The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 10 Chapter 77: Xunzhen east tour 2 states (middle)

From Tanxian County, go north for about a hundred miles and enter the territory of Langya Country.

The first county is Jiqiu, and the second is Kaiyang County, the county seat of Langya.

The river network in Xuzhou is dense, and there are several large rivers, one of which is called Yishui.

Yishui originates from Taishan County in the northwest. After originating from Taishan County, it flows into the territory of Langya to the southeast, reaches Dongguan County, and then flows southward. From here, it flows in a north-south direction, running through the entire Langya County, Continue south, enter Donghai County, pass through Tan County and other places, enter Xiapi, and join Sishui in Xiapi County.

Both Tan County and Kaiyang County are on the east bank of Yishui River. Every year on the 3rd day of the third month of the month, Xunzhen will follow the current custom to meet with state officials and local officials on the bank of Yishui River in Tan County. People are happy, and needless to say.

After leaving Tan County, Xunzhen went all the way to the north along the west bank of the Yishui River, looking eastward, the river was surging, and the other side of the river was full of fertile fields. In the early autumn, when the wheat is ripe, everything is drooping, golden and splendid, as far as the eye can see. From time to time, there are villagers dotted with stars in the wheat fields, or they have already started to harvest wheat, or squatted on the long chatting. One faction is about to start a large-scale autumn harvest, which is full of harvest and indescribable sense of tranquility, which is really pleasant.

The long journey was boring, so Xun Zhen called Xi Zhicai and Zhuge Liang to ride with him.

Xi Zhicai said: "Last year there was plenty of rain, and there was no war in the prefecture. With the addition of the labor force of the Yellow Turbans and displaced people, of course, the most important thing is to divide the fields and the displaced people in Ming Gong, to use the Yellow Turbans to reduce the soldiers to settle the fields, and to encourage them. With mulberry cultivation and other strategies, there is basically no barren land in our state." He looked at the scenery outside through the car window, and said with a smile, "This year will be a good year!"

All the hard work, the long-term slack, seems to have paid off at this time, and Xun Zhen is also smiling.

Zhuge Liang sat right beside him.

Xun Zhen retracted her gaze from the car, settled on Zhuge Liang, and said with a smile, "Kong Ming, what is your impression of what Jin Qing has seen along the way from my trip to the state?"

Zhuge Liang said: "The Duke of Ming persuaded the farmers to love the people. My land in Xu is a pure land in today's troubled times. All the people and scholars depend on Duke Ming's virtue and ability to live in peace. Chickens and dogs hear each other, as in the past when there was peace, and Ruoliang saw it when he was a child. These are indeed the kindness of Duke Ming, but..."

"But what?"

Zhuge Liang's bright eyes turned to the wheat fields waiting for the autumn harvest outside the car, showing pity and saying, "However, I don't know how much the cultivator can get from this acre of harvest."

It is one thing to have a good year, but it is another matter how much a farmer who has been cultivating for more than half a year after he has harvested the wheat and paid the taxes is in his hands.

In fact, if you only look at the regulations on the surface, it is easy to calculate how much the cultivators can fall.

First of all, if you are a self-employed peasant, if you remove the land rent, it is income.

The land rent of the Han family has achieved "15 taxes and 1" and "10 taxes and 1".

Xun Zhen now generally collects rent in Xuzhou according to this, but instead of mentioning the "Thirty Tax and One", he changed the rhetoric of "Four liters per mu", which is equivalent to changing the proportional rent to "fixed rent" . In normal years, compared to the "Thirty Tax and One", the standard of land rent is a little heavier, and about one liter of grain per mu must be paid, - but this is understandable, after all, it is a wartime, a war. Constantly, it is absolutely impossible for the state government to run out of food.

Secondly, the Tuntian is also easy to calculate.

Those who do not have cattle and use official cattle will receive four or six points from the official family, four for farming, and six for the official family.

