There is a market for bulletproof patches and similar finished products in the forum, but few people have such an extreme prayer direction as Li Cang. This thing is not to protect against bullets, but actually human compatriots. If it is only to deal with zombies and monsters, who would spend this money?

The experiment ended, the effect was outstanding, and the blood pressure of the sniper on the opposite side quickly rose.

Li Cang asked the tomb guardian beast to raise its tentacles and pray for an optical camouflage. So in the eyes of the opponent, the entire Sky Island first turned into a huge sea urchin, and then evolved into a lush primeval forest ball, with nothing to see except green.

Save as much as possible. This kind of prayer with practical support is cheaper than bulletproof patches. The root tentacles of the tomb guardian beast itself are quite outrageous in strength, even more exaggerated than the giant tortoise shield of the Demon Mountain. It is very suitable to hide in camouflage and act as a barrier to protect the Sky Island.

Time passed slowly, and every second was painful for all forces.

When they surrounded the three sky islands bordering Li Cang, they were also surrounded by the sky islands and prayer boats from all directions, and the water system was blocked. Those who blatantly tried to sneak across were all people who were oppressed and exploited, and had long been completely disappointed and scared of their nonsense rule. These people were ready to abandon the sky islands and move to the Chinese disaster relief base to live. Their determination was not small.

Facts have proved that it is not a wise thing to block them from escaping from this ghost place.

The contradiction quickly intensified. It was a small-scale conflict at first, and it immediately turned into a full-scale dispute after being suppressed. They chose to use the most intense way, with their own sky islands as a safe support, and use the sky island body to attack the other side's defense gap.

Sky islands are not Tetris, and it is impossible to have no gaps. When the number of sky islands attacking the defense line reaches a certain scale, it becomes an unattainable thing for all forces to stop the outsiders.

Therefore, when the 10-man command group headed by Lewis from the ship department received the order to indiscriminately fire at the sky islands that were attacking the defense line, they were all in trouble.

Lewis looked at the vast cluster of sky islands and more sky islands that were still coming from the rear, and replied with a question through the prayer interface: "Are you serious?"

Lewis waited for 5 minutes for this simple question but did not see any response.

"It's useless," Lewis seemed very calm, "In this situation, nothing can stop them!"

Several medium-sized sky islands belonging to America, with an area of ​​about four or five square kilometers, tried to block the muzzles of the giant sky islands with their "flesh and blood". The sky island clusters that attacked the defense line were like a steel torrent, "burying" them alive in the blink of an eye.

Just like cutting with a water jet, the mud, sand and rocks of the impacted sky islands fell like rain, smoothing the edges and corners and becoming rounded, shrinking wildly at an earth-shattering speed. When its volume shrank to less than two-thirds of its original size, the people on it realized that something was wrong and wanted to retreat, but before they could withdraw from the impact range, a series of green lightning-like lights suddenly appeared around the sky islands, and a huge prayer coin pattern rose above it, then quickly became dim, and then directly shattered. Then, these sky islands didn't make a sound and directly disintegrated and fell.

"Fuck you!" Old Wang and Li Cang said in unison, "What the hell is this?"

"Pray: Explain the phenomenon just now!"

[This is a prayer for the collapse of faith. The coin is annihilated and self-destructed. 50 fate coins will be deducted for this prayer question]

Li Cang cursed again, gritting his teeth.

Every time this kind of reply appeared, he wanted to turn this little coin bastard into a physical sandbag and beat him up. He couldn't even block the dry food with a bean bun. Aren't 50 coins money?

That's it!

Is it worth just these few broken words? !

The unprovoked fall of these sky islands greatly deterred several forces, and they all retreated at the same time, avoiding the sharp edge of the sky island torrent in a humiliated manner-is this probably the little coin bastard version of the irreversible trend?

At this point, whether the elite reinforcements of the various forces in the island chain arrived or not, it actually had no meaning.

No one knows where the bottom line of the wish interface's self-destruction is. They don't understand or dare to stop it. They can only watch as countless small islands rush into the encirclement, and the crowds of people rush to the jump point.

"Should we tell the base about this thing? It's an unexpected killer!" Lao Wang sucked his teeth and said, but he shook his head first: "Emmm, so many people saw it with their own eyes, it seems that we can't hide it even if we don't say it."

Li Cang has a moral bottom line to inform the base to take precautions first, at least to prevent the spread of this news out of control.

Reinforcements from various forces arrived, and all the senior officials fiercely greeted everything in front of them in more than 20 languages, from Li Cang to the temporary commander of the vanguard:

"Unbelievable! Unreasonable! Why did it become like this!"

"It's over, it's all over."

"Stop? Block your ass! Didn't you see the consequences of those sky islands blocking the road just now?"

"Use missiles."

"Heh, who?"

"Let's not talk about whether we can defeat them or not. Even if we stop everyone, what awaits us will be the title of public enemy! It's an endless war!"

"Kill them! Bomb that island! We can't let him cross the river and destroy the bridge under our noses, right?"

"I advise you to watch the video footage of the war scene just now. I think you still don't understand how terrifying their army is. Using hot weapons? How many coins do you think we need to destroy their sky island? For such a character, why do you think they have less coins than us?"

"This is not possible, that is not possible. Can we just stare here? Watch everything we have worked hard to build be destroyed?!"

The top leaders were desperate and felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

They had enough martial arts but nowhere to display them. The people's riots were unstoppable. Now there are nearly 100,000 people on their island. You still told me to throw missiles and everyone will go their separate ways and not live anymore? Have you had water in your brain or are you so angry that you are crazy?

In this silent period of fear, the jump point on Li Cang's sky island steadily transported people to Base 7 at a rate of 2~3 people per second. The throughput per hour can reach 7,000~10,000 people. In theory, it only takes one day to completely clear the population here.

At this time, the 7th base.

Wu Nansen, Bei Zhikang and other old military leaders had all their wrinkles on their faces smiling, their eyebrows and eyes were full of joy.

For the base, no matter whether these people have sky islands or the ability to pray, those things are minor problems. The population base is the magic weapon to win. As long as the development continues step by step, the base will sooner or later become bigger and stronger and create glory again.

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