We never know the specific number of the small goals that the bastard Lao Wang put in in order to maximize the special effects of the death knell. We never know the specific number. It is estimated that it is a level that can easily increase Li Cang's blood pressure.

Resource recycling proceeds extremely slowly, including classification, valuation, sacrifice, storage, and transformation of substrates. Li Cang expects that the entire recycling process will be controlled within ten days. The daily recycling value is about 9 million destiny coins. After removing all kinds of wet parts, Loss, the theoretical income after a battle can reach 60 million.

But the problem is that even if it is optimistically estimated that opening a waterway, at least millions of coins will have to be killed every day, unless Li Cang can completely eliminate the sustainability of the alienated bloodline creatures in the entire ice sheet.

In this regard, it is difficult for the messenger crow to be optimistic. This Timi might as well just die in the nest!

The third day.

A pinch of normal geological formation can finally be seen in the ice, but unfortunately, this is just bad news that sounds a little good but is actually a little bad.

Li Cang had no way of knowing how those round boulders the size of a house appeared in the water and were frozen. However, if they appeared in such an environment in this way, it would undoubtedly make it more difficult to open a channel. Compared with The increased area of ​​empty islands cannot be said to be a small income, it can only be said to be a loss of pants.

After two days, scattered boulders gradually transitioned into small geological fragments and steel-hard saltwater swamps frozen in the ice. From a distance, you can smell a strange iron smell like metal ions, ocher red. The frozen mud is covered with tough grass roots and moss, and you can also see lifelike vines and dwarf shrubs crisscrossing the area, and there are even weird fish, shrimps, insects, toads and the like. In short, what was once rich is now dead.

These weird geological formations are so hard that when you dig into them with the stubborn alienated alloy farm tools and casting equipment, you will often get a stream of sparks, leaving long gray-white dots, lines and scratches.

Lao Wang was paralyzed, and his eyes were as wide as those of a cow: "Hold the grass! You call this a saltwater swamp? Isn't this just a lump of solid metal?"

"A few destiny coins are 3.3 to 6 points per square. The pure matrix sacrifice value of this thing is even more than that of a barren gold mine. It is simply outrageous." Li Cang held a piece of frozen soil the size of a basketball in his hand, " If it hadn’t been for a sharp drop in temperature and freezing, this place would be miserable.”

"Wait a minute, you mean, every square of soil here can extract an average of about 40 parts of energy matrix?"

"Apparently. Yes"

"Then what kind of monsters must be raised!" Lao Wang took a breath, "But the ones we killed before were obviously not terrestrial beasts, and none of them were even related to swamps. That's not the case. Is it weird?"

Li Cang felt it carefully through bloodthirsty and calcium sucking, and shook his head: "If there is no problem with my perception ability, I am afraid there are no large exotic beasts here. In fact, even large plants are rare."

"What? Too much nutrition? Instead, it spawned a bunch of short-lived ghosts?"

"Li Licang"


"Hands! Your hands! Throw that thing away!"

"You mean these bugs?" Li Cang clapped his hands and dusted off the various colorful nematodes on his hands. The bugs fell from Li Cang's hands onto the ice and twisted and squirmed for a while before gradually becoming stiff. "Otherwise, you think Why is this thing so valuable to Xiaobi Zaizi? If I guessed correctly, what Xiaobizai gave should be the price of these insects that are enriched with energy matrix."

"It's disgusting!" Li Laisi's hair stood on end, "Is this swamp full of bugs?"

Li Cang fiddled with the insect carcasses on the ground, and when he got closer to his hand, those frozen nematodes that were as long as one finger actually showed a tendency to become active again, with thin, spiny "tongues" protruding from their mouthparts, and as they followed, Li Cang's hand movements were constantly twisting and moving.

Li Cang threw a lump of alien flesh and blood, and the nematodes showed no reaction. However, when Li Cang summoned a dog leg, their reaction was extremely active, and they almost effortlessly penetrated into Er Gouzi's skin - even, These nematodes can be ignored by the surface defense of conventional three-stage alien beasts.

Lao Wang's face turned green: "Zhou Cao, no wonder those strange beasts are all aquatic. They evolved a floating force field and didn't even come ashore. What the fuck!"

The little lady rubbed her arms: "Thankfully the temperature has cooled down, thank you!"

This is probably the kind of money that three and a half of the four people on the island would rather give it away than earn it. This land cannot be scratched, it really can't be scratched.

