The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1598 Here we go again

~《》~ Chapter 1598 Here we go again

Because the longer we get along, the more ordinary life is, the longer the memories will be.

Just when I was reminiscing, I naturally remembered Shen Yi. Who did that big guy offend and had to live in the lower world.

A little later, Qingyin came back with two little Qilin beasts in her arms and said, "Go down, I'll stay here." Zhang Ain shook his head. He was thinking about problems, such as why he had never been able to understand his innate skills, such as taking orders. Who should I pick up when I go down to the next world, and what is on the Thirty-three Heavens, in short, there are many, many questions, but unfortunately no one has answered them.

He was lying down, and two little Qilin beasts ran over, one on each side and squeezed together with him. Qingyin laughed and said: "I have taken care of these two little guys for so long, but they never asked me to be a little affectionate." Zhang Ping laughed and said: "You are ugly."

He was just joking casually, but he heard Qingyin ask in a nervous tone: "Am I ugly? Am I really ugly?" Zhang Afraid was a little depressed, and when he looked up, the guy had a serious expression on his face, Zhang Afraid He shook his head and said: "Not ugly." But he heard Qingyin laugh loudly: "I'm just kidding you." He was not worried about the so-called appearance issue at all.

Unexpectedly, even this guy could make a joke. Zhang Ain laughed and asked casually: "Do you want to go back to your own world?" Qingyin sat opposite and replied: "No."

"Yes." Zhang said with a smile, without asking why. Qingyin asked him, "You have been to the twenty-sixth heaven. There are still seven heavens left before you can reach the top of the God Realm. Don't you want to go?"

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "You said before that the cultivation of each level of heaven takes one hundred thousand years. How long have I been here? It's only ten years, not to mention that my strength can't reach such a high place at all. You can only rely on the help of the heart of God. Is it possible that after reaching the 33rd level, you still have to rely on the heart of God for help? I won’t be laughed at!”

Speaking of this, I suddenly thought of the old madman. That guy is the number one person below the thirty-three heavens. Why must he get the heart of God? Could it be that he wants to fight with the so-called masters outside the thirty-three heavens?

While I was thinking about it, someone came to Xingyuan. Zhang Awei raised his eyes and saw that he was so depressed that he was about to become a god. No, he was a god to begin with, but he got whatever he wanted. He was just thinking about the old madman, and at this moment, the old madman appeared in front of him.

The old madman looked handsome in white clothes and white hair. He was holding a huge black iron block of the Heart of God and looked at him and smiled. That piece of iron was bigger than the one Zhang Wen had before, at least twice the size.

Just when Zhang Wen was wondering what he wanted to do, the old madman said, "I plan to live with you for a while."

"What?" Zhang Wei rolled over and stood up, and asked in surprise: "What do you want to do, old man?" He looked at the big iron block again and thought, this thing is too big.

The old madman said seriously: "I want to live with you for a while, don't refuse. There are many houses in the orchard yard, just stay in one."

Before Zhang Zhen could reply, the big man suddenly appeared and said loudly: "No." He was sleeping in the yard when he suddenly noticed the strong aura of the old madman and hurried over.

The old madman didn't seem to hear him, and continued to say to Zhang Afraid: "That's it." He walked towards the orchard holding a large piece of black iron. The big man shouted angrily: "No." The figure flashed and blocked the way. The old madman then spoke to him: "I don't want to fight now, don't force me to fight. If we really fight, don't say whether you can beat me, just talk about the orchard and the two of them. Who can you protect? Don't force me to fight again." Take him for thirty-three days."

The big man shouted: "Take it!" He kicked on the ground with all four legs, his eyes were red, and he was ready to fight the old madman.

Zhang Awei quickly stopped him and said, "Stop fighting, I've really had enough fighting; don't live in our yard, build another house next to the orchard, and live by yourself to avoid fighting."

The first half of the sentence was said to the big man, and the second half to the old madman. Zhang was afraid of standing between the two of them, and he was very depressed to break up the fight. He came over to break up the fight, and the two little unicorn beasts also rushed over, baring their teeth and barking at the old madman. The posture was absolutely ferocious. Qingyin hurriedly followed, comforting the two little guys and advising the big man: "Is Zhang afraid of saying that? Stop fighting."

Of course the big man wouldn't do it. The old madman kidnapped Zhang Ping last time and made him look for him for several months. He was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. How could he be a neighbor with the old madman? Just as he was about to continue to get angry, the old madman said quietly: "I will do as you say." After saying that, he put the God's Heart on the ground. Since there was no ready-made house, he was not in a hurry to leave.

After calming down, Zhang Weifan whispered to the big man: "Let's bear with it. In a few days, the guide may come over. I don't know what the trouble is. I can't see anyone hitting anyone."

Based on the big man's temper, he wouldn't listen to the advice at first, but looking at Zhang's expression of fear of embarrassment, he knew that he was thinking about himself and didn't want to let himself get hurt in the fight. After thinking about it again and again, he had to endure this tone and yelled at the old man. The madman said: "Remember, stay away from me."

