The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1555 Rush out

Chapter 1555: Rush Out

During this time, the injured big unicorn beast was also recovering quickly, hoping to be able to help in the battle later.

Zhang Pa had already split his soul and explored every place, so he knew the situation in the cloud clearly, and he admired the performance of the big unicorn beast. He didn't know what benefits Qi Xin had given them to make them willing to accompany him with their lives.

In this way, Qi Xin and the big unicorn beast recovered from their injuries, Zhang Pa was familiar with and controlling Qilian Yundong, the big guy was watching the fun, and the two small unicorn beasts followed Zhang Pa closely, unwilling to leave.

Outside the cloud of Qilian Yundong, Baihu was monitoring from high in the sky, Mi Yan was meditating in the distance, and Shu was standing far away in another direction; only Yi Chen, in order to harass Qi Xin and prevent him from recovering from his injuries, would occasionally attack him with a line drawn on the ground as a prison.

Unfortunately, he didn't expect that it was because of his harassment and attacks from time to time that Zhang Pa quickly mastered Qilian Yundong and became more and more proficient.

At this time, Zhang Pa in the cloud and Yi Chen outside the cloud were barely in a stalemate, and the two sides were in a stalemate for a day. After a day, Yi Chen asked Shu Yi: "Why do I feel something is wrong?" Shu Yi replied: "What's wrong?" Yi Chen said: "This cloud is wrong, as if someone else is controlling it." Shu Yi heard this and flashed over. He carefully scanned the cloud with his mind and checked the specific changes of the cloud by drawing a prison on the ground. However, he did not find anything after checking for a long time, so he asked again: "What's wrong?" Yi Chen had been controlling the prison on the ground and fighting with Qi Lianyundong. He was very sensitive to the subtle changes. He said: "A day ago, the cloud suddenly became weak and was easily broken up by me. Later, it gradually strengthened and became resilient. Until now, it feels more and more stable. It doesn't seem like Qi Xin's method at all." After saying this, his heart was startled and he asked: "Could it be that kid?" He was suspecting Zhang Pa. Shu Yi was a little bit unconvinced, and after thinking about it, he said, "Do you think that someone can skillfully control the Draw the Ground Prison within a day?"

The answer is of course no. Yi Chen shook his head and said, "How is it possible? Let alone other things, just the various changes of the artifact, it will take a long time to remember them, not to mention that you have to be familiar with the process of trying to control the artifact. It is impossible in such a short time." Having said that, he thought for a while and continued, "I have been attacking the cloud group. The defense of the cloud group has never stopped. There are only loopholes in a very short time. In this case, unless that kid has already used Qilian Yundong, he will definitely not be able to compete with me. So there is a problem. He can't control the magic formula. Let me ask, for such a powerful artifact, will Qi Xin give up the magic formula to others?"

The answer is also no, so Shu Yi thought for a while and said, "Don't think about these first. Since you think there is a problem, should we start to attack?"

Yi Chen pondered and said, "Ask Mi Yan." As he spoke, he sent a signal, and Mi Yan and Baihu came together a moment later. Yi Chen repeated his discovery, and Mi Yan asked after listening: "It has been a day since you discovered the situation?" Yi Chen said yes. Mi Yan smiled bitterly and said: "There are four of us, and we attacked by surprise, so we can trap Qi Xin when he is unprepared. If Qi Xin has a day to heal, plus the Qilin beast, the big guy, and a messed up God's Heart, he will become very powerful. Even if we have the help of the prison, can we kill them all?"

This sentence is the key point, and it stopped Shu Yi and Yi Chen in one sentence. Yi Chen thought about it for a while and said: "No matter what, we can't just watch and do nothing, let them do whatever they want, and even become stronger." Shu Yi also said yes.

Seeing that the two had the same opinion and a firm attitude, Mi Yan sighed and said, "Then kill them."

So, it was decided to launch the attack. The four masters returned to their positions. After a moment, Yi Chen said loudly, "Begin." Then countless black Taoist pillars appeared in the air again. This time, they shrank sharply and tightly sealed around the cloud. After a moment, a black light flashed, and an explosion appeared in the cloud again.

This explosion was different from the one Zhang Pa made when he came. It was violent and continuous, and it sounded endlessly. Surrounding the huge cloud, there were rumbling explosions everywhere. Some of them were too loud or too close to the edge of the cloud, and they actually exploded with groups of brilliance, which was very impressive.

When they launched the attack, Zhang Pa in the cloud immediately felt a huge pressure, which was completely different from the pressure he had endured in the past day. He was powerful, fierce, and exuded an indestructible fighting spirit. He fought back with all his strength, but he was not as strong as the other party, and he was unfamiliar with the control of Qilian Yundong. In a short time, he was attacked by countless black gas pillars that were drawn on the ground as a prison.

Zhang Pa saw that the current situation was very dangerous. When he was about to fight desperately, Qi Xin stopped his power and stood up. Looking at the changes around him, he whispered: "You retreat, I will come." After saying these four words, a powerful force lifted Zhang Pa aside, and a powerful force gushed out from Qi Xin's body and poured into the cloud. In just a moment, the cloud became strong again and easily blocked the attacks of countless gas pillars.

