The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1339 Tai Xiaoyi: I was just being sentimental

Chapter 1339 Tai Xiaoyi: It turns out that I am too passionate~

Regarding Li Cang's unilateral announcement to temporarily shelve the dispute with the Mirage District, the silence in the Mirage District was deafening.

But I think they fully agreed.

The laws of war cannot be used to support Li Cang and his villains in the face of a group of unorganized and undisciplined zombies and alienated Zerg. According to Li Cang's cost accounting method, the significance of the mirage area's existence is indeed greater than it was on the spot. Squeezing it dry, the offensive turned, and the people suddenly united again and pointed the finger at the outside world.

Look, how great and selfless the light of humanity is.

Li Cang slapped the big magic wand on the ground, and his father's earnest instructions resounded throughout the battlefield: "The dog-legged son returns to the floating land on the surface. The magic mountain is waiting for the troop carrier nearby, so I can assemble quickly!"

The comrades in the mirage area who were about to dig up their ancestral graves and pack the truck in the sea of ​​​​dogs suddenly discovered that the endless sea of ​​​​dogs suddenly stopped and turned collectively, and their movements were as neat as copying and pasting, carrying their respective trophies like a tide. Retreat.

But after all, his stepfather was not his biological father. Under Li Cang's direct instructions, Si Gouzi, who had already gone crazy, decided to resist the order because his son was away from home and could not obey his father's orders.

"It's disgraceful!" Li Cang's face turned dark, "Slap your mouth!"

There are tens of thousands of twin tyrants scattered among the four-dog community without any hesitation. The eldest son directly used a round of plasma memory recovery technique and a round of plasma to the four-dog people all over the world who were venting their negative emotions. After the roar, the bodies of the arrogant and domineering Si Gouzi lay all over the field. Then, the second son's deep roar seemed to burst out directly from his chest and he was driven away like a sheep by the swing of his sword. He looked arrogant, unorganized and undisciplined before. There is no trace left in their appearance, and they are all as well-behaved as chickens and quails.

Then, another round of Dog Sea passes through.

This time, let alone a corpse, several meters of the ground had been scraped off.

The subordinates in the mirage area were collectively stunned, thinking that the other party was going crazy, but the guys who were already stunned didn't care about whether the ruler or not had a reason to pass by. When they saw that one party finally retreated, they burst out. There were cries of joy, dancing and shouting to celebrate the departure of these crazy things.

Of course, the situation cannot be described as very optimistic for them. After all, the gifts from the tidal zone have already penetrated 4 of the 13 layers of floating land like a sieve with the footsteps of Gou Hai and Li's army of servants of fate.

These things are obedient in front of Li Cang's servants of fate, showing their martial virtue to the humans in the mirage area.

Regardless of the number of bastards, the Master of the Magic Mountain, the Twin Tyrants, or others, either the attributes of the walking zombies are too rich and they are mistaken for the same species, or their martial virtues are too strong and directly assimilate to others, such as the alien zombie tide, the Black Mist Island zombie tide, It is completely normal for beasts and insects to come into contact with them for a while. This kind of thing often happened in Li Cang's previous battles, but this time only the people in the mirage area seemed to be suffering.

There are so many warships in the Mirage District that have been transformed into islands. No matter how powerful and powerful the firepower is, it is still difficult to turn the muzzle directly towards their own foundation. The airspace outside is full of all kinds of strange alienated Zerg and flying alien beasts, which is enough for them to keep them busy. The main body responsible for dealing with the zombie tide in the floating continent is the armored division assault division and coastal defense weapons. Besides, it is difficult for large battleships and modified islands to be deployed inside the floating continent aggregate with a three-dimensional puzzle multi-layer structure. It is fighter aircraft. And the motor boat cluster took the opportunity to take advantage of it.

In fact, the overall combat effectiveness of the mirage area is very remarkable. In the chaotic situation of being knocked down and leaderless, and such an unexpected and unforeseen tidal zone riot raged for eleven days, it was only broken. The upper three floors of the 13-layer floating land aggregate, this kind of resilience is not a big problem to say that the population is the first productivity beyond the prayer technology.

After Li Cang's sea of ​​dogs and the army of servants of fate retreated, the Mirage District was finally able to come up with decent means to sort out the multi-layered defense system that was already riddled with holes.

The first step is to raise the orbital height of the second, third, and fourth layers of floating land that have collapsed, and stack all three layers of floating land to the height of the first floor, directly bearing the pressure of the blowout in the tidal zone above. After the overall separation of the first layer was completed, the lower layer began to build shields and protective force fields while clearing out the remaining zombie tides inside. Countless large factories were finally able to rumble into operation, non-stop producing various battleship-level structures and parts as well as armored corps assaults. Three hours later, swarms of motor boats and tow boats could be seen pouring out of the factory dock to replenish the equipment and weapons of the legion, rushing to the outer airspace and battlefield to take over the task of logistical supply.

