The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1539 Repairing the Cloud Shield

Chapter 1,539 Repairing the Cloud Shield

Of course, even if you don't understand the general formula, you can still use the artifact, but the difference is huge, like the difference between a kitchen knife and a flying sword. There is really nothing to say.

The same is true for refining artifacts. Not all artifacts have to be so troublesome. It requires both warmth and general techniques. It requires a lot of effort and a long time to make. It all depends on personal preference. If you want to have a powerful artifact, you have to work hard; if you don't want it, you can just get something to use instead.

Of course, the colorful cloud shield is not just something that can be used casually. It takes a lot of effort to refine it, which involves Fairy Bai's cultivation method. For this reason, Fairy Bai did not teach Zhang Ai how to use the cloud shield. It was also for this reason that Zhang was very suspicious of Fairy Bai's method of giving her a cloud shield. He couldn't figure out why she did this. Wasn't he afraid that the cloud shield would be taken away by a master and it would be detrimental to her after understanding the use of the technique?

At this time, seeing the big man losing his temper because of himself, Zhang Ain laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, I am also a master of weapon refining. Even if I can't completely repair the cloud shield, I can still restore it to eighty or ninety percent. "

"Are you a master of weapon refining?" The big man curled his lips disdainfully and said, "We are in the God Realm here. If you don't blow it, there will be no ashes."

"Ah? From whom did you learn such wisecracks?" Zhang was a little confused.

The big man curled his lips even more disdainfully and said: "I have lived for countless years, what words have I not heard?"

When Zhang Wen heard this, he thought this was an opportunity. At that time, he followed the stick and said with a smile: "Since you have heard everything, please help me explain what the heart of God is saying."

"Go away, get your cloud shield." The big man curled his lips for the third time, then went to lie down aside.

Zhang Ping looked at the cloud sky ginseng for a while, then walked to an open place and sat down, taking out the colorful cloud shield and taking a closer look. At this time, the big iron block flew slowly behind him. It was convenient once he could move, and he no longer had to trouble Zhang Afraid.

Zhang was afraid of sending his soul into the colorful cloud shield. Based on what he had learned before, he tried to figure out what went wrong.

As soon as he thought about the problem with all his strength, the heart of God entangled with his soul immediately sensed it. Today's God's Heart is smarter than before. In its understanding, Zhang Awei is thinking about the colorful cloud shield, and it takes the initiative to share Zhang Awei's worries.

The scene that happened next completely shocked Zhang Ai. At this time, he had two souls, some of which were in the Heart of God, and the other of which was thinking about the colorful cloud shield. At this time, his divine mind suddenly moved, reminding him that the wisdom of the Heart of God left the black iron block and entered the colorful cloud shield.

Zhang Weijing was completely shocked when he learned of this change. How could it be possible? The intelligence of a piece of iron can actually leave the body? After thinking about it carefully, I realized that the ice crystal had never been like this before; the original bones had no spirit, which was different from the situation before me. I froze my body at the moment and let the spirit sent into the colorful cloud shield follow the wisdom of the heart of God everywhere inside the cloud shield. stroll.

The instinct of the Heart of God is indeed powerful. The Colorful Cloud Shield at this time can be said to be full of damage. It can wander around at will and go wherever it wants. If it feels that it does not suit its own needs, it will change the Colorful Cloud Shield at will. Internal structure.

Zhang Ping really couldn't believe these things and watched what happened in front of him as if he were watching a magic trick. Wondering how powerful the Heart of God is? Even if he can force his power to leave the iron block, even his spiritual intelligence can leave his body. What's even more terrifying is that that tiny strand of spiritual intelligence can change the colorful cloud shield at will.

Even though the colorful cloud shield is completely damaged, it is embedded with various spells and is even remotely related to the White Fairy's soul. How can the heart of God be changed at will?

He was surprised that the Heart of God was just wandering around in the colorful cloud shield, turning around, seemingly dissatisfied with the power of the cloud shield. At that time, with a slight movement, powerful power poured out from the Heart of God, and all the power was added to the cloud shield. In the shield.

After two hours of this, after repairing the damage to the cloud shield and replenishing its strength, the spiritual wisdom finally left the colorful cloud shield and returned to its big iron block.

As soon as he returned to his own body, he immediately became entangled in Zhang Wen's distraction and jumped up and down so happily.

Judging from the experience of getting along with him these days, God's heart is asking for credit from him. Zhang Ai first expressed his gratitude to it, and then focused all his attention on the colorful cloud shield. He carved in his mind the place where God's Heart had just walked, then remembered it, and then pondered it for six full months. At this time, I finally figured out what the heart of God had done.

The big iron block that only relied on instinct to do things changed all the main magic formations of Colorful Cloud Shield. It completely ignored the skills set by Bai Fairy and crazily added strength, making Cloud Shield extra powerful. Apart from these two points, the most important thing is that after he led Zhang Ai's soul through the cloud shield, he firmly imprinted Zhang Ai's soul into the cloud shield. In this way, Yun Dun Dun only recognizes Zhang Wei's soul, and no one else can control it, not even Fairy Bai who comes in person.

The cloud shield has been repaired to this point. If there is still a flaw, it is that Zhang is afraid that he does not know the general secret of using the seven-color cloud shield. However, after the torment of the heart of God, these are no longer important.

