The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1589 Traveling Underground

Chapter 1589: Traveling Underground

Needless to say, the beast's tongue was cut, and the pain was undeniable. The beast was writhing and rolling under the ground in pain, and the tongue in its mouth was spinning wildly.

Zhang was afraid to endure it for a moment. What he was thinking was that since he had cut off his tongue and had already formed a hatred, it wouldn't be a big problem to make a hole on the side of his mouth. So he threw out another lighting ball. He had probably seen strange things. The situation in the beast's mouth, the body moved, and was close to the front of the flesh wall on one side of the huge mouth.

At this time, the black armor was still surrounded by sharp blades. He pressed forward like this and easily pierced the flesh wall. It's just that the flesh wall is too thick, so it only caused a little minor damage this time. Then his heart became fierce, and the sharp blade outside the armor suddenly became much longer, and was completely inserted into the flesh wall. In an instant, several sharp blades opened a hole in the flesh wall. Zhang was afraid of using his feet and rushed into the hole. After a moment, Finally, he bumped into the thick soil, which stunned him for a moment. After reacting, he rushed out of the giant mouth of the alien beast, hurriedly used earth magic, and ran up into the earth.

He was tossing around in the mouth of the alien beast, and of course the alien beast would not let him go. Even though the alien beast was huge, it was very dexterous. It turned around in the deep mud, and the next moment it was in front of Zhang Ain.

Now Zhang Wear was not in the mouth of the alien beast, and the alien beast could not move him; now he was outside the body, and he was staying in the underground environment that the alien beast was familiar with. The big guy rushed over quickly and bumped into Zhang Wear with his head.

This is underground soil, and there are thousands of miles of soil above them pressing down on Zhang Ai and the alien beasts, but the alien beasts are not affected in any way, as if they are on the ground. The whole movement is fast and dexterous, better than Zhang Ai's earth magic. Many times, Zhang Weijing was easily pushed into the soil by the beast.

I don’t know what kind of thing protects the alien beast on its forehead, but the sharp blade condensed from the heart of God failed to pierce it. Zhang Fei only felt a sharp shock and was pinned down, unable to move. The earth magic was useless. He passed through the earth. Its speed was far less than the attack power of the alien beast, so it suffered another loss.

Fortunately, with the protection of God's Heart, Zhang was not injured. His Earth Movement Technique was ultimately Earth Movement Technique. Although it was not as fast as the huge force of the alien beast's attack, it could always allow him to walk in the dirt. So after a moment, Zhang Wen broke away from the contact with the alien beast and walked in the dirt again. Act quickly.

Of course, the alien beast couldn't let him run away, so it continued to hit him. Its attack method was very simple, and it seemed that it could only hit. Zhang was afraid that he would desperately escape to the ground amid the constant hits one after another. After spending some time like this, he finally returned to the ground and ran away like crazy. He was worried that the alien beast would rush out of the ground and continue to torment him.

Fortunately, the alien beast just vented its anger underground and chased it for a while. After knowing that it could not kill Zhang Awei, it had no choice but to return underground.

The alien beast left, and Zhang Wen escaped again. Relying on the protection of the Heart of God, he was able to wander around without any danger in the sacred mountain surrounded by dangers and dangers. Otherwise, he would have just been underground for a while. He was already beaten to pieces by alien beasts.

After escaping the pursuit of the alien beasts, take a short rest and think about what to do next.

The way he rests is very special. He uses earth magic to hide under the surface, only a layer of soil away from the ground. If there is any movement outside, he can quickly sense it based on the vibration of the earth. And if there are ferocious beasts in the ground that cause trouble for him, there is only one layer of soil, and he can break out of the earth at any time and stay away from underground troubles.

Zhang Ai rested for half an hour. In fact, he really wanted to rest all the time. The past few days had been too tense. He was a little uncomfortable and didn't like it. Just when he was about to break out of the ground, he noticed that the earth trembled slightly, then again after a while, and then again after a while. It didn't look like a mythical beast walking, but like a ferocious beast using its four legs to exert force during a fight. It feels like there are mythical beasts fighting again?

Thinking of this, Zhang Awei secretly sighed. I will never come to this bullshit sacred mountain again. I have seen countless ferocious beasts, but none of them are good-looking. Every one of them is ferocious, and they will fight when they come up... Okay, White Wolf and The white tiger is still brave, but if he dares to go against himself, the white wolf will not be brave.

He sat on the ground, thinking wildly and guessing what was causing the trembling on the ground. However, the trembling on the ground only lasted a few times. From the moment he noticed it, there was no such slight trembling anymore.

After a while, Zhang Ping decided to surface to see what was going on, so he returned to the ground silently.

First I looked carefully, then I stood up straight and looked, but saw nothing. Normally, he should go over and check what is going on with the trembling, but Zhang Zing didn't care at all and didn't care what it was about? It has nothing to do with you, just ignore it! Look around, choose a peak, and continue climbing.

Some time ago, I asked Bai Hu for directions. Bai Hu said that there is a stone bridge on Wolf Peak in the east that leads to a certain level of the sky. Based on the height estimate, he should be far beyond that place now, and of course he couldn't turn back.