Again, if the land is planted in the fields of powerful families, that is, tenants or only with status, it is not difficult to count.

Xun Zhen has expressly stipulated in this regard that it is forbidden for powerful clans to exploit the tenants excessively or to attach themselves to them.

Finally, there is the official land, that is, the public land rent tax, which is somewhat different from the land rent. This tax is called “false tax”, which means “lease”. The property rights of the public land belonged to the official family, or were recruited by the official family, and directly leased to the landless people for cultivation, or nominally leased to the powerful nobles, and the wealthy family then leased it to the landless people. If you rent directly, the land rent accounts for about 30% or 40% of the harvest. If you rent it out, it is equivalent to private rent, usually 50% of the rent.

But these, in the first place, land rent is only one of the many taxes, and compared with other taxes, such as the head tax, etc., the proportion of land rent in the various taxes paid by the people is actually quite light. , that is, if the other taxes are added, all the taxes that need to be paid are combined into one, and these other taxes that need to be paid, although many of them are paid, where does the money come from? It has to be exchanged for grain, then the grain in the hands of the common people will be drastically reduced; two, the amount of land rent and tax set by the government will of course not change from time to time. For those apprentices and tenant farmers, the annual land rent they have to pay may fluctuate. It is impossible to reduce it, it will only increase. In this way, they will only receive less food.

After a year of hard work, there is no hunger, even in Xuzhou under the rule of Xun Zhen, this is a common thing.

Not even to mention that it is still a time of war and chaos, it was a time of peace in the past. Looking at the sea, the phenomenon of cultivators without food and weavers without clothing is also found in the northern and southern counties. Where is it? Where will it be missing?

Hearing Zhuge Liang's words, Xun Zhen and Xi Zhicai sighed for a long time.

How could the two of them not know about the difficulties of cultivators? How could Xun Zhen not know?

But the objective reality is here, neither of them nor Xun Zhen can do anything about it.

——In the words of later generations, the tyrants who get nothing for nothing and monopolize the cultural inheritance, they are the ruling class of the present, and will be the ruling class for thousands of years in the future, controlling all aspects of politics, economy, military, culture, etc., unless Overthrow them all and completely change this political system, otherwise, no one will be able to solve this problem. But it is still an objective reality. The economy determines the superstructure. If the economy does not develop to a certain level, it is impossible to overthrow them and change the system.

Xun Zhen has the study of the previous life, and he has an insight far beyond the current people.

"To change this situation, there is no other way to do it. There are only two things. It is to promote education and promote the economy. With time, a thousand years, or more than a thousand years later, there may be people at that time who can achieve the original goal in advance. The 'Great Harmony Society' that can only be realized in two thousand years." Xun Zhen thought.

Not to mention a thousand years, ten years is a long time, because of this thought triggered by Zhuge Liang's "question", Xun Zhen did not stay on it for too long, and quickly put his attention back to the present, to the present.

Going along the Yishui River, less than a hundred miles away, in the afternoon of the next day, we arrived at the border of Langya County.

Langya prefect Chen Deng, Langya Cheng Luan Gu, northern Langya superintendent Huang Qian, and a group of civil and military officials from Langya Prefecture, the prefect's office, and the prefect's office have been waiting at the border of Langya Prefecture.

Hearing that Chen Deng greeted him at the county boundary, Xun Zhen got off the car and walked over to meet Chen Deng and the others when he approached the county boundary.

See you twice.

Chen Deng held a broom and bowed in salute.

Xun Zhen lifted him up, looked up and down, and said with a smile, "Yuanlong, compared to the last time you and I met, you seem to be a little thinner."

Chen Deng and Xun Zhen have not met many times in the past two years. After all, he is the prefect of Langya County. First, he needs to govern the county. Second, he is responsible for guarding the land. During the court meeting, he would go to the prefecture to visit Xun Zhen, and at other times, there was nothing important, and he seldom went to Tan County.

