The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1,535 Battle of Ferocious Beasts

Chapter 1,535: Battle between ferocious beasts

Seeing that Zhang was about to encounter something unexpected, God's heart suddenly moved. Its instinct made it know that Zhang Ai was in danger. There was no reason. It just knew it. At this time, the heart of God unexpectedly knew that Zhang Ai had no ability to resist. The intelligence in his body suddenly exploded, and the power contained in it suddenly exploded. The power exploded. After countless years of cultivation, nourishment by countless immortal wines, and the powerful power of two Yuntian ginseng, the current Heart of God has become extremely powerful.

The power inside the big iron block exploded, and the Heart of God moved its position lightly, just behind Zhang Ain. At this moment, a thin invisible line of fire hit quietly, only to hear a chirp, hit the black iron block, and then went out.

At this time, the big man in the air was also furious. He was furious! Seeing the Qilin Beast attacking Zhang Afraid, he was unable to help. The line of fire was gone too quickly, and the Qilin Beast was pestering and attacking him again. The big man was unable to stop the line of fire, so he poured all his anger on the Qilin Beast.

He likes Zhang Ai, this stupid god-man, who is different from other people in the god world. He is good, kind, and has no evil intentions. The most important thing is that he can give him respect and equality that others cannot give. Zhang Ao always treated him as a human being. Although he later learned that Zhang Ao treated the big iron block in the Heart of God with the same equal respect, this feeling of equality had always been what he strived for, so he cared about it. Zhang is afraid. And now, the guy who gave him equal respect is about to die in front of him? As a result, the big man was completely furious.

Since it didn't help, the big man didn't even look at Zhang Wei. He focused all his attention on the Qilin Beast and stopped shouting loudly. He suddenly calmed down, extremely calm. Then, the sky above the sacred mountain changed. A wild and powerful aura appeared instantly. At the same moment that the powerful aura appeared, the sky above the sacred mountain suddenly froze, as if it was frozen, and even the wind stopped.

When this change occurred, Qilin Beast was startled, turned around and ran away. He wanted to eat Yuntian Ginseng, but there was no need to risk his life here. It's a pity that he was a step too late. He turned around, and the big man had already appeared in front of him. As the sharp blade in the big man's huge palm gently scratched, several cracks were opened in the Qilin Beast's armor.

The Qilin Beast was injured, and roared under the severe pain, and several flames burst out from the wound. With this roar, the whole body burst into flames, and the huge fire burned violently, burning from the wound to Huge palms of a big man.

Although the Qilin Beast does not want to fight, the beast is fierce and has its own dignity. If you want to fight with me, I will fight with you. I will not run away now, ignore the wound, turn around and pounce on the big man fiercely. .

One side was burning with ferocious fire, and the other side was the Qilin Beast's mad attack, but the big man acted as if he hadn't seen it. Now he was in a rage, wishing that the Qilin Beast would fight him desperately, and instead of giving in, he charged head-on. Then, another violent collision was heard high in the air. With this collision, the two ferocious beasts were both knocked away, each flying behind them. In terms of distance, the big man retreated more than 100 meters before stopping, but the Qilin Beast had to retreat more than 300 meters before stopping. In terms of pure strength, the big man had the upper hand.

The force of this impact was too great. Under the agitation of this powerful force, countless crackling sounds were heard in the air. The color of the sky and the earth changed. Waves of strong winds suddenly appeared, raging and rolling to other places. On the other hand, the two ferocious beasts stopped each other. After staying, they all looked at each other with fierce and cold eyes. The big man had no injuries on his body, and the Qilin Beast's fierce flames were completely ineffective against him.

Looking at the Qilin Beast again, several wounds made by the big man have burst open, revealing bright red flesh and blood, and there is blood dripping out. However, the surface of the flesh and blood is burning with fire. As soon as the dripping blood leaves the body, it turns into flames and burns on the Qilin Beast. outside the body.

The two ferocious beasts only stopped for a moment, looking at each other, and pounced on each other at the same time, continuing to hit the same spot.

After all, the big man was slightly more powerful. He had the upper hand in several consecutive collisions, except for one thing. As the number of collisions increased, the flames outside the Qilin Beast's body began to gradually change color, and finally became colorless, with only a faint feeling. There is a fire burning.

The flame at this time was the hottest flame that Qilin Beast could emit, which made the big man feel a little uncomfortable. It was just uncomfortable, but the big man refused to give in and must teach Qilin Beast a lesson.

The Qilin beast comes from the sacred mountain and is one of the most powerful beasts. Because the big man is too fierce, its ferocity has been aroused at this time. Anyway, it is desperate, no one is afraid of whom.

Their leather armor is too hard and can resist most attacks, so neither the claws nor the angry flames can cause fatal attacks to the opponent, so the two guys just collide, bumping back and forth, directly Strength determines victory or defeat.

At this time, Zhang Ai had successfully dug out two Yuntian ginseng plants. After the Qilin Beast's line of fire attack was blocked by the Heart of God, Zhang Ai stood up and watched, feeling surprised and happy, saying he was lucky.

