The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1460 Lao Wang: I am the best in the world!

Fantasy island chain.

After the terrifying fluctuations that made the soul tremble completely calmed down for half an hour, one advance team after another barely cleared the exits of the collapsed shelter and appeared on the surface one after another.

The entire island chain is as bumpy as the surface of the moon. It is a patchwork of dark green or pale white desert hills with fine particles. No matter whether it is fantasy plants, bugs or dog seas, they have not left any traces on the island chain, as if they had been there before. The battle has never happened. The ground is a clean mess, while thick black clouds are rolling in the sky, and scarlet lightning is dancing silently.

Dark clouds pressed down on the city, threatening to destroy it, but the advance team discovered that the clouds pressing lower and lower were not clouds at all.

The dark goose feathers of snow brought everything to silence. After the dust settled, the aborigines of the fantasy island chain who walked out of various shelter facilities and the subordinates of the wrong species captured by the fantasy simultaneously squinted their eyes, raised their heads, and looked at the skyline in horror. That round of dazzling "scorching sun".

"What the hell?"

"Hold the grass!"

"What the f——"

The half of the body of the master of the lair that had entered the illusion had completely disappeared. The wounds that were still stuck between the cracks in the space were smooth and decent. The strands of rag-like flesh and blood tissue swayed gently with the gradually subsided space turbulence, like a The diverging halo, the splash of dark green bodily fluids and the transition storm in the nearly round wound surface reflected the dazzling light.

This scene was so terrifying and shocking that no one could put together a complete sentence.

Finally, a guy crawled up to Kohonen and Fernandez, picked up a handful of powder from the ground, and burst into tears with excitement: "These, these things, yes, yes, yes, they are all concentrated alien energy matrix. Crystallization! We’re getting rich!”

However, Kohonen and Fernandez just looked at each other and did not show any expressions of joy. Instead, they looked nervous and even a little nervous.

Then, Fernandez lost his temper and roared suddenly, almost frightening the gangster to the ground. His loud voice caused the surrounding gravel layers to ripple and rustle: "Everyone! Come back immediately. Underground shelter! Now! The people from the war department stay!"

Fernandez’s prestige is there.

However, the people who finally entered the shelter were fortunate enough to witness the spectacular scene where Fernandez and Kohonen had a fierce quarrel with the talkers from various families and factions in the fantasy island chain, and even punched more than a dozen of them.

"Damn it, you are a bunch of little bastards who have only had enough food for a few days and have forgotten the taste of my fists. Without the lawn illusion, they are just a bunch of obese stupid pigs in front of me!" Fernandez rubbed his hands in high spirits, " Send someone to look at the tree. I don’t want to see even a fly flying on the surface before that boy comes back. That kind of guy who is only interested in profit. As long as he is not dead, as long as he knows that we have touched his share.”

Kohonen nodded: "Understood, as promised before, seal it up and share the spoils in person, unless the tree dies on its own!"

Fernandez suddenly gnashed his teeth: "We really can't do anything about that tree?"

"We tried it on the day it was planted, and as you know, we couldn't have any substantial contact with the tree at all. To me, the tree is just its shape and embodiment, not its essence. That thing is simply It’s a living, vital abnormal transition point.”



The old man and the young man clicked their tongues, feeling both disappointed and happy, with complex ingredients.


"Prayer: Aim the chain crossbow and fire in a concentrated manner!"

Hundreds and thousands of alienated chain crossbows fired simultaneously. The arrows pulled the anchor chain and penetrated deeply into the face of the lair master. The range of the chain crossbow was worrying. The attack power was better than nothing. Its complex attributes and eye-catching skill performance were better, but there was only one thing. ——The alienated chain crossbow was born to capture and drag the empty island.

Even the Sky Island can be dragged away directly. My mighty and majestic Lao Wang just wants to use it to trap a cricket. You little coin kid won't even give me this three-point thin noodles, right?

The glow of the double explosion quickly obliterated Lao Wang's body and consciousness. At the same time as the island was violently shaken, everything around him became blurry and void. Along with a strong sense of vomiting, Lao Wang vaguely seemed to hear a tearing eardrum. The tragic scream.

Mother Xipi, I am number one in the world!

I don’t know how long it took for Lao Wang to wake up slowly, and he moaned feebly at the top of his voice: "Little miss, I can’t seem to feel myself. Please help me. I’m done. I’m a fucking waste."

Another wave of dizziness followed.

When Lao Wang woke up again, he found that he had not drowned in his own vomit so tragically: "Little miss, please help me find if there are any arms or legs nearby. After all, it's still the original wife -"

Tai Xiaoyi, whose eyes were dim with tears, just laughed at this bully: "Shut up!"

From Tai Xiaoyi's point of view, Lao Wang lying on the ground was in such a miserable state that she had nowhere to start. From the neck down, his slightly fleshy skeleton was soaked in a swamp, entangled in the aftermath of the explosion's energy. In every muscle and bone seam, I prayed for treatment for several times, but no improvement was seen.

Tai Xiaoyi said with a cry: "Wait a little longer, maybe it will be fine when we get out of the jump channel, you have to hold on!"

"Where are Li Cang and Dalei Zi?"

"They're back, they're all back, shush, don't talk, don't waste your energy, 伱, do you want to drink some water?"

Old Wang blinked, and then blinked again, his eyes were reserved and shy: "Miss, don't lie to me, your tone is wrong, am I going to die, so, before I die, can you fulfill my last wish - can I drink something more nutritious?"

Tai Xiaoyi was dumbfounded, and her hands were around her chest and rose and fell violently for a long time.

A few miles away, the two corpses that were pierced through the chest by the ferocious dragon blade suddenly turned over, making a violent vomiting sound comparable to that of a dog that had eaten enough dog food.

Tai Xiaoyi ran over: "Li Cang, how are you? How are you?"

Li Cang looked up at the sky and said with a big word: "Or, little lady, you should knock me out, I vomit."

Sky Island seemed to be stretched into an infinitely long thin noodle, but it could easily see every detail in the distance. After just two glances, Li Cang vomited a piece of liver fragments, and blood rushed out of his eyes.

"Wait, what's that thing behind? Damn, did the Nest Master enter the reality directly?"

Thousands of chains tied the cut Nest Master to the tail of the sky island, floating with the tide of the jump channel, emitting a strange and brilliant glow.

Li Cang was numb.

Damn it

I was choked by a guy like Lao Wang

Is this okay? !

The good-tempered Tai Xiaoyi pinched her eyebrows and reminded: "Leilei is still being pressed down by you"

A series of horrible bone and flesh friction sounds that made people's scalps explode, Tai Xiaoyi almost closed her eyes throughout the whole process and pulled the ferocious dragon blade out of the two people's bodies. Once you have seen the sea, you will never be satisfied with the water. There is always a mountain higher than the other mountain. Even though she has had many similar experiences, Tai Xiaoyi still feels that she has suffered an indelible psychological trauma.

Ten minutes later, Li Leisi barely opened her eyes with a hiss, and the long wait for resurrection had already frightened Tai Xiaoyi so much that she couldn't even stand steadily, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

"Leilei! Leilei, you finally woke up! I was so scared. I thought... I thought..."

"I, your mother, will never forgive you!"


Li Cang looked at his nose and his heart, and he vomited without joy or sadness.

Li Cang was undoubtedly fully responsible for forcibly extending Li Leisi's resurrection wait, which was counted in seconds, to ten minutes. The culprit did not deserve to have a say, so just keep your eyes shut, so that she would not continue to reason with you.

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