The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1388 Li Cang: First you have to be without a mother, then you have to have a mother

Can this be tolerated?

I can't bear it!

Dressed in white, Suo Zhihui is really pretty, with the kind of submissiveness that refuses and welcomes you, which is different from Dalei Zi's heavy punches and firepower coverage.

The clothes were like gauze and the skin was as strong as water. Li Cang's hands were very dishonest and felt slippery on it.

Being angry is like seeking personal revenge. Teacher Cang, who had hated her several times, really took advantage of her mercilessly this time.

Suo Zhihui rolled her eyes at him. She was cowardly and passionate, in pain and expectation. The face of Xiao Bailian, whose tea was full of tea, actually looked a little charming. The arm that was circling Li Cang was not tight, and she was looking around with squinted eyes. , the feeling can be described as if Li Cang was stealing someone else’s melons and she was watching the wind.

Li Cang couldn't hold Timi straight, and his hands staggered downwards.

Li Cang was beaten to death eight times in the morning to make such a big move. Suo Zhihui crossed his legs slightly, his face was surprisingly hot, but he still looked the same, his big eyes were shining, and he looked worse than Li Cang. He became more excited and murmured unconsciously: "I like it and no one can help you?"

He also pouted.

Li Cang didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, so he just picked up the two small objects when they came over.


"What's wrong, are you on the card settlement screen?"

"It's broken~" Suo Zhihui recalled excitedly and secretly, exhaling hot breath from her little mouth, "Yes, it hurts a little, give me a hug!"

"Just take it as a compliment, but I think you still haven't learned a lesson!"

"Then let me praise you, okay? Among my men, Lu Bu is the best, and the best is Red Rabbit!" Suo Zhihui glanced at him shyly and timidly, adjusting her clothes pitifully: "And I digest very quickly, and I will be hungry soon. "

"Just put it on?" Li Cang snorted and said with disdain: "You are very clever with your words. What else can you do except make me covered in saliva? If you had known I wouldn't have to take off my clothes for just a few minutes!"

Suo Zhihui softened her body and hugged his arm to please him: "I'm making rapid progress, really, really. Look, it's been more than twenty-five minutes. The water is flowing!"

Speaking of this, Li Cang rubbed her belly.

He rubbed it again.

I couldn't help but put in some effort.



Suo Zhihui shyly slapped his hand away, but what she said was not reserved at all and even seemed a little proud: "I'm a natural!"

"No leaks?"


"Come here!"

"I don't." Suo Zhihui was really scared. She wrinkled her delicate little face and begged: "They have been waiting for a long time to dig ginseng. Can you please spare me? Come on, come on." I guarantee you won’t lie!”

"Eat small amounts often, right? Why don't you stay healthy at this young age?"

"Hey, if I don't take care of you, how can I serve you? I'll be like a big animal all day long."

"Didn't you start the provocation to co-write?"

There was a hint of secret joy in Suo Zhihui's eyes, and she said with insatiable confidence, "But women are animals too!"

very good

Quite the Li family style.

When they returned to the top, the two of them were a little dumbfounded. The whole front of the stilted building was like going to a big market. Everyone brought a bunch of wild things, some were happily carrying baskets, and some were only wearing sports vests. The skirts were packed, and there were even two extravagant young ladies with waistcoats carrying a wild boar weighing more than 400 kilograms and showing off arrogantly, laughing and joking.

"Oh, you see, Teacher Cang is so stingy. He only brings so much food for everyone when we go down. Fortunately, he knows how to be self-sufficient and can make enough food and clothing by himself!"

"You are exaggerating. Wait, where did this wild boar come from?"

"Wild boars are nothing, there are a group of oversized horses down there, they are fat and strong!"

"Yeah, where's the horse?"

“Never fought”

Finally, Kong Jingqiao spoke: "You guys are so capable! What a waste! Make and eat what you brought here! No leftovers! If you dare to leave any leftovers, I will soak your little faces in dish soap to remove makeup. !”

The two young ladies who carried the wild boar were immediately dumbfounded. Hunting is one thing, and it is as addictive as fishing. As for eating, that is another matter. Even fishermen may not eat fish, let alone If the second-generation wild boar, which has a strong fishy smell, loses the blessing of Kong Jingqiao's cooking skills, the picture will be so beautiful that it is almost unimaginable.