The big block of iron that could not move actually took the initiative to protect him from danger and saved his life. This shows that countless efforts during the past half a year have not been in vain. It also shows that the heart of God has great potential and cannot be treated like a block of iron. At that moment, I thanked God again and again. But the heart of God was still as virtuous as before. It just kept jumping, and Zhang was afraid to guess that it wanted to help him fight. At the same time, while guessing, he worked harder with his hands. After digging, he used earth magic to go underground and continue digging, trying not to cause harm to Yuntian Ginseng. Then he held up two fairy grasses, then picked up the Heart of God and fled away into the distance. go.

He didn't want to retreat and wanted to fight with the big man, but he knew that his current cultivation level was too poor and staying here would only cause trouble to the big man, so he decided to retreat and wait and see.

As soon as he took off and left the scope of the sacred mountain, he saw Qingyin flying from the opposite side. He was attracted by the sound of two ferocious beasts fighting. After seeing Zhang Ai, he sighed softly and asked: "What happened?" matter?"

Zhang Aing replied: "There is a ferocious beast fighting with the big man." "Huh?" Qingyin's expression changed, but before he spoke, Zhang Aing stuffed the Heart of God and Yuntian Ginseng into his arms, and then said: " Keep an eye on them." After saying that, he returned to Feishen Mountain.

At this time, the perception of God's Heart was extremely sharp. After it was transferred from Zhang Ai's hand to Qingyin's, it jumped suddenly, strongly expressing dissatisfaction.

Zhang Ping didn't want to pay attention to it at first, but the spiritual intelligence of the Heart of God burst out with huge power at the same time, making his distraction in the iron block very uncomfortable. Waves of pain came one after another, and he had to stop and take back the Heart of God. Yi Yuanshen asked helplessly: "What do you want?"

The Heart of God couldn't understand what he was saying, but he could clearly express his thoughts. Lingzhi pulled Zhang Wei's soul around and flew around. Zhang Ping understood that the heart of God wanted to be with him.

When Qingyin saw Zhang Ain stopped, she looked embarrassed. At that time, she handed the cloud ginseng to Zhang Aoi and left a message: "I'll go take a look." She jumped into the sacred mountain.

Seeing Qingyin flying into the sacred mountain, where the big man was also, Zhang was afraid that he could not stay on the outside to watch the excitement, so he immediately flew back without hesitation, holding the heart of God.

They just left the area of ​​the Holy Mountain, and flew back to the Holy Mountain. After a while, they flew near the book pavilion, where the battlefield between the Qilin Beast and the big man was in the sky.

Because the distance was not far, he could reach it in a flash. As soon as Zhang Ping flew up, he saw Qingyin jumping back. Not far away was the place where two ferocious beasts were fighting. He had just flown too close. If he didn't retreat, he would have died on the spot.

Seeing Zhang Awei, Qingyin stopped next to him and asked: "Why are you back?" Zhang Awei did not answer the question and asked directly: "How can I help the big man?" Qingyin looked embarrassed and replied. :"have no idea."

Their strength is too weak. At this time, they can only hope that the big man wins, but they can't do anything to help.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't know what to do, and the God's Heart was beating and tossing him again, making him very irritable.

He was irritated, and the heart of God was even more irritated. This guy instinctively wanted to help Zhang Wei fight, but he couldn't do it despite his powerful strength. As a result, the spiritual intelligence was spinning around like crazy in the big iron block. Just like the human mind, there would always be random thoughts and crazy thoughts. The difference was that the spiritual intelligence of the Heart of God controlled powerful power.

The two of them stood in the middle of the mountain and watched the battle between the two ferocious beasts in the distance. The Qilin Beast noticed that Zhang Ping was back, but did not make any move, and saw the huge flames coming over.

At this time, the flames on its body were almost invisible and colorless, but the flames it spurted out were as red as blood, sweeping half of the sky like a horse. Zhang was afraid that he would be unlucky when he saw this, so he turned around and ran away. At this moment, it was too late to use the teleportation technique, so he had to rely on his own ability to survive. Qingyin made the same move as him, and disappeared without a trace.

The two of them moved quickly, and the Qilin Beast's flames were faster, and they had already burned behind them. Qingyin had a higher level of cultivation than Zhang Awei, so she escaped a little further, and Zhang Awei was burned by the flames first. Now that he was not protected by the colorful cloud shield, his clothes instantly turned to ashes, and then his back suddenly charred. Just when he was about to turn to ashes, the heart of God moved.

The Heart of God has been extremely anxious and has always wanted to help Zhang Afraid, but what can it do with a big piece of iron? Kongzi was so anxious that he couldn't use his strength. Just when it was frantically anxious, its instinctive reaction told it that Zhang was afraid of danger.

Time was urgent, and the spiritual wisdom suddenly exploded. With a bang, the powerful force jumped up from Zhang Wei's hand with the heart of God, fell behind him, and blocked Zhang Wei with its five-meter-high and five-meter-wide black iron surface. My head and most of my back were scared. In this way, the evil fire came and was blocked by the heart of God. And such a high-temperature flame also had a slight impact on the Heart of God. At least the surface of the black iron was extremely hot. If this fire is used to burn God's heart for a long time, maybe it can be refined.

However, the Heart of God was only five meters long and wide, and could only block a five-meter radius. Therefore, Zhang Ai, who was about fifteen meters tall, lost his lower body in the blink of an eye, and only half of his upper body was left burned by the fierce fire.

Qingyin was lucky enough to escape the danger. Zhang Ai and God's Heart resisted the flames, and he only suffered minor burns.

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