The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1548 Icefield Lord Sherman: Go to the battlefield! Kill the enemy! (Happy New Year!)

In the Sky Island era of Universal Prayer, no one would find anything strange. There were many powerful living constructs and wetware servants with the equivalent of truth, but Sherman had never seen such a person or individual with such martial virtues - are you a living creature? Do you have a strong construct on your body?

"Angelier, my fearless general, go to the battlefield and kill the enemy!"


A burly warrior who was sealed in armor all over his body, like a metal can, bowed to Sherman and clasped his hands. Then, the ice crystal ground of the palace glowed with a gorgeous halo under his feet, like a totem climbing along the surface of the armor layer by layer. Angelier's body was suspended in the air under the background of the halo, and the light became more and more intense, forming a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth. Finally, a half-human, half-beast monster with endless complex vines and flowers on its body stepped out from it and smashed straight to the ground.


The nearly 60-meter-long body directly shook all the low-level puppet constructs and four dogs around it and flew three feet off the ground. The jagged and abrupt spine with countless thorns extended three black and gold long tails that were not included in the body length. They swung and crackled in the air. At least thirty or fifty four dogs were blown up in the air, and the blood stains spread to form a long-lasting blood rainbow.

He was so arrogant that he didn't even bother to move his feet for other minor unfavorable factors. All the puppet constructs and dogs that blocked along the way were swept away by this half-human, half-beast giant like autumn wind blowing fallen leaves. A long blank was painted in the center of the battlefield.


"You roared at your father?"

The hammer in Lao Wang's hand shook out a deep ghost fire, changed from a normal grip to a reverse grip, and dragged the hammer in one hand, and started the brutal charge mode.

The noise made by a height of just over two meters was so loud that even Angelel couldn't suppress it. The ice behind Lao Wang was like a piece of cloth spread out, with the traces of the hammer dragging as the center line, and the layers of folds progressed forward, as if the entire surface of the earth was being dragged forward with his footsteps, moving all the way.

Ordinary puppets could hardly stand firm under this kind of two-way running noise, and they staggered left and right. Even the lackeys began to move away from Lao Wang intentionally or unintentionally.

The earth shook.

The torn earth began to bloom with a deep green light, flickering between the folds and cracks, like a pulse that secretly matched a certain rhythm, converging towards the "main road" and Lao Wang's hammer, just like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea.

Angelel, who was running wildly, suddenly blew out a water-blue breath. Wherever he passed, the unlucky puppet constructs exploded almost without delay. But when the breath fell on Lao Wang, it took on a round hemisphere like a force field shield to resist energy attacks. The water-blue breath energy avoided Lao Wang, the main target, and gathered towards the leaf hammer that was dragged behind him. A part of the residual power lifted up the ground behind him, like a tidal wave.

Seeing this, Angelel immediately stopped his breath and raised his head to roar.


A holy light thunder fell from the sky palace, ionizing the air with a foul smell, and struck the giant beast's head with extreme precision.

The giant beast was full of electric light all over its body, and its body expanded by more than two or three times in an instant. The residual light was still running around, outlining an electric light giant beast outside Angelel's body that was magnified dozens of times based on the body - its head almost hit Lao Wang's face in an instant.

"Fuck you, the youth mini version of Fa Tian Xiang Di also has to pay copyright fees to your ancestors, don't you know?"

One hammer.

From the perspective and thinking of the parties involved, Angelel and Sherman, the timing of releasing this amazing hammer was obviously chosen too early. The biggest role of the electric light beast is to provide blessing, and it does not have much offensiveness. Attacking the electric light is undoubtedly the stupidest of all choices.

Moreover, the bombardment angle of this hammer is also problematic. They almost instinctively thought that the hammer would circle behind Lao Wang and look down from a high position with a forceful attitude of splitting Huashan Mountain. However, what they saw at this moment was that the hammer was held in the backhand and hit with the elbow from bottom to top and from back to front.

How can a serious person exert so much force?

Is the knowledge of human mechanics so complicated?


Angelel, who was charging fiercely, instinctively felt that a huge sense of crisis instantly locked on himself, as if some kind of beast from the eternal purgatory was staring at him in the abyss, grinding his teeth and sucking blood.

