Li Cang was so angry that he gritted his teeth as he looked at the clean and ferocious dragon robe on Dalei Zi. You said that even if you wanted to give me a kick when you rushed out just now, I would not worry about digging into your house now. Ancestral graves!

Li Cang slapped the magic mountain: "Spray them!"

The 4-headed magic mountain raised its head and charged up——


The Jinghua breath is like a storm of ice crystals sweeping thousands of meters away. With the skill [Jinghua], the demonic mountain's evil fire is no longer just for decoration in the eyes, mouth, and hooves. .

The crystal breath that is fused with the evil fire has a metallic crystal texture that is aqua blue with a bit of purple, and there seems to be a bit of green in the purple. The color is so exciting that it makes people feel sick.

The skill Jinghua is inherited from the crystallization ability of Jinghai Shizhi. Jinghai Shizhi is a corpse life in the third stage of secondary alienation. In the third stage, the entire skill list contains only one useful ability (the rest The three are amphibious, webbed and corpse poison). If it were not for its extremely strong toughness and endurance, it would be impossible to survive in an environment like the Sea of ​​Tranquility and form a small-scale community. With such a humble skill list, So much so that Li Cang almost ignored this crystalline attribute before he came up with the 缼荼, and always regarded this thing as the sardines and krill in The Walking Dead.

Thinking about it now, crystallization should be the unmanifested alienation direction of Jinghai Shizhi and the basis of all skills.

In short, this thing not only provides multiple crystallized bones and crystal breath for Xingzhi, but also gives a basic direction of the alienation branch that can be discussed in depth.

In addition to its own aggressiveness, the heavily enhanced crystal breath also has the properties of evil fire and blood poison.

[缼葑-blood poison: the poison of animal-like alienated body fluids. Any living body, life-like body, servant of fate, or bloodline second son with a water content of more than 11% will be poisoned if it is injured. The part of water content less than 11% will evolve For a bloodline similar to that of the servant of fate, it induces conflict with the bloodline of the original body】

This thing can basically be understood as giving an alienated blood concentration of 11%+ out of thin air after being poisoned. Well, it is of no use to Brother Zhi’s absolutely perfect blood, but if the purity of the own blood is not high enough and the stability is not high, it will become It's hundreds of times more terrifying than any direct injury.

The damage can be dealt with with force, but if there is a problem with the bloodline, it will cost one's life.

Within the coverage area of ​​Jinghua Breath, at least dozens or hundreds of 12-winged monsters self-destructed on the spot and died from blood disintegration. The probability of self-destruction was as high as one-third. This basically confirmed Li Cang's guess that the Abyss of the Dead was definitely peeling off the Zerg. The power or blood is then transferred to the walking corpses that are relatively easy to deal with. The concentration of the alienated blood is only 11%. Humans can withstand it for a while, but it is not enough to make a zombie monster die from blood disintegration.

The disintegration of blood vessels even allowed the zombie tide to regain the sense of fear that it had lost for a long time. The 12-winged monster flying in the air instantly dispersed, and the surrounding zombie tide appeared sluggish for a moment.

But walking zombies are walking zombies after all. During their busy lives, they are either fighting or on the way to fight. If there are no humans, they will eat alien beasts. If there are no alien beasts, they will eat their fellow humans. They will not stop for a moment, which can be called alienation. Among the bloodline creatures, Brother Pingtou quickly forgot everything he had just seen. Their urgent desire for food and evolution made them charge against the Demonic Mountain regardless of the cost.

It is no longer a charge, but a life-saving effort on the hard top of timi. Whether it is an insect sickle-hand, an abnormal sickle-hand, or a 12-winged monster, they have completely given up their speed advantage and air superiority. They are densely packed layer by layer. Like a landslide, a huge wave tens of meters high came crashing down on them.

This scene will make Li Cang a little bit angry. He is an expert in fighting asymmetric warfare. He is good at using quantity to pile up quality and minions to pile up bosses. Now it is just the opposite, and Li Cang suddenly has a problem. Create the illusion that you are the one being swiped.