As soon as Qi Xin took over, Yi Chen, who was attacking outside the cloud, immediately noticed the difference. This was the Qi Xin who had been fighting with him at the beginning. He said coldly: "It was indeed not Qi Xin just now." The implication was that the one who was controlling Qilian Yundong now was the one.

Hearing this, Shu Yi had a vague bad feeling, as if this attack would be in vain again? He looked at Mi Yan. Mi Yan chuckled and said, "Don't look at me, can't I try my best?" After saying that, he stretched out his right hand, and shot out a transparent jade bone from his palm, gently inserted into the cloud, looking for Qi Xin's position, and wanted to kill him with one blow.

Seeing this, Shu Yi really wanted to ask, with such a good magic weapon, why didn't you use it earlier? But Mi Yan was not his subordinate after all, so he just held his breath and said nothing.

Everyone was silent, watching Yi Chen control the prison, watching Mi Yan control the transparent jade bone, and wanted to see how long Zhang Pa could hold on.

The fact is that Zhang Pa was very persistent, and he persisted for a long enough time. In his mind, Mi Yan outside the cloud suddenly launched an attack. Although Zhang Pa had no ability to sense danger and could not avoid danger like Yi Chen, he still found something wrong when danger came. He hugged the big iron block to block in front of him, hid the two small beasts behind him, and shouted to Qi Xin and the big unicorn beast: "Danger."

It was really dangerous at this moment. If it weren't for Zhang Pa's reminder, Qi Xin might have encountered an accident. After hearing Zhang Pa's shout, Qi Xin thought for a moment, stopped counterattacking, and floated to the side and front with the cloud.

He was the eye of Qi Lianyun's formation. When he moved, the whole cloud changed and floated to the side and front. But in this way, Mi Yan's transparent jade bone pierced somewhere else.

Seeing the cloud change again, Mi Yan's face changed, turned around and looked at the two people in the book. Seeing their determined expressions, he knew that it was useless to ask, so he controlled the jade bone to attack.

But the attack this time was different from the previous one. Just now, he was able to explore the secrets and seek revenge in the cloud; now the cloud changed, and the entire Qilian Yundong changed. Mi Yan's sword attack encountered an unexpected situation before he could change the attack method. So after a while, he heard a light cry, and Mi Yan's transparent jade bone was broken by the powerful force of Qilian Yundong.

When this change occurred, Mi Yan's face became extremely ugly, and there was a blazing fire in his eyes. It seemed that he wanted to retaliate.

Yi Chen saw that Mi Yan was at a disadvantage, and hurriedly urged the magic formula, intending to fight with Qilian Yundong head-on. Unfortunately, he wanted to fight desperately, but Zhang Pa and those people didn't want to.

Qi Lianyundong broke Mi Yan's transparent jade bone completely at random, because at that time, Zhang Pa and others decided to break out. He gave his power to Qi Xin, and Qi Xin controlled Qi Lianyundong's powerful power. He dodged left and right in the attack of the prison, avoiding the strongest edge. After changing positions several times, he accumulated power at the same time, and suddenly burst out at the next turn, hitting the prison.

The prison is a divine weapon, but Qi Lianyundong is also one. This time, Qi Lianyundong, who has accumulated all his power, slammed into a gas fence in front of him. Only a series of clicks were heard. Qi Xin's attack quickly rushed out of the cloud group, and the black gas column close to the cloud group was all broken by it, while the powerful force that broke the gas column continued to attack Yi Chen.

Speaking of which, it was not that Qi Xin overestimated his own strength and thought that he could hurt his opponent with just one breath. The fact is that he wanted to use himself as bait to attract all the attacks of the opponent's four masters, so that Zhang Pa could leave safely with the Qilin beast.

Unfortunately, he was injured. After a day of healing, although he had recovered a little, it was still not enough to cope with the fighting situation in front of him.

He broke through the prison of the ground and continued to rush forward with great power. When he was about to hit Da Yichen, he suddenly saw a flash of cold light. The huge power of Qilian Yundong was cut off by an embroidered sword, and the power was divided into two parts.

Qi Xin hurriedly stopped and looked up. It was Mi Yan who was waving his sword to block the way. Just as he was about to use his power to fight him, a five-meter-high and wide black iron block suddenly flew out from behind him, smashing the embroidered sword with even more powerful power.

The speed of God's Heart was extremely fast. Because he was worried about Zhang Pa, he tried his best every time he acted. At this time, he suddenly did this, which directly stunned Mi Yan. The embroidered sword in his hand broke into pieces, which was no different from the transparent jade bone just now.

In just a moment, Mi Yan broke two artifacts in succession. His face turned cold and he gave a slight signal. Then another cold light flashed outside the cloud, and the white tiger rushed up with its bloody mouth wide open.

The white tiger was originally far away, but because of Qi Xin's attack, Shu Yi and others who were staying in the other three places were attracted together. The white tiger came first and took the initiative to attack as soon as it appeared.

It is ferocious enough, but there is a problem. Its opponent is a black iron block. How can you let the big tiger bite?

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