The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1574 Recuperate slowly

Chapter 1574: Recuperate slowly

Because of his insufficient cultivation and the severe pain he had suffered, he had no favorable impressions of this superior 33rd heaven. Therefore, even though it was his first time coming here, he just stayed on the top of the mountain and didn't want to go anywhere.

He lay lazily on the platform next to the banished fairy well and slowly recovered. It was only on the fourth day that his body recovered. However, this recovery was only mental. I was finally free from pain and no longer had to worry about the horror of severe pain. As for his cultivation, it will take at least several months or even years to fully recover, depending on how he practices.

Four days later, Zhang Wen got up, took out the immortal wine and poured it for God's Heart to drink, and then he was in the mood to look at the surrounding environment. Although I don't like the 33rd level, since I'm staying here and can't leave for the time being, I should understand it clearly.

The only places my eyes have seen are mountains. The place where he stood was the top of the highest mountain. Looking down from here, there were mountains and strange peaks and rocks everywhere. After looking at it for a while, he curled his lips. Thirty-three people had such a great reputation, but it looked like that, but the old madman’s garden was even more beautiful.

When I think of the garden, I think of the old madman again. What is that guy doing? Zhang Awei has not appeared since he climbed out of the Immortal Well. Could it be that he was really let go? Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand, so he cursed secretly, "Since you let me go, why don't you take me down? What's going on if I stay here alone?"

At this time, there was no one anywhere he could see. Since there was no one in the mountains, there was no need to find a place to stay, he could just stay here. So he sat down again and stared at the big snakes in a daze.

One hundred and twenty-eight God-subdued snakes, each about fifteen meters long, with white scales, hard and thick, and cold eyes. Just lying down, there is a kind of vicious intent and coercion inherent in the vicious beast itself. But in Zhang Ai's view, these snakes were his lifeblood, and he would not let them be harmed no matter what.

The only thing is that Zhang Awei protected them, but it also made it impossible for them to become stronger. The power they are showing now is just a natural reaction to beings weaker than them. If it were other Fu Shen Snakes who were the same as them. The enemy, this group of snakes can only retreat. They are more like children who have been spoiled by Zhang Awei and do not understand many things. Therefore, when Zhang Awei is injured, they know that their opponent is very strong, but they must go all out. On the one hand, they feel sorry for Zhang Awei, and on the other hand, they feel sorry for Zhang Awei. On the one hand, it's due to the blood inheritance, and on the other hand, it's because I don't know how high the sky is.

Sometimes, Zhang Wu felt that he had delayed them, but after thinking about it carefully, he would still choose to delay them in this way even if he had to do it over again. If these snakes are really allowed to fight and fight to the death, there will definitely be casualties. This is a process that must be experienced if you want to become stronger.

On the one hand, they could die at any time, and on the other hand, they could live a stable life. Zhang Weijing could easily make the choice for them.

Looking at a bunch of snakes, he thought of the people in Tianlei Mountain and wondered how they were doing now. These are the objects he wants to protect, and they are also shackles he has set for himself, but his personality is such that even though he knows the troubles and difficulties, he willingly takes up the responsibility of protecting them, just like he does with the God-defying Snake.

After being in a daze for a while, he sighed softly and let go of his thoughts. Even if he didn't like it here, in this situation, it would be better to know more about things. After some investigation, he let out another sigh. Near the Immortal Well, there was no human presence within a radius of ten thousand miles, only many large and small mythical beasts. Divine beasts are no better than divine beings, and divine masters can still hide their auras without being discovered by Zhang Wear. The mythical beasts could not hide their anger. After a scan, Zhang Fei felt that every mythical beast was particularly difficult to deal with, and he was probably no match.

Therefore, he sighed softly and looked at the mountains and forests below in a daze. If he didn't have the ability, it would be better not to go down easily.

In this way, we can only stay on the mountain top platform. In order not to waste time, but also to be able to protect himself, Zhang Wen started to practice hard from this day on. And the old madman seemed to have really been lost and never appeared again.

Time passed by for more than a month. Zhang Ai and God's Heart worked together to destroy the fairy wine and elixir, so they only lasted for more than a month. All the inventory in Zhang Ai's body was completely destroyed, leaving only some unrefined fairy grass and elixir, such as Two Yuntian ginseng and one Weini grass.

In the past, Zhang Weizhi had at least thousands of elixirs and tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of bottles of immortal wine. If he ate them slowly, he would definitely be able to eat them for a few years or more. But on the 33rd level of heaven, the power here made him extremely insecure, so he poured all the fairy wine into the Heart of God to drink, just to make him stronger quickly.

After the Heart of God experienced the fusion with his soul, the big iron block returned to its previous state and could quickly absorb divine power, and the degree of absorption was better than before. In order to get a powerful thug, Zhang Ain poured out the fairy wine like dirty water and fed it all to the Heart of God.

