The Most Powerful Emperor System in History

Chapter 1497: Chu Shengping's self-confidence

Jia Xuxunyu looked at Lu Ban suspiciously.

Meng Tian even asked directly: "Master Lu, what do you mean? My northern battlefield is currently in crisis. Can't we use a thousand space shuttle ships?"

"General Meng don't have to worry, it's not because it can't be used, but it can't be directly given to you on the northern battlefield!"

Lu Ban shook his head and said, "Your Majesty told me earlier that the Space Shuttle can be used on any battlefield in the kingdom, but it must be exchanged to the Ministry of Engineering after it is used up!"

"After all, there are 10,000 space shuttle ships. Without space stones, one more cannot be made. Therefore, after each use, they must be handed over to the Ministry of Engineering for inspection and repair to avoid damage."

"after all……"

After a short pause, Lu Ban said: "After all, the space shuttle is too important for the kingdom's subsequent wars, and there must be no loss!"

Jia Xuxunyu, Mengtian and the three heard it, understood Lu Ban's meaning, and no longer said anything, and promised to return the space to the Ministry of Engineering.

Then, began to deploy troops.

Meng Tian wants seven million reinforcements.

In the current Nanyan Kingdom, Gao Shun, a general on the Tonglucheng front, looked at the Liyang Dynasty eagerly. As long as the situation was not right, it was possible to send troops to attack the Liyang Dynasty at any time and could not deploy troops.

Although Tianxian Dao had a large army of tens of millions, it was also to guard against the Cangchu Dynasty and could not move troops.

The only place to move is Zhang Liao's army on the western front of the kingdom.

On the western front, after the enemy troops in the land of the nations were destroyed, Zhang Liao led the guards. On the one hand, he suppressed the remaining forces, and on the other hand, he was also recruiting soldiers and training a large number of elite soldiers.

Because the location of the land is really suitable for training soldiers.

On the north and south sides, as well as on the west side are Dazhou Poisonous Forests, it is impossible for an enemy to appear, only Fanghua County on the east side leads to the Nanyan Kingdom.

Coupled with the chaos before the land of all nations, there were displaced civilians everywhere. After the Nanyan Kingdom took the land of all nations, it began to recruit troops and let those displaced people desperately enter the army.

Zhang Liao is responsible for training.

For this reason, the land of the nations was renamed the military field!

It means a place for training!

The military field is now the second training place in the Nanyan Kingdom.

The other is the original Luoshanyuan Camp.

At present, there are more than 10 million recruits in the military field, and there are 3 million soldiers trained for more than three months.

Meng Tian discussed with Jia Xuxunyu that all the troops supporting the northern battlefield could not be recruits, so after communicating with Yue Fei, they transferred three million recruits after three months of training to Tianxian Dao.

Then transfer three million veterans from Tianxian Dao to the northern battlefield.

Then, Meng Tian transferred four million recruits from the military field to the northern battlefield.

In this way, coupled with the original 3 million cavalry, Meng Tian will have 6 million veterans and 4 million recruits under his command, and the combat effectiveness will not be greatly affected.

After all, Zhang Liao is the person who trains soldiers, and the soldiers he trains cannot be waste.

In the next few days, Meng Tian and Xun Yu were responsible for the mobilization of troops in the kingdom, and at the same time ordered the army on the northern grasslands to continue to advance to the original territory of the Chensong tribe.

The Chensong tribe’s fire has also been extinguished in the past few days, and because the fire has raged, the surrounding area is bare.

For Meng Tian's army, this is a good place.

Under Meng Tian's order, the army began to build a barracks, naturally for the purpose of fighting against the army of the Hupu tribe.

At the same time, there was a place where the teleportation formation could be arranged so that the infantry transported from behind the Nanyan Kingdom had a place to hide.

At the same time, other forces in Yuzhou also received news from the northern grasslands.

The imperial palace, the imperial study room, the emperor Ji Yihui and the ancestor Ji Yanfeng, as well as the imperial Shuangjue are all here.

They came here because of news from the northern grasslands.

"Hmph, it seems that the Wu Clan still has some ability to gather all the troops of the Northern Barbarian Clan in the Hupu tribe!" Ji Yanghong, one of the best in the dynasty, said coldly.

"The cavalry of over 100 million, even the Five Great Generals of the Imperial Dynasty, dare not underestimate it. This time the Nanyan Kingdom will be planted!" Ji Yangting smiled.

His smile is very cheerful.

The last time he went to Nanyan Kingdom, he was finally taken down by Lu Feng, and he was used to rob many good things from the dynasty.

He and his brother Ji Yanghong were ashamed of the Nanyan Kingdom.

Fortunately, the Dynasty and the Nanyan Kingdom had an agreement that this matter did not go out, otherwise he would not have the slightest face to live in the land of Yuzhou.

"The iron cavalry of more than 100 million yuan is enough for Nanyan Kingdom to drink a pot."

Ji Yanfeng spoke lightly and said: "Let the ghosts be prepared. If the Nanyan Kingdom suffers a heavy loss, immediately behead the Nanyan Kingdom and try to blame the Cangchu Dynasty."

"If we can provoke the hatred of the Cangchu Dynasty and the Nanyan Kingdom before the opening of the Great Emperor's site, the benefits for us will be huge."

"Yes!" Ji Yihui took the lead.

In the Cangchu dynasty, the emperor Chu Yanzhe informed the ancestor Chu Shengping as soon as he got the news from the northern grasslands.

"Haha, the Wu Clan really did not disappoint the old man!"

When Chu Shengping got the news, he laughed and said, "If there are more than 100 million horses gathered in the Hupu tribe, what about the three holy warriors in the Nanyan Kingdom? With three million horses, can this over 100 million horses be destroyed? ?"

"It's ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!"

"The order is passed on and the army is ready. When the Nanyan Kingdom is defeated in the northern battlefield, we will immediately send news to the Wus and unite them to attack the Nanyan Kingdom."

"After the Nanyan Kingdom is destroyed and Lu Feng is killed, we will deal with the Wu Clan again!"

"Yes!" Emperor Chu Yanzhe quickly took the order, but after he pondered slightly, he said again: "Ancestor, are you so sure that the Nanyan Kingdom will be defeated?"

"Surely defeat!"

Chu Shengping sneered and said: "

"After the army in our dynasty is mobilized, the Jinyiwei of the Nanyan Kingdom will get news. At that time, Lu Bu's cavalry in Tianxiandao will not even want to support it."

"So Meng Tian's reinforcements are only the infantry of the Nanyan Kingdom!"

"But right now, Meng Tian's army is very far away from Beiguan. The infantry wants to support it, and it will not be possible to make it within a month and a half!"

"The Witch tribe has gathered more than 100 million iron cavalry in the Hupu tribe, making it clear that they want to die with the Nanyan Kingdom. It is absolutely impossible to give them time for the infantry to arrive."

"Not surprisingly, the northern battlefield will definitely end the war before the opening of the Great Emperor's site."

"So, that's our chance!"

Ji Yihui immediately understood what Chu Shengping meant, and immediately said, "I will make arrangements."

After that, he quit quickly.

After Ji Yihui retreated, Chu Shengping secretly sneered: "Lu Feng, Lu Feng, you want to take advantage of the fact that all the forces in Yuzhou can't deal with you to take down the northern grasslands and establish the foundation of the dynasty."

"But I didn't expect the Wu Clan to have the strength to gather more than 100 million cavalry at this time!"

"This time you are planted, so you are finished!"

"My Cangchu dynasty will finally be the master of the southwest of Yuzhou!"

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