When there is no sunshine, every weed on the desolate tundra is frozen into hard and sharp thorns. The rustling in the messy wind gradually converges into a shocking roar like the opening of a river during the flood season.

"It's so noisy." Li Laixi, who couldn't open her teeth because of her sleeping position, complained, her eyes half-closed and said: "How can I sleep like this bird every night? Li Cang, just knock me out!" "

"Please calm down!" Li Cang stuffed the girl's feet back under the leather mattress and observed her words for a moment, "Well, she does seem to be more energetic. It's a pity that I only have the last of my 'Ginseng Yangrong Pills' left. One pill, the rest is in the Poké Ball and the Witching Bag.”

"What are the Ginseng Yangrong Pills?"

“Isn’t it natural for the Shiquan Dabu Pills, which are made with alienated wild ginseng as the main ingredient, to have a nice name?”

Lao Wang was speechless for a while, so your naming difficulty and Grandet syndrome have developed to the point where you even need to steal the names of medicines from others?

Compared with Da Leizi, the heartless Qin Zhenzhen was snoring and snoring, and Suo Zhihui was sleeping soundly. She had been pushed to the limit both mentally and physically these past few days. She was too tired. It is normal to suddenly relax and fall asleep for a second.

Suddenly, Li Cang looked away from the three people: "You stay on guard first, I'll go -"

Lao Wang remained calm: "Let the water go?"


The geological fragment selected by Suo Zhihua is not large in area. It is shaped like Tongliao with a "ding" cut in the middle. There are only two sections connected to the surrounding geological fragments. The most important thing is that the mid-mountain where she established the temporary camp is At the top of the cliff, there is a lot of ice and snow, making it easy to get water.

When Li Cang stood at the narrow end of the geological fragment, he could just see a faint light reflected by the ice cap. It was very inconspicuous. If he hadn't known that there was someone there, Li Cang would have thought it was starlight or the refraction of sunlight in the extreme daylight. .

On the edge of the geological fragments, the frozen soil cracked into a large pit in a radial pattern, and fine pure white flames burned at the bottom of the pit, which were traces of the self-destruction of the little skeleton demon.

They are Bone Girl's clothes and must be worn at any time. The Skeleton Demon, who has been carried by Bone Girl in the three-dimensional skirt all year round, takes them out and uses them even easier than Li Cang summoning Bone Girl itself from the big magic wand. Little Although this guy is stupid and doesn't seem to have much wisdom, he is still a strong man in any way. He walks with one hand and breaks the frame. He hears the sad and sheds tears when he sees it. The self-destruction of the same person who went to hell is mainly about the contempt of an equal. All life activities.

Nowadays, the self-destruction is completely successful, but it does not leave any traces of enemy units at the crime scene. It is said to be almost impossible. What kind of raw materials must be made to withstand the Skeleton Demon's self-destruction without being hurt. ?

not to mention--


A cloud of blood spurted out from Li Cang's chest, and the sharp, thorny bone spurs wrapped around the horrific organ fragments and bone fragments, spurting out into a scarlet waterfall.

"You don't look very smart!"

Li Cang held the thorn that pierced his chest with his backhand and stuck it between his chest ribs and his palm. In just such a short moment, the big wand had already exploded a series of heart-breaking explosions behind them. It was difficult to Imagine that this thing can still retain the ability to avoid the double anchoring of blood-thirsty calcium sucking on the third line.

Li Cang grinned and pulled the cone-shaped barbed bone gun away from his chest from the front. When he turned around, what he saw was a corpse-like alien life with a spine that was severed by a big wand and a chest cavity that was injured and exploded.

There are a large number of rustling particle-like bone substances floating on its body surface, constantly changing and combining into various forms, like a living armor, a living arsenal, if it were not for the big wand and counter-injury All it brings are real injuries that touch the origin of life without any reason. Ordinary trauma is probably not worth mentioning to it.

However, even though it was injured like this, it still maintained considerable combat effectiveness and vitality. It randomly transformed various sharp objects based on the claws of its arms to attack Li Cang in a crazy manner. Unfortunately, its spine was poisoned by the spinal cord. Invasion, most of the body has become a puppet on strings, unable to break free and can only stay in place, helpless and furious.

"Well, you know, if these calcium ions or bone particles can exist outside the body for long distances, your value as a material will increase exponentially, to the level where you can live in a single room in a mill."

"Unfortunately, just such a small distance should be the limit of your evolution, right?"


With a soft sound, the foehn wind, which was only half the height of the original plant and was like water droplets and ripples splashing in slow motion on the water, exploded at the feet of the grotesque corpse, leaving a large amount of flesh and muscle fragments and slime following the embers. It splashed out, eroding the surface within a ten-meter radius and making it mottled and dirty.

"Hey! The formed core of life? It actually grows on the bones so openly?"