Chen Deng was a straightforward person. He didn't follow the etiquette like ordinary scholars. When he met Shangguan, he didn't dare to look directly at him. Although he hadn't seen Xun Zhen for a long time, he had no taboos and handed the broom to the servant to hold it. , looked up at Xun Zhen, also looked at Xun Zhen carefully for a while, and smiled: "Ming Gong's complexion is still so good."



"Come to see Yuanlong, why don't you straighten your appearance first?"

When Chen Deng heard the words, he smiled with Xun Zhen.

Just joking, Xun Zhen said, "I made a hasty decision to visit the prefecture this time. I didn't inform you in advance, and I don't know if it disturbed your county's government affairs?"

Chen Deng replied: "The Duke of Ming patrols the state, and when you arrive at the realm of Deng, it is Deng's biggest government affairs. Besides, is there any bigger government affairs than this?"

These words were in his ears, and Xun Zhen and him smiled at each other again.

Chen Deng couldn't stop looking at Xu Chu behind the bodyguard Xun Zhen, looked at Xu Chu, looked at Dian Wei again, praised him, asked Xun Zhen, and said, "Ming Gong, this strong man is Xu Jun of Qiao County, right?"

Xun Zhen called Xu Chu and said, "Zhongkang, come and see Chen Fujun."

Chen Deng's family is the right surname that Xuzhou can count, and Chen Deng himself became famous very early. Xu Chu had heard of his name. He strode forward, bowed his head, and said, "Xu Chu, the last general, has seen Chen Jun."

Chen Deng said: "I heard Duke Ming called Xu Jun 'tiger crazy', but when I see it now, I am not inferior to Dian Jun."

A smile appeared on Dian Wei's face.

Xun Zhen couldn't help laughing again.

Luan Gu was a former official of Xun Zhen when he served as the prefect of Zhao County in Hebei. Huang Qian was originally a Yellow Turban army, and later surrendered to Xun Zhen, which was also when Xun Zhen was in Zhao State. These two met Xun Zhen, but it was earlier than Chen Deng and Xun Zhen.

Xun Zhen met with Luan Gu and Huang Qian respectively.

Huang Qian, nicknamed Huang Beard, has a good beard under his chin.

When Xun Zhen came here this time, he specially brought him a beard bag as a gift, so he asked his entourage to take it out and give it to him, smiling: "In the past, under my account, only the beautiful beard was the only one, but now I am Xuzhou. Resist it. I heard Yun's long words that every autumn and winter, his beard will always drop a few roots, because he has a beard bag. I've prepared a beard bag for you."

This is half joking, half caring.

Huang Qian was very grateful, and held the beard bag respectfully, thanking him endlessly.

It's just for the crowd.

Chen Deng and others led the way, and the group went to the county.

It is still to help Yishui.

The scenery on both sides of the water is no different from that seen in Donghae County.

It is also connected to the wheat fields, looking around, it is golden.

Xuzhou originally had no pastures or pastures. However, because Xuzhou lacked horses, Xunzhen specially encircled a few places in Yishui and other places with lush water and grass on both sides of the larger rivers in Xuzhou prefecture two years ago. Used as a pasture to raise horses. As I saw on the road, I saw a piece of grass like this. The grass in the grassland is about half a person's height, and it undulates with the breeze like green waves. Flocks of horses and sheep are haunted, and the shepherds are grazing with whips, and what they bring is a scene where the grass grows and the horses are fat when the farming is busy.

On the way forward, there are sometimes ditches of different sizes, leading out from Yishui River, extending east and west, the elders are more than ten miles long, and the short ones are several miles long, distributed throughout the fields on both sides of the river. ——This is a result of Chen Deng's administration in Langya over the past few years.

