"Little miss, are you okay?"

"I am fine!"

"No, are insects so emotional now?"

"False, haven't you heard people keep saying that they want to take you back to be the wife of the village? These are all betrothal gifts, betrothal gifts!"

Insects will have to be blocked by the world line barrier when they come in. The Zergs will always be stingy with their money. Emmmm, don't say it, don't say it. The bride price is really just right. After all, ever since this subspace was wiped out by the insect tide and the sea of ​​corpses, the insects have been losing money while working.

"Him? Mrs. Yazhai?" Li Leisi could only hear his voice but not see him. She was fending off tens of thousands of bugs by herself. "Haha, it's hard to say which one assimilated which one!"

"Sister Leilei wakes up in the world!"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill this thing while its skill is on CD, and don't let it return to the flesh and blood grid to deploy a large-scale psychic shielding field!"

There is no doubt that the energy source of the Hidden Wing Mantis is the Flesh Grid. It obviously cannot cover the insect tide on its own. The problem is that this thing has its own transmission ability. If it is not willing, who can force it to stay in other people's cesspits except Changhe Sunset? Wrestling?

"I just don't understand." Lao Wang randomly outputted his cloak hammering skills, leaning on the hammer and panting like a broken bellows, "What on earth is this thing waiting for? After testing for so long, it's time for a full-scale invasion, right?" But don’t come over!”

"Probably, we are waiting for the ecological environment to gradually synchronize." Li Cang's voice came from a beam of never-extinguishing foehn wind. The surrounding foehn winds and mirror image foehn winds rose and fell like cluster strikes of laser weapons. The big wand continued Nuisance Hidden Winged Mantis, its armor-piercing, destructive, demon-breaking attributes require even Mage to deal with it with full concentration, and it is also mixed with the roar of bolt shells. "After all, the version is incompatible, they need to find a reasonable way, or modify it." Environment or self-adaptation, which one do you think is simpler?”

"I feel so fucking stupid!"

The five-flowered three-layered immortal golden body that Lao Wang has always been proud of is so small in front of the insects that often measure tens or hundreds of meters. Every gap around them has been filled by them. A Guo Xiaosi fought hundreds of Tysons at the same time. The scene was so brutal that it made those who heard it sad and those who heard it shed tears.

Even if this nimble fat man can jump around on the sheep like a flea, AOE damage cannot be avoided after all, and he cannot shamelessly self-mutilate like a magician who has no moral ethics. to maximize the possibility of immunity from homicide.

What can be expected is that once the bugs find an opportunity and find a common transition node like the one in the initial period of Uggtrassil, the entire world will inevitably fall into this kind of never-ending killing and fierce battle. The human world will face the innate nature of the Zerg. The disadvantage is that it is really difficult to be as calm as they are.

Suddenly, the whole world flickered frequently like a light switch. The expansion of subspace seemed to have finally reached its limit. Unlike the space barrier torn by the Zerg, which was as dark as an abyss, it was brighter, like broken glass. The cracks in texture gradually spread throughout the subspace.

"Wipe it, Xi Niang!"


The Silver Ridge behemoth that had been fighting alone and was probably exhausted suddenly appeared in the homologous channel. The boundless cold wave followed one wave after another, spreading in all directions like a mountain. It raised its long nose and roared with energy. The storm swept over the Hidden Winged Mantis, which was gradually slowing down, with a more violent attitude than the frozen realm.

The foehn wind rose from the feet of the Hidden-winged Mantis, shattering the ice covering its body. Then it was covered by the ice, and the ice continued to be washed away. Under the two layers of ice and fire, the Hidden-Winged Mantis' psychic field It looks so weak, swaying like a candle in the wind, constantly fragmented and reorganized.

"Absurdly hard control"

Laochang threw out a ball of evil fire to bless the hidden-winged mantis.

"Little cubs, get on top of me! They're here, don't let them get away~"

Li Cang's tone was urgent. This kind of pie-in-the-sky situation with the right time, place and people was not very common even in his prosperous career. The sub-space was shattered, isolating the will of the large group and the nest. Lord, no matter how many bugs are left, it's not like catching a turtle in an urn. If you catch them all, it will be a net profit.


The sound of space fragmentation was extremely dull, as if it was close to the ears, but also far away in the horizon. The moment the bright morning light shone in, it formed a perfect Tyndall effect between the space fragments, and then, the master of the lair raped him. The crack retrieved the insect wave but was cut off by an explosion.

"Fuck! Take it down, take it down! Li! Quick!"

At least several thousand Wugouzi broke through the blockade of the insect swarm and rushed towards the Broken Foot. The figures transmitted by the Li Lesian people flashed frequently in the air. However, the Broken Foot that seemed to be constantly being corroded and emitting billowing green mist was still there. Everyone was caught off guard and fell into the gaps where space was shattered one after another, disappearing out of thin air.


You must know that this is the body of the Nest Master that has not been transformed by the source of essence. It is completely different from their half-lair master.

Lao Wang fired several rounds and fired several anti-jump bombs in an attempt to find the missing trajectory of the broken foot. However, the shattering storm in the subspace did not give him credit. In just a moment, the effect of the anti-jump bombs was completely annihilated.

The leaderless insect swarm was immediately confused, and then, as if they had suddenly received some kind of instructions, they each carried a part of the broken flesh and blood grid and turned around, not caring about the mountains of corpses and dogs all over the world.

Old Wang howled subconsciously: "Fuck! Li Cang! Hahaha! Something is going to happen! It's going to be fun!"

Li Cang's back teeth were about to break: "Surround them, don't leave any behind, that's all my money! Hurry up and bring that mantis to the mill!"

"Tsk, Old Wang is more conscientious than our dog?"

"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure?"

Tai Xiaoyi and Li Lace looked at each other, and for some reason, they sighed at the same time.

Without the confinement of the subspace, even if the number of corpses and dogs exceeded ten or a hundred times, it would be unlikely to stop these insects that flew into the sky and into the earth. Although it is unknown how long they can exist in this world, what is the point of running away without being able to reproduce, but at least it can make the petty eyes of a certain magician blocked for a long time.

"How many floating continents and islands are left? What do you say?"

"Clean them up!"

Although even if the subspace gives them enough time, this proxy war with the Zerg will most likely end in vain, but this way of ending is too hasty and sloppy. The nest master didn't even have time to show his health bar.

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