The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 110 The brilliance of humanity is shining

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same. Some people can blatantly hold illegal gatherings to enhance their character, while others are like small vendors discovered by the urban management and are on the run.

The campsites and activity areas chosen by Triangle Scale and other scavengers are the most prosperous and advantaged in this area. In fact, it is easy to describe -

The floating mountain is big enough, close enough, rich in resources, and there is no obstruction between the mountains to facilitate observation.

Being big enough means that it can store more supplies and people, and keep the zombies in captivity;

Being close enough means that even if the scavengers do not have a floating island, they can still move around with physical strength and simple equipment.

However, these conditions are put together, and no one can even think of disowning the relationship. They all become accomplices!

A large group of people were scrambling on the island, and the screams from behind were getting closer and closer.

This is at an altitude of who knows how many kilometers, and humans are not birds. The routes that can be used to shuttle between the floating islands are all fixed, and there are only a few in total.

And they didn't dare to run around. If they rushed to an empty island with orphans and no one around them, wouldn't they become turtles in a urn and be slaughtered by others?

Triangle Scale ran at the front of the crowd, next to the silent Loach. They were the first to notice that the heavily armored zombies were following the escaping scavengers off the empty island.

The movements of the two of them were so neat, and there was no sign of injury or the fact that they were often beaten and starved. They only regretted that their parents had given them a few less wings.


The sound made by so many people at the same time could not block the crisp crackling sound from behind.

Triangle Scale couldn't help but turn around, just in time to see the outrageous giant monster running thump-dong-dong, chewing loudly in its mouth, half of its head that was still staring at death was as small as a cantaloupe in its hand.

This melon triangular scale is very familiar, nicknamed "Big Head", because its brain is famous for being big and stupid.

Just now, Datou naively thought that he could deceive the troll by hiding out of sight. After "raising" the zombies for so long, couldn't he remember that the zombie's sense of smell is better than sight?


Another mouthful, gone.

The standard two mouthfuls and one melon.

There is a little person inside Triangle Scale who is roaring crazily:

I'm sorry, don't come over here. I have no brains, please hurry up and go away disappointed.

The loach is out of breath,

"Brother Face, if we keep running like this, we will be dead. That giant monster's physical strength is simply terrifying. Why is he getting faster and faster?"

Silly beep, it’s not that it’s getting faster and faster, it’s that we’re getting slower and slower!

Triangle Scale roared,

"What can I do? If you have the ability, you should come up with a fucking idea. Where can we hide in this damn place!"

"Do you dare to be more outrageous with the idiots behind Cao Nima? Why do they just go wherever I go?"

Mr. Lu Xun once said:

Don't panic when being chased by a troll. As long as you run faster than your teammates, it won't be a big problem.

It can be seen that human nature is not complicated at all, but very pure.

The harder the troll pursues, the less likely the people behind it will choose another path. What they do as scavengers is to rob human compatriots and murder them on the island. Where do they have the consciousness to spread the glory of humanity at this time? ?

The scavengers are all very close to each other, and the giant monster behind them is also a step away. At this time, if you choose a side road and run away, who can guarantee whether the choice made by the giant monster is mature or childish?

At the moment of life and death, everyone feels that they are the most patient and endurance.

Triangle Scale's words went with the wind and were heard by several people behind.

"Nan Ma Xue Biao, there is a fork in the road ahead. If you dare to go left, I will go right!"

"I'm going to fuck you, you#@¥%"

Triangle Scale didn't want to waste his energy on scolding, and his face turned blue due to the wind on his feet.

But Loach came over and put a sticky little cloth bag the size of a fist into Triangle Scale's hand.

"Brother Face, take it!"

"Good boy, how much black oil do you still have on you?"

"It's enough to cover both of us, but"

"Paint your face last, don't let others see it!"

The two exchanged glances, their running speed slowed down a little, and their bodies began to sway.

The people around them gradually exceeded the two of them, and they all thought that they could not hold on any longer.

"Wait for death, you deserter, trash!"


Passing through several floating islands in a row, Triangle Scale and Loach Man were already at the bottom of the team before they knew it. Their bodies were covered with black oil except for their legs.

The few guys nearby who were already on the verge of collapse noticed the two men's little moves at this moment, and suddenly accelerated towards them,

"Cao Nima, give me some, give me the black oil!"

"He still has black oil in his hand!"

Triangle Scale threw the last two packets of black oil on his feet, and kicked the man staggering. They immediately rolled into a ball in front of Big Corpse Brother.


Seeing this, Triangle Scale picked up the loach, turned a big corner, rolled and climbed onto another empty island, and ran wildly.

Loach didn't expect that Triangle Scale would want to give him a hand at this time, and he was so moved that he almost peed on the spot.

Brother Big Corpse is not a human being after all. He was attracted by the fallen people and picked up two of them.

"Kacha kacha~"

The people in front also noticed the change in the situation behind them. When they saw that someone had really succeeded in stealing the chicken, the originally closely united team broke up and ran to six or seven different floating islands, and then continued to disperse.

Big Corpse Brother looked around, feeling a bit at a loss.

It roared angrily, and threw the half of the corpse in its hand to the ground, breaking it into pieces.

Then it chose a direction to chase after it, and its running speed was obviously much faster than before.


Triangle Scale witnessed everything and sneered at his former companion.

There was no black oil in his hand, so what if he dispersed now? He would still be picked out and eaten one by one by smelling the smell. Do you think that thing has a physical strength bar like you?

Loach sat down on the ground,

"Brother Lian, what should we do next?"

Triangle Scale's physique is much better than Loach's. He checked the supplies he had just brought in a hurry,

"Go to the Crucible Mountain Camp."

Loach was shocked,

"Brother Lian, we will be hacked to death. We have been fighting for territory with them for so long!"

"No," Triangle Scale forced out a grim smile and whispered in his ear, "You just need to tell them that I have the routes of two survivors' floating islands and the ratio of black oil. Do you understand?"

Loach's pupils shrank to the size of a needle tip.

Triangle Scale patted his shoulder and tidied his clothes for him,

"I told you that you would be very useful."

Loach took a breath, lowered his eyebrows and said,

"I'll go!"

"Very good."

It's agreed that there will be 5 more chapters, more than 10,000 points.

Actually, I don't have a single word saved. I went to the hospital and had various things to do a few days before the release. I really didn't have time to write. These are all written this morning in the heat. I am almost bleeding.

My hand speed is still the same as before, but my body can't be restored no matter how many Nutri-Express bars I drink.

The main thing is that this disease is very annoying. If you endure it for two days, you may have a high fever or something like that. It's annoying.

There will be more shares in the future.

However, I can't guarantee how much, I can only say that I will do my best on the premise that my body doesn't sound an alarm.

Finally, please vote, subscribe, reward, whatever you want, sob.

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