The maggot-like corrosiveness of the cancerous and deformed tarsus is extremely terrifying and unreasonable even when placed on a high-level corpse-like creature like the Alien Queen. Its anger immediately ignited the entire airspace in a physical sense, binding Li Cang. The materialization of the totem pole is called a magnificent fiery tree and silver flower.

"It's useless." Li Cang bared his teeth, still with a twisted, hateful smile on his face. Foehn Feng became more and more fierce, "This thing can't change anything except to prove that you have the potential to mix letters!"

At this moment, the two sides are simply engaging in an abstract, Platonic act of war. They are each continuously flirting with each other in a sea of ​​fire. The vigorous energy storm and the power of the three phases are intertwined and each goes his own way, with overwhelming arrogance. , one is more arrogant and domineering than the other.

Thinking about this kind of thing, generally speaking, it is unlikely to exist on a regular basis in corpse life. Putting aside the corpse lady in front, the poor wisdom level of the big corpse brother is already standing at the tip of the pyramid. The handful of feathers on the child are rare, but the Alien Queen is obviously not one of them. Li Cang can even see the extremely eye-catching sparks of wisdom and quite rational thinking and questioning elements directly from its eyes, which is reflected in the magician. All kinds of situations almost burned the Alien Queen to death.

Of course, there is no need to expect the intelligence level of the Alien Queen to be so high. For corpse-like beings, their nerves and thinking circuits are often as upright and thick as the muscles of the Hunyuan body in Lao Wang's brain. Facing someone like Li Cang, Copper peas cannot be steamed or boiled. The Alien Queen probably has one or two immature plans in her mind:

The relatively simple one is to swallow Li Cangxiang whole and alive, then use the foam to attack the poison with great force, and it will work wonders;

The more difficult one is to make the magician repent and voluntarily give up the use of biochemical attacks in a humanitarian spirit.

After a short period of thinking, the Alien Queen chose a relatively simple solution. As the saying goes, there must be an antidote within seven steps. In the alienated bloodline world, especially corpse-like alienated bloodline creatures, bloodline contamination usually does not mean that the final result is The result of bloodline disintegration is that no one’s bloodline is that pure, and bloodline toxins/pollution/corrosion, as long as I dazzle your body, doesn’t the entire bloodline belong to me? Where in the world? Is there any reason for the corpse to poison itself?


The Alien Queen appeared in front of Li Cang almost at the same time as the burning Isolayer, and even slightly faster than the burning wind licked both sides.

The Foehn Wind and the Alien Queen's body defense biological force field, which advanced layer by layer and never stopped, erupted into strings of strangely colored particle-like light dust. Li Cang looked down at the Alien Queen's arms that were deeply embedded in her chest. Suddenly he smiled without meaning: "Hey~"

Then there was another violent explosion. The gigantic wand penetrated the Alien Queen's chest from behind. The vertebrae were bent, and after a circle around the opponent's neck and other arm, the entire wand was tied to the giant totem pole. , the ferocious and abrupt joints and the flame chains that bound Li Cang grinded together with a scalp-numbing explosion. When the flame chains shattered, the big wand also crushed Li Cang's arms and part of his body.

Don't forget, the big wand has multiple attributes of destroying armor, destroying demons. Once there is substantial contact, small-scale creation of heaven and earth is not a problem, let alone a flame chain of unknown meaning.

The Alien Queen groaned, and was shocked to find that not only was it tied up with the big wand, but even the arm that smashed Li Cang's sternum was stuck. The opponent's crazily growing flesh and blood tissue even... Was he trying to digest me?


For the Alien Queen, her head, which was no bigger than the glass ball in the hand of a child, hit her head hard and created a terrifying fan-shaped shock wave. Her sternum, which already had two weak holes, immediately started to tremble. .


The chest with thick scales exploded, and the alienated crystals located above the heart and wrapped in layers of countless muscle energy tunnels were nakedly exposed to the air, shining with light and filled with ripples of energy.


The Alien Queen suddenly screamed and bent her body backwards, because from the corner of her eye, she saw in horror that the other party had opened her mouth to gnaw at her heart without hesitation.

The big wand hooked every vertebra desperately, trying to pull the Alien Queen towards the flame totem and into the distance between it and Li Cang. Amidst the burning of Isolaye and the flames, the hard surface of the Alien Queen began to crackle. There was a shattering sound, and waves of red and white energy surged out. The spine Gu took the opportunity to grow countless tentacles as thin as spider silk, dancing strangely, and slowly squirming along the gaps into the Alien Queen's body.

Grandpa timi——

The god of war in the cesspit is also!

Finally, the Alien Queen couldn't stand it anymore.

Fierce flames spurted out from every inch of skin and every pore on its body. This flame "ignited" the flame totem itself and exploded suddenly.

"Huchi. Huchi"

The Alien Queen gasped violently, and her claws, which were only bones and some muscles, groped her chest and back, which had already been torn apart. Although the explosion caused a lot of damage to herself, she repeatedly confirmed that no spine Gu was found. , the big wand, or the remnants of the reptile's body, it finally breathed a long sigh of relief with lingering fear.

The mushroom cloud that swept across dozens of kilometers passed by, and the surface of the sky island was annihilated by a thickness of more than ten meters. At least dozens of unlucky inner high-stage alien life forms were stripped of a layer of skin. The charred magician lay straight in a big pit, and countless cracks appeared in the black hard shell, and blood spurted out violently.

The hard shell was completely cracked, and Li Cang broke out of the cocoon.

Under the greedy and fearful gaze of the alien queen, the new white skin was quickly covered by the hideous dragon robe.

"Just that shot just now is worth at least four gold melon seeds." Someone bent a finger and said, "Beautiful baby, do you want to live a real life, do you want to live as vibrantly as me, join this warm, loving family, they will all be your brothers and sisters."


The big corpse brother looked dim.

The silver mountain beast shuddered, and his nose stretched straight and sneezed.

Bone Sister stopped arguing with a colorful giant beast and stopped thinking at the same time. She stared blankly at her old father who looked perverted and kind to the point of being perverted. The ghost fire in her eye sockets was running wildly.

"Ahem" Li Cang didn't take it as an offense at all. He just brushed off the non-existent dust on his body with a little guilty and embarrassed feeling, and made a bunch of small movements. "You are wise, you have the ability to think, I believe you will make the most correct choice, right?"

Lao Wang: "Fuck, Jill is really amazing!"

Thanks to book friend Deadwhatever for the 5000 Qidian coins reward. The boss is generous, the boss will live forever, the boss doesn't block the toilet when he goes to the toilet, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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