The old lunatic pretended not to hear and didn't answer the call at all. The purpose of his trip was very clear. He wanted to warm up his mind under Zhang Weidi's eyes so that if anything happened, he could ask in time. In addition, Zhang is afraid that he has already refined the Heart of God. If he takes a closer look at the performance of the Heart of God, he can always gain some insights, and he will be more confident when he refines it himself.

In any case, the fight didn't break out. The big man glared at the old madman, who sat leaning on the big iron block and looked at Zhang Afraid. Zhang Ain took the two little guys from Qingyin and asked casually: "There are no tent houses in the God Realm?"

The big man asked: "What is a tent house?" Qingyin interjected: "Is it a tent? Can you take it everywhere?" Zhang Ai nodded and said: "That's the thing." Qingyin shook his head and said: "No." The madman didn't speak at all, and shook his head to express no.

We are gods and can conjure up tents, but the items for food, clothing, and clothing are always not as good as those created naturally. Zhang Wen was afraid that he planned to go back and get some tents for them, so he stood up and said, "I A few days later." He handed the little Qilin beast to Qingyin and told the big man: "I'm going to get food, so don't fight." The big man snorted: "I don't care about him?" Although the tone was not kind. , but always promised not to fight.

The old madman had such a good temper, but the big man was so rude. He just pretended that he didn't hear anything and just sat quietly.

Zhang Ping looked at these two people and sighed secretly in his heart, hoping that nothing would happen. His thoughts flashed before his figure entered the starry sky below.

It was daytime when I returned to the lower realm. I first went to the city to buy various snacks, then went to see Zhang Tianfang, chatted for a while, then returned to Tianlei Mountain to find Ruiyuan, and randomly bought four shabby huts, and then went to see the four girls. Keep yourself very busy. Then he had to drink with Lin Sen again. One day later, return to God Realm.

In the past three years, he often went down to the realm, and the process every time was roughly the same. He ran back and forth between the Tianlei Mountain God Realm and the God Realm Tianlei Mountain. Occasionally he went to the starry sky to meet the Fourteenth and Panshen and others. He also went to Wugu Valley. Worshiping the remains of the big tiger, of course, spent the most time with Song Yunyi and the four girls Chao Lu.

Because we see each other more often, it won't be as uncomfortable as before when we leave, but it will be much more casual. Now Zhang Zhen is like going out to work, saying hello to his family, going out for three or five days or seven or eight days, coming back to stay for a few days, and then going out again.

Zhang was used to this kind of process, and the four girls were also used to it, but this time they only stayed for one day because they were worried about the old madman and the big man, fearing that they would fight.

Fortunately, when he went back, the two guys didn't fight. The big man stayed in Xingyuan Square, and the old madman and his iron block stayed on the grass at the edge of the square.

Seeing him coming back, the big man said casually: "You didn't come back quickly this time." Zhang Ping grunted, took out all the snacks, and threw him a tent. At the same time, he called Qingyin, and then walked to the old madman. , took out the canopy house and said: "With this, there is no need to build a house."

The tent doesn't look big. It stands on the ground and looks like it can be blown away by a gust of wind. Zhang said fearfully: "You'll get smaller as soon as you walk in." The old madman expressed his gratitude and asked: "It's the first time I'm feeding God's Heart wine, how much should I feed it?"

Zhang Ai was stunned for a moment and asked casually: "You haven't fed him wine yet?" After saying this, he understood in his heart that for more than three years in the past, the old madman has been looking for the Heart of God, and he just found it. To torment myself, it seems that I am still quite important.

The old madman replied: "No." Zhang Ain thought about it and said: "I also forgot how much I fed him the first time. Anyway, it was to make him happy." While speaking, he wanted to send Yuanshen over to check this black piece. Is there intelligence in Tie Li, but I am worried that it will turn the heart of God into scrap metal, so I asked again: "Is its intelligence active enough?"

The old madman shook his head and said: "If you are not active and don't search carefully, it is easy to overlook it."

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing thought about it again, and then said: "I am not active enough. I must put more effort into it. How much immortal wine have I prepared?" The old madman replied: "One hundred thousand bottles." When he thought about it, ten Ten thousand bottles of wine is enough for a person to swim. Even if it is not enough to feed iron blocks, it should be about the same. Unexpectedly, I heard Zhang Afraid say: "It's not enough, it's definitely not enough, at least one million bottles."

The old madman was stunned when he heard that he had already found one hundred thousand bottles with great effort. For these fairy wines, he had to stay in Tiancheng for a longer time. Looking at Zhang's fearful expression, it didn't look like he was joking, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

Looking at the big piece of iron, Zhang Ping warned: "From the time you feed him fairy wine, this piece of iron cannot be stored in the storage space. It can only stay with you and be prepared." The old madman secretly thought in his heart. He sighed and nodded slightly.

At this time, Qingyin came back to Xingyuan with two little beasts in her arms. The two little guys liked Zhang Awei very much. As soon as they saw him, they rushed towards him. Zhang Ai turned around and picked them up, thinking of the pigs and kittens on Tianlei Mountain and Fu'er's pile of fat dolls, and immediately said with a smile: "It's a pity that they are too big, otherwise I would find many friends to play with you two."


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