What he was thinking was, since there is a stone bridge to the east, is the next stone bridge also to the east? He planned to continue climbing the mountain, and then turn to the east after climbing a higher distance. If he was lucky, he might be able to find a stone bridge.

So he walked up again, but just a quarter of an hour later, he heard a strange noise in the air, and then three green wolves appeared in the distance, looking at him coldly from a long distance, but neither coming nor leaving.

Zhang Awei sighed secretly, he was discovered now, he immediately activated his magic skills, got into the ground and walked forward wildly, trying to get rid of these stupid wolves.

It's not that he's afraid of trouble, it's just that his cultivation level is too low and there's no need to get entangled with them.

As soon as he moved, three green wolves followed suit, each separated by more than a thousand meters, chasing Zhang Awei's aura.

Zhang was afraid to repeat his old trick and escape from the ground, but he didn't know if there was that terrifying beast underneath. After thinking about it, he decided that he didn't take any risks and was just walking quickly through the mud at a normal depth.

The speed of walking underground was very slow, and the three green wolves on the ground were chasing him so hard that Zhang Zhi did not escape at all. After running like this for a while, he suddenly found that the number of green wolves on the ground increased, and there were already six. Zhang was afraid that he simply stopped running and meditated on the spot, waiting patiently for their boss, the white wolves and the black wolves, to come over.

After waiting for about a hundred breaths, two white wolves and one black wolf arrived one after another. Now, more than a hundred wolves gathered on the ground above Zhang Awei's head. They knew that Zhang Ai was underground, so they dug restlessly into the soil with their sharp claws, intending to dig out Zhang Ai and kill him.

Zhang was completely motionless and allowed them to dig. It would take a while to find him anyway.

After waiting for a while, a group of green wolves actually dug a huge deep pit. As the pit gradually became larger, more and more green wolves came to dig holes. It is estimated that if they dig for a while, they will be able to dig a hole. Afraid of here. So Zhang was afraid of moving, so he flew forward for dozens of miles and then stopped, waiting for the coolie wolves to chase him here and continue digging trenches.

A group of green wolves were very pitiful. When they saw that they had dug somewhere, the guy ran away, not far away, and was in front of them to annoy them. If he were on the ground, he could catch up with him by just running two steps, but the problem was that the guy didn't stay on the ground, but was hiding in the soil. Such a distance is not far on the ground, but what about underground?

The first three giant wolves saw that Zhang Wear was playing tricks on them, and at that time they were furious and wanted to eat Zhang Wear alive. But you have to be able to catch him even if you want to eat him alive. In this situation, if you want to catch Zhang Afraid, you can only continue to dig holes. But when digging holes, Zhang Afraid will hide, or he will continue to play tricks on him.

The three giant wolves became more and more angry as they thought about it. Bai Yue said: "No need to dig, spread out and surround him. They say there is a scary guy underground. Let's bet our luck and see if we can meet this guy."

Baisha agreed, anyway, if he digs somewhere, the guy will run away, and he will be wasted in the end, so he might as well wait for work, so he ordered him to go down, and the wolves stopped digging and quickly dispersed around to monitor Zhang Ping.

The wolves stopped digging, and Zhang was afraid to smile helplessly when he found out. He didn't want to spend time with the wolves like this, so he continued to sink until the thick ground completely covered his scent, and then headed east.

Zhang Ai was sinking, and the three giant wolves had no choice but to order the wolves to monitor this area more closely. At the same time, they led the wolves to scatter in all directions, trying to find Zhang Ai.

Zhang Ain thought exactly the opposite of them, and he must not let them find him. After sinking, the direction was quickly chosen, and then full speed was advanced.

He is worried about many things now. One is that the white wolf on the ground will continue to track him, the other is that powerful alien beasts may appear underground, and the other is that he doesn't know what the big man is doing now. Amid these worries, he actually walked into a garden.

During this period of time, he had been walking underground and wandering around in the darkness. As he was walking, a light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. When he looked again, he was standing on the height of a garden, surrounded by black soil.

This is a huge underground cave, closed on all sides. Mud walls extend from the ground to high places, forming an arch. The dome is also made of mud. Only in the middle hangs a huge bright ball of light, which shines like a small sun. here.

Below the cave is a garden, with all kinds of flowers covering the entire cave. It looks beautiful and smells even more beautiful. In such a strange place, deep underground, I don’t know how these flowers survive.

There are four huts in the middle of the garden. They are all made of flowers and plants. There is not a single wood or brick. They are completely made of countless flowers to form a fragrant but extremely beautiful flower house.

Looking at the magical place below, Zhang Wen could only marvel in admiration. It was impossible to imagine such a place, but it was so legendary that it appeared before his eyes!

Just when he was in admiration, four little guys walked out of the four small flower rooms one after another. They were about two meters tall, carrying two pairs of transparent wings behind them, and wearing clothes made of flowers. If you look carefully, you will see that It looks a bit like a bee.

Zhang was afraid of standing at a high place. Looking from this angle, he felt that they looked like humans, only very short. He opened his mouth to say hello: "A few fellow Taoists..."

Before he finished what he said, although he respectfully called these four guys who didn't know their origins as fellow Taoists, the four guys didn't appreciate it at all. No one looked at him or listened to him. The four little guys stood together. One asked: "Is it a human?" The other answered: "Kill him."

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