The Most Romantic of the Three Kingdoms

Vol 8 Chapter 90: Hu Xulu's fighting against soldiers in chaos Ganpan Ling's first battle

Compared with the distance and the front line, Hu Zhen's base camp was a little farther from Xun Zhen and Sun Jian's line, so when Xun Zhen's elite cavalry was approaching Hu Zhen's front line, Sun Jian's soldiers and horses were far away from Hu Zhen. The base camp is still some distance away.

Seeing the soldiers of Xun Zhen's army rushing over aggressively, Hu Zhen in the front line was stunned.

He pointed at the Xunbu soldiers and horses that were rushing over and said, "This, this..."

The generals and officials around him were also so shocked that no one spoke for a long time.

Fortunately, there was a response, and one person rushed forward, squeezed from the crowd to Hu Zhen's side, and said in a loud voice: "General, the thief is attacking me! The matter is urgent, you can quickly drive the main formation to guard it, and also order the camp. Guard, and urgently call Xu Rong and Lu Bu to help!" As he spoke, he pulled out his sword with a bang, and asked for battle, "The subordinate, please fight for the general!"

It was probably the sound of the sharp sword being unsheathed, or the chilling air of the sharp sword between his brows. In short, no matter what the reason was, Hu Zhen finally recovered from his shock. He said, "Yes, yes!" He ordered in a series of voices, "Quickly order this formation to be strictly guarded, and order the soldiers in the battalion to guard on the spot instead, and then send people to the formation of General Xu and Lu to ask for help!"

"Order the soldiers in the battalion to guard on the spot." The reason why Hu Zhen said this is because the soldiers who were left in the battalion by him are now in the "offensive formation" of "preparing to leave the battalion". ——Not long before Xun Zhen and Sun Jian dispatched troops to attack, based on the guards of Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp, Hu Zhen judged that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian would not be able to sit still and would soon send troops to rescue Huang. Gai and Sun Ben were gone, so he just gave the battalion an order not long ago, ordering all the soldiers in the battalion to gather at the Yuanmen, and only after Xun Zhen and Sun Jian sent troops out, he immediately left the battalion to attack Xun. Zhen and Sun Jian's main formation.

He expected that Xun Zhen and Sun Nut would "can't sit still", but he didn't know the "purpose" of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian to send troops into battle.

It never occurred to me that Xun Zhen and Sun Jian sent troops this time, not to rescue Huang Gai and Sun Ben, nor to attack Lü Bu and Xu Rong, but to attack his front and base camp!

Hu Zhen was now blind.

No one is to blame, only Hu Zhen, Xun Zhen, and Sun Jian thought of it together. Both sides wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of "Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp were attacked" to attack the other's camp in order to achieve the ultimate victory. Right now, it seems that this "opportunity to attack" has been snatched away by Xun Zhen and Sun Jian.

In the current situation, for Hu Zhen, his only life-saving straw is Xu Rong and Lu Bu.

If Xu Rong and Lu Bu came to help, he still had a chance to survive. If Xu Rong and Lu Bu did nothing, he would definitely lose.

One can imagine: his front line is attacking Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp. As soon as Xun Zhen's elite troopers arrive, they will attack from behind. If he can't adjust his formation in a hurry, his front line will be in chaos; In his main camp, thousands of soldiers were assembling under his orders, or it was possible that they had just assembled, and they were all gathering in front of the gate. No matter which of the two situations, at this time, the If Sun Jian's elite cavalry attacked, the soldiers in his battalion must be at a loss on offense and defense, and they would definitely support it for a long time.

Therefore, it is said that if Xu Rong and Lu Bu came to help, he would still have a chance to win, but if he did not help, he would have no choice but to die.

At this moment, Hu Zhen really had all kinds of emotions.

It was the shock of "I didn't expect Xun Zhen and Sun Jian to come and attack", the panic of "thinking of the consequences", and the shame of "having to ask for help from Lu Bu and Xu Rong, who were despised by him". The staff who went to Lu Bu and Xu Rong for help galloped back and reported angrily after saying "Lu Bu refuses to come to help, Xu Rong has few soldiers to be saved", all the emotions came together, boiling in Hu Zhen's chest, only One emotion remained: rage.

He drew his sword and chopped it down, slashed violently on the ground, and scolded furiously: "Xu Rong, Lv Bu Shuzi! Want to sit back and watch as I defeat the evil?" Ling left and right, "Take the minister's order, the marching law, and get Lv Bu, Lu Bu, etc. for me. Xu Rong's head is coming!"

Hearing his "chaotic life", everyone around him stared with wide eyes.

One of them mustered up his courage and said tremblingly, "Lu Bu's army is all from Bingzhou, and all of Xu Rong's troops are soldiers who have fought with him for a long time. ... General, the heads of the two of them may not be easy to take."