Before this time, the Heart of God had helped Zhang Ain become familiar with the techniques for using Yun Dun. Although they were very simple and did not involve the fundamentals of Yun Dun, now, these simple techniques are useful. With just these techniques, You can control the cloud shield very well.

Six hours later, Zhang Ain stood up with a smile, controlled the cloud shield to make various attacks at will, then put it away with a smile, and thanked the Heart of God again. Oddly enough, since the Heart of God can fly on its own, my spiritual wisdom seems to have opened up a lot, and I can gradually understand some simple meanings, such as gratitude now.

Knowing that Zhang Weijing was thanking him, the heart of God was even more happy. Being able to help his only friend was the happiest thing it could experience now.

At this time, the big man asked: "Is it done?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Okay, God's Heart helped me." The big man nodded and said: "I said he is alive. Now he is really a living thing. "How can I help you?" Zhang Ai replied: "He broke Yun Dun's forbidden method, and Fairy Bai's general tactics are useless."

"So powerful?" The big man didn't believe it. He was very powerful, but he couldn't do these things. He felt a little uncomfortable. How could a piece of broken iron be so powerful?

Zhang Aing replied: "I feel that the current Yun Dun is much more powerful than before. I want to try it if I have the chance." From this moment on, Zhang Aing really recognized the fact that the Heart of God was alive and no longer called it "it". It is replaced by "he".

Hearing this, the big man looked at the Heart of God carefully. After looking at it for a long time, he suddenly said: "What the hell is this?" He didn't understand the origin of the Heart of God. Although he knew that this thing existed, he didn't know how it existed. Yes, even if it is above thirty-three days, it is impossible to turn a large iron block into a living thing.

Zhang Ping didn't know either, so he didn't answer the call and used his soul to communicate with the heart of God. Now God's Heart has become smarter and can understand some simple words. Zhang is afraid of learning from the past, taking the trouble to chat with God's Heart, just to teach him how to speak. After learning it, communication will be much easier.

Zhang was afraid to keep silent, but the big man suddenly laughed, a very happy smile. He laughed for a while and said, "If Feng Chen knows that God's heart has become like this, I'm afraid he will regret it to death."

This kind of God's Heart is definitely the most powerful weapon refining material in the God Realm. Unfortunately, no one in the entire God Realm knows that the God's Heart can become so powerful. What's more, if someone like Feng Chen gave up such a treasure to someone else, wouldn't it be a big joke if he told it?

In fact, strictly speaking, Feng Chen can't be blamed. Let me ask, who else in the world, except Zhang Ai, a fool, would ruin the immortal wine like this? Use two Yuntian ginseng plants to warm and nourish iron? Everyone knows that the Heart of God is a good thing, but fairy wine and cloud ginseng are also good things. Those good things that are fed to the Heart of God, are they good for the man of God himself to eat? If you eat it yourself, you will become stronger; if you eat it with an iron block, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be yours, and you may not be able to refine weapons. If the heart of God is really turned into scrap iron unintentionally, wouldn’t it be a waste of countless good treasures? So no one wants to try it.

Hearing the big man's joke about Feng Chen, Zhang was afraid to smile and didn't answer. Although he was very satisfied with the performance of God's Heart, there was still something unsatisfactory. For example, how can such a large piece of black iron be brought back to the lower realm? If he cannot be brought back to the lower realm, he will not be able to see the four girls of Song Yunyi. This matter is really difficult to handle.

Seeing that Zhang Wen only smiled and said nothing, the big man said impatiently: "Why are you laughing? Drinking."

Zhang Weixing naturally responded, took out the fairy wine and started drinking. What's interesting is that when they sit across from each other and drink, the heart of God must intervene and push Zhang Aoi aside. The big iron block sits down, forming a three-legged stance, and they also want to drink.

Now it was the big man's turn to be surprised, and he said in surprise: "You really think of yourself as a human being."

Of course God's Heart is not that mysterious. He just wanted to drink and happened to be sitting in that position.

Zhang Ping didn't care whether the God's Heart was a human or not, so he took out a bottle of wine for him. One person, one animal and one thing formed the strangest combination in the world, and the three guys started drinking.

The Heart of God is not that magical. He just ate a bottle of fairy wine and stayed behind Zhang Awei, playing with Zhang Awei's distraction in his own body. But Zhang Zhi was really working hard. While drinking with the big man, he was distracted and trying to teach Lingzhi various things. Regardless of whether he understood it or not, he kept saying it over and over again, and one day he would eventually understand it.

It was daylight now, it was already the second day, and it was time for Qingyin to come to treat Yuntian Shen. Zhang Ping was having a drink with the big man when Qingyin arrived. As soon as they met, he smiled and said: "You don't call me when you're drinking."

Zhang Ying smiled and said, "I don't want to drink. The big guy forced me to drink. Come on, let's switch and you drink."

Qingyin shook her head and said: "Come on, let me take a look at the ginseng first." After saying this, he went to Yuntian Shen, looked left and right, and then put his palms on the surface of the ginseng body, using his own powers to help it grow quickly.

After a while, he stopped and came back. After sitting down, he asked: "How do you feel?" Zhang Awei asked casually: "How about what?"

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