Amidst the sounds of the three people playing mahjong, Li Cang gradually woke up.

The benefits of strengthening his physique are obvious. Although he still has a sluggish drinking habit that can be called an alcohol allergy, at least he is sobering up faster and more energetically.

Li Cang looked at the five empty Coke barrels next to him in confusion. It was so late at night. What happened? It was so hard to think about it.

"Are you awake?" Li Laixi raised her eyebrows and said, "There are mussels of radish over there!"

Li Cang doesn't know if eating raw green radish can relieve hangovers. Anyway, it feels good to take a few slices after a hangover or a hot bath.

The nutrient solution of praying quality has an outstanding effect. Under the green skin is a crispy and dense fruit pulp, which is slightly spicy. The radish juice that splashes when you bite it in your mouth has a refreshing and stimulating effect like Sprite bubbles.

Li Cang chewed the radish: "How much did you earn?"

"More than 300 to 400," Lao Wang said, already losing hemp, "It's just like what you said, this thing is really popular."

For these vehicles, Lao Wang’s ±5cm high-precision machine tool has made a huge contribution, and the cost is extremely low.

The main thing is to provide the required raw materials and template C+V processing for the wish interface to manufacture parts with higher precision. The rest can basically be left to the machine tool to roll the car by hand. The cooperation between RMB and currency is close, and it is just about efficiency. It was very low. In two months, Lao Wang barely managed to buy 4 bulk agricultural machinery.

He actually didn't invest any money into his hobby. Lao Wang excitedly expressed that it was worth it to die without any regrets in this world.

"There must be black vines under the archipelago. How can we catch a total solar eclipse and take us all away?" Lao Wang complained, "When can we go out?"


Li Cang couldn't answer this question, but to be honest, if he wasn't afraid of accidents, he would now want to stuff Li Lei Si back to the third base from the jump point for resurrection.

The problem also arises here.

It's just Black Vine that blocks some of the functions of Coin Zaizi. Why can it block Lilith?

Since even Lilith can block it, what does it mean to have an electric mouse, a big wand, and a bastard?

Before midnight, Li Cang encountered several more empty islands with survivors.

Everyone communicated with each other about the situation, and Li Cang learned that a large number of survivors escaped the sanctions of the zombies on the isolated island, but suffered miserably after returning to their own empty island.

You cannot pray, and derailment sanctions cannot adjust the trajectory of the island. The elusive corpses on the archipelago come from time to time to increase the difficulty of the game.

Fortunately, the vast majority of survivors have at least a decent underground shelter on the empty island, and casualties are rare.

As for Li Cang, the first reaction when the zombies come is to be tough. This situation is basically impossible for ordinary survivors. They don't have a mill, so how can they take advantage of the walking corpses? Head iron can't solve any practical problems.

In the morning, a wave of corpses appeared around.

A dozen scythe hands were probably starved and jumped to Li Cang's empty island regardless of the corpses - wasn't this just a gift?

The result was of course no suspense, as he was captured alive and imprisoned in a Gu tunnel.

After earning more than a dozen sickle hands in the morning, someone's mood brightened visibly.

Li Cang had a vague premonition that this was probably the closest he had come to a fully organized group of heavily armored walking corpses in his life. He might not be so lucky to encounter such a uniform and large-scale group of high-quality corpses in the future.

The lowest alienation stage 2 heavy-armored walking zombie starts, and the stage 3 scythe hand is always there. If he doesn't take this opportunity to fill the mill for backup, he will feel ashamed of his ancestors.

"Teacher Cang, look over there," Lao Wang handed the binoculars to Li Cang, "That thing looks like an alienated beast, that's it."

About 6 to 7 kilometers away, a sickle-shaped island floats alone outside the archipelago, with a yellow and green island standing on it.

Li Cang didn't even know what to describe it. It was basically a spindle-shaped living creature composed of hair, muscles, tendons, and beast bones. Eyeballs, a huge mouth with sharp teeth, and a bunch of tentacles that constantly spread green powder.