"Aunt Kong didn't bring a helper today?" Lao Wang whispered to Xiaoxiao: "It's definitely unrealistic to expect help from those guys who don't have any fingers in Yangchun Shui. This thing is so complex, why don't we just let Aunt Kong rest, Teacher Cang The chowder stewed in a large pot of wild food is a masterpiece. Even my grandpa praised it for its deliciousness. How about it? "

Tai Xiaoyi looked at the people outside and felt a little moved: "Is this good? Doesn't it seem too perfunctory?"

"Hey! What's this!" Lao Wang rolled up his sleeves, "Wait a minute, I'm going to bring out the big turntable table for a hundred people. Then I'll grease Teacher Cang and put the vegetables on the turntable! Perfunctory? I wonder if the word perfunctory comes out of their mouths! Today I will make them have nothing but saliva!"

Tai Xiaoyi couldn't laugh or cry: "Fuck you, be more serious~"

Lao Wang is a very decision-making person. In order to prevent his mother-in-law from being tired and take a good vacation, he had a little chat with the young ladies. When they heard that Li Cang was cooking the food himself, the young ladies immediately admired Chef Kong. Put it behind you, this greedy person is not the greedy person, but in the end, we still reach the same destination through different paths.

Everyone was happy, and Li Cang scolded his mother.

When catching the young men, Li Cang did not hesitate to catch Lao Wang, a guy who had nothing to do but hold back his farts: "Four dishes and one soup are the standard. Go catch some crabs, supervise them to spit out the sediment, and then remove the gills." Pick them, um, let’s hurry up, everyone is waiting for dinner!”

Lao Wang: (`)╭∩╮

Listen, listen, what this horse is saying is human language?

Wild boar stewed with wild vegetables may sound like a wild and rough thing, but in Yanchuan, this thing can be regarded as a home-cooked meal. I eat it with Lao Wang and Grandpa Zhong in the mountain village. Li Cang, who has been around for a long time, is not ambiguous about cooking, but the dinner scene is a bit like the open-air cafeteria at the construction site in the early years. A bunch of people are surrounded by a huge pot under the insect nest and the river crabs piled up like a volcano are carried by hand. Holding a big old bowl with a beer bottle, he ate and drank and pointed out the country.

It can be said that this is a rare and alternative picnic experience. The scenery is great and the quality of the ingredients keeps up. It is simple and simple. Everyone is satisfied. And after eating, you can watch the sunset outside the crystal wall and watch the vast and vast world. The first line of bathing and swimming has raised expectations.

After meal.

Rao Qifang soaked in the water with a facial mask and leaned against the stone wall comfortably. The setting sun was setting outside the crystal wall behind her and the sea of ​​clouds was misty: "No wonder you don't want to go back to the base. The island is really free. If you stay in this place for a long time, your mood will change." Extra open. ”

Li Cang slumped next to her, with a touching royal jelly and ginseng jelly mask on his face: "Apart from the fact that there are not many people, the track is actually quite lively. Mom, I am really not lonely at all!"

Dalei Zi sneered when he heard this: "There are not many people alive!"

"Don't worry about the dead or alive, are you delaying the game of becoming a living person?"


"Then can we meet each other this time?" Jin Yujing asked, holding up her mask, "Looking at the way you stay on the track all day long, it's hard not to make people wonder what's so charming about this job?"

Kong Jingqiao: "You are a workaholic and you have the nerve to dislike others~"

"Don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss~" Lao Wang, who is three-layered and fat, even the mask on his face is three times bigger than others, "Live, make money, don't be shabby!"

In the artificial hot spring enclosed by a stone wall, which is independent of the small lake, there are nearly thirty people lined up in a row. The thirty or so masked faces will turn into minions when they look back. No one can see them for these three days. Who are you kidding? Today’s main feature is a descendant of the Chinese and the Yellow Emperors who share one heart and one mind.

Qin Zhenzhen took two slices of green radish, dipped them in salt, put them in her mouth, chewed them, and poked Suo Zhihui's collarbone with her fingers: "Huihui, you were bitten by an insect? It turned several red!"

Suo Zhihui lowered his head: "."

Everyone: "."

This kid seems to be missing something in his brain. You are the only one with sharp eyes, right?

Rao Qifang glanced at Suo Zhihui and said with a smile: "Look at this child. Look at the bones in his body. He is thin, delicate, delicate, white and young. I feel pity for him. This is made of water. I am a woman. There is a comfortable feeling all around.”

Jin Yujing pinched her chin, squinted her eyes and looked around carefully like Rao Qifang: "Duan Li still has a good figure. Look at her waist, waist-to-hip ratio, back, and breast shape. How do she grow? , even I, a woman, feel hot when I look at it~"

Rao Qifang did not quarrel with her this time: "Well, at least two big fat boys are in the background!"

