The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1325: Never wandered around the world, witnessed all the ups and downs

As the top three of the seven families that actually control the Mirage District, the Bernstein family's power and vision are completely different from Somam's, the lord of a city who started from dirty work. Somam has been cultivating in the tidal zone for many years. It was just a dowry of a major city that was saved for him. Based on this, he offered a large amount of real money, promised large benefits, and used marriage, so that he could advance to the rank of chairman. The central city is the center of the Mirage District, independent of all 44 main cities and 197 satellite cities. But in fact, the rotating chairman of each central district can be said to be the white gloves of the seven major families.

The entire Mirage District has an officially recognized population of 67 million. In fact, this statistic is not accurate enough because the large number of black households living outside the main city and satellite cities and even in the tidal zone are not included.

Population is the confidence of the Mirage District. Let's take 28% as the upper limit of the population that can be mobilized during wartime, which means that the Mirage District can even easily draw out more than 18 million troops with good military literacy and combat capabilities.

The so-called common people are governed by cattle and sheep, herdsmen. The Mirage District breaks this sentence apart, crushes it, and puts it naked in front of everyone without any cover-up of beauty. The seven major families do not need to care about people's livelihood or happiness. There is a sense of security. As long as the basic framework that maintains the mirage area remains intact, no one can make any waves.

It is both a source of confidence and the least need to worry about wildly growing weeds.

Because the mirage area is not only harassed by the Black Mist Island, Zerg, and alien beasts that come with the tide all year round, but also the slaves and orbital slaves are also in the ranks of the tides that send warmth. The only meaning of the existence of the tide raiders is to plunder wealth. , destroy the subordinate’s spirit, courage and ability to leave.

In this way, the seven major families have ruled this place for a hundred years. They are prosperous, proud and powerful. They act as a blood-letting tank, squeezing the oil and water from the bones of orbital slaves and victims.

The Mirage District has never cut off its contact with the outside world. Fresh blood is injected into it every moment. They understand everything that is happening in the outside world from other subordinates. The local area network cannot limit the vision of the Mirage District. The seven major families are always aware of what is happening in the outside world. Major events, major bases, settlements, and island chain organizations maintain a high level of attention.

But no one ever thought that there would be a day when such a person would try to shake the foundation of the Mirage District with such hysterical arrogance.

"Old friend, I think we made a mistake in our thinking." Bernstein tapped the table gently, "We secretly observed the world from the perspective of one power, made war props, and formulated rules in order to pursue strength and peace. Prosperous, but never really look at everything outside from a 'human' or individual perspective."

Ignis's voice sounded from the communication channel, and the image suspended on the desktop was a giant man with a red beard: "Fake! Even if you are a pervert who regards 19th-century poetry as the Bible, I still insist on reminding you. , I was born in the mirage area. I have not experienced that world-class disaster. My academic qualifications and knowledge are limited to the prayers recited casually by the pastor of Nathaniel Cathedral when I gave him a few tubes of eggs as a child. I I don’t even understand what the hell you’re trying to say!”

"I mean, our eyes have always been on the big forces that stand out, and we have never paid attention to an independent individual." Bernstein unconsciously flipped through the various incredible fates projected on the table. The picture of the servant scene finally focused on the huge illusory figure standing under the flames that towered over the sky and the earth: "If a person can be strong enough to need the seven major families to jointly defend the central area, then do we need to consider that in the mirage area? Maybe there is something wrong with the news channel, or maybe it is one-sided and biased?”

"Is it because we were deceived by those blind people?"

"It is certain to conceal something, but not every newcomer can do it. Besides, we can piece together and restore the truth from their fragmented confessions." Bernstein was used to this kind of conversation and nodded, " When we stand in our own position and guide the entire dialogue process, what we can know must be what we want to know, so unknowingly, maybe we really missed a lot of wonderful parts. There has never been a large power collective Entering the tidal zone, the strength and knowledge of individual slaves are very limited, so how can we determine and ensure that our strength, destiny servant level and war props are always in the first echelon?”

Ignis's angle was still tricky: "Why is it so limited? The one who acted wildly in our face beat the shit out of that idiot Somam Stevenson! One man slaughtered the city, and seven major families responded. Damn Fuck, I don’t know what this old bastard is going to say. Just put it briefly. Is this guy the kind of person who can save decades of struggle by killing him?”