If Lu Bu and Xu Rong were in Hu Zhen's army now, they would definitely kill them, and they could kill them, but the problem was that they were not in Hu Zhen's army, but in their headquarters, and Hu Zhen sent a few. In the past, with a flash of Dong Zhuo's military order, could he kill them both? Even if it was a fighter who was sent over and killed them in a sneak attack, what about after they were killed? Lu Bu's Bingzhou soldiers and Xu Rong's soldiers who had been in Xu Rong's war for a long time will probably mutiny immediately, and will immediately play the banner of revenge for Lu Bu and Xu Rong, change their target, surrender Xun Zhen and Sun Jian, and in turn attack Hu. Zhen.

Therefore, Hu Zhen's military order is really "chaos".

Seeing that no one was moving, when his emotions calmed down a little, Hu Zhen also realized that his order could not be fulfilled, so he leaned on the saddle on his mount, and leaned on his toes to look far behind the formation, unable to see. Taiqing, he simply got on the horse again, stepped on the stirrup, and stood on the horse. When he looked again, if he was looking into the distance, he could see clearly, only to see that Xun Zhen's elite cavalry was the last in the formation. The soldiers and horses on the side met, galloping and rushing, shouting to kill Zhentian, the offensive was like a broken bamboo, and his soldiers and horses were retreating steadily. It was less than a quarter of an hour after the battle, and his troops showed that they could not resist Xun Zhen. The defeat of the elite attack.

Shicai's anger turned into two streams of ice water, first down the body, down to the soles of the feet, and up the legs to the top of the head. When it was warm in the afternoon, he was trembling all over, feeling cold all over his body, and his whole body was like falling into an ice cave.

He pointed to the soldiers of Xun Zhen's tribe who were at the forefront, and asked, "Whose tribe is that?"

He had good eyesight on the left and right, and vaguely saw the flags of the Xunzheng infantry soldiers in the front, and replied: "The flag of the frontmost cavalry on the left flank of my formation is 'Xin'. The flag of the front cavalry on the right flank is 'Zhang', which is supposed to be led by Xin Ai and Zhang Fei; ', and behind them is 'Liu'. Gan, Ling, and Pan are not good people. 'Liu' should be Liu Deng, or Liu Bei."

Xin Ai and Liu Deng were famous generals in Xun Zhen's army, and their names were known to all the soldiers of Dong Bing. Zhang Fei and Liu Bei were one of the most famous generals in Xun Zhen's army, along with Liu Deng, Dian Wei, Zhao Yun, etc., and the other was In the Han clan, Xun Zhen treated him like a younger brother. Dong Bing and soldiers knew their names. As for Gan Ning, Ling Cao, and Pan Zhang, they joined Xun Zhen not long ago. They are in high positions, so their names are not known.

Looking from a distance, they attacked the Gan, Ling, and Pan groups in the center of Hu Zhen's rear formation. The right thing is that Hu Zhenbu's bowmen, spearmen, and shieldmen, no matter what kind of arms they are, can't slow down the pace of their attack. Their speed of advance is so fast that they even catch up The speed of Xin Ai and Zhang Fei cavalry attacking Hu Zhen's two flanks, in just two quarters of an hour, they broke through Hu Zhen's rear formation, kept half a step, and continued towards Hu Zhen's central formation. Launch a violent attack.

The center formation is where Hu Zhen is.

Hu Zhen's left and right eyes were not good, and he saw that the left and right flanks were also crumbling, and they were about to be attacked by Xin Ai and Zhang Fei, so he hurriedly said to Hu Zhen: "General, the rear formation has been broken, and the two flanks are about to collapse, there is no place to stay here. Please return to the camp quickly, General!"

"In the camp?" Hu Zhen murmured.

He subconsciously raised his head and looked at the base camp to the west, and saw that the elite cavalry of Sun Jian's army had launched an offensive.

Due to his military orders, the soldiers in his battalion were crowded and gathered near the gate at this time. The crowds were crowded and the area was narrow. When the enemy suddenly attacked, he was not in the battalion. In this case, it can be expected that in a short time, his base camp will be like his rear line, and it will be easily broken by the elite cavalry of Sun Jian's troops.

Suddenly, a scream of killing came from behind.

Hu Zhen looked back blankly again, and saw that the soldiers who were attacking Huang Gai and Sun Ben's camp in the front were in chaos because they saw their main formation and main camp being attacked. Anti-kill out of the camp, the two are fighting.

On the one hand, after a long battle, the main force finally came to the rescue, and the morale was greatly boosted. Who wins or loses? The results speak for themselves.

People around Hu Zhen also noticed the situation in the main camp and the front line, and understood that they could not go back to the camp, so another person said in a hurry: "The camp can't go back! Before the thieves have come forward, the general can quickly lead. Break through the siege, go to meet Xu Rong and Lu Bu!"