As mentioned above, Xuzhou has a dense river network and a lot of river water, which is convenient for the development of water conservancy. When Chen Deng was the captain of Diannong under Tao Qian, he once inspected the whole territory of Xuzhou. He knew everything like the back of his hand. At that time, he organized the construction of some water conservancy ditches. Now he is in charge of Langya County, and he has made great efforts in water conservancy.

In the past few years, in the performance evaluation of the counties in Xuzhou Prefecture, Langya County has always been among the best in terms of water conservancy projects.

I stayed in Jiqiu County for one night and continued the next day.

That is, Qiu left Yang Baili far and near, a two-day journey.

The next day, when approaching the county seat of Kaiyang County, Xunzhen saw a small "village village" every few miles in the endless fields to the east of the county seat.

Xun Zhen ordered the car to stop, got out of the car, climbed up and looked up, pointed to the "village", asked Chen Deng who was following up, and said, "Yuanlong, those villages are the places where the Yellow Turbans descended from the fields live? "

Chen Deng replied: "Ming Ming Gong, that's right."

The local Yellow Turban soldiers and prisoners in Xuzhou, including the Yellow Turban soldiers and prisoners in Yanzhou, among them women, children, old and weak, and those who cannot be used as soldiers, have been arranged so far. Xun Zhen distributed them all over Xuzhou, and used them all.

Semi-military management was carried out on them, and a tun was designated every ten li, and the tun chief was appointed as the chief officer of each tun. There are songs and divisions on the tun, just like the military establishment.

At this time, the "village villages" he saw were all the villages.

Xun Zhen looked at it for a long time and said, "Tomorrow, let's go to the farmland and take a look."

Chen Deng replied, "Well."

When he arrived at Kaiyang County, he entered the prefecture, and Xun Zhen took a rest.

In the evening, Chen Deng set up a banquet for Xun Zhen to wash away the dust that night, because there was still something to do the next day, so he didn't drink too much wine.

When he got up early the next morning, as Xun Zhen said yesterday, Chen Deng, Luan Gu, Huang Qian, etc. led him to cross the Yishui River to inspect the farmland on the east bank. Xi Zhicai and so on all follow.

When he arrived at the farmland, Xun Zhen randomly picked a nearby village and went in to inspect it.

When setting up the Yellow Turbans and other soldiers, Xun Zhen gave orders to the county governments in various places. First, they were not allowed to humiliate them, and second, they were required to be properly taken care of. At this time, when he went to watch this place where soldiers lived in the village, Xun Zhen saw that two dirt roads in the village intersected in a cross shape, and houses were densely arranged on both sides of the two roads. ——The number of the Yellow Turban soldiers in each colony, that is to say, the number of soldiers in the colony is about a hundred people, plus their family members, the number is three or four hundred, and the smallest is three or two hundred, not too many, not too small. Xun Zhen roughly estimated that there are about 100 houses in this village, which is just enough for 100 households to live in. The house is made of earthen hut, which is very good compared to thatched hut.

Went into a nearby one to see.

In this house, it can be said that there are only four walls, but the basic things that should be there, such as a bed and a stove for cooking, are still complete.

The villagers who lived in this village went to work in the fields with their family and family early in the morning. There were not many people in the village, only four or five children. Before Xun Zhen came, they were probably playing with bamboo horses, learning from adults to fight. After Xun Zhen came, they left the bamboo horses and other things, and some ran back home, while others hid in the corner and stole from here. Look.

Xun Zhen also didn't call them to come and ask questions—they were all children, so what could they ask? But I have noticed that although these children are in ragged clothes, they are not so naked. Although they are not strong, they may run and play, indicating that they are not hungry.

Xi Zhicai went to another house and came out not long after, asking Xun Zhen to come over.

Xun Zhen went to this house.

In the dimly lit room, Xi Zhicai held the sleeve of his right arm with his left hand and lifted the lid of the small ceramic jar in the corner of the room with his right hand. He smiled and said to Xun Zhen, "Ming Gong, please look, this family is someone who knows how to plan carefully, and does not cooperate with him. The same family just now, there is quite a lot of storage in the tank."