Many cable-like pipes extend from the lower ends of the three spindle-shaped objects and are connected to each other. Some of them penetrate deeply into the ground, and then emerge from several meters away, growing into clusters of thorns with trumpet-shaped openings at the top. Shape "plant".

But the things growing out of the trumpet no longer looked like plants, but bloody and rotating spheres, and various organs that seemed to be in the body but were not what they should be.

These "thorns" grow in an oval shape around three spindles, almost occupying the entire island. Dozens of shriveled heavy-armored walking corpses lie on the ground, with a layer of gray-green fluff covering them lightly. The body is twisting and turning, and every once in a while, a large amount of pollen or spores are released at the same time.

Li Cang has indeed seen a lot of alienated beasts with strange shapes and shapes that don't look like animals at all recently. He has already developed a certain resistance to them, but he was still surprised when he saw this thing at first sight.

"Holy shit."

"Is this how I became one with Sky Island?"

The trajectory of that sky island is obviously incompatible with all the sky islands. Whenever a small group of corpses approaches, the sky island will suddenly change direction and resemble a group of corpses approaching. If there is a large wave of corpses, the sky island will not move at all. Unmoved.

It's obviously those three spindle-shaped creatures, uh, or one, which is controlling the route of the sky island to trap the walking dead.

Old Wang calculated the track and distance: "It's too far from us, otherwise we can drag the island over to study it carefully, maybe that thing is worth a lot of money!"

Li Cang didn't actually pay attention to what Old Wang said, but he suddenly felt a sense of horror.

He couldn't help but think of the second generation on the island of the Second Hospital, and remembered the joke of the long-distance running girl Cen Leyu: "If all these bone roots are replaced with blood and flesh, I think we will definitely not be as calm as we are now."

Now it seems that this thing is not the state of the second generation of bones replaced with flesh and blood and other tissues, occupying the entire Second Hospital?

"Teacher Cang? What are you stunned for!"

"Oh, nothing."

Li Cang cleared his messy mind and stopped thinking about things that had no standard answers at all.

"Remember to notify me if you find another strange beast, and try to bring one back."

"Teacher Wucao Cang, don't think about planting this kind of thing on the island. Your island is already full of that. If you plant this kind of thing again, no one will believe you if you say you are not a villain."

"I said, can't you have a little scientific spirit?"

"Next time for sure!"

Li Cang was too lazy to pay attention to him, and continued to study the route of the sky island, trying to find a pattern to analyze when it will border an island next time, and then trick a few groups of zombies to fill the inventory.

What, haven't I started exercising in accordance with the doctor's advice these days (it was not allowed before), running and plank support every day, my body is very tired but my mental state feels pretty good, even typing a lot faster, and I don't feel much pressure even if I type 10,000 times a day for 3 consecutive days

Then, in the north in winter, the indoor central heating is basically 26℃+, and occasionally it can reach 28 degrees, so when it is sunny outside, you have to open a window to let in the heat, otherwise it will be too hot.

Yesterday, after working out, I went to take a shower. The window that was only slightly open was blown open by the wind. When I came out of the bathroom, the cold wind of 17 or 18 degrees below zero was so cold that it was full of smoke. It was blowing at me who was only wearing a pair of shorts.

I didn't know what I was thinking at the time. My first reaction was not to close the door and go back to the bathroom to ask my wife to close the window. I ran over and closed the window myself in the wind and snow.

As a result, I started to sneeze continuously in the afternoon and had a fever at night.

I think my series of actions are really fucking delicious.

In one word, absolutely.

I wanted to get a badge for updating 10,000 times a day for ten consecutive days, but I was forced to interrupt the reading. Alas

Having said so much, please pity the author. Please give me some recommendation tickets and monthly tickets to comfort me who has been severely injured physically and mentally. I will continue to update for everyone after the fever subsides.


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