The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1443 Ugly, too ugly (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, reunion, please vote for me)

Since the last small conflict with the master of the Yectrasil lair, Li Cang has been a little worried that the master of the lair will upload information about him to a large group. In that orderly and disorderly confrontation, the Zerg continued to attack him. Its existence expresses a deep-seated hatred that even goes beyond the desire for resources.

There is obviously no need to worry about this. Regardless of whether the master of the lair of Yectrasil has uploaded his will or not, he has now officially met the will of the large group directly across classes - thank you, the child likes it very much, and the sphincter is also It works.

Perhaps the guys below were really too ugly to eat, and the unbearable master of the nest had a very short time left for them. The ugly follicles dripping with mucus quickly matured and fell off. The Zerg larvae began to expand rapidly the moment they broke away from them, and they fell heavily on the Fantasy Island. When on the chain, it is already mature.

The sea of ​​dogs became as insignificant details as dust in front of the huge body of the Zerg, with the fragmented ice splashing everywhere. However, the first reaction of the Zerg when they landed was not to attack, but to lower their heads and crazily devour their fellow humans and four dogs on the ground. The body of the child, including the soil ice layer.

This is just giving up face.

While Li Cang was constantly directing several villains to adjust their positions and then adjust the position of the homologous channel, he denounced this arrogant and unethical behavior of grabbing slots: "Oh, civilization is the cornerstone of progress, algorithm What's the use of hanging anymore? It's just a matter of living!"

"I don't understand what civilization is. Anyway, I don't know why, but I just smell a sour smell!" Lao Wang mercilessly exposed Li Cang's face, "You traitors, if someone has half the execution ability of a bug, you Why don't you have fun visiting the grave of the master of the lair every day, burning newspapers, stomping on a screaming chicken and dancing?"

"Stop beeping and get out of here. Are you out of work?"


Millions and tens of millions of Zerg have truly exercised the rights that belong to the Zerg.

I am called a group, because there are so many of us, like a hundred hands and a thousand eyes, like a hundred faces and a thousand feet. Wherever you look, no one is me and no one is not me.

I am the crowd!

The will of the swarm is the swarm. It is not the nest master who nurtures the swarm, but the swarm needs a nest master. The Kryptonian girl has a "nest master", so Krypton is gone, but the swarm has, so the swarm lives forever.

Under this framework, the Zerg can even be immune to the poison of Li Cang's mental pollution to a certain extent. The extension of the will is the body, but the body is no longer a burden to the will. Each Zerg exists as a manifestation of computing power and not just Bulky hardware.

Viewed from above the battlefield, the countless Zerg show the regular beauty of mathematics itself. Every move of each independent Zerg is the most perfect link in the entire Zerg operation system, just like a rumbling machine. The millstone grinds and strangles any life on the battlefield, killing enemies, grabbing resources, and cleaning up diseased individuals.

Methodical and breathtakingly beautiful.

Li Cang was dazzled, so greedy that his mouth began to salivate.

Looking back at my group of traitors, none of them said a word, especially the four-legged ones. Don't talk about the beauty of mathematics, I can only say that it is pathological and abstract and unparalleled.


If he is the master of the lair, then the one suppressing him in my mill is also the master of the lair. They are all from the same mother. How about leaving these nine sons of a dragon with me?


So ugly!

Li Cang's thinking ended here. A group of picky dogs that had just landed directly targeted Li Cang, a fresh and tender individual that was more coveted than the corpse of Si Gouzi.

In their eyes, no, in the insect's multiple sensory organs, certain attributes and certain characteristics of Li Cang are directly visualized, as dazzling as the sun, and cannot be ignored.

Thousands of tick bugs surrounded Li Cang, but they did not launch a direct attack. Instead, they ignored Si Gouzi's frantic attack and laid out some kind of regular sequence.


A neat collision of the main limbs called a pick, and a certain control force field caused this sound and this impact to converge towards Li Cang.

Yamei poked out a snow-white, delicate little hand with a voluptuous vine tattoo from the same source link, which was a direct sound deprivation, but it only had a partial effect.

A brilliant halo like a nuclear explosion rose from the ground under Li Cang's feet, throwing earth, rocks and debris straight into the air several kilometers above the ground, and then gradually dispersed like a trumpet.

