The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 4 Chapter 121: 3 The Battle of Fudong County (6)

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Huangfu Song was holding a military meeting, and in the Puyang City prefecture, Bu Ji was also discussing matters with his commanders, Qu Shuai and Xiao Shuai.

Bo Cai from Yingchuan, He Yi from Runan and others came from powerful landlords. Bu Ji is different from them. He is a farmer who has been farming for generations. His family is in Dong'e County, Dong County. He was in his early thirties this year. He survived the epidemic with Zhang Jiao's Fushui many years ago. Since then, he has been under Zhang Jiao's door. The leader of the Daoist devotees raised his army in Dong'a two months ago. He raised his arms and tens of thousands of devotees responded. In less than a month, he captured the whole county.

According to his original plan, he planned to continue westward, enter the Sili School Commander’s Department, and capture Hanoi County. The soldiers threatened Luoyang, but when he was about to leave the county, he heard that Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun defeated Yingchuan Bocai and entered the county. News from Runan County.

If Yingchuan is lost, Runan is his rear. If Runan is lost again, Dongjun will be in danger, so he changed his mind and decided to stay in Dongjun to take a look. If Runan can hold, he will follow the original plan. Attacking Hanoi County, one is to threaten Luoyang, echo Jizhou, and relieve the pressure on Zhang Jiao's brothers, and the other is to "encircle Wei to save Zhao", and indirectly support Runan. ——It can be predicted that when he enters Hanoi County, the capital of Luoyang will be shaken. It is only a few hundred miles from Hanoi County to Luoyang. By then, Emperor Han will urgently summon Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun to come back for help. Luoyang. It is a pity that Runan Pengtuo, Liu Pi, He Yi and others were not the opponents of Huangfu Song. The situation was changing too fast, and there was no other way. He had to completely cut off his plan to attack Hanoi and instead guard Dongjun.

Because of the long-term farming in his early years, he was exposed to the wind and the sun, his face was dark, his skin was rough, and his hands on the table were full of calluses. Although he is the commander of the Yellow Turban Canal in a county today, he has not changed his old habits. He still wears coarse linen clothes, with straw shoes on his feet, and a coarse cloth belt around his waist. He didn't even wear a crown, and only combed a vertebra. If he only looked at his surface, no one would have thought that he was the famous and powerful Huangjinqu Shuai Buji of Dongjun County.

In contrast to his shabby dress, Qu Shuai and Xiao Shuai, who were sitting in the yellow turban of Dong County, were all dressed in splendid clothes, embroidered with jade belts, wearing high crowns, and swords in their waists. Some Xiao Shuai had sword hilts and swords The sheath is also inlaid with pearls and gems, which is jewel-like. There are even a few young handsome men from farmers and businessmen who have learned the way of children of aristocratic families. Smoked incense. This is the other side of the Peasant Rebels. The officials forced the people to rebel, and the people rebelled because they had no food to eat and no work. That’s why the first thing they did after rebelling was often to kill and loot the wealthy family. , Good accessories will be brought on their own body. Everything has two sides. The Yellow Turban Uprising has its positive side, but it also has its destructive side.

Bu Ji is a generous person. Although he maintains a hard-working style, he has no objection to the extravagant clothes of the handsome Qu and Xiaoshuai in the hall. He frowned and said, "Huangfu Song has brought the main force of the Han troops into the territory of our East County. He has commanded 20,000 troops and strong generals. He has successively captured Yingchuan and Runan counties. The enemy. According to my strategy, I originally planned to use Wei Township and Baima as my periphery, and I would form a cauldron with Puyang, and echo each other, but now Wei Township has been captured by Xun Zhen Xiaoer, and only the only ones who can respond to me are left. The White Horse has been defeated. Gentlemen, in such a situation, what are your best strategies to stop the enemy?"

One person said: "If you want to stop the enemy, you need to know what the next move of the Han thief will be. This will be a good target." Bu Ji nodded and said, "You are right, so in your opinion, what will the Han soldier's next move be? What's going on?" The man replied, "It seems from the following that the Han soldiers will most likely attack the White Horse next." Bu Ji said, "Oh? How do you say this?" , Han soldiers came from the southwest, and if they want to attack me in Puyang, they must first lay down the white horse, otherwise, their rear formation will fall in front of the white horse, Huangfu Song is a knowledgeable soldier, and will never make this mistake. Bu Ji nodded and said, "You are right."

Another person said: "No. Bu Shuai, from the bottom of my mind, this Huangfu Song is very likely to come and hit me Puyang first." Bu Ji asked: "Oh? How do you say this?" The person said: "Huangfu Song is good at tactics and unpredictable, maybe because he thought I would guess that he would hit the white horse first, so he faked a shot, obviously going to the white horse, but maybe he came to me in Puyang."

The former young commander said: "If he strikes me in Puyang first, the white horse and Han Li will strike after him. At that time, I have fortified the city in front of me, and then Han Li's attack. Although the Han soldiers are brave, they will be difficult to support. Huangfu Song It is a general who knows the military, how could he do such a stupid thing?"