"What the dog said, Li Cang, what do you want to do? If you dare to get this thing on the island to raise gu?"

"Hurry! Speed ​​up the progress! The front is all covered with geological structures like this. Mr. Wang, you don't want to have such heat-sensitive bugs crawling in and out of your island all year round, do you?"

Lao Wang pointed at his face: "My legs are so fucking soft like noodles when I stand up here. You still want me to dig the ground for you?!"

Li Cang spread his hands and said: "Anyway, this kind of insect is designated to revive when it comes to the island. You'd better prepare prayer-level insect repellent in advance!"

Master Wang was trembling with anger and his lips were trembling. Just think about it. Just thinking about this kind of insect that can even take a few mouthfuls of three-stage alien beasts. It rushed to the island with all its strength. The cricket chrysalis excitedly rushed to the insect nest and pounced on everything. His scalp was numb and he was sweating when he got the ingredients. Go to work, and then he thought about having to bend his waist and dig out his anus on a pile of frozen soil full of these bugs. He was sweating like rain. He walked straight away. Zhenhun's whole body felt numb. It's like having electricity.

"I'd rather be a fucking beast!"

"Each other!"

Big Gouzi and Er Gouzi retired on the spot, and Four Gouzi and Five Gouzi made their debut.

Things in this world that can take advantage of Si Gouzi have probably not yet been born, but it is really difficult to get these guys to mine honestly, under the nose of Li Cang's twin tyrants, Wu Gouzi, the Magic Mountain Master People were still enjoying themselves paddling in the water, and the plasma cannons that roared from time to time were no less dense than when they were fighting against the beast tide. Even the four dogs themselves, they and themselves could have a wartime casualty ratio.

The real Deathstroke King has a nose that is neither a nose nor an eye. He is a man and a dog, and his hammer is trembling like a half-pail of water in figure skating.

When Deathstroke returns to his second form, he can already stack the pain-stripping buff normally. The blessing power is definitely not as outrageous as the third form, but it is more than enough to repair bridges and roads. As the saying goes, the golden belt of murder and arson can repair bridges and repair roads without any remains. Killing people Lao Wang often sets fires, but he is not familiar with repairing bridges and repairing roads. At this moment, the sound of the merit wood fish knocking on the mountain is a novel experience for Lao Wang, a new version of the boat.

"You're a capitalist, you can't live a day without exploiting others, right?"

"What kind of beast can bear to treat his childhood sweetheart who has been urinating and smashing mud together as a big beast? Just say, I have been riding horses for eight lifetimes and have known such a thing like you. Why didn't I catch the toads in the first place? I'll just drown you in the ditch!"

"You ride on the horse——"


An electro-plasma cannon exploded less than 500 meters away from Pharaoh, splashing ice, steam, melting viscous sludge, and covered a three to four kilometer radius with a foul smell like snot. Pharaoh was bloody. Terrified, he jumped on his feet and covered his face with a piece of exotic animal skin, quickly replacing the gas mask that had been torn apart by the aftermath of the explosion.

In addition to the gas mask, Lao Wang was wearing a ferocious dragon robe with three layers of exotic animal skin tubes on the outside. The whole person was sealed inside, the kind where the trouser legs and cuffs were strangled with drawstrings. The body looked round and thick, and the limbs were tight. Thin and short, the image is tragic and funny.

As the saying goes, what can’t kill me will eventually scare me. Master Wang’s main focus is on a person who has a body like Li Kui and a heart as beautiful as a jadeite. You can laugh at me all you want, don’t make me shy, let alone have half a bug on my delicate skin and tender flesh. superior.

Compared with the brutality of Lao Wang, the image of a certain magician is not ordinary. Years of wrestling in the pit have made him very good at this kind of thing. The big wand is like an arm that can penetrate a butterfly with its fingers. The high-frequency and large-volume output of the ice-covered earth and rock in front, the Burning of Isoleye with one hand, has never stopped, and it can also hit the rhythm of "Sunrise Emei". The guardian bone girl on the left is full of firepower, and the general Yinling on the right The giant beast was bombarding him wildly, and just like that, he even found time to ride on his face and give Big Lao Wang a hard time.

"Is that mouth of yours borrowed? Are you worried about it? It feels like a loss if you don't use it for a while, right? If you don't do this job, Timi, who will do it? Let the little lady and Da Leizi come? Are you not dead or screwed alive? Do you know how much the hundreds of thousands of bastards earn per hour? Do you know how many of the 100,000 or 100,000 bastards who have no rivals can kill each other in one hour? How much deposit do I have to overdraft just to open the road in one day?”