It can be said that the new villain Tsangzi really has the attitude of being a pioneer. Even in this case, the four-headed magic mountain continues to advance forward. Every time a gun and a shield are struck, tons of lumps are often left behind. The abnormal scythe hand is made of unnatural polymers, or it is a broken limb made of flesh and mud. If it weren’t for the crystal breath that swings back and forth and the CD is too long.

It was definitely impossible to run. Lingxing was like a heavily armored tank moving forward against a mudslide, slowly but unswervingly.

There were so many walking corpses that the piled up tide of corpses meant that every time Li Cang threw the big wand, the striking distance of the big wand would not exceed twenty meters. He could not see clearly the movements of these things at all, he could only control them mechanically. After the big magic wand becomes giant, try to carve a passage for the magic mountain.

"Give me some of your disturbed metal!"

Big Leizi glanced at him, divided a small piece of disturbed metal over, and manipulated it with willpower. After a full three minutes, he barely coated the big wand with a layer of jagged "coating".

After hacking and slashing wildly, Li Cang truly experienced the thrill of mowing the grass, with broken limbs flying everywhere he passed!

However, the efficiency is even slower!

Without it, the disturbed metal directly cuts off the transmission of calcium sucking and bloodthirsty. Li Cang has to face the crazy cutting of dozens of sickle hands at the same time every moment, cutting off the vitality calcium energy of bloodthirsty and calcium sucking. Source, his health bar could not sustain the recovery of injuries in seconds, and he quickly began to lose blood.

Li Cang sighed, his eyes drifting towards Li Laixi with an indescribable meaning: Go to Lei Qiu! Brother with breasts, aren't you hungry? Go and clear the way for Master Magic Mountain. Let's fight quickly!

Li Laisi was really dumbfounded this time: "Li, you are a fucking beast, aren't you! Huh? Are there people like you? Just ask, are there people like you in the world? Yours Doesn’t your conscience hurt? You have to work day and night to work for your old Li family, right? You have to pick up the leeks!”

It's just a matter of treating him like a cow or a horse. Everyone has their moments of glory. After all, she has always been the cavalier knight. But now she has to treat your horse like a cow and a horse. Isn't it a bit disrespectful?

Li Cang squeezed out a cruel and embarrassing smile that could be regarded as his quality education, stretched out his fingers and gestured with the universe on his fingertips: "Just one click, just one click, we will be there soon!"

"Don't do it!"

Li Cang bala bala bala gave him kind words and advice.

Li Laisi sneered: "Why are you and I displaying arms here? I won't do it even if you say you are so lavish! I would rather be hungry!"

"It's not enough to make all the noise? What about Lotus Flower?"

".make a deal!"

In fact, it was not that Master Magic Mountain was not strong enough, they just lacked a fuse, a space where they could stretch a little and charge again. When Li Lei stood in front of them, all substantive problems were immediately solved.

Under the ferocious dragon blade that disturbs the transformation of metal, no zombie or beast can withstand this arrogant and unreasonable cutting. It is like cutting the entire mountain into small and medium-sized gravels. This loose gap just breaks through. Without the concentrated tension of the corpse tide, and taking advantage of this structural weakness of less than two meters wide, the Magic Mountain suddenly accelerated.

Li Cang: "Come on, come on, come on, I love you~"

Li Laisi: "Why don't I go first by myself? I can fly over on top of the corpse wave!"

It's not entirely false. With Dalei Zi's body skills, this job is indeed feasible to a certain extent, but Li Cang can't do it. I saw this guy blinking his eyes, with a shy face full of expectation: "Then Can you carry one more person?"

Li Laixi was too lazy to speak, because Bajie seemed to have given the correct answer to this question when she was at Tongtian River: "Master, a mortal body of flesh and blood, is as heavy as Mount Tai. How can I, the one who rides on the clouds, be worthy of the title?"

Taking Li Cang to fly over the tide of corpses, Li Lai Si decided that it would not work and that it would be our mother Rao Qifang who would do it.

Full of grief and indignation, Li Laixi buried her head in the output as if she was resigned to her fate. Her face was solemn enough to hold a reinforced company of gangsters who died unjustly on it. She squeezed out a few words through her teeth: "Li, if you serve me in the future, If you don’t iron the post, I’ll just wait to die!”

"Iron your clothes, iron your clothes, guarantee they'll be ironed!"

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