When he saw that the second, third and fourth floors of the floating land were all adjusted to the same orbit as the first floor of the floating land, which directly expanded the land area of ​​the first floor ten times, Lao Wang's expression was extremely shocked: "Oh, Teacher Cang If you want to bring this technology back to the base, should we take the initiative and ask for a huge price, or should we be more reserved and wait for Mr. Pei and the others to stretch their necks and be slaughtered? "

Li Cang took the iced lemon tea from Brother Big Corpse, and the relief and kindness in his expression was like continuously releasing the Holy Light: "My son, you are already a qualified orbital slave!"

Lao Wang raised his middle finger and turned his head to block the dark green slime ball that hit several people from above with a knife. The slime ball that was torn apart by the force of the knife fell to the surface of the sky island and made a sizzling sound, exuding a strong burning and sour smell. The black smoke can corrode even soil and stone.

"Fuck! How come these bugs are so unhygienic?" Old Wang cursed, "What do you say now, attack together or not?"

Li Cang pointed at his head: "Planning and strategizing."

"Tsk, isn't it just paid AFK~"

Li Cang pointed at the floating land again: "Get out!"

Tens of thousands of twin tyrants have been recalled and scattered to various parts of the sky island to defend against the swarms of insects and alien beasts in the air from destroying the island. The turtleback dragon beetles are still busy recovering the dog sea. He can't spare the energy to directly participate in the battle now. Every time he recalls a turtleback dragon beetle, Li Cang feels like a big piece of the meat on the tip of his heart has been cut off - the dog leg factory needs raw materials and repair fees, the most important thing is that this thing has daily life!

"How many?"

"46" Li Cang's face looked as ugly as if he was thrown into the garbage dump by his own parents again. He grinned in pain, "Each one is loaded with about 800,000 to 900,000 lackeys, all of which are daily activities of the mill using the raw materials in stock to convert energy matrix to compensate. It's a sin."

Li Leisi looked at the surface of the floating land, which was still as vast as the sea of ​​lackeys. She said hey, but she didn't grin with Li Cang. She just put her arm around his shoulder and bit his ear secretly: "Cang Baoer, don't cry. A few days ago, I took a few sets of very tight and taut ones from Rao Qifang's wardrobe. They are so big. I will comfort you when I have time~"

Li Cang almost choked his head with a mouthful of blood!


You are good.

You know how to comfort!

The area of ​​the top floating land was directly expanded by more than ten times, and it was constructed into a vast and boundless Colosseum. The geological debris, subordinate sky islands, wild islands, black fog islands, corpse nests and insect tides poured down from the tidal zone quickly piled up on the surface of the land into hills of earth-shaking height. In the hills that increased in height and area while disintegrating and collapsing simultaneously, all kinds of zombies, strange beasts, and alienated insects were so tenacious that they were suffocating. They poured out from these garbage mountains in an endless stream and gathered into a tide. The roars that came one after another could even occasionally cover the collision sounds and the roars of artillery fire from the giants pouring down from the tidal zone.

The four dogs with crazy eyes led by the mad vicious dogs, the heavy cavalry demon mountain in a monkey-like posture, held one side and regarded more than half of the hills as their own. As for the other parts that Li Cang couldn't handle, they were naturally handed over to the major enemy groups in the Mirage District who rushed over in a hurry.

The turtle-backed dragonflies shuttled through the seven jump channels, and wherever they passed, their tentacles danced wildly, and the lackeys swarmed in like the crowds at the train station during the Spring Festival travel rush.

It's not that lackeys are useless in such a scene, but lackeys No. 1 and 2 are too fragile. Letting them enter the field directly without controlling the field temporarily is no different from sending warmth. God knows how long this battle will last. Now put them here to fill the line. What if the actual controlled territories and wealth surpluses of the seven major families cannot be returned? Wouldn't it be a self-defeating move and a joke?

It doesn't matter whether it's a coin or not. The raw material inventory in the mill is Li Cang's real lifeline!


Teacher Cang has begun to worry about the debt repayment ability of the Mirage District.

It is true that when the aerospace carrier, warships, various ships and transformation islands were built, they were indeed a place for spending money. When they were dismantled, the little money guys really didn't take these things as a plate of food. At least the aerospace carrier and various warships can be dismantled and sold for parts. As for the transformation islands, which are even more expensive, the little money guys either refuse to accept them or simply count them as the area of ​​the empty island that can be annexed. How can you reason with them when the time comes?

"I'm talking to you, why are you so stunned?" Li Leisi only saw the wonderful expression on Li Cang's face but didn't get a satisfactory answer. She looked a little unhappy, "I'm telling you, Mr. Li, you——"

Li Cang coughed lightly: "Count how many warships our Aunt Jin can still support, otherwise I can only dismantle them and pack them up and send them to the base."

The warship is not finished after it is built. It requires a large number of manpower to operate it, and it requires a huge amount of coins to maintain it. Jin Yujing's manpower and coins are not sufficient at this stage. Last time, Aunt Jin was already fed and eaten up. Now Li Cang may not dare to take it even if he gives it to her for free.

The base's usual stingy nature can easily reduce people's patriotic enthusiasm. Unless it is necessary, Li Cang really doesn't want to deal with the guy like Mr. Bei who raises the price of a coin and wants to break it into eight petals.

