The wine and meat in Zhumen stinks, and the roads are frozen to death.

A few guys here are eating and drinking happily, but the idiots over there have plowed the entire island, digging out even the old, weak, sick and disabled who are injured, hungry, and exposed to the sun and have missing arms and legs. Their body moisture content is in single digits. It can be said that it is very humane to charge people with money.

In the end, the entire island was chained to the ends of the two empty islands, leaving not even a speck of dust in place.

"Hiccup~" Li Cang burped, and waved his hand happily: "Kill them all! Steal them all! Charge the ducks!"

The whirlpool-shaped cluster of sky islands must have hundreds of them, each of them quite large, and the two islands of Li Cang are heading almost straight towards the center of the whirlpool. They will collide with each other how many times...

busy? With the coins in his account, Li Cang suddenly felt that it would be better to be busy. Derailment sanctions were not a big deal.

"I'm sure there's no one left. After all this time, no empty island has come to contact us." Lao Wang said: "It just feels like a pity. Putting aside those unlucky alienated plants, this place is really good, with groups of empty islands. The scenery is nice and there is no danger. Although people inside can’t get out, people outside can’t get in either!”

"It's suitable for retirement," Li Laixi gave a fair evaluation. "Niu Lanxi would probably cry if he knew there was such a place in the world."

The second collision will come soon. If you bump into each other, you will get used to it. If you don't bump into each other for a day, you will feel like there is something wrong in your life. Li Cang and the others stabilized their figures and immediately ordered the henchmen to set off and swarm towards the island.

Sky island.

Hundreds of people in ragged clothes working in the fields stared dumbfoundedly at the thousands of black zombies they had never seen before coming in like a tide. Someone didn't know who shouted: "Fuck, hurry up!" Run! It's a zombie!"

This is the cry of the soul that uses all the strength to suck the breast, which is earth-shattering.

A group of people only hated their parents for giving birth to 2,345,678 legs, and they suddenly scattered like birds and beasts, each running faster than the other.

"Eh?? Teacher Cang, look quickly."

Fortunately, there is a nosy guy here who sees that something is wrong, otherwise Li Cang would even be ready to play a few rounds of mahjong with the corpse brother and sister to pass the time.

Li Cang was stunned at first glance. How could there be someone here? ?

Waving his hand to call back the doglegs who were about to go on a killing spree, Li Cang jumped to the empty island and happened to see a certain unlucky guy who had his eyes closed because of a sprained ankle and was waiting to die.

"Hey, alive? Dead? What's going on with your outfits?"

The middle-aged man in his 40s was crying with surprise and joy, crying like a baby to celebrate his return to the earth.

"Fuck! I'm asking you a question! Do you want to live or die?"

The middle-aged man, who was completely dirty and only wearing a pair of shorts, immediately behaved like a chicken: "I, we are working, wear it, it will be too hot if you wear too much."

Lao Wang looked at this man's sun-red and chapped skin and felt that he had asked nonsense.

"I mean, why are you, um, in such a mess?"

"Ah, you, are you from outside?"

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Forget it, you are so dumb, where is your city and what is its population?"

"There are more than 7,000 people on this island right at the corner between those two mountains."

After spending a long time talking, Lao Wang compiled a story line that made him jaw-dropping.

This island chain located in the belly button of the sea has a fitting name, which is translated as the Eye of the Abyss. It was suddenly formed about three months ago. At that time, more than 500 empty islands were trapped. The population of the island chain was originally There are nearly 400,000 empty islands made of urban fragments from all over the world, and they are quite rich in various materials.

Up here, everything is normal. It can be said to be a dream start that many official bases can't even dream of.

These 400,000 people are from almost all continents. The main body is the American freedom fighters, with a population of about 180,000. Then there are the black uncles from the African region, about 80,000. The number is reduced by an order of magnitude and comes from a village in Tuao. Of the 6,000 people, the rest are all in bits and pieces.

The population structure is probably like this, a little complicated, but it is not important, because then they plunged into a road that was hundreds of times more complicated and unimagined!

Including but not limited to America's fight against Uncle Black, the South Asian archipelago and the people of Tu'ao, Mao Zi denounced the Western European countries for their lack of martial ethics, and led the British to stir up shit in many ways.

A mere 400,000 people spread across hundreds of islands looked like World War III, with dog brains smeared all over the ground.

While they were busy plundering each other's resources and scheming with each other, the originally insignificant walking corpses suddenly bloomed everywhere, spreading like viruses everywhere along with the bumps and frictions between empty islands.

America has sufficient firepower per capita, and quickly solved the troublesome problems on its own territory. In line with their usual style, they took the resources donated by other forces and began to interact and help each other with the survivors on various empty islands. After America Lika's forces tried their best to save the zombies, and finally a spark was able to start a prairie fire.

The consequences can be imagined. Another wave of survivors gathered. Even when they were just walking around, they did not forget to communicate with America offline. Airdropping zombies to each other was a routine operation during that period and is not worth mentioning.

Later, the ammunition ran out.

Each empty island in the island chain soon returned to the ancient era of village-level hand-to-hand combat, and the walking corpses were completely out of control.

As a result, the American forces, which had been cordially greeted by the Island Chain Alliance, announced that they would close the country and try their best to save themselves, saying that we are playing our own game, and others will be happy for themselves.

Later, some islands began to lose traces of living people, and the population shrank from 400,000 to more than 100,000. Not counting those who died, there were nearly 100,000 zombies, and more than half of the islands were completely occupied by zombies.

"Later." The middle-aged man swallowed and smiled bitterly: "Some died and some escaped. Anyone with a little bit of spirit didn't want to stay in this cesspool anymore. They rushed into the sea with coins they thought they had enough. They were probably dead."

"WDNMD!" Lao Wang didn't know what to say. "Fuck, fuck, you guys had a dream start with resources everywhere, but you guys lost all your first-hand coins? You didn't even leave any for cleaning up the zombies? Awesome!"

The middle-aged man looked like he had no energy and lay flat.

"We are just the bottom of the society, what say we have? We just try to improve our physical fitness, fish and grow crops to avoid starvation."

"Those big men who saved a lot of money in the chaotic war built a big city on White Sulphur Spring Island for their own amusement, and they don't care about coming to a place like ours."

"Except for the high tide, they will come down to collect fresh fish, fruits and grains, etc., and there is no communication. They don't see each other, so they don't get annoyed."

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