The carapace of the skewer swarm suddenly opened, revealing six pairs of black film-like wings hidden inside. The wings vibrated at high frequency. At the same time, a pair of skewer limbs rubbed against each other's thorns. The harsh vibration was not at all related to sound. The channel resounded directly inside the skull, and every particle of ice dust in a trumpet-shaped dust column that stretched across the sky and the earth stood still in place, resonating at the same frequency.

"Wang Defa?" Old Wang Thief Mouse's eyes were full of doubts, "Doesn't this thing only have one skill?"

The time has finally come for revenge to be repaid with injustice, and rescue within the team is immediately arranged.

A bright moon appeared on the sea with the magnificent sword energy, swallowing hundreds of tick insects in the blink of an eye. Their fragmented armors set off a huge storm on the surface of the earth, and countless big dogs and dogs who worked tirelessly were chopped up alive.

The aborigines of the fantasy island chain on the back line of defense saw that these guys were so cruel to their own people, and they were actually rude. The sticky and fine slurry of the rouge shooter marked the center of the mutation, and the surge bombardment of the surge energy thistle came instantly. Their attack range is tens of kilometers.

Then, there was the five dogs' thousands of miles of red land, the bone sister's sickle and hammer, the dog Kun's savage collision, and Lilith's ghost claws dancing wildly.

No matter what, whether the rescue was timely or not was over. The person involved was very peaceful and the family members were in a stable mood.

Although this level of attack was not enough to kill the extremely vigorous picker bugs instantly, it would be difficult for even a Zerg body to survive half a minute within the radius of multiple complex energy fields.

The Zerg obviously did not care about this consumption. An endless stream of more picker bugs came from all directions to join this continuous attack and control sequence.

Not only the Picker Fangs were moving, it seemed that all the Zerg on the battlefield were approaching this anchor point, and even more than the bugs, there were also four dogs, Master Moshan, and the Twin Tyrants.

All the non-static objects on the battlefield turned this place into a roulette with countless layers, linked together, and each ring was running in different directions and condensing towards the central vortex.

This close-range mutual harvest is disastrous. Except for the immovable reefs like the turtleback dragonfly, the unlucky big dog and the second dog were completely crushed in just a few seconds, just like the soy milk flowing freely under the millstone.

The happiest ones are the harvesting rebellious sons such as dog Kun, bone sister, and knife sister. After all, this group of noisy insects finally stopped jumping around. It would not change the established direction of progress if they were tossed around foolishly.

The second is the four dogs. The four dogs pouring out from the same source channel are like another color responsible for latte art in a full cup of coffee. One bite is not a loss, two bites are a profit. They output in life and spread cancer after death.

This cancer pollution source uses the incredible metabolic method of death to entangle the insect swarm like a maggot on the tarsal bone, making it more and more susceptible to contamination by other debuffs, deepening the degree of contamination, and causing their sequence errors and linking methods to loosen.

A more vivid metaphor for this is: the lackey is like lubricating oil, and the four dogs are the adhesive on the running gear. Every additional one will make the entire sequence more sluggish and inefficient.

When the Zerg faces any subordinates, bases, and settlements, this rogue-style assault and fixed-point penetration is a rather ugly but always effective strategy. The roulette wheel only rotates one cycle, and the flesh and blood tissue mixed with the corpses of the dog sea and his companions erodes the battlefield into a huge depression with a depth of more than ten meters and a radius of tens or hundreds of kilometers, and a large part of the mixture is eaten by them.


The Zergs in the roulette wheel light up their abdomens one by one, translucent, like fireflies. The Zerg uses itself as a reaction unit to directly digest the swallowed resources. More fluorescent particles sublimate from their bodies, rising unrestricted in this chaotic energy storm, and converging towards the flesh and blood grid in the sky.

"Fuck!" Li Cang shouted in a clear and full voice from the center of the storm, "You stinking bugs have no martial ethics!"

The damn corners of Lao Wang's mouth suddenly became harder to suppress than AK

The cheaters look down on the stealers, and the stealers look down on the robbers. This is the difference in technical level, this is the contempt chain of craftsmen, Lao Wang understands.

Yes, in Li Cang's eyes, this behavior of the Zerg is undoubtedly naked robbery. If I integrate the process of void search, digestion and rumination, then how should you deal with it?

The natives of the fantasy island chain on the back line of defense were dumbfounded. In the long-term process of their sustainable mutual support with the Zerg, the Zerg has never shown this sense of superiority based on the basic mass-energy formula. The entire battlefield was gnawed out with a huge gap, and then it became more follicles that breed Zerg to retaliate against society.