Li Cang chirped, beeped, beeped, what? Lao Wang didn't hear a word he said, but he saw a Grandet inequality between the other party's teeth: resting on one's laurels ≥ fatal!

"It's like a dog."

After cursing, Lao Wang lost his temper and immersed himself in hammering the ice.

However, the cleanliness and hygiene of this life were still beyond his psychological endurance. These colorful long nematodes were extremely sensitive to heat sources. The leather tube, Lao Wang's body was gradually covered with nematodes, each one pulling its long neck like a leech, swaying and twisting under his nose, Lao Wang took a startled look and almost spit out his second elbow into the gas mask. , Gaoer raised his hand fiercely.

"Aim! Fire for me!"

The bastards on the empty island also cooperated. They turned the muzzle and angle to face him with a string of heartless cannons. The shock wave and flames of the explosion soothed Master Wang's body and mind. Smelling the burnt smell of the leather tube, Old Wang Haisong was stunned. He took a big breath, continued digging for a while, and then raised his hand.

"Look at your mother, fire, fire, fire, fire!"

This chisel lasted another three days.

After three days, Lao Wang and Li Cang only took turns to rest for less than four hours.


What rest?

How do you sleep at your age?

Have a meal?

What to eat?

Only eat those who are of no use to society!

The pillars of our family and country like me are powered by love!


But there is one thing to say, no matter who is faced with such a working environment, he will not be able to eat. Whenever Lao Wang closes his eyes now, he can feel the light and shadow of insects crawling in his dark vision. This is probably the only thing in their lives. Once, I felt that the speed of the Sky Island was so fast that it was as fast as thunder. They were chasing after their butts as if they were being driven to death. Old King Li Cang, plus Bone Sister Silver Ridge, Thousands of Giant Beasts, Master of Magic Mountain, Twin Tyrants, and ten people every day. The four-legged son of ten thousand could only catch up with the speed of Kongdao and the previous work progress of the dog-legged son. It can be imagined that this piece of mud is difficult to chew.

Old Wang mechanically swung the hammer. He only had about an hour of rest time after transforming every day. Now his heart was very calm and relaxed. You know, nothing can stimulate his cold nerves: "How much is it?"

"40 million!" Li Cang's expression was still so relaxed and carefree, completely different from Old Wang's state, "It's not that people like you have a serious illness, why are you still half dead, digging mud for 10 million coins a day, if you tell Bei Zhikang Bei Laoyinbi that there is such a good job, he will want to bring his own dry food to grab the job~"

"Hehe!" Old Wang didn't raise his head or open his eyes, "The fragile friendship between us has already had a deep crack, Li Cang, I advise you not to make mistakes, I have a bottom line!"

"Where can a person with no bottom line have a bottom line?"

"You fucking @#¥%"

Seeing that Old Wang's enthusiasm increased greatly, Li Cang nodded with satisfaction. This person's body is indeed a mouth. When he scolds people, he works even more vigorously.


Li Leisi was huddled on a lounge chair at the front of the sky island with a bored look on her face. Next to her was the young lady. There was a simple fire pit between the two of them. Firewood was burning and a pot was hanging to boil tea. The steam was bubbling, and the harmony was peaceful and harmonious.

"Young lady, do you think that after this incident, Lao Wang will quit fishing?"

"He? How can a fisherman have that kind of face! You didn't see how disgusting the bait balls he made with red worms were before! He didn't even yell at that time! He was not happy to wear gloves!"

Tai Xiaoyi poked the charcoal fire with tongs, moved the teapot off the shelf, and filled half a cup into the thermos cups of the two people.

In this kind of freezing weather, a cup of boiling water poured into a thermos cup without a lid will freeze in a short while, and before that they had frozen four stainless steel thermos cups. I don't know if it was too cold or the quality of the cups they looted was too poor.

Li Leisi pouted: "Well, we should let Lao Wang learn more from that guy. He is really good at fishing. The fish he catches will find their own nests and ponds~"

"Goose, goose, goose! Stop staring at me, okay, okay, I won't laugh, I won't laugh, hahaha!"

Li Leisi was about to speak when she suddenly jumped up from the old rocking music and stared into the distance: "Oh my god, there are still living people in this place?"


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