The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 452 No, it’s just the beginning!

It's about three o'clock. Let's do some twisting. Let's drink tea first!

However, drinking tea does not mean that everything is calm and nothing happens.

Everyone was paralyzed. The strong desire to survive made Li Cang's mind spin rapidly. He took advantage of the rare breather to summon the mini prayer interface and clicked the words - he was not trying to pretend to be busy, but I really want to keep myself busy. Anyone who wants to be aggressive in this situation is a fool!

[Cang: Uh-huh~! Little miss, has the codename ‘Kun’ been completed? 】

[Tai Xiao Lian: More than half of the nodes are still not lit up. Don’t worry, it will take a long time! 】

_(` ∠)_

Little Miss, if I say I treat you well, it’s just that I can’t understand the codes. Why would you harm me for this? !

Li Laixi smiled and raised her arm at him, and the mini prayer interface was flashing slightly.


Vicious woman, you have no martial ethics!

emmmm, but what’s going on? This bitch’s anger meter didn’t even explode.

Is this considered to be an inexplicable escape?

Could it be that I am the son of destiny?

That Timi is really an eye-opener from God!

Li Cang was extremely puzzled, but he had no time to wonder what kind of mental activity she had because Li Laixi's next reply had already arrived.

[Li Laisi: No thanks, no thanks. After all, we are all brothers. By the way, I think you are quite enjoying it. Isn’t it super cool to have someone treat you as a favor~]

[Cang: I don’t say thank you for a great favor, but sometimes there is no need to say thank you]

ball sack

Something's wrong!

Li Leisi frowned and stared at the mini for a long time. This guy who likes and is good at playing word games will not talk meaningless nonsense. Xie doesn't need to say that, isn't it?

[Li Laisi: You are a fucking beast! 】

[Cang: Which aspect are you referring to? 】


It turns out that I'm actually so scared. My breathing is so heavy that it's like blowing an old bellows!

Li Cang thought mockingly to himself, and then he realized that the heavy breathing sound was not from him at all, but from another person on the sofa next to him——

"Aunt Kong? You."

Kong Jingqiao's eyes fell directly on Li Cang's left arm. From her angle, she could just see the content of Li Cang's mini prayer interface. Her eyes were red and the corners of her mouth were twitching. She was indescribable, panicked and angry. He moved his eyes away from the prayer interface with difficulty and continued to focus on Lao Wang.

"Li Cang?"

Kong Jingqiao uttered two syllables hoarsely and lowly, but she didn't turn her face at all, just staring straight at someone.

"I'm here, Aunt Kong, I'm here, are you okay?"

Kong Jingqiao's state is really scary, her eyes seem to contain countless tortures, peeling last grass and boiling oil in the sky

When she stared at Master Wang, the boss and second child, he actually had the illusion that a small animal was under the fangs and claws of a natural enemy, and he was so terrified that he didn't dare to move.

"Is the 'Tai Xiao Lian' in your chat group the little lady you are talking about? What is her original name?"

"It's too Xiaoyi!"

Lao Wang actually smelled an unusual smell of danger, but the words in his mouth had already blurted out subconsciously, and he was very complimentary - suddenly, an indescribable horror suddenly rose up like a dormant shadow, swallowing and depriving Lao Wang. All free will.

Kong Jingqiao's pupils trembled, she quickly became cold, and spat out a few words that she could not refuse.

"Call her."

"Why, why?" Lao Wang's momentum became smaller and smaller: "One call costs hundreds of coins."

Yes, the prayer chat interface allows for video, voice and text calls, but the cost is extremely high. Not to mention other things, Xiaobi Zaizi will preset a 3-second video for every voice call, euphemistically called it to facilitate the confirmation of people and occasions. , but in fact these 3 seconds of video will be included in the dialing fee. The total price of the dial + the first 3 seconds of the call is exactly 500 coins, and the subsequent price is 40 coins per second.

These two functions are so useless when there is already text to convey information, so that no one will choose to use them to communicate.