Li Cang reached out and picked out a crystal from the inverted pyramid-shaped structure formed by a large number of bone fibers and blood vessels and tendons at the heart of the skeleton's chest. It was as casual as picking a cucumber and tomato. The crystal was as green as a gem. , but the pure white bone particle-like glow is diffused around it, like a star river, blurred and moving.

The existence and transfer method of the life core of alienated life have always been a mystery. It is so difficult to deal with that it seems to exist in a quantum state at the same time and dispersed in every inch of the body structure. Alienated crystals are quite rare, and it is like this that is clearly displayed on the face. The crystalline life core is even more incredible.

To put it bluntly, how could anyone take the initiative to evolve a weakness and screw it up?

But this thing happened to be in Li Cang's hand now. As the core separated from the body, the corpse's body quickly withered and decayed, heading towards death in the true sense.

Everyone who brought the magician was numb.

It's like seeing a ghost in broad daylight and the ghost is eating shit in the street.

Probably this kind of emotion should be called the sadness of the rabbit's death and the fox's grief. He always feels that his spine 1.0, spine 2.0 and spine 2.5 are all shouldering the abstract beauty of the same origin to some extent. Maybe it is really true. It's possible that someone could pull it out and use it to physically push yourself, but in that case, should this be considered a fight between the same roommates, or a work-in-progress effort? Who's to blame for the retaliation?

While letting the corpse-like being open his heart, Li Cang himself also had his imagination wide open for a while.

Shaking his head to clear away these complicated emotions and the water in his mind, Li Cang changed the direction and walked slowly with a faint hint of inspiration. Although the Skeleton Demon was the only one missing, But this thing obviously has some skills to avoid detection by the Skeleton Demon, including Li Cang.

So why did it get involved with the Skeleton Demon?

Isn’t my meat a delicacy anymore?


Li Cang slapped his head——

O cloud of plague!

Good guy!

It turns out that Plague Cloud can still be used in this way!

The black and white plague cloud layered up and down is the detection method of the Skeleton Demon. They simply don't have such keen intuition to discover the corpse life that even Li Cang can't find. Instead, they rely on the plague clouds that cover the world. The unnatural vacancy occupied by the cloud finds the visitor's!

"Then, if I flood the entire field with the power of the three phases and coordinate it with the dual anchoring of friendly vision and calcium-sucking bloodthirst."

Hiss, wouldn’t this guy be the one who I don’t know except for the ones I know?

Although this sentence sounded just like what he had heard, Li Cang was ecstatic. The wonderful thing about the power of the three phases is that it can fill the entire field of perception without a medium. Once an insulator appears, it must be a living body. , this kind of artistic ability that directly deduces the cause from the result without asking the process is simply as unreasonable as the Burning of Isolaye. If it were before, Li Cang would certainly not be able to control the power of the three phases as meticulously as his arms and fingers. But it’s different now. There’s a villain’s mental grid and a liminal personality whose meaning is temporarily unclear.

He can make the whole world full of malice!

"Damn, this skeleton demon really deserves to be named a martyr!"

As soon as Li Cang finished saying this, a little skeleton demon guarding the border in the distance disengaged from its disguise among a pile of bones and stepped out of a strange S-shape step by step, as if it was tracking something - the little skeleton demon was The most deceptive of all the second sons of Li Cang's servants of destiny, the Skeleton Demon, which belongs to Bone Girl and has some skills and attributes, is a pile of dead bones in the true sense, lying silently in a pile of bones. Even gods are difficult to distinguish.


The Skeleton Demon seemed to have hit something. After the air was distorted for a while, a cluster of light bone particles leaked out from the distortion, and then it seemed that there was some violent chemical reaction with the Skeleton Demon. Involuntarily, the whole body quickly ignited with blazing white flames, making a loud explosion.

A crater with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared on the ground instantly, and an uncertain figure was blown out of sight.

Its body was burning with pure white strange flames, which refused to be extinguished no matter how hard it struggled. Its painful and low howling was full of pain, and even its entire face was torn off in the howling, and its cheeks were directly exposed. Uneven fangs and long tongue.

"Let me tell you, it turns out that he wasn't completely uninjured!"

Li Cang jumped forward, and while the corpse monster was still in the stage of dementia, he directly dug out the heart of an unpretentious black tiger.


As an ancestor who plays with calcium energy, Li Cang's heart-to-heart and soul-crushing affection has the same defense-breaking effect as a big magic wand. The surging bone particles on the surface of the corpse monster's body cannot stop it at all. It has evolved through hard work. The bottom-of-the-box skills that are extremely disgusting and difficult for any subordinates and alien zombies are actually acting as a tool for the tiger. The extremely tough sternum exploded like a crispy biscuit, and then Li Cang grabbed the core of his life. The calcium sucked directly isolated the layered force field that protected the core, and he died in fear and despair with his eyes wide open.

It's like killing a chicken.