Bernstein was stunned for a moment, then actually smiled: "Yes, that's right, the mirage area was built on corpses. Blood and fire are our powerful driving force!"

"Humph, it's old history to touch corpses. People outside say that the popular trend now is to behead people and keep them as dogs." Ignis said: "The chance of a ghost entering the mirage area being able to break through the wall and get out is very slim. Only those of you who have a good reputation like to extract profits from corpses, establish authority and maintain governance. I would say it is better to let him live. The strong should be treated with respect!"

"Nuqi is a good thing, but which family do you think will agree to leave such a powerful scourge? It's better for no one to have it than for all parties to share it, so this person must die!"

"Fuck, I can't argue with an old ghost like you who talks a lot of big talk. This matter is over. It doesn't matter whether the rotating chairman of the central city is named Ignis or not. The city of Somamu and your daughter are mine. Old thing, you are so stupid to marry your daughter to such a thing. That rough guy who was raised by a bitch knows nothing about loving a woman. It's better to lend it to me for two more days. I promise to return it to you with every last hair. Maybe Yanni will fall in love with me after tasting the saltiness and sweetness. The caliber of our equipment is famous among the seven major families. Old Huo I want to ask if my daughter-in-law who I married last month is hot or not. Hey, that woman is definitely interested in me. When she saw me, her eyes were like drawing silk~"

"Little Ignis, when I rescued you from the church welfare home 70 years ago, you were obviously very grateful to my guy." Bernstein said with a smile: "Who would have thought that you, who founded the Ignis family, would eventually go along with this dirty world and like women again. Yani is worthy of being brought up by you. She is fickle, suspicious, and advocates violence. She is really like you."

"Wtf, so she also likes women?"


The communication channel suddenly burst into a violent noise, and Ignis's intermittent voice was drowned in the harsh noise.

Bernstein closed the communication channel, and the faint smile on his face gradually turned into the kind of extremely old-fashioned and habitual gloom: "Shinsuke, my good child, perhaps rescuing little Ignis from the orphanage will be one of the stupidest mistakes I have made in my life."

Shinsuke Honmura, with a delicate face, crawled out from under the table, tidied his clothes, and his eyes flickered: "You are the wisest person I have ever seen. You can bring an orphan from an orphanage to the position of the seven major families. Naturally, there is a way to change the name of such a family. What's more, Ignis doesn't seem to be very smart."

"My child." Bernstein said: "Standing in this position, my own wisdom is just icing on the cake. After all, my strength and wealth allow me to obtain the wisdom and loyalty of more people. Ignis is not a real wise man, but he is a real ambitious person, and he is willing to pay for his ambitions."

Shinsuke Honmura's voice is gentle and like a little girl, acting like a spoiled child: "I still don't understand."

"He can make himself 's ambition dominates all the desires in his heart. You know, he is a pure GM, psychologically and physiologically, this has never changed, I can see and feel it. "Bernstein said coldly: "Such a person has been wandering around the flowers of the seven major families all year round. This is no different from a normal person's desire when he sees cockroaches mating. Ignis is a terrible guy and a qualified opponent. The soft white chimney breads of the six major families don't know how to appreciate and control such a wild warhorse. Your goal is to become a wealthy family, but if you can't figure this out like those guys, you will never be able to replace them, and maybe you can't even reach the height of Ignis. "

"Yes!" Honmura Shinsuke stood up straight with a start, "Lord Bernstein, thank you for your advice!"

"My child, you have got your candy. Now, please continue to do things that can make me happy."


The battleship sympathizes with each other, and the battleship is also in full swing.

The huge fleet and ground forces of the Mirage Zone set out from all directions to the center of the battle zone with an absolutely extravagant and overwhelming momentum, step by step advancing into the ravages of [One Hundred Demons Night Parade]. The ordinary communication channels were completely interfered with, and they had to switch to the prayer interface LAN communication.

The once magnificent and luxurious building ruins seemed to have experienced thousands of years of wind and frost. The colors were no longer bright, and there were mottled traces of rust and corrosion. The corpses that were not buried on the ground showed an extremely strange posture. Each corpse dragged a red and white trace on the ground like a ribbon, just like the appearance of paint flowing and drying up. The length of this trace can even reach tens of meters.