The young handsome man who spoke later shook his head and said, "No, no."

The little handsome asked earlier, "Why not?"

The latter young commander said: "Han Li has only 5,000 soldiers in Baima, and he has to defend the city. How many soldiers can he send to help me in Puyang? There are 3,000 soldiers in the sky, and Huangfu Song can be in Baima and I must pass through Puyang. There are all the men and horses in ambush on the ground, and when Han Li arrives, the ambush soldiers will be killed. This is a plan to besiege the city to help.

When Bu Ji heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat. After thinking about it, he felt that Huangfu Song's military use was like a god, and it was really possible to use this trick. The personal soldiers outside the hall came in and immediately ordered: "Quickly go to the white horse and pass my military orders. If Huangfu Song abandons the white horse and does not attack, attack me first, Puyang, and order Han Li not to rush to help my city. There are 20,000 soldiers and horses in my city. I can hold on. After I and Huangfu Song's clan are in a stalemate, Han Li can lead his troops to attack Huangfu Song again. Inadvertently fell into the ambush of Huangfu Song, not only failed to save my city, but folded the white horse into it!"

This personal soldier led the order, led the horse out of the county house, turned on the horse, galloped out of the city, and went to the white horse to send the military order.

In the Puyang County Hall, Bu Ji wiped away his cold sweat, and said to the young handsome who raised the idea that Huangfu Song might besiege the city to help: "Fortunately, you are here, and you are fortunate! I, Puyang, and Han Li might have fallen for Huangfu Song's ambush!" The young handsome said modestly, "Bu Shuai won the prize, and Bu Shuai won the prize."

Bu Ji praised this young handsome a few words, and then asked the rest of the people, saying: "If Huangfu Song hit me Puyang first, would you have a plan to defend against the enemy?"

One person said: "Everyone who defends the city must first defend the field. Our army can send an elite team out of the city and station in the field outside the city to form a chasing angle with our city, so as to prevent the attack of the Han soldiers."

Another objected, saying: "When the Han soldiers attacked Xihua, didn't the commanders Peng Tuo, Gong Du, He Yi, and Liu Pi follow suit? What was the result? Then they smashed Xihua County." He said to Bu Ji, "Bu Shuai, in the opinion of a villain, we must not repeat the mistakes of Xihua Pentuo, Gong Du and other Qu Shuai, and we must not divide our troops to go outside the city! Xihua has a large army of 80,000 soldiers, and they are divided and defeated. Besides, I have few soldiers in the East Commandery, and there are only 20,000 soldiers in Puyang City. Did the imperial power give the Han soldiers a chance to defeat them? This strategy is absolutely unfeasible." What he said was also reasonable.

Bu Ji frowned and thought about it for a long time. After thinking about it for a long time, he made a decision and said: "You are right, our army has few soldiers, and we don't have as many soldiers as Xihua, so we can't divide our troops any more. Well, then we will all be stationed in the city. , to defend the Han soldiers together!" Everyone agreed.

Bu Ji asked everyone if they had any other strategies to defend against the enemy.

Everyone was talking about it, and there were different opinions. What they said was nothing more than stepping up the city defense, and so on.

One person said: "Xun thief is cunning. I heard that he broke the two counties of Xiangcheng and Jiaxian in Yingchuan in the past. He used tricks to send people into the city and then create civil strife in the city to break the city. I should learn this lesson. From today onwards, the gates of the city will be closed, and the city will be strictly guarded, and no one will be allowed to enter or leave the city. Anyway, there is a lot of grain stored in our city, enough to feed tens of thousands of people for half a year."

Bu Ji nodded, agreeing, and said, "That's right. ... But the grain storage in the city is only enough for tens of thousands of people for half a year, but it's not enough. So, tonight, you will send your troops out of the city, before the Han soldiers arrive. , and then go to the surrounding village pavilions to scavenge again, one is to reduce the accumulation of rural pavilions and enrich the grain in my city, and the other is to be considered a strong wall and clear fields. The Han soldiers came from afar, and the transportation of luggage was not easy. Looting more from outside the city, they will have less supplies in the later stage, which will harm the enemy and benefit me." Everyone in the hall said in unison: "Bu Shuai's plan!" Another young commander said: "Since we have gone out of the city to loot grain, why not? By the way, I will also **** some young soldiers in, so that when Huangfu Song attacks our city, we can also use these young soldiers to resist for a while." Everyone said in unison: "It's a good idea!" Bu Ji was overjoyed and said, "Okay, Just do it this way.”

After the military discussion was over, Qu Shuai and Xiao Shuai returned to their respective camps and acted according to this plan, sending men out of the city to loot food and young men.


Bu Ji sat alone in the hall of the county palace, and pondered, Huangfu Song was too famous. Since his expedition, he has even conquered two counties and won more than 200,000. He only has tens of thousands of people. East County's grasp.