The next second, the ice beneath his feet exploded. The endless huge ice fragments and gushing white air waves seemed to be scattered and disorderly, but in fact they were like extremely concentrated heavy hammers, hitting his chest heavily.


From a distance, the green of the evil fire was like a Tai Chi fish with a big head and a small tail that broke out from under the ice. Just a glance, the head and the front half of the body of the giant beast representing Angelel were blasted back violently, and the thorn armor all over the body shattered and shot out in all directions.


The dragging sword technique wrapped in the energy of Angelel's breath was like a nuclear bomb, and it exploded in the air about 300 meters above the ground. The surging ring-shaped air waves instantly "flattened" everything on the ground, whether it was the broken glaciers or the vast and smoke-like dog-legged puppet structures, all fell down like harvesting wheat, skating.


Old Wang whistled easily.

In front of him was a huge chasm torn in the shape of a fan. He stood on one end of the chasm, and Angelel lay on the other. Half of the giant beast's body was blown away, and its entire chest was completely torn open and broken. The ribs were jagged and turned out like teeth hidden in the flesh, and the dripping mucus formed a small lake around Angelel, who was lying on his back.

"Ho ho ho"

Angeliel's breathing was as heavy as a broken bellows, weird and hoarse. The beast roared furiously and hammered the ground with its fist. With each blow, some pieces of his body would break apart or pieces of armor would fly from a distance. Reassembled with its body, in the end, even the texture of the broken crystal disappeared.

There was a kind of hatred and a sense of superiority on the corner of Sherman's mouth. He looked back with certainty and pointed at Li Cang: "Dragisha, my Masked Temple, go into battle to kill the enemy!"

"Fighting general?"

Li Cang's tone was somewhat amusing. After all, he had been kicking horizontally and vertically on the track unscrupulously for so long. He had never seen such a fantasy scene like the second grade in a novel.

How fresh hey

Fighter in front of the battle?

What kind of painting style does this belong to?

Angeliel is half human and half beast, while Masked Temple has a standard human form. He is only a little over ten meters tall, and seems to have considerable flying ability. With a beat of his short and ridiculous wings, he is like a shooting star, carrying the holy light and coming down from high. Li Cang flew over.


Meteors pass away suddenly.

The chain across the sky hammered the Masked Temple into the ground with precise guidance from another direction. Bone Girl closed the chain, her skirts fluttered, and groups of small skeleton demons with big hands, big feet, and big heads, whose eye sockets were burning with will-o'-the-wisps, howled. Wielding various mini models of exquisite weapons, they swarmed up and smashed into the pit where the Masked Temple was.

crackle crackle~

Boom boom boom~

It was rare for Sherman to be such a middle school student at his age, and his brain circuit was very different. Seeing this scene, he felt that he had been questioned and seriously insulted, and he roared: "Yarolim, my Death Scythe Walker, go into battle and kill the enemy!"


The so-called Death Scythe Walker couldn't even take off like the Masked Temple before it collapsed in the middle. A sharp sword light directly slapped this thing down from the Sky Palace, and the whole person fell upside down to the ground. inside.

Li Cang was extremely pleased: "Sister Dao, this kid has been sensible since she was a child."


"I'll do this!"

Li Leisi was afraid that she would not be able to keep up with the heat, so she flashed her hands and couldn't wait to take away the "savage warrior" in Sherman's mouth, not to mention whether this warrior's fighting skills could satisfy the carefully selected and demanding warriors. Comrade Lei Zi felt a little relieved. The technical content of this name alone was enough for Li Cang to study hard for many years.

"A guy who can't even protect his own woman, why do you think you are qualified to be my opponent? Are you sweating profusely? Are you out of cards, my child?" Sherman taunted and sneered: "Come out, Baldelli." , my courage is the first to go into battle and kill the enemy!"

It can only be said that Xianden is worthy of the name of Xianden. The light and shadow special effects and the formation of this appearance are different from others. Others are the same aqua blue, but when it is his turn, it is orange as blazing as the sun. , the magnificent wings of light unfolded behind him, gliding all the way from the sky palace to Li Cang. The scene was like a guided missile in slow motion, with flames of light and shadow, air waves breaking through the air, and tearing the earth apart.


The big corpse brother in a tuxedo appeared next to Li Cang, holding a silver tray that looked pitifully small in his hand. He made a confused sound. Comrade Xiandeng grabbed it from the big corpse brother who suddenly swelled several sizes. Then he was hammered straight into the ground, with only a question mark in between.

