The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1014: War of National Annihilation and Bankruptcy

As the energy matrix cannons were extinguished one after another, the underwater world suddenly darkened and returned to silence.

Only three of the twelve satellite cities of Jinghai King City remained. In the main urban area, except for the general framework of the magnificent palace, there was almost no relatively intact building. The cracks in the protective force field that had been smashed and repaired were leaking everywhere, and the cavitation had long been filled with seawater.

The Albert Island Chain was not much better. When it was above, Jinghai Kingdom killed one-tenth of it at once. When it was dragged down by the traction field, hundreds of sky islands crashed into the protective force field of Jinghai King City. There was almost no room for evasion under the next giant cannon. At a glance, there might be no more than two thousand surviving sky islands.

The Albert Island Chain was shining green, and thousands of huge monsters with heavy shells and tail hooks hanging high like spider crabs and scorpions rushed out of the cavitation.

The tail of the scorpion-like beast constantly spewed bright yellow mucus, and the hook-shaped poisonous needle several meters long shot out like a machine gun, easily tearing through the protective force field of Jinghai King City, and was swept into the king city by the surging water. Then, there were all kinds of strange worms, soft-bodied creatures, and eels with the impact of opening the floodgates.

These alienated blood creatures are servants of fate. The only thing they have in common in appearance is that they are big, especially huge.

The size of crab-shaped and scorpion-shaped shelled monsters is basically 100 meters, and even those worms with various shapes are more than 10 to 20 meters long. Among them, the more outstanding ones are similar to Bobbit worms, which are definitely more than 50 meters long, with tens of thousands of pairs of tentacles and ferocious buck teeth like sea anemones, which are so ugly that they are shocking.

Jinghai Kingdom simply removed the protective force field and opened the front door to welcome guests. Shark Knights, Swordfish Knights, Octopus Knights, and Eel Knights were densely packed like a swarm of bees, and each of them was terrifying in size.

Although it was very impolite and unkind to judge others' war of annihilation based on their appearance, Lao Wang couldn't help laughing out loud in the end - he actually saw a large group of sea cucumber knights rushing out of Jinghai King City in a cricket pupa!

Damn it.

The last time I saw the seahorse knight, I thought it was out of this world. How can I resist this sea cucumber knight? How can I resist it!

The sea cucumber was as thick as a palace pillar, and half of the knight's body was stuck in its body. The speed was not fast and the posture was sticky, but the attack power of this thing made Li Cang's eyes light up.

The scorpion-shaped and crab-shaped shelled monsters in the Albert Island Chain that can beat all kinds of shark knights in various ways only need three sea cucumbers to cooperate. A breath of colorful internal organs will directly wrap them into a cocoon, and within tens of seconds, the shell will melt and turn into a pile of rotten meat.

You know, the size difference between the two sides is almost more than ten times.

It is difficult to say whether the seabed is richer or the surface of the sea has more abundant resources, but only at present, the Albert Island Chain has changed its previous decadence and is almost using quantity and quality to suppress the Jinghai Kingdom. After all, there is no subordinate in their endless army of exotic beasts.

"Baron, since you are here, you should make the best of it. The death of my eldest son Aloja will be paid with the population of Albert!"

"Narrow-minded beast, unscrupulous executioner, you will pay for your slaughter, Ispaber, you will go to hell!"

The voice was grand and powerful, but it could not change the fact that it was meaningless. After Ispaber, the Lord of Jinghai, output a series of stars without stopping and madly

Old Wang curled his lips in disdain and finally took out a bag of expired potato chips.

He was really anxious when he heard it. No matter what, he couldn't understand how a person's language could be so poor. When I was three years old, I would not produce stars and beeps when I cursed people. You said that you have been promoted to the head of a country. Can't you properly and hard improve your own quality and literary background?

Cursing is meaningless, but what happened during the cursing is very meaningful. Under the giant kelp platform supported by the Jinghai King City, in the complex structure like a bird's nest, a dense school of fish appeared at some point.

These fish look very strange, with a big head and a small tail, illuminating the surrounding sea water like a lantern. The entire glowing head is simply transparent. Through the soft and tough head, you can see the tubular eyeball structure standing up and the marshmallow-shaped brain connected to the spine, as well as

two naked human figures, one man and one woman, sitting upright in each head with their eyes closed.

The painting style is very alternative, with only a little bit of science fiction. They look like people operating some kind of biological mecha or submarine.

As soon as the school of fish appeared, the huge tubular eyes locked onto the fate servants and the sky island on the upper Albert side. Extremely dazzling beams of light shot out from the tubular eyes, piercing and cutting all targets like a sharp sword.

"Hide! Hide quickly!"

Baron's loud and urgent cry came from Albert's side.

"What are you yelling about? It's just average power?" Lao Wang asked in confusion: "Is this an ambush?"

Before Lao Wang finished speaking, he saw those things called posterior anal fish by Li Cang swelled up rapidly, their eyes and bellies bulged out, and they soared up like cannonballs, and then exploded.

"So it's a disposable product!"

The explosive power of the posterior anal fish was extremely amazing, and it seemed to be corrosive and toxic. Almost all of Albert's servants of fate fell down instantly, and Baron's gritting teeth could be heard clearly on the radio: "Do you think these little tricks can destroy Albert, Ispaber, you——"


Amidst Espabo's disdainful snort, two huge, full-metal beasts with three horns on their heads suddenly appeared. As soon as they appeared, they smashed the two empty islands on Albert's side.

Looking at the two mechanical things that were several hundred meters long, shaped like beetles, Lao Wang was stunned.

"What the hell is this?"


"This is an insult to my skills!"

"I can't accept that other than the red-haired girl, there is someone else who can be more diligent and professional than me in craft work!"

In a very serious situation, Lao Wang managed to break Teacher Cang's guard with just a few words: "Timi, shut up now! Why do you have the nerve to say it?"

Li Cang threw out two big appraisal techniques.

[This is a toothed whale]

Race: Sperm whale, alienated

Body length: 620m

Weight: about 2

Health: 100%

Physical strength: 100%

Strength: about 225kc

Agility: about 9.9c

Status: Second stage of alienation, blood alienation, ethnic alienation, mental control (temporary)

Abilities: Crash, Tail Bash, Tough Bones

Tip: This alienated bloodline was discovered and named by the subordinates. The editor believes that this group regards [this is an octopus] as a delicacy and has the habit of traveling far and hunting. The main natural enemy is [this is a killer whale] , [This is a slit eel].

[This is a toothed whale]

Race: Sperm whale, alienated

Body length: 480m

Weight: about 819200t

Health: 100%

Physical strength: 100%

Strength: about 212kc

Agility: about 9.9c

Status: Second stage of alienation, blood alienation, ethnic alienation, mental control (temporary)

Abilities: Crash, Tail Bash, Tough Bones

Tip: This alienated bloodline was discovered and named by the subordinates. The editor believes that this group regards [this is an octopus] as a delicacy and has the habit of traveling far and hunting. The main natural enemy is [this is a killer whale] , [This is a slit eel].

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