The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 190 Isn’t it good to be a human being?

Li Cang came and took away a large number of lackeys: "Then don't hang around in the village. You can't squeeze out a few drops of oil and water. I found something good in the depression behind."

"Damn, fortunately there are some gold and silver jewelry and livestock and poultry, otherwise it would be a big loss! What did you find?"

"Breadfruit, there is a small plantation of breadfruit trees behind."

"Is it ripe?" Li Lasi said, "I have eaten breadfruit several times, and it tastes very good, but it is very astringent and bitter when it is not ripe. Some places in Africa use them as staple food."

"It is very big, and the peel has changed color. It should be frozen before it can be picked after it is ripe, and it fell all over the ground."

"Let's go and have a look."

This look is really worth it. The lackeys have to cut trees and make sleds. They wish they could break one in half to use.

Li Lace handed each of them a piece of pale yellowish-white flesh,

"This thing can be eaten raw when it is ripe, come on."

Old Wang showed his heroic spirit,

"Crack, crack~"

The flesh was of course frozen, and it was cool and crisp at first bite, and a compound aroma similar to jackfruit but more sticky than jackfruit gradually filled the air.

When the flesh softened in the mouth, the unique sourness and sweetness of the fruit, along with the stinging pain brought to the mouth by the freezing, gave the eater a pleasant satisfaction, like ice cream.

"Wow," he exclaimed, "The taste is a bit strange, and the flesh is a bit stringy, but it's really good."

There are about 200 breadfruit trees planted in this small plantation, and each tree has at least dozens or even hundreds of round and plump fruits.

Although the fruit doesn't look very good, it can't be helped by its size.

The fullest ones probably weigh about 3 kilograms. After being frozen solid, they are like a lead ball. If they fall from the tree, they can probably kill someone directly.

"Take them away, take them away, all of them! Cut down all the trees and make them into sleds!" Li Cang was still mad at his lackeys, and his face was very anti-human.

Li Leisi wiped off the glue-like juice on her hands,

"Let's go to the beach?"

Although there is no shortage of water for the time being, there are fish in the sea.

After sending the lackeys to chisel out 17 or 18 cubic meters of ice, they only found a few small fish as big as a palm.

Li Cang's expression was very pleasantly surprised,

"Wow, if these fish are made into soup, they will not be eaten until the New Year. They can't be eaten up during the New Year."

Li Leisi: "."

Lao Wang: "By the way, is there any radar that can detect fish frozen in ice?"

What do you mean by sighing in despair?

But there is no good way. It's just a thought of looking for a needle in a haystack. If you really do this, you are definitely a fool.

We had a good time at the beach and took a bunch of photos.

Leaving some lackeys to continue moving bricks, Li Cang and his three men reluctantly went into the woods around the village and started the sweep mode.

Needless to say, thanks to the sensitive sense of smell of Miss Qiu's big corpse brother and the corpse sisters, there are really extra gains.

From the subtropical region to Siberia, almost most animals instantly fell into a baby-like sleep under the comfort of nature.

Miss Qiu was responsible for exploring the way, and then the lackeys dug these beasts out from under the snow.

What wild boars, badgers, anacondas, pheasants, muntjacs, crocodiles.

And if you look closely, you can still see some messy beast paw prints in the snow in the forest, which are rare, proving that there are still living creatures on the island.

But there was really no hair of the alive and kicking beasts, and I don’t know where they hid.

These messy beast corpses filled a newly built sled in less than two hours.

Teacher Cang finally had a smile on his face, no longer looking like a gunpowder barrel that could explode at any time.

"Lilith, Teacher Cang," Lao Wang asked doubtfully while digging snow, "It's more than 20 degrees below zero, can this thing freeze to death?"

In the snow pit, a large and a small monkey with yellow-gray fur curled up.

Li Cang shook his head,

"When all this happened, the temperature was definitely not as 'warm' as it is now. All living things were frozen in an instant, and there was no sign of struggle. Look at the vivid expressions of those ice sculptures. Also, didn't you notice that the ducks and geese in the village died one after another, but there were no chickens. It's a bit strange."

"This is simple. Since God arranged Jill to stay outside, it proves that it is naturally more resistant to cold~"

Li Cang: "."

Lao Wang climbed out of the pit and glanced at the monkey unwillingly:

"Damn, it's so unlucky!"

People can't, at least they shouldn't.


So they really had no interest in monkeys, and this big snow pit was dug in vain.

Most of the various animals and plants frozen under the snow were intact, especially the wild fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, etc., which looked really bright and delicious, making people salivate.

It was a pity that the three northerners could not recognize many of them after rubbing and kneading them together. It was not so easy to be Shennong.

They kept cutting trees to make sleds, and then sent lackeys to transport breadfruit and beast carcasses back one by one.

The surplus value of the village was squeezed out completely, and even the wood for building houses was dismantled - they were different from those newly cut trees. After all, they were already dry firewood, which could save a lot of drying time.

In less than half a day, the village became a ruin, a desolate mess.

"Teacher Cang, I feel like you're even more of a zombie bastard now."

Old Wang lit a fire and roasted breadfruit while sighing: "The debris from the zombies that wreaked havoc for a month or two before weren't as bad as what you've destroyed in just a few hours."

Li Cang: emmmm

Why don't you stay here and laugh a hundred steps away from me?

Breadfruit is frozen and a bit difficult to bake.

The shredded pulp inside has been frozen and has pores similar to frozen tofu. After baking, it looks like golden cake. The taste is mainly sweet but slightly fermented and slightly sour.

"It's really fun to eat this thing smoothly," Li Cang said, "Let's go back later, and I'll call in a group of gangsters to come out and continue cutting down trees! Cut down as many trees as you can!"

"You can never have too much wood," Lao Wang said. "It can be used as firewood and for construction. I tried it just now. You don't know how hard these living trees are after they are frozen. When an ax strikes, the shock to the person's hand will hurt, but it's still a dog's kick."

Li Cang smacked his lips and said regretfully:

"The foundation of this island is not thick, but it's a pity that we don't have any explosives. Otherwise, if we blow up a small part of the island, our empty island will not be directly annexed, but it will not be a problem to tow it away."

Lao Wang Li Leisi: "."

Just be a human being!

Before midnight, the gangsters were able to independently complete basic operations such as cutting down trees, binding simple but strong "well"-shaped sledges, and transporting wood back under the leadership of Big Corpse Brother. They only needed Li Cang's occasional remote supervision.

So they were allowed to fiddle with the debris, and the three of them returned to their empty island.

Li Cang couldn't sleep on the sofa, thinking over and over again for half the night, and all he could think of was one word:


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