Xun Zhen walked to the front of the tank, probed to look, and saw that there was a small half-cylinder of coarse grains in the tank.

"It's right to be diligent and thrifty. Go back and ask Yuanlong to ask the head of the village to encourage the head of the family to set an example for the rest of the villagers."

When he came out of the house, Xun Zhen stood on the road in the middle of the house and looked from afar, feeling the autumn wind, smelling the aroma of soil and wheat coming from the fields near and far, he sighed and said, "I just did my best. It's a little thing, let's talk about it, the rent and tax on the soldiers in the fields is still very heavy, but last night I heard Yuan Long say that they are grateful to me. The people's livelihood is very difficult!"

He also has the intention to relieve the pressure of taxation on the soldiers in the fields, but the problem is that Xuzhou uses troops year after year, and there is a great demand for grain.

There is no other way, so I still have to use the heavy tax that is divided into four or six or fifty-five.

The only thing that can make up for it is his two orders, not to humiliate the soldiers in the field, but to take proper care of them.

As far as I can see in this article, Chen Deng has done a good job in these two areas.

Xun Zhen called Chen Deng to come forward and said, "Yuanlong, these 'li' are where the people who settled here have lived for a long time. I don't think there are chickens, ducks and other birds in this li. There are open spaces inside and outside. It's mostly weeds and weeds,... The rest of the "li" should be the same, right? This year's autumn harvest, you can start to get chickens and ducks, etc., distribute them to them, and then transplant some mulberry trees, they are all dragging If you have a family, you can let the women in their family raise silkworms and weave cloth in their spare time, which can be considered as a lot of income.”

Chen Deng replied: "Dengzheng has this idea. It's just that they have just been settled, and now they have no time to arrange these. Minggong can rest assured that by next summer at the latest, Deng will be able to implement Minggong's explanation. ."

"Okay, then I'm relieved."

After staying in Kaiyang for two days, Xun Zhen visited Yangdu and other counties.

Zhuge Liang's home was in Yangdu, and Xun Zhen sent some soldiers to guard Zhuge Liang and let him go back to his former residence to have a look. caused a great stir. After Zhuge Liang left, all the neighbors around him admired him. And needless to say.

Langya County governs the thirteen counties, and it is impossible to complete the tour. Xunzhen went north along the Yishui River, except for Kaiyang and Yangdu, and only patrolled the two counties of Dong'an and Dongguan on both sides of the water, and went north in Dongguan. I went to the counties that bordered Qingzhou Beihai County.

In the counties, Xun Zhen focused on inspecting Huang Qian's military camp here, and asked Huang Qian in detail about the situation of the Yellow Turbans in Beihai, Qingzhou.

Huang Qian replied: "The situation in Beihai is very bad. Kong Beihai can only control a few counties such as his county government, Juju County, etc., and he can only defend the city. Most of the other counties, the county seat, have also been occupied by the Yellow Turban thieves. Among them, the leader of the largest group of Yellow Turban thieves is Guan Hai. Guan Hai tried to attack me in Langya before, but with the strong support of Chen Fujun, he finally managed to escape. The generals have repelled him—these end-generals have all reported to Duke Ming.”

"Although Guan Hai doesn't dare to violate our territory now, is there any matter of entering the territory?"

Huang Qian answered honestly and said, "Yes." He immediately explained, saying, "The border between Langya and the North Sea is nearly three hundred miles long, including four counties. Langya faces the sea to the east. Although the generals are on guard day and night, the generals will not be able to stop the entry of a small number of North Sea Yellow Turban thieves."

Xun Zhen nodded and said, "It's not your fault. You have to work harder for a while. When Xu, Yan and other places, especially Yanzhou settle down, I will send you more troops."

Huang Qian replied, "Yes."