Haha, the old thing's conscience may not be as big as the little coin boy even if the water is squeezed out and the head and tail are cut off!

Last time, there were more than two million people, and they didn't even give four million coins in total, with an average of less than one and a half coins per person. They weren't ordinary people who had nothing in the early days of the disaster. How could anyone do this?

As the saying goes, some people are Marxists, some are Maximists. Meeting in life is always a retribution, no matter how bad it is. Anyway, this time, Teacher Cang, who was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, finally found a legitimate excuse to hate the old man!

Li Lace pursed her lips and shivered.

What level is she at? She knew what position to change to when Li Cang patted her butt. She knew what Teacher Cang was thinking about. Anyway, let me mourn for the money bag of the base first. After all, being targeted by a thief like Li Cang might be more dangerous than turning against Lao Wang directly.

"Can't we ask the old lady to help us sell it on Xianyu?" Li Leisi was also a bit wicked person. "In business, the highest bidder wins. It's not good for this base to complain about anything, right?"

"There's no need to kill the heart." Li Cang shook his head and didn't want to say more, "You have been resurrected too many recently. Please pray for a good rest. You may have to follow me up there to do roll call in a while. I'll take care of the little bastard first. Let’s pack up over there, be good, go ahead and go~”


Li Laixi knew that the number of second sons of the Servants of Destiny was directly linked to Li Cang's mental control. With so many bastards there all the time and the need to dispatch other Servants of Destiny, it was difficult for Li Cang to concentrate on talking nonsense to her, so she simply He used the ferocious dragon blade to find the flying beasts around the sky island to express his sorrow. From time to time, he would do a few prayers for treatment and perfunctorily take care of himself and the feeling of Lilith in his body.

At present, they have actually never found a way to effectively restore the demi-human prayer state.

Regardless of wishes, skills, equipment, cards, or anything else, it seems that they are not enough to directly make up for the consumption caused by excessive death of the subhuman body that cannot be directly reflected on the panel. The symbolic significance of praying for healing is Greater than reality is better than nothing.

"What's wrong, Leilei? Are you still feeling uncomfortable? You look so bad."

Tai Xiaoyi appeared next to Li LaiSi riding Huahua. The barrel of the SOP gun was hot and red, and she was obviously busy.

Li Laisi said with a sad face: "It's nothing."

Tai Xiaoyi smiled at the corner of her mouth and pulled Li Lai Lai onto Hua Hua's back: "You, how proud you are and how careless you appear, how fragile you are on the inside."

"Mom, I. Where can I have it?"

"Do you suddenly feel that you are useless and can't help?"

"A little bit"

"Do you know how humble and desperate I was when I first came into contact with Li Cang and Zhong?" Tai Xiaoyi shot two consecutive shots at a giant alien beast that was wandering in the fire of the Twin Tyrants. "I felt at that time, It would be nice if I had a bond of slavery with me, and I would be able to feel more at ease."

"Little miss?"

Tai Xiaoyi waved her hand, and looked through the scope to someone who was slashing at the five-layered three-layered Hunyuan unit: "Well, that guy is about to become the same as Teacher Cang's dogleg. Look, he’s enjoying it now, isn’t he?”

Since Lao Wang learned how to perform drag surgery, his spiritual sense has become increasingly sharp. Within half a second of looking at him with the sniper scope, he started to turn around and make extremely exaggerated shapes in the direction of the empty island, smiling coquettishly. While blowing a kiss, he was shoved into the mud by a giant heavily armored zombie whose armor was even more exaggerated than Brother Zombie's.

emmmm, this guy is probably really happy

Li Lei pursed her lips and said nothing.

Tai Xiaoyi said earnestly: "Positioning, Leilei, you have mistaken your positioning. Both Zhong and Li Cang can be regarded as control types. Although Teacher Cang keeps saying that he is an elegant mage and a vulgar martial artist, he has always regarded himself as a master. Zhong is also used as a servant of fate or even a consumable. As you often say when playing games, whether it is me, Zhong or Teacher Cang himself, we always lack the ability and means to effectively end the game, and whether it is a miscellaneous fish or Boss, there is no difference under you. You and Lilith will always be Teacher Cang’s most trusted and ideal person to harvest the boss. Of course, good steel must be used on the blade.”

Daleizi became visibly excited, his eyes glistening: "So, it's reasonable for me to work hard even if I'm paid, right? I won't be scolded by Teacher Cang, right?"

"Uh, I should."

"Wuhu! Letisia? Prepare my complete set of equipment and send it to the bathroom! Today's spa and maintenance homework have not been completed yet!"

"No, wait, why don't you wait?" Tai Xiaoyi was confused for a moment, thinking that she might have misunderstood something, "You are not allowed to leave! Tell me what you were mourning just now!"

"I told Naibo Sehuhu that he bought a few cool robes from my mother's wardrobe, but he actually dared to disobey me!" Li Laixi's face showed visible anger, and she cursed impassionedly and sustainably in Cang style: "What a bastard! What a beast! What a different bitch! How sanctimonious!"


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