The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1170 Killing the Son and Giving Away the Daughter

In the early morning, Li Cang and Li Laixi crossed their arms and tensed their bodies to enjoy the washing and changing services of the two maids. Although Li Cang was not used to this kind of evil feudal aristocratic life, it was the narrator's request after all.


Li Cang spat out the mouthwash: "I said, you have to go to the arena today? Should I -"

[You try to convince your wife to visit her arena]

[But your wife Lilith thinks that the performance in the arena is not in line with the decency of an earl. She is very inferior to her own origin and does not want her newly married earl husband to see her bloody and embarrassing appearance, so she resolutely rejected you]


Li Cang cursed.

This narration is simply treating people like pigs. You can't do this or that. I, Timi, can make waves even if there is no wind. When has Teacher Tangtang Cang ever suffered such grievances?

Movement restriction is a silly but effective way of raising animals

However, life is unsatisfactory nine times out of ten, and even the narrator cannot escape this fate. If you don't look for trouble, trouble will come to you.

A few minutes after breakfast, the maid Kaia hurriedly came over: "Master, there is Viscount Tutankhamun outside the door requesting to visit you. Also, he came with Baron Bethany. There are still people on the street outside. There are many servants and a coffin."

"Let them come in and go to my study."

As expected by Li Cang, the person who came was indeed the father of the silly boy yesterday. As for Viscount Tutankhamun, he was the middleman invited by the Bethany family.

Viscount Tutankhamun was very old, and he looked kind-hearted. A glimmer of light flashed from time to time in his cloudy old eyes, which meant that this old guy was not as confused as he seemed.

He first put down the gifts to say hello to Li Cang, and started as usual, talking about interesting things and gossip about Yggdrasil, and then got to the point after almost half an hour.

[Viscount Tutankhamun came with the apology and sincerity of the Bethany family, and said that everything that happened yesterday was a misunderstanding. Selvi has paid the due price. Now, it is you, the earl, who shows your grace. It’s time]

"Selvi, I have ordered him to be executed, and the body is in the tomb box outside."

Old Bethany even had a humble and elegant aristocratic smile on his face when he spoke, as if the person who died was not his son at all, but an insignificant cat or dog.

"His disrespectful behavior towards the Earl is intolerable to the whole of Uktra Hill. I hope that the Earl will not vent his anger on the Bethany family. My family has no intention of offending the Earl. All this is just Selvi's personal His body is not worthy of entering the Bethany family cemetery and will be thrown into the corpse pile outside the city and left to be eaten by wild dogs and vultures.”

Old Bethany coughed slightly and said, "I also bring the most sincere apology from the Bethany family."

Two aristocratic girls immediately knocked on the door of the study room and came forward to salute Li Cang. The aristocratic girls with tearful eyes and trembling eyes each held a gorgeous wooden box with the lid opened, one of which contained three thousand coins. Crystal coins, the other filled with dazzling jewelry.

"This is my seventh daughter Valshina and my thirteenth daughter Avila. I heard that the Earl lacks suitable manpower, and I would like to give them to the Earl as concubines or slaves. Val Xina, Avila, after today, your life and death will be determined by your fate. You will no longer have anything to do with the Bethany family. If the Earl refuses to keep you, you can take these crystal coins and live outside, but you can no longer do so. Named after Bethan."

Li Cang's brows were knitted into knots. He killed his son and gave away his daughter. This old guy is a ruthless person!

Of course, there is no such thing as shuddering, but Li Cang has now been whitewashed into an earl who loves life. Sweeping the floor for fear of hurting the ants and cherishing the lives of moths and gauze lamps is talking about him. Teacher, the rhetoric about killing people that is widely circulated on the forum is just a naked slander against him, and it’s just old history.

Li Cang pondered the narration's prompts, and tried his best to use language and logic that fit the character of Count Cang Li and said with a smile: "Baron Bethany, a noble should not treat his family like this. How can humans be ruthless if they are not grass and trees?" , perhaps, I will have to regard the so-called sincerity in your mouth as a threat."

Hiss, the translation accent of the mad nobleman is so damned, it makes my scalp numb.

Old Betain's eyes widened. He had never dealt with the young earl before and could not imagine that there was such an alternative existence among the nobles. He looked at the "middleman" Tutankhamun with a blank look on his face.

But the shrewd old man Tutankhamun kept praising the maid Kaiya as if he had been blind for many years, how good she was at making tea, how beautiful she was, his eyes were on Kaiya’s jade bamboo shoots, and he was Trying to hold her slender waist, in short, he didn't accept Bethany at all. He was entrusted by others to be loyal and brought Bethany here to open up the situation. Otherwise, I'm afraid Count Li Cang wouldn't do it at all. He will show up to see Betain, and the old guy can just wait for death.

Kaiya was really annoyed: "Grandpa, you are exactly like the grandfather I remember. He likes everything that moves. You are cute."

Yes, she used cute instead of lovely.

Betanin's facial muscles twitched fiercely when he saw this. He cursed this old man in his heart for taking the money but not doing the job. A touch of sincere hypocrisy quickly appeared in his eyes, and he said compassionately: "Selvi, Valshina, and Avila are all my most beloved children, but now their brother has committed such an unforgivable crime that will lead to the entire family being judged by the Holy Council of Yuktrashil. As their father and also as the person in charge of this family, I can't just live for myself. I must protect the entire family. I have many children. If I lose my son, I can have another one, but I will never allow my flesh and blood to do things that endanger the entire family under my pampering and indulgence. Therefore, the honorable Earl Li Cang, this is not a threat. At best, it is the responsibility of a family head and the helplessness and sadness of a father."


An indescribable sound burst out from under Li Cang's palm, like the miserable groan of wood under a hydraulic press. When Li Cang moved his hand away, a deep, regular palm print appeared in the eyes of Betanin and Tutankhamun.

Li Cang tried hard to act like an angry nobleman, but his acting was exaggerated and unflattering. "Life is precious and sacred, and no one can take it away! Even if you are his father, even if you gave him life! Everything that happened yesterday was just a young man's hot-blooded impulse. As a noble with the oldest bloodline of Yggdrasil, I have no intention of pursuing this matter. And you, you smart ass bastard, actually - now, immediately, get out of my castle!"

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