After patrolling these counties, Xun Zhen generally knew the situation of Langya.

In general, Chen Deng really has excellent ability to govern the county and the people, and he manages the county well; Luan Gu is an assistant, and he often speaks well, and he is worthy of his position; , The battle between pirates and bandits at sea, the power of defending the border is also indispensable.

The three civil and military officials can all be trusted.

On this day, after praising Chen Deng and others for their merits in governing the county, Xun Zhen left from Langya, turned to the northeast, and went to Taishan County.

Chen Deng and others sent Xun Zhen to the border with Taishan County before returning.

Before parting with Chen Deng and others, Xun Zhen called Chen Deng's master book.

Avoiding Chen Deng, Xun Zhen ordered him to be in charge and said, "You should pay more attention to Yuanlong's diet in the future. You should not eat more than one plate of raw fish a day. If he insists on eating more, you can report to me. , I'll admonish him again."

Chen Deng's master complied with the promise.

But why did Xun Zhen have this order for Chen Deng's master bookkeeper?

To begin with, it must have been from when Xun Zhen and Chen Deng met a few years ago.

Xuzhou is close to the sea, and there is a lot of water. There are plenty of seafood and water flavors. Because Chen Deng is a delicious sashimi, he has to eat it every day, and eat a lot of it. After Xun Zhen discovered his habit, she remembered a story about Chen Deng that he had read in his previous life, saying that the reason why Chen Deng died at the age of 40 was because he liked to eat raw fish. There were many parasites, and they all gathered in his belly. Later, Hua Tuo treated him, but he couldn't cure it, and he eventually died because of it.

Thinking of this story, Xun Zhen had instructed Chen Deng at that time, telling him not to eat more glutinous rice. The so-called guo gu is popular, simmering is barbecue, and sashimi is sashimi, both of which are traditional Chinese delicacies.

However, when Xun Zhen came to Langya this time, Xun Zhen found that Chen Deng didn't take his previous advice to heart at all, and he still ate a lot of food, and he said to him again: "Yuanlong , didn't I tell you before, raw fish is enough to eat in moderation, not too much. Confucius said, 'Too much is too much', the way of the mean, don't you know?"

Unexpectedly, Chen Deng laughed and said: "Deng has nothing to do with it, just like this. Although Duke Ming has given orders to Deng, Deng really couldn't help it." He still didn't take Xun Zhen's words seriously.

Xun Zhen had no other choice, so he had to give Chen Deng this order when he was away from Langya County.

The registrar promised, and needless to say.

After saying goodbye to Chen Deng and other officials who saw him off, Zang Ba and other troops in front opened the way, and Xin Ai and other cavalry servants in the back drove into Taishan County.

Fang entered the Taishan county boundary, Xun Zhen suddenly remembered something, looked back at Langya county, where he came from, and thought in his heart: "Yuanlong governing the county has a slight resemblance to the public ruler. The two are also different.

"In the few days I was in Kaiyang County, I saw that the carriages and horses outside Yuanlong County were deserted, and few people from the county came to visit him. This should be because he never cared about those who had a false reputation. stop."

Chen Deng's family has a high voice and his own talents are high, so he can't help but be arrogant. He is very polite to those who are really talented, but he ignores those useless people who have only a false reputation and can only talk, so as time goes by, he will Those famous scholars in his county who were all famous by their clan reputation would not be making fun of themselves to visit him—because even if they did, he would not meet him.

This is indeed a big difference between Chen Deng and Handan Rong.


Hua Xin, the prefect of Mount Tai, contracted an illness a while ago, and Xun Zhen ordered him not to meet him at the county boundary.

Therefore, the people who greeted Xun Zhen at the borders of Taishan County were officials such as the Taishan Prime Minister.

Entering Taishan County, you gradually realize that the customs and people are different from Langya.