This is not only unethical, it is simply more than!

"Interrupt this transformation process, quickly!"

"Give birth to the King Mushroom Seeds!"

"All energy matrix weapon units are ready to fire--"

As more and more Picking Fangs resonate with each other to expand the storm nodes, the natives of the Fantasy Island Chain no longer dare to let this process continue. They have no way of judging whether this incredible ability is aimed at attacking Li Cang or draining the Fantasy Island Chain itself. There is no need to judge, the caliber is the eternal truth!

Millions of light beams rose from the defense line and even the entire Fantasy Island Chain, moving slowly like flares, dragging long, curved energy vortices, converging, reacting, and exploding a hundred meters above the flesh and blood wheel.

Light pollution directly radiates the entire fantasy space, and the mushroom cloud that rises from the explosion does not even have any flame components, only light, thorough light.

It seems that the flesh and blood grid in another dimension cannot even be spared, being burned, evaporated, withered, and corrupted.

When the brightness faded a little, the natives of the Fantasy Island Chain were dumbfounded to see that the mushroom cloud had helped the Twin Tyrants' initial floating cancerous swamp expand into a cancerous cloud covering the entire battlefield. The cancerous cloud with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers looked extremely hideous, rolling stickily, with thin and slender tentacles like raindrops growing, hanging down, and crawling all over the battlefield.

The natives of the Fantasy Island Chain instantly felt a huge panic and extremely real malice, gritted their teeth and said, "King, spray mushrooms, release!"

Sixteen purple jelly channels with a diameter of hundreds of meters gushed out from various parts of the defense line, and exploded in the center of the flesh and blood roulette with a duang, expanding infinitely, turning the entire battlefield into a huge hemispherical jelly state, whether it was the Zerg, lackeys, humans or rebellious sons, all were sealed.

Ten seconds

Twenty seconds.

The King Spray Mushroom sealed all units on the battlefield for a full 40 seconds.

"Damn, it's too short!"


"Why is this happening? It should last at least a quarter of an hour!"

"The energy matrix weapon has no time to cool down"

The jelly melted into a sticky slurry that seeped into the ground and ice, dyeing the battlefield into a strange crimson purple, and even faint fluorescent flashes.

Although there was no time to launch the next round of energy matrix weapon cluster strikes, this seal undoubtedly broke the tacit understanding of the same frequency resonance of the picker worms, and the storm that bound Li Cang collapsed. The flesh and blood roulette spontaneously formed by the Zerg was directly messy and shattered, and even all the Zerg were confused for a short moment.

"Dog Kun!"


The claw strike that Dog Kun had been brewing for a long time finally fell, and the scene of the sky collapsing and the magma flowing covered the gorgeous scene of Li Cang holding a piece of cloth as big as a bitter tea seed and shivering in the hideous dragon robe fragments.

Plasma explosions, thousands of miles of red land, frozen areas, and evil energy fires, the battlefield was forcibly divided into independent small areas, and the flashes and energy fields of various skills were lined up one after another. The natives of the fantasy island chain also gritted their teeth and endured it. They sent hundreds of thousands of people to drag the bugs into the lawn fantasy. The large energy matrix weapons had a long cooling time, so they simply used physical cannons to bombard them, focusing on firepower coverage.

"Li Cang, how are you?"

"Not bad."

Li Cang was obviously tortured. After a while, he was still panting heavily, staggering and pale: "Fortunately, fortunately, after fighting for a long time, the concentration of the three-phase power has been gathered. If the insects had played this trick at the beginning, I think I would have been in trouble."

Li Leisi pulled Li Cang with one hand, and her agile figure rushed through the insect swarm like a cheetah pulling a flag fluttering in the wind. Wherever she passed, the ferocious dragon blades left wounds that were difficult to heal on the most vulnerable parts of the insect body, at least the kind that could make them inconvenient to move for a while.


Li Cang, whose bones were all shaken off, was thrown on the bone sister, making a crisp sound of flesh.

"You just hide here for a while--" Li Lace stared at Li Cang who was stuck on the skirt of the bone girl, her eyes were clear, and she reached out to touch the satin of the skirt in disbelief, "Eh? Why didn't you go in? Isn't this a three-dimensional locker?"

Skeleton Demon: "Wow~"

Li Cang: "Oh my god!"

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