From the performance point of view, it is at least a six-dimensional panel with five stages of top grid, but death comes so hastily. After the great priest's long fang, Cang has never encountered a naturally alienated life that can be controlled so thoroughly and evilly by him. I have to say that this is really a wonderful fate.


This thing is just a bit of a feline thing now.

"If you can take it out, the materials can be sent directly to the Academy of Sciences. Well, isn't the food appearance too ugly?"


Li Cang squinted his eyes and sensed the parts outside the coverage of the plague cloud. Even though his perception ability was greatly suppressed, Li Cang could still "see" groups of fire of life and calcium energy in different postures. They were becoming conscious. A small part of them even gave him a rather familiar feeling. It was obvious that their life energy was mixed with the smell of funeral behemoths.

There are also peaches and plums all over the world.

After picking up the remains of the two corpses, Li Cang walked around a few times before returning to the temporary camp.

"How to say?"

"They're just two weird fish." Li Cang brazenly defined the unlucky corpse life that started at the top of the fifth stage as trash fish. "Those attending the funeral are catching up. We still have a few hours at most."

"Let's go now?"

"It doesn't mean much. With our coolie No. 2's agility value, who do you want to outrun or fly faster?"

"What the hell you said, I'm speechless!"

Li Cang glanced at Da Leizi who was already sleeping soundly: "Kongdao's current speed should be slower than normal, but the distance is quite far. We can't keep chasing Kongdao all the time. If they can't hold on, we can't hold on. Can't wait, let's see how attractive we are to alienated life. By the way, the number is more than I expected, and it has almost become a tide. "

"Gan!" Lao Wang cursed the old man quickly and gritted his teeth, "When I get back to the island, I will use the unlimited proliferation corrosive liquid as fertilizer on the face of this damn place to plant 10,000 fucking pellets. Surge Energy Thistle Rouge Pitcher, if I have a hard time, then everyone should stop living!”

Early morning.

Li Laixi, who had rarely slept peacefully all night, woke up. At this time, there was already a scene of earthquakes and mountains shaking outside. The entire camp and half of the mountains on its back were trembling and groaning violently, as if they might break at any time. Collapse.

Tai Xiaoyi, Qin Zhenzhen, and Suo Zhihui were each holding a large old bowl carved out of an unknown skull. They took a sip of soup, blew on the hot air, and stared at her intently. They looked at each other for a long time, Qin Zhenzhen Spreading his palms, he said smartly like a little debt collector: "Win, win, I win! Each person has five golden melon seeds to keep accounts, and you are not allowed to cheat. It is immoral to cheat children out of money!"

Li Laisi's eyes were dull and confused for a long time, and she stretched out her hands together: "Give me a bowl, what's going on now?"

"The tide of corpses and beasts are catching up." Lao Wang rarely rushed to grab the slots but hurriedly packed the supplies. "These beasts got very unstable after receiving the bonuses at the funeral. Even the dogs passing by were eager to give them. Pinch off half the basket and taste it, Li Cang is busy with them outside!"

"The process of alienation is always full of pain. Alien beasts are usually extremely manic. I can understand that, but what the hell are a bunch of zombies following to have fun with hammers?"

"You guys do your work first, and then we can run away after I tie something to Bone Girl. Damn it, Li Cang is a fucking god of war. He has not been wronged at all. He will be banned for everything." Yes, you can even carry and fight better than I do. This birdie is really wronged by his mother-in-law for not being able to learn from him, tsk~"

Li Leisi said indifferently.

"Why don't you have a serious reaction?"

"Hey, if you still want any reaction, let Rao Qifang fool you. Do you understand the origin of family education? Do you understand that it is passed down from daughter to son? She is so precious to Li Cang. If it can be passed down, what kind of karma will reap the rewards? Can it be compared to and prevent a pure warrior from witnessing the coming of all the immortals with no distinctions? Isn’t it true that someone like Rao Qifang would stand up to him even if he were to become a god?"

"Why don't you just wait a moment, let me figure it out, do you mean this was all before the Sky Island Era? Is your mother really a cultivator?"

"That's not the case, but the inner strength and mental skills are really there."

"The kind that can practice Qi?"

"Can practice Qi."

"Can you really train your energy?"

Li Laisi looked like a fool: "Of course you can't get out. Internal strength is about practicing inner breath. I really thought that in novels, releasing inner energy and picking flowers and flying leaves can hurt people. Didn't Rao Qifang tell you all this a long time ago? Have you been there so many times?”

Lao Wang was completely numb.

I think Timi is a harmonious society. If you dare to say it, I have to believe it. I thought you two were pursuing an illusory realm. Who knew you could really create the legendary Qi? Damn it. The beatings I received as a child were not unjust at all. Why on earth could I, an ordinary person who only knows how to play Bock, fight with you, a Qi practitioner?

It’s almost enough to register!

Lao Wang, who felt that his outlook on life had been devastated, kept busy in silence, looking very embarrassed like his second senior brother who couldn't wait to divide his luggage.

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