The Heart of God did not waste his good intentions. After swallowing this lot of fairy wine, he was nourished by thirty-three days of divine energy, like an empty bag, absorbing divine power crazily. So, one and a half months later, the Heart of God recovered from the injuries sustained during the fight with the old madman's magic circle, and its strength improved rapidly. It can be said that if the old madman used the magic circle to torment them again, the Heart of God would only need a little effort. You can break through the magic circle with a little effort, and you won't be as embarrassed as before.

The strength of the Heart of God has been improved, and Zhang Wen is also improving rapidly. Just staying in the thirty-three days for more than forty days, Zhang Ping's cultivation level increased at least ten times. It's a bit difficult for him to say, not only because of his advanced cultivation, but also the most ferocious thing is that he consumed thousands of pills in more than ten days. This speed cannot be described as fast, it is simply impossible to happen.

In fact, it was indeed impossible to happen. Zhang Wen was just sending the power of countless elixirs through the soul into the big iron block. His body can't hold much power, but the Heart of God can definitely hold it. This is a benefit brought by the fusion of the two souls, helping him store his divine power.

This has another advantage. When he merges with the soul of God's Heart, the big iron block becomes his thing. He can store some divine power in it for easy use. It is always more convenient than swallowing the elixir during a war. And the Heart of God can also use these powers, which is the third benefit.

After destroying the Immortal Wine and Elixir, Zhang Wen kept pretending to practice for a few days. On this day, a dark figure flew quickly from the sky and came closer in the blink of an eye. As soon as they met, they shouted: "Where's the old madman? Where's that bastard?" Then he remembered to ask Zhang Afraid: "How are you? Are you hurt? Did that bastard bully you?"

The person who came was a big man. He landed directly in front of Zhang Ai and looked at him carefully. Zhang was afraid that he would not answer the question, so he asked first: "Why did you turn black?"

The big man's armor was originally cyan, but now it turned dark, and he looked a little uncomfortable. The big man said bitterly: "I have to settle the score with the old madman." Zhang was curious, did the big man also fight with the old madman? Then he asked again: "What happened?" The big man replied casually: "Nothing, I just went to his house to look for you, and was ambushed once by the door agency."

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing was very touched. The big man was so kind to him. He was able to catch up with him for thirty-three days after he was caught, and he has been looking for it until today. He solemnly said: "Thank you!" Said: "I can only say thank you, there is nothing else I can do. I have already thanked you several times, so don't be annoyed."

The big man gave a rare smile and cursed: "Fake or not?" Then he asked: "What's the matter with you?"

Zhang Wei still didn't answer the question immediately. Instead, he was concerned about the big man's black suit and asked again: "Can you remove this color?" The big man said angrily: "I was tricked by that bastard, and I don't know what it is. It's been several days, but I still can't fall off." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "The black color looks quite majestic, but I'm not used to it."

"Don't be mad at me. What's wrong with you? Where's that bastard? And why are you staying here?" As he spoke, the big man looked at the Immortal Well not far away.

Zhang Ping simply told what he had experienced these days. He just mentioned the pain and suffering casually, there was no need to say more. After hearing this, the big man had an expression of disbelief on his face. He looked Zhang Awei up and down, and asked in a low voice: "Exalted Immortal Well? White Trial? Have you passed them all?" As he spoke, he looked at the well again.

Zhang Awei nodded and said yes, and asked with a smile: "Are you so surprised? What? Is there a problem?"

The big man nodded and said: "It's very problematic! This is the 33rd level of heaven. The Immortal Well is used by the masters of gods who can come here to practice their souls. What kind of cultivation level do you have? You can survive the Immortal Well. Trial?"

Hearing this, Zhang Awei thought for a moment and asked: "You mean, even the simplest white trial is prepared for thirty-three-day masters? Only people as strong as you can go in for the trial?" The big man said casually: "Otherwise, what do you think?"

When Zhang Wen heard this, he was very angry. No wonder the old madman refused to show up. He knew that he had set a trap for him, and he was embarrassed to meet him!

When he was angry, the big man asked: "Tell me more details, how did you get out of the well?" Zhang was really afraid that his cultivation level was too low, and the big man couldn't think of what to do to endure the pain.

Zhang Ping smiled bitterly and said softly: "Thanks to the golden dragon, I used the silk to trap myself on the stone steps."

As soon as he said this, the big man was stunned. After a while, he sighed softly: "You are cruel!" Being tied up means enduring pain endlessly, and it is severe pain. No one wants to suffer this kind of suffering, so the big man The guy said he was ruthless.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "What's wrong with this? Let's find a way to get rid of your black skin."

The big man thought about it and said yes, and then said: "Let's go back and do it slowly." As he spoke, he looked at Ban Xianjing for the third time, and then looked at Zhang Ai again. In the end, he still couldn't believe it. How could he endure it? What about this pain?

Zhang was afraid of knowing what he was thinking and said with a smile: "Don't look at it. It feels so uncomfortable. Anyway, I don't want to do it again. Let's go."

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