Amid the haze, sizzling energy shock waves and short discharges, the visible distance dropped to only about a hundred meters. The strange and hideous shadows of the strange shapes were everywhere in the field of vision. People dragging blood and internal organs crawled on the ground. The tongueless people with ribs as wings made sharp and piercing whistles in the air. A giant with a huge femur halo behind his head and a skull rosary in his hand sat cross-legged on a crooked high-rise building and chanted and murmured with a faint rhythm.

Everything in sight seemed to put everyone in a world that was more evil and treacherous than the real end of the world full of zombies and monsters.

"Ah! Don't come over! Why? Why? I won't leave! I want to live! I want to live!"

"Shasha?, can I ask you to dance with me? Okay, okay, let's dance the one at the graduation ceremony, just like before, just like before."

"Mother, can I eat my sister's liver? I'm really hungry."

The sudden abnormal behavior of several soldiers finally made everyone's tight nerves break like a string. One guy didn't even think about it and gave it to the man who was talking to a man whose body was covered with dripping pus spots. The faceless girl in the white dress shot the dancing soldier. The modified rifle shrouded the soldier with a unique glow that was an energy matrix weapon and instantly tore the soldier's armor. Blood spurted out and was evaporated in an instant. Only a few strands of muscle remained on one arm and half of the shoulder. It was connected to a thin layer of skin and hung on the soldier's back.

The sudden sound of gunfire alarmed more people, and everyone was wandering around nervously and nervously. The cold guns, hard armor, and numerous roaring war instruments couldn't even give them much sense of security, and noises were everywhere.

"What's going on?"

"Damn, what on earth is this? Have we entered the devil's circle?"

"Fake Squid, who is screaming?"

Different natural abilities mean that the subordinates at this stage are destined to be unable to divide labor and clear professional occupations like the army before the disaster, and the compulsory military service and employment system are not even able to achieve strict discipline and prohibition, and the scene is a bit chaotic for a while.

"Everyone! Quiet!"

"Damn it! Put down your weapons, those are your teammates!"

"Stay focused!"

A few minutes later, rounds of bright green halos spread from various ships, transformation islands, and large armored vehicles. After falling on everyone, they formed a layer of faint light: "The focus halo has been covered, and all commanders , the head of the army has now entered the jamming area, and the anti-jamming device has been turned on as a team immediately, supervising everyone to take the mental stabilizing drug 'Walilian No. 17' immediately, maintain the forward speed, and enter a state of war!"

The commotion in the legion quickly subsided.

The situation in the previous war zone has brought too much pressure. The seven major families in the Mirage District have been observing for so long. The number of manpower expected to be dispatched is increasing, and it is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, nearly a million troops were directly deployed for this encirclement and suppression, in order to kill with one blow and leave no further trouble.

The number of hurricane-class (i.e. kilometer-level) modified islands and aircraft carrier battle groups in the air has been stacked up to an astonishing 900. On average, each carrier or modified island battle group includes 3 missile battleships and 5 missile battleships. Destroyers, 30 shield boats, and 2 position generators and dispatch boats. Each mothership is stationed with an average of 120 sorties of Eagle or Falcon high-speed fighters with precision-guided strike capabilities. Battleships and destroyers are equipped with 15 to 25 sorties. The Harrier fighter jets that take off and land vertically, and the armed transformation island battle group are mainly composed of heavy artillery, single or double-person small and medium-speed motor boats. The number of personnel just to maintain the operation of these armed transformation islands and the main body of the air carrier has reached There are 180,000 troops, not to mention the million-strong troops of the Air Force, Air Assault Division and the seven ground armies.

The blooming ground army retained the basic configuration before the disaster. It was divided into four divisions: assault division, mechanized infantry division, motorized infantry division, armored division and artillery division. It was equipped with air defense brigade, mechanized infantry brigade, tank brigade, artillery brigade, Communication battalion, armored reconnaissance battalion, Army aviation regiment, pontoon regiment, teaching regiment, directly affiliated regiment, supply depot and military hospital. In addition, there are buff battalion, stripper brigade, mage brigade and chaplain brigade that evolved from the air island era. The main force of the war basically became an assault division composed of modified islands, motherships, giant ground warfare equipment, giant servants of destiny, and slaves with strong individual combat capabilities.

Viewed from the air, various buff skills of buff, resistance, protection, and cooperative combat nature set off a splendid aurora-like halo with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers centered on the combat zone. The arrogance was overwhelming, and the flame shadow special effects storm swept across all directions and even dispersed. The dust haze and residual energy shock waves were eliminated, making everything on the battlefield clearly visible.

