The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1678: Starting with a metaphysical plan

Like Bone Girl, Li Cang has always been a person who loves beauty and possesses unique aesthetic standards. He has a unique vision. After all, there is really no second old people's artist in the world who even wants to wear trousers.

Ignis has gone through a long process of erosion, contamination, and autonomous evolution in the dual storage of mills and turtle lice. Now he not only looks unlike a human being, but also does not even look like a substance allowed to exist on the earth. He is a bloated aberration. The never-ending squirming, entangled, intertwined and changing shapes piled up are sometimes tentacle-like, sometimes insect-like, and sometimes even show a metallic crystalline system with mathematical and physical beauty. Its exterior is covered with a light-shielding skin like an oxide, and Autoluminous neural circuits and energy nodes have been derived internally.

In a sense, Ignis is Li Cang's "intended material". No matter what price the little coin boy pays, it is impossible to sacrifice his intended material. His actual combat effectiveness may be very problematic, but his so-called servant of fate , but the activated blockade force field is the first time that it can block and isolate the connection between Li Cang and the three-phase power in a single combat, as well as the spiritual link with the villains. In comparison, America's The Exile Chapter is only worthy of playing in the mud.

As for female iron-blooded women

The female Iron-Blooded's residual limbs and Iron-blooded armor were basically successfully recovered by the thugs in the chaotic battlefield. After being vigorously fed by the mill, they barely grew back into a full shape. Although the details still need to be studied, at least they are not like that. Ignis is so miserable.

Her bright red-orange long hair is spread on both sides of her cheeks and flows like a waterfall on her back and chest, reflecting a light red color like a sunrise in the clouds. Her skin is not the extremely white skin of Europeans and Americans. There is a healthy blush as if they are still alive. In some unhealed wounds, the same bright red-orange blood can be seen infiltrating the muscle tissue and blood vessels. The same is true for the bones, and they show a texture like translucent metal crystals.

"That Comrade Tie Shirley," someone organized his words, "As a human being, I will treat you well. As an embryo, it's time to pay attention to the rate of return. Go to the ball, copycat!"

Death is important, metaphysics is unnecessary, but our teacher Cang emphasizes treating all materials with equal respect.

After receiving Li Cang's instructions, the honest brother immediately picked up Ms. Qiu, who was about to run away when she realized that the situation was not good, and put it under the armpit. Pumps and all kinds of guys.

Although Miss Qiu has the level of strength to punch and kick Qiu Gou's balls, she is still powerless against the big housekeeper. She is so stupid that she has a three-pronged tail hanging down, and even the dreadlocks on her neck have lost their luster. I can't resist, I can't resist, I can't enjoy it, I can't live this miserable life for a day.

Li Cang's greed and heart-to-heart talk went hand in hand: "Branch eleven, pray for Ignis as the evolution, no, the servant of destiny hatches the mother body, removes the impurities, the first round of attempts, only retains the main body activation blockade force field and its bloodline attributes."

[For this wish to be fulfilled, 1,000,001 destiny coins need to be paid. Are you sure to start the evolution process immediately? 】


[Strip the dragon and wolf bloodline]

[Failed to strip blood]

[The fusion is too high and cannot be peeled off. Whether to incorporate the dragon and wolf bloodline into the bloodline of the main blood-activating force field to evolve together. The remaining choice time is 3, 2——]


[In purification of material purity and blood purity, this step requires an additional payment of 3,000,000 destiny coins. Do you want to confirm? 】


The coin of fate was spent like water, and Li Cang didn't blink an eye. Compared with him, Lao Wang's level of prodigality can only be described as a urine test sample. There is only one thought in this guy's mind right now. Xiao Bi Zai is really trained. Times have really changed. In the past, it would have been a slap in the face that could not be executed. Where could such a business exist?

Ignis's colorful life experience and words, deeds and mental state have brought a huge psychological shadow to Li Cang. It has reached the level where even a pervert would consider him perverted. It is simply unreasonable to not eliminate this miscellany.

The purification process to remove impurities took thirteen minutes. The mountain of meat named Ignis, covering an area of ​​several dozen meters, turned into a mutilated corpse of about three meters in length. The body was covered with red hair and triangular scales, and it was a mess. The horns grow across the back of the head, the mouth is as long as a wolf's snout, and a thick lizard tail hangs down from the body.


The big corpse brother immediately stepped forward to take some of Li Cang's blood, and then connected Miss Qiu, Ignis, and the female iron blood with a blood pump. He tilted his head and thought for a while, then picked up the needle and tube and gave it to himself again. Business It's painfully skillful.

"Implant the default entries 1, 4, and 7, materials 1, 4, and 7, and start evolving."

[This prayer theory is executable, but introducing too many prayer elements will make this prayer irreversible and produce a series of unpredictable chain reactions. The probability of success will lose the basis for judgment, and the subsequent evolution direction cannot be confirmed and the corresponding risks will arise. All are borne by the subordinate Li Cang. If you want to continue, please provide sufficient specialized energy matrix, limited alienation seeds and destiny coins, yes/no? 】

[Limited skill seeds have been introduced]

[Estel aberration fragments have been introduced]

[Original spine and nerve fragments of Cang version 1.0 have been introduced]

[Erasure of limited skill seed content is in progress]

[Purification of aberrations in progress]

【Evolution begins】

When the pseudo-timeline of the Fantasy Island Chain regressed, Li Cang took the opportunity to chisel down the spinal fragments. At the beginning, he had a wild idea. It was known that the Great Magic Wand and himself were in a constant closed-loop dynamic balance. Then he added some individual creations and destiny servants with the definition of "fate servant polymer" such as the mill, the doghouse, and the cos version of the Great Magic Wand of the Bone Sister to neutralize them. Assuming that the recent normal self is disease + 1 energy + 100, then the first generation version of Li Cang is likely to be disease + 100 energy + 1. Since a certain period of time, Li Cang has been convinced that his disease is an alternative root bone or simply a bloodline. The 50% disease root that he got for free, if used properly, is theoretically no less than a direct multiplication of his combat power.

Even if all this does not exist, the original spine material of the first generation version definitely has better tolerance and broader possibilities than now. This has nothing to do with the current strength of the spine, but only with the progress of bloodline evolution. The spine at that time is equivalent to the original node standing at all the forks in life choices. The narrower it is in the later stage, the inevitable result of evolution.

Of course.

These messy things are essentially irrelevant, they are just assumptions.

The truth is that Li Cang has always been the same Li Cang, but recently with the increasing strength of the magician, the luck slot is also drying up. He personally prefers to regard this thing as a kind of memorial to the version iteration, a metaphysics that tries to regain the luck of the past.


Li Cang looks dull, but he is actually tangled in his heart. That is the initial success rate of 88%. Timi is so exaggerated, it can't be that he can still do anything to me, right?

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