Although the two counties of Taishan and Langya belong to the two states of Yan and Xu, but because of their neighbors, the two counties have many contacts, and the tyrants and the chivalrous also communicate with each other, so the Tibetan tyrant who leads the way in front of the road is Taishan. People, who later ceded their territory in Xuzhou to dominate, and were also quite attracted by Xu Di Qingxia and evil youths, but although there were many people from the two counties, but strictly speaking, the characters of the people in Taishan and Langya were actually quite different. The difference, after all, one side of the water and soil supports the other side, Langya is close to the sea and has many waters, and Mount Tai is inland and has many mountains. The so-called wise people enjoy water, and benevolent people enjoy mountains. The folk customs of Taishan County are relatively thicker than those of Langya County.

Huaxin also has a set of civil affairs. After entering the border of Taishan County, he traveled westward for about 200 miles until the county of Taishan County, Fenggao County. What Xunzhen saw along the way, not to mention Langya County. In the many hilly areas in the interior, only the reclaimed fields are similar to those in Langya County, and they are all fertile soil, and the wheat fields are golden everywhere.

However, compared to the population of Langya County, the population of Taishan County is much sparser.

This is not surprising. Xun Zhen had just used soldiers in Taishan County, and some people of Taishan County temporarily fled north to Qingzhou, or fled west to Yanzhou.

——In fact, even if they fled to Qingzhou and Yanzhou, it would not be peaceful there. The Yellow Turban Army in Qingzhou is now the most raging of all the states. In Yanzhou, shortly after Xunzhen used troops on Mount Tai, two groups of Xunzhen and Cao Cao rose up one after another. In a war, there is no pure land in a chaotic world, and the world is uneasy for a day, and no matter where the people flee, they will not find stability.

What you can see in Langya County is full of water, and when you enter the Taishan area, you can see rolling hills from time to time.

Xun Zhen had been to Mount Tai in his previous life, and he was not surprised by the hilly landforms in Mount Tai that were different from those in Langya. Instead, it brought back some memories when he visited Mount Tai in his previous life. feel.

When he arrived in Fenggao County, Hua Xin was ill and waited at the county boundary.

No matter how sick, the chief officials came, and he couldn't wait at the county hall, so Hua Xin strongly supported him and waited at the county boundary.

Xun Zhen got out of the car early, walked quickly in front of Hua Xin and the others, looked at Hua Xin carefully, saw that he looked haggard, was holding a broom in a sickly manner, and said reproachfully, "I didn't allow you to welcome me? I order!"

"Xin Xiaoying, it's nothing more than a cold, and it's much better. Duke Ming's tour of the state to Xiajun, Xin failed to greet the county boundary, it is already a crime, how can he not greet him at the county boundary?"

"Forget it, please get in the car, let's go to the county hall now."

Hua Xin was in poor Xun Zhen ordered the banquet for the reception that night.

Not only was the banquet avoided, but Xun Zhen also ordered a medical officer, Fan A, a disciple of Hua Tuo, to diagnose Hua Xin's pulse and see a doctor.

Fan A is a native of Pengcheng, and Hua Tuo's hometown Peiguo is a neighboring county. He studied medicine from Hua Tuo for many years in his early years, and is especially good at acupuncture and moxibustion. Famous doctors shot, extraordinary. After a few injections, Hua Xin was sweating profusely, and was three points cured. That night, he took Fan Akai's decoction again, and slept drowsily all night. When he woke up the next day, Hua Xin's cold disease had healed by five points.

In the morning, Xun Zhen said goodbye to Hua Xin in the hall.

Looking at his complexion, Xun Zhenjue was very different from yesterday, Hua Xin no longer had the look of weakness, so he was relieved.

Really love, cherish, and value talent, beyond words.

Hua Xin was very moved.

The officials of Mount Tai who saw Xun Zhen's actions like this, and the scholars of Mount Tai who accompanied him also complimented him.

After a few words, Hua Xin took a stack of letters and presented them to Xun Zhen.

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