The next second, the density of the surrounding circle with sufficient gaps suddenly increased sharply.

The assault divisions of the 7 major army groups and their subordinates mixed in other divisions used various methods to release the zombie-like servants of fate in the encirclement circle, filling all the gaps almost instantly, swarming forward like a tide, and then More like an armored division than an armored division, there are countless large and small war beasts and mounts. This is the complete assault division of the Sky Island Age, and it is the fierce posture that a true first-in-command should have.

The scene of hundreds of thousands of people summoning the servants of destiny at the same time is so spectacular. There are millions of servants of all kinds of destiny, which can even be compared to the tide of corpses formed by large floating continents and even jump points. This kind of quantity, quality, and scale , even if it is not as neat and shocking as laser printing, it is understandable.

Lao Wang, who witnessed all this with his own eyes: "Wucao, you are my own mother~"

And almost at the moment when the servant of fate appeared, the traitors far away in the center of the war zone were either flashing their eyes or talking eloquently. Li Cang, who was drunk and burning the lamp with the magician, jumped up from snoring loudly to being catapulted. Standing seven or eight meters high, the drunken and hazy Li Cang's eyes suddenly became clear for a brief moment. He took out the Marauder's Map and rolled it on Gou Kun to look around in all directions——

“I, timi, finally feel respected!!”

Should I say it or not, he really doesn’t despise this kind of war system. Only the weapon theory is okay. If you hold two-way foil, land-sinking bombs, cancer bombs, nuclear weapons and other things in your hands, there is nothing wrong with it, but... These big firecrackers and energy matrix weapons, haha

Teacher Cang can only move a 6 alone.

Even if his mind is so confused, Li Cang still only sees alienated blood and servants of fate. Offering sacrifices is like changing hands at a low price. There is no room for him to be a middleman, and only those who can get into the mill are the only ones. Call it safe!

The guys on Somam's side of the ship actually dared to appear blatantly under their noses at such a close distance. The main energy matrix cannons of dozens of ships had never been fully cooled from beginning to end. Unexpectedly, a new wave of light and shadow burst out immediately.


Thousands of brilliant light pillars as thin as buckets and hundreds of meters in diameter reacted violently with the plasma roar of the Twin Tyrants. The crater basin that was already concave was almost rammed out of thin air by the air wave, and the plasma was reduced to a few meters again. It surges and roars with energy surges, spreading out a dirty and cancerous pie on the horizon of the floating land.

In the end, Li Cang and Gou Kun fell together in embarrassment and were blasted back to the bottom of the pit. It took about five minutes before he got up again: "The dog said, it's great!"

Maldo Bevin looked at the crazy guy in front of him hesitantly, and couldn't help but take half a step back. He always felt that it would not be easy for this cheap master to betray him, but it would be very satisfying if the betrayal was successful. How could this be better than the spirit of those Chaos Demons in the Purgatory Abyss? It also looks abnormal.

"Lord, Master, great and noble Master, the remaining vitality and soul fragments here can only support the fifth batch of armor-making leather bags. Can I extinguish the Well of the Abyss, otherwise the energy it will continue to burn will be My magic."

"A guy like you deserves to be called a devil?" Li Cang knitted his brows into a knot and waved his finger, "You can't even feel or smell the smell of so many raw materials?"


A certain purgatory demon glanced at the surging cancerous energy in the sky with a slightly aggrieved look. The whites of his crimson eyes rolled out in surprise, and he murmured in his heart that I would be a coward if I could let my perception penetrate this thing. Devil, my true name will be engraved on the 72 Pillars of God!

However, Da Mo still carefully avoided the topic and reminded: "That...fifth batch."

Except for the first batch of experimental alien insect-formed sickle-hands, namely Si Gouzi, all those who subsequently entered the well of the abyss were the heavy-riding Demon Mountain Masters in sly postures, with ten thousand Demon Mountains arrayed in front of them, majestic.

There is a saying that after the comrades of the Hundred-ton King, who have layer after layer of self-protection and then put on a thick layer of melted and cast armor, can be said to have achieved an inexplicable visual deception effect to a certain extent. I don’t know if it is. Black makes him look slimmer, but Li Cang insists that the originally ferocious behemoth now looks more antique and reserved.

