The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 234: Nothing is white when cut open

Li Cang nodded. Under these conditions, cigarettes and alcohol products can indeed be used as a very effective means of motivation for some people.

Then there was a brief introduction. Anyway, Li Cang’s name was something I didn’t remember.

"I believe that everyone here has watched the video of Li Cang's fighting ability more than once. He has been on the track for two months and has done things that many survivors have not done. He has learned a lot of information that we have never been exposed to. I personally I fully believe that he has the ability and conditions to destroy the jump point from the source," Meng Liang took the lead and said, "Li Cang, please don't talk to everyone about your method."

Li Cang shook his head and didn't take the issue at all.

"I don't have the ability to destroy jump points, but I will try."

Meng Liang's expression was more or less awkward.

Sitting opposite Li Cang was a very thin middle-aged man with a somewhat bald head. He frowned when he heard this.

"On this point, the 3rd Base certainly trusts you, but after all, the lives and property safety of tens of thousands of people are at stake, and the responsibility is too heavy to tolerate any sloppiness."

"If you have any requests, you can put them forward first, and you can raise them at any time later. As long as they are not excessive, the 3rd Base will give priority to meeting your needs."

"The young man has the ability. The 3rd Base welcomes a young and promising face like you to take root and develop here. The future is bright," another person said, "However, the method of destroying the jump point needs further discussion and research. ”

"Lao Zhang is right. Although the 3rd base is not as good as those large disaster-resistant bases, steady development has always been our purpose and core proposition. Jump points are things that we cannot fully grasp, so we must be even more cautious. Be cautious. If something goes wrong on an island and nearly 40,000 lives are lost, who will take the responsibility? "

"Young man, are you absolutely sure?"

Li Cang raised his eyebrows.

Zhao Yang lit up a cigarette:

"Theoretically, it is not difficult to destroy the jump point. You only need to overload the jump point. The simplest way is to fill the jump starting point with objects larger than the scope of the jump point in batches, and try to prevent the starting point from collapsing or exploding. probability.

"This information is all description content that can be obtained by praying, and I have prayed and asked questions before. The collapse and explosion of the starting point will not affect the end point, unless the end point here is already connected with the sky island. The physical substance produces a certain attachment effect that permanently solidifies.”

"Secondly, we have discussed it many times before. I vaguely remember that there seems to be no controversy about destroying the jump point, right?"

"The Destiny Coin is one of the most important resources since the disaster. It has an amazing effect in scientific research, medical treatment and improving the strength of elite combat units. I personally think that this aspect needs to be discussed," said the bald middle-aged man with a shallow and long head. His eyebrows were furrowed like silkworms, and his tone was unhurried, "As for the jump point, Deputy Commander Zhao, how can we be sure that the aftermath of the explosion or collapse will not spread here before the channel is closed?"

"Prayer Coin——"

"There are no absolutes in anything!" The bald middle-aged man interrupted with a wave of his hand, "Prayers are just based on recent experience. The usage is discovered by survivors through little exploration. It cannot be disbelieved or fully believed. Moreover, it is more solid and more determined through experience. The experience that the broad masses of people have witnessed and practiced over a long period of time is still fresh. Let me say that even in this extraordinary period, we CPC people still need materialism. Leaders often say that if you don’t see the rabbit, don’t let the eagle fly. Throw it away.”

So Zhao Yang's eyebrows also wrinkled, and his palms subconsciously placed on his waist.

"If the world wants to develop, experience is just the ladder behind us," Bei Zhikang glared at Zhao Yang and took over the conversation with a smile, "Secretary Dai, it's true to take one step at a time, but in fact we are always crossing the river by feeling the stones. You don’t know the depth until you fall.”

"You can't say this——"

"Secretary Dai!!" Bei Zhikang raised his voice and spoke faster, "The last eruption at the jump point was 3 days ago. 400 furry zombies poured out in one minute, and the diameter expanded to 15 meters. It is not known how much damage was caused. carry!"

Bei Zhikang's eyes narrowed, and he took the pipe hidden under the table in his hand again: "35 meters, only 35 meters, it can touch the air island and the ground, Dai Lihong, how can you guarantee that the jump point will not What are the consequences of permanent solidification to the third base, or even further?”

"Bei Zhikang, what do you mean?"

Bah, bah.

Meerschaum's old pipe tapped rhythmically on the table, and Bei Zhikang's face suddenly became more ruthless.

"If we get to that point, the largest island under our feet may be in danger. Be careful with your words and actions, Old Dai. Otherwise, you will show the decisiveness you did when you patted your chest and made sure not to lose an inch of land!"

"I, Bei Zhikang, have been a soldier all my life. I can't see or play your tricks. But a few days ago, I was able to force Zhao Yang, a good old man who is so willing to get along with me, to fight with you. It can be seen that - by the way, Xiaozhen Girl, what’s that thing you always say?”

Qin Zhenzhen blurted out: "A well-matched opponent?"

Everyone in the room looked at her with a strange look.

Qin Zhenzhen blinked her big eyes innocently and stared back.

I just answered the big boss’s question. What’s wrong with me? If I’m wrong, it must be that the answer is not standard enough!

"Welcome to Confrontation Road?!"

She definitely did it on purpose. Miss Silly Baitian cut it open and specified it to be blacker than coal.

"Hang bang bang"

Li Cang spread his thumb and index finger and placed them under his nose in an "8" shape, covering his mouth with his palm, and lowered his head to try to hide his face, making the sound of a diesel engine.

Bei Zhikang suddenly realized and nodded repeatedly, with a brilliant smile on his face.

"So that's what I said!"

His tone changed, as if he was deliberately imitating someone.

"It's like a scholar meeting a soldier, but one hand can't clap. Regardless of right or wrong, since something has happened, the first thing we, the people's workhorses, should do is always to review ourselves first!"

"Look at this, Comrade Zhao Yang did it very thoroughly. He was very clear about his attitude of standing at attention when being beaten. He submitted three consecutive letters of repentance to me with a junior high school education. Each letter was 3,000 words and was neatly placed there. Who can say that we, the big-headed soldiers, don't know the principle of self-examination three times a day~"

An equally matched opponent?

One hand can't clap?

Stand at attention when being beaten?

Visible blood red color climbed up Dai Lihong's face from his chest, and he suddenly pushed his chair away and stood up.

The whole conference room was silent, and his heavy breathing like a cow was everywhere.

Li Cang thought that the Mediterranean would definitely curse, but he just gasped a few times when he stood up, and was persuaded by several people around him to sit back down.

Dai Lihong said stiffly:

"I reserve my opinion."

Good fellow, those shell-carrying ones in the pool are not as tolerant as you.

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