At this time, the little lady appeared in the other direction of the corpse brother with an embarrassed look on her face, and explained in a soft voice: "Can you give this to me? I want to, too."

Tai Xiaoyi's face looked a bit ashamed. After all, it was really unseemly for a gentle and virtuous person like her to snatch toys from a junior.

But what?

People, right? Occasionally, I want to examine myself three times a day. It is rare to have such a serious opportunity to examine my own strength or shortcomings. Besides, it may not be so pleasant to always fight in groups and fish in troubled waters.

At the critical moment, it was our eldest brother who was harmed. It was a joke that Wen Liang, Gongjian and other traitors were allowed to do this. However, the degree of anthropomorphism of the eldest brother was very high. Although it is not very understandable, this person will never appear on the front battlefield. Why did the kind elder suddenly appear here? But considering her status in the kitchen and the great work of many of her brothers, Brother Da Shi smoothly took the initiative to hand over Comrade Xian Deng to Tai Xiaoyi for safekeeping.

However, Big Corpse Brother pinched Comrade Xiandeng's big crotch and touched and gestured for a long time, but he really couldn't find a suitable and reasonable handover process.

The main reason is that this thing is a bit big, so it’s not easy for her to handle food and clothing for her parents.

Immediately, Brother Big Corpse had a flash of light in his head. He bent down and put Comrade Xian Deng on the ground. He picked up Huahua's paws and pressed them on Comrade Xian Deng's back. He even patted Comrade Xian Deng uneasily.


Eight pairs of eyes of Tai Xiaoyi's brother Huahua Li Cang looked at each other, each with his own happiness and relief.

The result was perfect, but to be honest, this process of humility was quite insulting. Comrade Xiandeng, who had the most brilliant appearance, roared the most indignant, tragic, and earth-shaking roar in his life under Huahua's claws: "Too much bullying! Too much bullying! I'm going to kill you! Kill you! All of you will die! All of you will die!"

Li Cang shuddered: "Fuck, this thing can talk?!"

So was it so quiet just now because it was angry?

At this moment, our lord Sherman was also numb. He really couldn't imagine how a person could create so many powerful "elites" or even "leaders" while having such a large base of fate servants. The generals he fought against evolved from his subordinates who had fought bravely on the battlefield for a long time, and the source of power was the creation-level skin provided by the Sky Palace itself, which did not involve any changes in alienated blood, so he could be so different and have free will and unique and rich skills.

But what about the other party?

What on earth did he rely on?

Is there no upper limit to the number of his servants of destiny?


Li Cang glanced at Sherman and pointed at Big Corpse Brother, the meaning was self-evident.

Sherman: "."

He felt that his head was dancing with a click, like a kettle lid that was constantly opened and closed by boiling water, humming, squeak, squeak, squeak, and that face that always had a decent smile on it was simply hateful and disgusting to the extreme.

Our teacher Cang has no other problems, but he likes face, gambles, and has a strong desire to win.

If you have to say it, there is actually a little bit of hypocrisy mixed in. As the saying goes, if you give me respect, I will give you respect. If you don’t give me respect, I will help you be respectful. In a sense, he likes this relatively elegant struggle attribute very much.

He actually only had one big corpse brother left.

Yamei's combat power was between 0.5 and 1. The rest, apart from Miss Qiu who was really not good enough, were only the combination of Da Kunkun Goudan and the unreasonable Ling'er Xiniang. How could he have the nerve to throw out the Silver Ridge beast before the other party directly swung the Sky Palace to hit him?

What tomb guardian beast?

The tomb guardian beast is not even timi!

Fortunately, what he was worried about was also what Lord Sherman was short of breath. Sherman had worked hard for so long, and his subordinates who were qualified to be promoted to the "leader level" were like this. He had already taken out all of them to fight with Li Cang, and there was really not a drop left.

Regardless of the Lord's expression, Li Cang just smiled lightly, summoned the dog Kun casually, stepped on it and flew into the air: "I think it's time for us to discuss a more peaceful way to transfer property."

"Fuck you, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Wish all the bosses good luck in 2024, have three children at a time, and have a long and prosperous life~

Love you guys (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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