"Goose goose~" Qin Zhenzhen said: "What about me?"

Rao Qifang pinched her slightly baby-fat face and smiled without saying a word.

"Instructor, you dislike me again!" Qin Zhenzhen pursed her lips, "Wow, look at Teacher Cang. He is usually so dry and dry, but his muscles are almost stretched!"

A word came from the crowd: "Your eyes are also stringy!"

Qin Zhenzhen stood up with a bang, the mask on her face cracked: "You slandered me!"

"Hey, whose head is this? You scared me, Hanako, what are you doing?"

Bai Huazi, whose chin sank in the water, revealed his little head: "No, it's okay."

This style of painting, which is similar to bathhouse social interaction, obviously makes Shirokako very reserved and uncomfortable.

Jin Yujing said with a smile: "When I first came to Yanchuan, she was the same. I felt very weird when someone invited me to take a bath and soak in the soup. I always felt that I would be shy even when I was with very close people. Later, I have negotiated several business deals while lying on that clay bed. Some customs in the north are too contagious and assimilated."

Rao Qifang: "Male or female?"

"I'm going to kill you?!"

"The charcoal is ready, I'm going to barbecue."

Li Cang stood up from the pool, hid far away on the shore, and brushed oil on the tender deer meat in a serious manner. After a while, Lao Wang also came over, and the two of them were picking up a few deer while chatting.

Lao Wang said: "Mom, I feel uncomfortable all over. This ratio of men to women is almost shocking me."

"You? Mainly because my mother-in-law is here, right?"

"What you said is not unreasonable." Lao Wang pondered for a long time and changed the subject, "You can't bake it for four or five hours like this?"

"Who wants to eat this after dinner? Stop cutting it and eat it one layer at a time. Give me the sea salt packaged in the iron box."

"Hey, who would have thought that the island would be so lively?"

"Pay more attention to the halo changes of the anti-teleportation projectiles."

"Don't worry, it's okay."

In ordinary times, Li Cang's lazy temperament would lead him to take out a few dog legs to use as human labor, but today, the mother and daughter, who have high standards and strict requirements and never allow the walking dead to touch the food, are grilling them with dazzling eyes. Is this lazy? Great to steal


It’s time to honor our mother!

Now, this is called sincerity. If Da Leizi could understand the level of emotional intelligence of Mr. Li, he would be beaten half as hard!

As the saying goes, father and daughter become brothers after many years. Not only did Comrade Dalei understand the contempt in Li Cang's eyes, he even gestured with a slender middle finger at the right time, supplemented by mouth movements to deal explosive damage: "Oh, big tengu, four There are no dogs like you!”

"Mom, Big Leizi curses people with more than a middle finger!"


Most people can't imagine the joy of being accused face to face, but they don't know if Da Leizi will have a slideshow of painful memories of the past ten years or so when he was beaten.

Lao Wang bared his teeth in envy: "Hey, Teacher Cang, how did you do it? It is said that our mother even sent a big red envelope to Suo Zhihui? That piece of jade was also given by our mother, right?"

"Simple, first of all you have to have a mother, and secondly you have to have a mother."

"Fuck! I'm here to tell you something serious! Don't keep telling me that God thinks you're pitiful and I gave you a trumpet!"

Li Cang said rigorously: "Your motives are not pure! Look, when there is a big leizi, she is my mother. When there is no big leizi, she is still my mother. Sincerity is always the last resort, and filial piety leads to strength. Go both ways!”

Lao Wang curled his lips and said, "Your level of thought is really thorough, and Wang is definitely not as good as that~"

"That is."

"It's not a loss for me. In my lifetime, I can not only see you and Dalei Zi making love, but also see Suo Zhihui cultivate into a real fruit. Damn, ten years. I don't know how many people in the school were seeking for my general. Damn it, if you didn't have the life-sustaining buff to help you with physical acceleration, do you know how many people are thinking about trapping you in a sack?"

Li Cang muttered: "If brother didn't have this problem and strengthened his will, he probably wouldn't have been able to endure it."

"Hey, finally tell the truth. You are picky and picky about the little guy and the big guy. Are you afraid that you will die long ago?"

"That's right. It's mainly because there's no need for it. What's the point of worrying if I'm already dead?" Li Cang raised his eyes and said, "The month I sent you to travel, I saved a critical illness notice and stapled it. Later, I ran out of firewood on the island."

Lao Wang was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth, and finally raised his middle finger and cursed fiercely:


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