To meet Xu Rong and Lu Bu?

Thinking of this upcoming fiasco, it was precisely because of "Xu Rong and Lu Bu's refusal to come to help" that the bone-chilling cold immediately turned into fiery anger. Hu Zhen is also a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time, how can he swallow it? Take this breath?

He waved his sword in front of his fingers and said sharply: "I am under the order of the Prime Minister, and I will lead all the ministries to fight against the thieves. How can I flee? There are dead generals, but no living generals! There is only one way to survive if you are attacked, and that is the front! Huang Gai and Sun Ben have been attacked by our army for a long time. The soldiers will be tired and will not be able to fight. I will go to the front line to supervise the battle! As long as Huang and Sun can be defeated, then the battle will be won or lost. It’s still hard to say.”

The left and right were shocked. If Hu Zhen came to supervise the battle in person, they would definitely have to follow him, and they would all die in the end!

No one wanted to die here, and just as someone was about to persuade him, he heard a loud and noisy shouting from behind.

Everyone turned their gazes from the front to the back, but the two wings were broken, and the three flags of Xun Zhen's army, "Gan", "Ling", and "Pan", had also entered the center at some point in time. , which was less than a few hundred steps away from where Hu Zhen was.

The loud shouting that I heard just now came from the soldiers of Xun Zhen's three divisions, Gan, Ling, and Pan.

Everyone listened carefully, and finally they could tell that they were shouting: "The one who immediately mounts is Hu Zhen! Xun Hou Ling: If you capture Hu Zhen alive, you will be rewarded with a hundred prizes, and those who get the head of a Hu Zhen will be rewarded with a hundred prizes! "

The official price of a golden cake is 10,000 yuan, but in fact, it can be exchanged for 10,000 or 20,000 yuan, and a bounty of 100 yuan. This is a reward of one million to two million yuan, which is definitely a huge sum of money. No wonder Gan. The soldiers of Ning, Ling Cao, and Pan Zhang followed one after the other and did not care about themselves.

Hu Zhen's expressions changed on the left and right, and they said in unison: "General! The situation is in danger! Although I am defeated today, there are still more than ten thousand troops in the Xu and Lu camps and the camp. After the remnants are collected in the future, they will be sent to Yique. With the aid of the various Guans, it is not impossible for our army to regain its strength. After the strength of the army is restored, it is completely possible to fight against Xun and Sun again, and it is not a dead end, so why does the general have to die in this place?"

Hu Zhen was the one who "came to the front line to supervise the battle", but he was only angry for a while. Seeing that the soldiers and horses of Xun Zhen's army were coming soon, although his anger had not completely dissipated, his fear came back to his heart. Because he no longer mentioned the words of "supervising the battle" when he went to the front line, "following the advice like a stream", he obeyed the persuasion of the people on the left and right, bent his legs, sat on the saddle, held a sword in one hand, turned the horse's head in the other, and left it behind. After leaving the main formation, the front line, and the soldiers in the battalion, they took a detour, heading towards the Lv Bu and Xu Rong formations.

Seeing that Hu Zhen said to leave, everyone around Hu Zhen ran away very fast, for fear of being dropped by him, they also hurriedly mounted their horses and greeted the nearby personal soldiers and cavalry swarmed to catch up with Hu Zhen, Qi fled towards Lu Bu and Xu Rong.


Xun Zhen and Sun Jian were in formation.

Xun Zhen still didn't know about Hu Zhen's escape, so he pointed to Hu Zhen's camp and said to Sun Jian with a smile: "Hu Zhen's camp is in chaos like no defenses, a large group of soldiers are gathered at the Yuanmen, and the space is empty and vulnerable to a single blow, this must be the case. He wants to take advantage of the opportunity that you and I rescue Huang Gai and Sun Ben to attack my formation, because he has gathered soldiers at the camp gate."

Seeing that the victory was decided, Sun Jian was in a great mood, he laughed, and said, "You and I joined forces, with more than 50,000 cavalry and cavalry, and only the thousands of soldiers and horses in his battalion want to attack you and me? Wen Huzhen is Dong Zhuo's tent. I'll see you now, but that's it!"

Sun Jian broke the secret in one sentence. Hu Zhen's plan to take advantage of the "opportunity of Xun Zhen and Sun Jian rescuing Huang Gai and Sun Ben" to attack Xun Zhen and Sun Jian was not easy to achieve. If he could discuss with Xu Rong and Lu Bu Now, with the combined efforts of the two of them, there may be a chance of winning, but with only one of his men, even if Xun Zhen and Sun Jian really went to rescue Huang Gai and Sun Ben, his chances of winning are not high.

I can't blame anything, I can only blame Hu Zhen and Lu Bu being at odds with Lu Bu.

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