"I chose this name."

Kong Jingqiao's light words, a total of seven words, are like the seven swords descending from the Tianshan Mountains, each word piercing the heart, and like a thunder on the dry land and white rain falling from the blue sky. Old Wang was stunned by this thunder.

"What, what the hell? What did you say?"

"I! Say! Hit! Give! Her!"

The goosebumps on Lao Wang's body were raised in patches with the cold and ice-like way of speaking every word, and he dialed the voice call of the young lady with his hands quite honestly.


Soon, the young lady appeared in the prayer chat interface, her face flushed and wrapped in a bath towel, her hair draped wetly on her shoulders. She had obviously just taken a shower.

"What is this? Ah? A clock? There is actually a painting - Mom? Mom?!!"

3The video screen ends and switches to voice call.

The whole place was deathly silent. Even Suo Mingfei and Yang Yinan, who had been left alone for a long time, temporarily forgot about their business. Their faces were filled with shock. Suo Mingfei's neck made a rattling sound like a rusty gear. With a harsh voice, he slowly turned aside and looked at Lao Wang, at her and her and her and her.

The noise outside just now was so loud that even a deaf person had to cover his ears. How could he still not understand what was going on?

Four, no, five? !

It’s really hard to describe the complexity of Suo Mingfei’s heart. It’s like seeing the girl next door wearing blush and smoky makeup at the same time, eating strawberry candies and smoking. It’s all this.

However, do I, Lao Suo, and that eldest sister already have a revolutionary friendship in the trenches?

The voice call continued, and coins continued to be thrown out at a high cost of 40 coins per second, but Master Wang did not dare to protest at all.

Kong Jingqiao sighed suddenly: "Tell me what's going on."

Ever since Tai Xiaoyi became a traitor, he was unable to use any chat groups. It was not until later that there were two new small chat groups, but the communication scope was limited to four people on the island. Also, Old Wang Li Cang vaguely remembered Tai Xiaoyi mentioned once that she had lost contact with her mother since the disaster, but the specific reason is unknown.

"What, what's going on?"


Three seconds of video is enough time to clearly see the scene. When you see the mother and daughter Tai Xiaoyi, you know there is no way around it.

"Mom, can you please stop embarrassing Zhong?"

Kong Jingqiao sneered: "The last one was a decade older than you, but this time it's better. How much younger is he than you?"

"Ten, ten years old."

"So you know it yourself? Twelve plus ten, rounding up, half a lifetime has passed," Kong Jingqiao gritted her teeth, "Tai Xiaoyi! You are a grown-up, when will you be able to be normal? You want to break up with me as a mother and daughter again?" relation?"

"I didn't."

"Your judgment of people is as bad as ever! I told you before that the guy named Huang is not a good guy! What now? Look at this kid again! Is this guy coming to the base to buy goods? You Are you going to live in a dormitory with him in the future or what?"

Tai Xiaoyi was silent on the other end, her breathing became heavier and harsher:

"Please don't say such things! Lao Huang died trying to protect me!"

"Do I have bad eyesight? I was robbed and thrown high into the air on the island. It was Zhong who caught me without hesitation. I smashed my arm and had to fight with the robbers!"

"My vision is bad? I choose Dad, because Dad would rather die on the construction site than raise me, provide me with education and give me a decent dowry! I choose Lao Huang and Zhong, because they are really willing to fight for me!"

"My vision is bad? The worst time in my life was probably when I was reincarnated and chose a mother who was a chef at a state banquet and 'be strong in life'! What do you see? There is only your honor, your career and your image! You What else is there now? An ex-husband who is willing to lose his deputy department position just to leave you, or a biological daughter who has severed the relationship between mother and daughter twice? "

"If I am born without nourishment, then why and why do I come back to point out my life?"

"Kong Jingqiao, there is no doubt that you gave me my life. I can return it to you, but please remember one sentence -"

"Being born in your arms was not what I wanted."

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