No. 13 Adding to the fun

When Li Cang took a break from his busy schedule, he noticed that several large pots and grills had been set up in the insect nest. Wild boars were stewed with wild vegetables, mushrooms, and domestic pigs were stewed with sauerkraut. On the racks, alienated antelopes, musk oxen, and pythons were being grilled. The roe deer and a few blue peacocks, whose treatment was not even as good as the food reserves, had their feathers plucked and died with open eyes.

"Hey, what about the butchered vegetables?"

When Lao Wang heard the sound, he scolded him directly: "Damn, you've got some time to spare, but you made me step on the horse and spend three sets of pigs in the water!"

Li Cang stretched out five fingers and shook them: "50 gold melon seeds!"

"Father, please sit down. Let's drink tea. Good luck to you, foster father. Please wait a moment, the big pig's knuckle will be stewed soon!"

To be honest, killing pigs is not a very difficult job, but this whole process of handling pigs into the water is really exhausting and exhausting. Lao Wang is now exuding the smell of freshly opened pigs all over his body. The abdominal cavity-like smell can't simply be said to be smelly or fishy. In short, it just has such an awkward smell.

In the north, killing pigs is actually a very solemn banquet event. Killing pigs is called pig-killing vegetables, otherwise it can only be called braised sauerkraut. It seems that in the memory of many people in Yanchuan, it cannot be called Chinese New Year unless a pig is slaughtered. Wen Serve a pot of white wine with a few boxes of beer on ice, invite friends and relatives from all over the world, and enjoy a lively meal of roasted liver, steamed pork blood and other pig-killing vegetables. This is the feeling of love and boldness in the ice and snow.

"Is the matter done?" Rao Qifang put on sleeves and an apron, supervising two three-dog dogs pounding garlic with a stone mortar with a serious face, "It's great, I haven't felt so relaxed in a long time. The people from Yanchuan, the base, and the northerners are so... "How come no one thinks of making a lively butchered pig dish? I finally feel like I'm home here. Hey, damn girl, please be smarter. Are you done roasting the liver?"

Daleizi's face was darkened, and he reluctantly threw a black object to Rao Qifang: "You are just greedy, please can you act like a mother? A pig only has a small piece of sand liver." , and then you have to eat two of the three pigs!”

"Give me the one you have in your hand. My son hasn't eaten it yet, so he has no eyesight!"

"Tsk! You are so grown up, it's not okay to just take sand liver! You have to take a supplement! You have to take a lot of supplements!" Li Laixi glanced at Li Cang with a sinister look, turned her head and shouted, "Aunt Kong? Aunt Kong! Give Li Cang a good meal!" Crisp! More kidneys, less yellow throat, no belly!”

A group of tough women gathered together, and it turned out that they were going against the trend of ecology. They laughed, whistled, and screamed.

"It seems that Teacher Cang has homework tonight?"

"To the point."

"Pigs are not good. No matter how good a pig's kidney is, it can be worthy of our teacher Cang's discernment. Come on, give Teacher Cang four dog waists. No, wolf waist, scorpion belly, male dog waist, unicorn arm, mermaid string love handle. That's it. It’s called making up for the shape, and vulgar things like wild boar kidneys are only suitable for Lao Wang!”

"What's wrong with the wild boar? People like the wild boar's arrogant size and energy. What's the deal with a wolf? Have you ever heard of a copper-headed iron-tailed tofu waist?"

"How many times do you pronounce 'chong'?"

"Shh, why are you making such a fuss? What are you doing to scare Teacher Cang away? It's all your fault for coming up with blind ideas. You have to have a great time while hunting. I believed your evil and kicked Teacher Cang away. I didn't even have fun. It's enough, but I haven't seen anyone else all night, and I don't know if I'm taking advantage of that little bitch, so I hold back my words, don't delay my pleasure!"

Faced with this level of personal attack, Li Cang has always looked worse for wear than a newbie. He straight up said without any technical content: "Mom, your clothes -"

Li Laisi turned around faster than flipping through a book, but this time it was the other way around.


In the last tragic egg-cake filling COS case, Li Lai Si stole not only Li Cang’s high school uniform, but also Rao Qifang’s own dress. None of these had time to quietly return the originals. If they were Rao Qifang knew that her daughter-in-law was so rebellious, Comrade Daleizi could only say that he would die a very worthy death.

Hearing this, Li Cang changed his tone with satisfaction: "Mom, your clothes are all old. I came up with the idea a few days ago and asked the young lady to make some leather jumpsuits and work clothes for you. You can try it later. Size, take it back directly?”

Rao Qifang pretended not to understand the discord between the two little bastards.

It’s hard to run a household if you’re not deaf or dumb.

"Why are you so busy and still thinking about mom? Unlike that little beast, who wants to hide two miles away from me when he sees me!" Rao Qifang said, "That thing has so many bases, why bother making it? It's just a piece of cake. You can’t be too careful, you know, look at the dry skin on your body, and look at that damn fat girl, what does it mean to have a big heart, this is called a big heart!”

