The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 158 Don’t let our friendship change

A few hours after the big banyan tree was transplanted, the first walking corpse was safely born, and the mother and child were safe!

It's a pity that no one opened champagne to celebrate it. What awaits it will be a miserable new life in the dark, where it can theoretically only get one or two pieces of meat every 24 hours.

In the next two days, Sky Island was still traveling through the huge island chain. It seemed that it would take at least some time to cross this island chain.

Although they are always worried about the path overlapping and colliding with the surrounding wild islands, the benefits are also obvious. The presence of wild islands means that their two empty islands can continue to obtain resources and expand.

At this time, Li Cang Laowang Li Leisi was annoyed by the various animals that had been annexed to the island.

After all, the area of ​​Sky Island is just in its infancy, and it is impossible to leave all animals behind. Those that pose a threat to the island's indigenous creatures must be dealt with.

There is a pot of stew for everything that is edible, there is endless bacon and bacon, there is dried and crushed meat that people cannot eat, chickens and fish are fed, and there are prayer coins for those that cannot be eaten, no matter what, it is not a loss.

The most annoying legacy of the annexation of Wild Island is the large mosquitoes and various blood-sucking insects bred by the tropical rainforest climate——

You must know that mosquitoes and flies were originally very rare on their island. The climate just after the disaster almost caused a devastating blow to these little creatures. In just a few dozen days, they continued to prosper.

The underground supermarket has also been completely annexed.

Fortunately, Xiaobizai placed the entrance of the "supermarket" next to the big banyan tree.

"Why am I not surprised at all?"

As promised, Lao Wang took the young lady on a "shopping" spree just for enjoyment and relaxation. Although they just moved things from the supermarket below to the stilted building, Tai Xiaoyi's face turned red with excitement. In front of Li Cangli and Miss Qiu's eyes, He rewarded Lao Wang with several kisses fiercely.

Emmm, women are such incomprehensible creatures.

Most of what Lao Wang took out was mosquito repellent liquid produced by Maozi, including electric mosquito repellent liquid and sprays similar to toilet water.

When Li Cang smelled something made by Maozi, he felt that it smelled like vodka. If this thing was sprayed on his body, he would probably be considered a drunk driver in normal times.

"These are the only two living treasures left, should we keep them for thought?" Li Cang pointed at the last two remaining pythons and said.

Li Laixi asked tangledly,

"Does this cost food?"

They were so colorful and beautiful. Li Laixi really wanted to keep these two pythons with colorful patterns, but she was more worried about their appetite.

Before, Lao Wang had to talk nonsense seriously under Li Laisi's coercion and inducement, saying that most pythons are very docile creatures. This must be true.

Li Cang said with a smile,

"When we annexed Wild Island, we transferred a lot of annoying little animals like rats. Anyway, they are not very big, so they are useful if we keep them."

Li Laisi smiled like a flower.

I have to say, this girl is really talented.

Even when she was at her peak weight as a child, her little face didn't swell much. Why did she have to start out as a noble concubine in a costume drama?

Her unusual and delicate smile made Li Cang stunned for a moment.

He muttered angrily,

"Don't be like this, I always feel like you're a bitch when you laugh like that."

We have been good friends for a lifetime, but we cannot let our friendship change.

Because of these words, Li Laixi almost dissected Li Cang on the spot.

"Are you very happy?" Lao Wang winked.

"Well," Li Cang commanded, "the piece of land on the front right of your island was dug from Dahu Island. There are a lot of ice grass, mugwort, mugwort and the like. In a while, you can lead some doglegs to dig a house. The mosquitoes are so annoying at the transplanting site behind the front room.”

Li Cang was short-sighted. He had never seen a big mosquito with red or blue flowers in his life. It felt like he could wipe out a 400cc with that slap. Real blood was everywhere. Before the disaster happened, the scene would have been mosaic. Gil the thief is exaggerating.

When it comes to this Lao Wang, he is not lazy.

"Good guy, you have a really good memory. Go ahead and make sure not one of them dies."

"Wait a minute, I know mugwort and mugwort, but what is ice grass? What does it look like? Is it the cold ice grass we always eat in the restaurant?"

"No, the one I eat is called African Ice Grass. Its scientific name seems to be Ice Leaf Sunflower or something," Li Cang said. "This is pasture. Your grandfather would cover such a large area of ​​pasture and mountains. Pasture." Isn’t it filled with wheatgrass? The one with ears that look like wheat!”

Lao Wang was very embarrassed.

Those were things that happened when he was a child. His only impression of those mountains and pastures was that the big fat lamb dipped in wild leek flower sauce was very fragrant, the roasted wild lilies were very fragrant, the fried hazelnuts were very fragrant, the pheasant stewed with wild rabbit was very fragrant, and the little yellow chicken was very fragrant. The fried mushrooms and peppers are very fragrant, and the fried wild duck eggs and wild onions are very fragrant.

As for ice grass? Love it!

"I know, I know, let's do it."

How outrageous.

He clearly remembers that Teacher Cang was just like him. They all smelled like different kinds of incense. Why did he feel that he had learned some strange knowledge behind my back that he thought he would never need in his lifetime? Could it be that my grandfather secretly taught me this? ?

Li Cang squatted on the ballista base in the direction of the island, looking around for new targets.

According to the current rules, anything on the wild island and debris will be sorted and annexed. What if it is an empty island with small bubbles on it?

Of course, in theory such a small empty island is unlikely to exist.

After all, without groundwater as a source, the small wild island relies on the intermittent rain prayers. If it wants to retain water in such a hot climate, it must have a unique configuration.

Try it if you can, and it’s completely normal if you can’t see it.

Li Cang didn’t have much hope, and said self-deprecatingly,

“What’s the point of winning the lottery first prize?”

Suddenly there was no movement.

He stared at a wild island with rippling water and appeared behind another extremely tall tower-shaped wild island.

He touched his mouth in disbelief——

Is it the New Year?

Is there honey in the little mouth?

Infected by Lao Wang?

The wild island with water is almost completely hidden in the shadow of the tower-shaped wild island and is relatively still. There are no man-made things on the island, not even tall trees. It’s all twisted black thorns, and the ground is also black, which is a waste of the water source on the island.

The entire huge chain of islands is either a clean geological fault with no grass growing, or just like the previous island, it is covered with tall tropical jungle plants.

Now it seems that this small island is very different and out of place.

Li Cang is holding a telescope and talking to himself excitedly,

"It looks like it is just on the forward route, but the distance may be a little far, and it can be operated with a crossbow."

If the water source on the island can be swallowed up, it may not be of much use now, but after the sky island grows to a certain stage, its meaning will be completely different!

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