The sixteen-number split-type heavy mountain-pattern armor at the front and back is connected by locks. Except for the rugged shoulder armor, theoretically vulnerable parts such as hands, wrists, elbows, knees, crotch, and head are all exposed, fully ensuring the mobility of Qingxing for eating. and flexibility. Apart from that, there is nothing special about it. After canceling the deceptive properties of increasing the health bar and the properties of the skin, in the final analysis, this thing is just a piece of junk made of garbage with a slight growth property. It would be unfair to give the equipment to Master Magic Mountain's group of traitors, which is just a bowl of water and does not show paternal love. The main targets of these things are always scoundrels.

Li Cang summoned a dog-legger, casually pulled out a piece of "This Face the Enemy" and put it on him. Then he put on his pants and shoes. His smile, which was definitely in line with social expectations, almost reached his ears: "You little bastards, go ahead~"

As usual, Master Magic Mountain comes in a group of five, and the sonorous sound of their feet stepping on the earth is always only a neat vibration.

A group of traitors were overjoyed when they saw that their father was finally willing to let him go. However, no one moved at the first moment. They looked extremely cautiously at the other guys with ulterior motives, and then they each chose a direction and drove away proudly. rush.

"Come back!" Li Cang grabbed Miss Qiu with one paw and raised his eyebrows: "How did you get in here, you little bastard?"


Li Cang summoned all the passages from the same source. He looked at the sky and felt that he was in a good mood. Then he kicked Miss Qiu into a long dragon of dust: "Go away and find your mother!"

Miss Qiu had tears in her eyes, she was so moved.

How long?

How long has it been!

It’s finally my mother’s turn to appear!

Is dish guilty?

I have also reflected on yourself as a father. Putting aside the facts, don’t you, an old man like me, have no responsibility at all?

In short, because she was too excited, Miss Qiu fell down several times before successfully running out of Li Cang's sight. She was afraid that her father, who was not serious about singing, would suddenly regret it.

As Qianxu and a group of traitors went away in all directions, tunnels of the same origin appeared and opened frequently behind the traitors, and loads of turtle-backed dragon lice burst out of the air and crashed to the ground. After hitting the ground, the dog-legs were Like ink entering water, the ink splashed on the ground and spread quickly.

Cang's efficiency in laying out troops and paving the way regardless of the cost is extremely astonishing, and he can cover a distance of hundreds of miles with just a snap of his fingers.

On one side is a torrent of strong ships, cannons, and steel, a torrent of devastating gunfire and bullets, and on the other side is a mountain of corpses, a sea of ​​blood, hundreds of ghosts walking at night, strange forces, chaotic gods, and groups of demons dancing wildly. There is no flashy, solid collision and intersection. The figures are distinct and the blood blends into one.

Boom boom boom~

The Somam ships and the reformed island in the central area saw that the things below were finally willing to leave the dual protection range of the Twin Tyrants and the Dog Kun floating force field, and they opened fire at the same time with the 7 major armies that came to encircle and suppress them. The red solid shells, the missiles with long flame tails, and the slow energy matrix cannon light beams were like two huge umbrellas with countless ribs that instantly divided and split the sky and the earth.

The red-eyed demon Maldo Bevin was shocked, and his scarlet eyes were full of innocence and shock.

He coaxed and deceived people to work hard in the huge furnace for two and a half years, and on average he could only eat the oil and water of dozens of people every day. He dared to guarantee that just at that second, the free vitality that soared into the sky and was released had exceeded the sum of all his previous efforts!

What purgatory!

What abyss!

What 72 pillars of gods and demon dreams!

Go to hell!

"Master, my powerful, elegant, cruel and ruthless master, I, Nanoomi·Dantalian·Bamogo·Liliana%¥#@" Mardo·Bevan sang a long string of words that Li Cang could not understand, "With my blood, with my true name, with my eternal spirit, I will recite your name day and night, and I only wish to serve you as my master!"

(Author's words: Thank you Mr. Hong for the 5,000 starting coins reward, and 7,000 chapters to show my gratitude. Thank you for the rewards from book friends 20170904174508867, Qiyue Nosebleed, Chenyan is great, Haibitianlandeyousad, Qiuyuxiayan, Youyouyaya and other book friends. Thank you very much, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

and, I should have a tooth extraction tomorrow, and it is likely that the update will be a little later.)

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