Li Laisi opened her eyes wide and drank half of the liver in one gulp: "What do you mean, fat and fat in vain? Rao Qifang, who are you talking about? Just my pair of Everests, my waist, hips, and legs that are longer than his life. Which one is fat for nothing, who is fat for nothing? Of all the chicks on the island, can you find one with a better figure than me?"

Click, bite another half.

"Ha, I'm proud of it. There's really no one more lustful than you." Rao Qifang rolled her eyes disdainfully, "Who is that, Lizi, come here!"

Li Laisi: "."

Is this my biological mother?

Let’s just say, is this my biological mother?

Why on earth does this kind of thing become my biological mother?

Of course, even the outspoken Da Leizi would only dare to express filial piety to his mother and daughter in his heart. Not only did he not dare to shame Rao Qifang, he even had to tighten his decent smile to keep it from disappearing from the corners of his mouth!

Li Cang suddenly realized something was wrong: "Mom, she seems to have eaten our liver!"

Rao Qifang: "???"

Li Laisi's chewing movement froze. Looking at the two empty picks in her hands, she felt a little confused. It's not that. Is it too late for me to slaughter two more pigs now?

Too late.

Rao Qifang is preparing to hang Li Laixi on the grill.

This damn girl is going crazy all over the world when she is away from home all day long. It's a great idea to find a more filial daughter-in-law, so that she won't have to worry about it.

Just when Li Laisi vaguely saw her grandma and grandma coming hand in hand, she didn't know which little cutie was saving the world. Unfortunately, a big goose with half of its neck broken and only a layer of skin connected to its head rushed into the fire. Heap, waving flames and spraying blood all the way, turning the entire bonfire venue into a mess.

The screams of the women's soldiers could tear anyone's eardrums.

Some people's clothes were burned with small holes, and some people's bodies were covered with semi-solidified blood that smelled like burnt protein. The black ash formed several small gray tornadoes under the background of the flames. Everyone looked disgraced. , chicken feathers everywhere.

Lao Wang's intestines were washed in vain, and he looked at the big basin full of dust and charcoal, dumbfounded: "Damn, you are worthy of being a village tyrant, with this destructive power, at least two zombies will start!"

"Pot, pot, pot!" the little lady's scream could be heard faintly, "The pickled cabbage pot has no lid!"

If you eat it uncleanly, you won't get sick. It will be clean within three seconds after it falls on the floor. Anyway, no one dislikes these pots of sauerkraut that have been hastily removed the dirt on the surface.

All of them are dazzling and fragrant.

Dalei Zi was taken advantage of the excitement by the plastic sisters and drank a lot of wine, and was basically led away.

The nest as a camping ground echoes the sentiments of Lao Wang and Li Cang. The two of them have never been ambiguous about enjoying life. There are many wooden and stone independent hunting cabins here. Although it is hot on a hot day, they sleep on wild animal furs. It seemed a little weird, but the main thing was to highlight the original flavor, the primitive wildness. He arranged for the stumbling women to be dragged to death and piled into each cabin like dogs. Lao Wang sat next to the fire and clinked glasses with Li Cang: "That's strange, hey, everyone has dispersed and you start drinking instead?"

"Huh?" Li Cang swung the cold beer with icy residue in the cup, took a sip and hissed, and managed to create an earth-shattering aura like drinking decoction and alcohol, "Replace these more than a hundred female goblins with The aunt who is in her fifties, sixties, seventies or eighties is just like Grandpa Zhong in the village. I remember you didn’t dare to be presumptuous at all at that time, you were as honest as a quail~"

Lao Wang shuddered, and he didn't know whether it was because the beer was too cold or his heart was too cold: "Fuck, who dares to fight with those women in remote mountain villages? If you say a few words, they will immediately start to take off your pants. Just asking if you are afraid?"

"Speaking of which, Teacher Cang, you have a very unique taste. You can take advantage of all the fat and thin people in the world, so why don't you tell me that you miss those aunties? You are really out of your league!"

"emmmm, are you homesick?"

Li Cang bared his teeth in sadness: "Oh, I seem to have seen you secretly wiping your tears when you were turning your intestines. What, do you miss our Grandpa Wang?"

"Fuck you, I gave that to Xun!"

"Ah, yes, yes." Li Cang said casually, and clinked glasses with Lao Wang again, "I'm really curious, what did you mean when you took the young lady to visit Baiyujing a few days ago?"

Lao Wang said confidently: "I asked her to check the service in Bai Yujing. We have to let her know that we are going to a regular place and enjoying regular items. Those who play with meat are all low-level places. I am not here to see meat." I just want to eat. Don't say it. Don't say it. After one massage and massage on the feet, the young lady felt it and said it was OK. She raised her thumb and said it was formal. Humph, otherwise I would be ready to let that aunt do it again. Give me the extra 200 yuan!"

This outrageous brain circuit, this unbelievable operation, Master Wang can be said to have spent all his efforts just to wash his feet.

Just to wash my feet!

Li Cang smiled: "Little miss, you didn't scare me with your howling. I heard the pig today, and it didn't scream as loud as when you pressed its feet."

