan looked at Sean, "I was promoted ahead of schedule.

"Thank you, Sean."

The New Testament reporter nodded in response.

Then, under the gaze of Moonlight and Ivan, he pushed open the door of the "Hall of a Thousand Faces".

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