At this time, there was no one else in the hall, only he was sitting alone. He was quiet and silent, and he felt very uneasy, and the hall was deep and cold, so he got up and walked to the door of the hall. warm.

He listened carefully and heard the roar of soldiers and horses everywhere in the city. This was the commander of Qu Shuai and Xiaoshuai of various ministries who were sending troops out of the city to loot food and young men. The noise of soldiers and horses made him Remembering that there were still 20,000 people in the city, this made him feel a little more at ease.

Looking back on the past, he was originally a farmer, but because he believed in Taiping Dao and became Zhang Jiao's disciple, he gained great prestige in the village, and now he has become the commander of the Yellow Turbans of Dongjun County, and has tens of thousands of people under his command. . When he first started his army, he was invincible, and he conquered the entire territory of Dongjun within a month. At that time, it was also the time when the Yellow Turbans were the most powerful. Seeing that the situation was very good, he also dreamed: After the overthrow of the Han family and the establishment of the Yellow Sky , Zhang Jiao ascended the throne as the emperor, and was honored in the south, then as Zhang Jiao's disciple, as the Yellow Turban Canal Commander in Dongjun, that is, the founding hero, what is the founding hero? For example, the twenty-eight generals of the Yuntai in this dynasty, all of them were named Houhou. If they can be named Houhou, they are real men, and they will enter the noble class from now on.

But unexpectedly, the great momentum of Yingchuan and Runan's Yellow Turbans was destroyed so quickly, and Huangfu Song led his troops to Dongjun in a blink of an eye.

He looked into the sky from afar, and said in his heart, "Huangfu Song even conquered the two counties. Now that I'm in the east county, I don't know whether he won or I won?" He felt uneasy in his heart.

However, despite his apprehension, he did not have the slightest idea of ​​surrender. He turned to the west and saw Guangzong, Jizhou, hundreds of miles away. Brothers Zhang Jiao and Zhang Liang, after being defeated by Lu Zhi for a while, are now at the stalemate with Lu Zhi in Guangzong. He thought in his heart: "I heard that Lu Zhi is also a person who knows soldiers, and it should not be underestimated. If Huangfu Song captures our East County, he will definitely transfer to Jizhou and join forces with Lu Zhi. The pressure on the right is bound to increase. I don't regret dying, but even if I die, I will drag Huangfu Song to Dongjun to reduce the pressure on the great teacher." Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think again, "Before I start the army. I went to Jizhou to see the great teacher, the great teacher said to me, the Han family is sluggish, the pro-little people, the sages from afar, the party has been held twice, the people of the world's famous clan have many dead, the scholars have many complaints, and they are nepotism, the prefecture and county Most of the officials were controlled by the eunuchs and clansmen, who were greedy and filthy, and treated the people cruelly, like a wolf shepherding sheep. The virtuous teachers exchanged letters and secretly sent autumn waves. Emperor Han can be said to have betrayed his relatives. This is when I rise up and say that as long as I rise up, there will be people who will respond like clouds. It is true, I raised my arm, and the whole county responded, ten days In a month, the entire Dongjun County was captured, and it can be said to be like a broken bamboo, but why did the situation suddenly change after Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun left the capital and entered Yingchuan?"

He couldn't figure it out, and what was even more incomprehensible was: "After I raised the army, I treated the scholars in various counties politely, hoping to get their assistance and loyalty, but why did they ignore my solicitation, not only ignore it~www. A lot of scholars gathered together to fight against me? I had to stiffen my wrist and kill a group of people, which made the rest of the people honest. Why is this? Such peasants at the head of Qian know that Chen Fan and Li Ying were wronged when they died, but why do these scholars still want to protect the world of the Han family and go against my Tao?"

He couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure it out.

He clenched the hilt of the sword in his waist, looked up at the sky, and said in his heart: "The great teacher has never lied to anyone, if it wasn't for the great teacher's Fu Shui, I would have died in the epidemic, if it weren't for the great teacher. , I will not rise up, I have the prestige of today's ten thousand people. The great teacher said that the sky is dead, and Huang Tian should stand, then this heaven must be dead, and this Huang Tian must be able to stand up! If the two counties are trapped, so what? I will be able to stop him in the east county, and when the great teacher defeats Lu Zhi, I can send troops to help me. At that time, I will join the army from the two routes, and there is nothing to fear from the only Huangfu Song. It's easy to destroy. Although the Han soldiers have captured Wei Township, what can they do? Cui Bing's death is very unfortunate, but there are only a thousand people in Wei Township. Our army has tens of thousands of people, and there is not much loss. I still have Baima, Puyang, and other counties in the northeast can still fight against the Han soldiers! Even if I can't stop the Han soldiers, it doesn't matter. I can cross the river north. , I will simply enter Yanzhou in the east, or go to Jizhou in the west."

Thinking of the way out, he felt a little relieved. m

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