"Rub it." Lao Wang raised his middle finger, "That's called a natural reaction. You can't control it, you know. Besides, when you press your feet, it feels really sore, painful, itchy, and numb!"

"Then how can you hold it in when your kidney reflex area is pressed?"

"Get out of here, I have a good kidney!"

"Master, the mistress has gone to bed." Two Letisias swam over quietly with their snake tails stretched out. They were graceful and graceful, like real willows blowing in the wind. "But your room in the Diaojiaolou is occupied by the mistress's mistress." The hunting lodge is full, do you need me to clear out another room for you?"

Li Cang waved his hand and told these two troublemakers to get out of here.

"Tsk~" Lao Wang winked and said, "You little devil slave is really good, you can twist it so hard. If you ask me, this is a pure water snake waist. It's not a loss to keep it! Also, take a look at the Academy of Forged Armor Products I’m so greedy, it’s said to be several times more perfect than the limit of bone gold. It would cost a lot of coins to achieve that kind of effect!”

Although bone gold is just the icing on the cake, it does not actually improve the strength of the second subgroup or increase the life support, but it can't support the large amount of food. Without Liliana, it is impossible to simply use bone gold to pile up equipment for the bastards. Now that we know how many coins we need, Li Cang's bloodline second son organization has now started to use tens of millions of coins.

Liliana has created corresponding value, and Li Cang's thoughts of sending it back to his hometown have temporarily faded.

As for Letitia

I don’t know if this little girl is doing it on purpose or not. There are tons and tons of nutrients and energy matrix in the macroalgae seeds, but there is still no movement until now.

In the past, Li Cang might have been able to threaten her with the life of a tiger that started but failed out of humanitarianism, but now the three things have become the trinity, and Letisia looks like a dead pig all day long and is not afraid of boiling water. Li Cang could only bart his teeth at her with his indifferent expression.


"What are you thinking about? Teacher Cang, you think this track line shouldn't be endless, right? Now the things we encounter are getting stronger and stronger. In the past, I could comfort myself and gain wisdom after being beaten. Now, I'm afraid that if I lose this battle, I'll be eaten by a fucking spoon. It's impossible to stand up and get up. How long can we hold on like this? People make mistakes and horses make mistakes. It's impossible for a person to live forever. Don’t you want to lose the battle?”

"This wave of reverse poisonous milk antelope's horns is so exciting!" Li Cang raised his thumb, "I never thought you, Wang, could be so reliable!"

"I'm riding a horse?? I'm telling you something serious!"

It’s no wonder that Lao Wang is murmuring, and he is murmuring in his heart. If Timi continues to develop in this way, Lao Wang feels that it may not be long before he has to choose between seeing Tai Nai and seeing the thing hatched from the egg. This Who can bear it?


"Damn it, people are dead and birds are flying in the air, drink!"

Facing Li Cang, who was teetering on a bottle of beer, Lao Wang was very indifferent. Over the years, he had basically been using him for food and drinks. Every minute, a box was bottoming out. Lao Wang, who had always hugged Bai Cang, had scarlet eyes and was evil. Being brave, he sinfully walked into a room, picked up Bai Huazi, who was rolled up like a spring roll in quilt, and rushed out of the nest without saying a word. Bai Huazi was so frightened that his pupils were dilated, and he couldn't scream. Struggling but not daring, he could only look around pleadingly with eyes as pitiful and helpless as a deer, not trying to seek emergency evacuation measures.

After all, she didn't even take a look at a living person like Li Cang, she was just scared.

As a civil servant working in a base who gets three salaries, seven insurances and one fund subsidy throughout the year, Bai Huazi is aware of the special nature and risks of the job of a small spy. She knows that sooner or later she will not be able to escape from the tiger's mouth and the wolf's den. She has already been wasted in vain. In fact, poor Bai Huazi has no idea about this kind of thing at all. She is actually a person with no opinion, no judgment, simple, kind and innocent, and her mental defense is so weak that even the despicable methods he used in the early days of his country's Republic of China can't be resisted. Be careful

In a word, Bai Huazi never thought about resisting anything and just accepted everything.

And in her opinion, she was the main person responsible for the accident at the base. The reason why she did not go to jail on the Fusheng Island Chain was only because Lao Wang protected her, so the little girl had a certain fear and gratitude towards Lao Wang. Yes, the problem is, this is really scary, this is simply too scary for the little girl. The guy carrying him has red eyes as if he wants to eat people, and he wants to throw her into a pot to stew.

Will die!

I'll be fucked to death!

what do I do?

Is it a symbolic resistance or a rejection that is welcomed in return?

Wouldn't it be impolite?

Will he be unhappy?

Lao Wang: "What are you doing, grandma? Just be honest with me. Don't think about good things for a blind little girl like you. I'm telling you, I won't be happy if you try to push my ass. You Aren’t you not drinking? I’ll draw a cherry-filled spring and summer for me and the young lady to enjoy!”

Bai Huazi was silent.

Li Cang also fell silent.

This guy

What a beast!

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