Chapter 518 Wang’s Conjecture

No one knows about the mysterious communication between Li Leisi and Tai Xiaoyi for the time being, because Teacher Cang is thinking about a very serious issue.

Although the SAN value impact effect of Blue Blood Painting can be transferred to the servants of destiny and the second son of the blood through the big wand and the same origin interoperability link, the actual effect is actually quite weak, and Yin Le is needed to assist to barely produce a little bit. effect

Of course, it may also be related to the general environment. After all, the place where it made its debut was a bloody battlefield, so the room for performance was really limited.

"Even the great leader once told us that regardless of whether a black cat or a white cat can catch mice, it is a good cat," Li Cang said seriously, "What happened to the SAN attack? Did it violate the Geneva Treaty or some other international convention?"



Due to the addition of a huge number of strange underground zombies, the battlefield quickly expanded to an absurd area. It basically spread out from the Sochi Castle in a huge fan shape, with a horizontal distance of more than two kilometers at the widest point.

This is not a bad thing. The only drawback is that this method of playing is very time-consuming. The wide front greatly speeds up the production of corpses by both warring parties. When the clan leaders filled the second batch of men into the battlefield, the two parties fell into a stalemate. In this state, the progress of the zombies' front line was suppressed again.

After more than two hundred years of development, the city-state of Tili has never had the ability to pray, but with an average strength value of 20c per capita, the physical quality is so strong, and with the protection of a black meteorite iron armor that is armed to the teeth, one person can fight against three or five. The walking corpse did not fall behind in the slightest, and Li Cang was dizzy when he saw the gold and stone cracking as fierce as a tiger.

As for the walking corpses, without any protection and with generally lower strength than the Tieri people, they beat the well-trained Guards and Guard Knights to a pulp——

Nothing else, because walking zombies have almost no biologically defined fatal weaknesses.

Tiili and Li Cang made the same choice. They also adopted a four-stage treatment method, targeting the head, chest, cervical vertebrae and spine of the zombies with four destructive blows. This means that on average, each zombie needs at least four wounds!

It sounds ridiculous, right?

This timi is a battlefield. There are zombies everywhere chewing and chewing. Where can I find the time to give you some last-ditch blows?

If the last hit is not enough, these things can chew a few corpses and even drink a few mouthfuls of blood. After a while of self-hypnosis, they stand up again with full vigor and vigor!

This is still a common ugly walking corpse

The most unacceptable thing is the oppression and dominance of those inconspicuous stage 2 or even stage 3 zombies hidden in the zombie tide over the Tili people. The high-level zombies are like hidden booby traps. As long as If it explodes, the Tili people will die in pieces.

"Damn it!" Lao Wang put down the telescope for an unknown number of times, with an unacceptable expression on his face, "Do you want to open the hole wider? Why do I feel that the Tiili people still have the upper hand?"

Even though the self-healing power of walking zombies is abnormal, the speed at which the Tiili people, who are armed to the teeth, harvest walking corpses is still earth-shattering.

In just 15 minutes, the losses of Tiili warriors did not exceed 2,000. The corpses left behind by the walking corpses had raised the overall altitude of the battlefield by the thickness of two corpses. Moreover, the main force responsible for the deaths of Tiili people was Li Cang's thugs. Swallowed Thunder Tree Fruit

Lao Wang said he couldn't accept it and couldn't understand it!

"They are human beings, and sometimes the manpower is poor, but walking corpses are not," Li Cang glanced at Shan Juan, "What I want is to make them feel that they have a chance to send more people into the battlefield, and when the cards in their hands are almost worn out, Usman will take care of the rest.”

You’ve put the rice in your mouth and you still can’t eat it? Why not simply find a beautiful place to self-degrade and remove the balls?

Lao Wang really didn't care much about this, so he changed a topic that was more interesting to him: "Teacher Cang, have you noticed that these zombies really can't explode coins? Under normal circumstances, there are already many zombies on the battlefield at this moment. A piece of grassland?"

"Cough, cough, cough."

"What?" Lao Wang looked confused and couldn't find anything useful from Li Cang's eyes. "Why are you coughing?"

"Because there has never been a true subordinate in this floating land."


Lao Wang was greatly shocked!

Lao Wang’s pupils were shaken!

Lao Wang quickly changed the subject: "No, ahem, there is no such thing. Coins will not be produced when the zombies are killed, so where did the coins that should appear go? Did they disappear out of thin air, or was it - the ball's sack? !”


"Teacher Cang, do you remember what I said, when we were cutting down zombies in the past, those ugly zombies that couldn't produce coin trees could directly add one coin to the prayer coins for every 10 to 50 killed?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Oh, you think so. No one on this floating land has a prayer interface, and naturally there are no little coin guys to keep this part of the income for them. A few months, a year or two is okay, how many lifetimes have they been here? "Lao Wang winked crazily, but he didn't dare to say that series of keywords, "Then when these people who have saved pocket money all their lives die, think about it again, think about it again!"

Li Cang: "."

Li Cang didn't think so. He was so confused that he didn't want to discuss such a dangerous topic in front of Dalei Zi!

Lao Wang tried to remind: "20c! 10%!"

"What kind of safe word are you two talking about?" Li Leisi frowned and looked over, "Did I delay your love?"

Lao Wang was numb and angry: "Damn it, Teacher Cang, your brain circuit is closed or something, don't you think about how the Tiili people's physical fitness, which is as explosive as the spiritual energy recovery, comes from? Alienated blood concentration If it is higher than 10%, you can directly absorb the destiny coins! Did you even forget to ask this question?"

"Hold the grass?"

Li Cang was really shocked. He looked at Lao Wang up and down, as if he was looking at a stranger.

Yes, yes, the coin has never been condensed and formed, but it does not mean that it does not exist. It must either rely on the rules of the sky island or the life forms on the island. There is no third option. After so many years, so many walking corpses, so many strange beasts, With so many people, how many coins have to be accumulated? Isn't this a special observation sample of an alternative "revival of spiritual energy" formed on this floating land?

No wonder the people on this island have extremely strong physical fitness even though they don’t have a wishing interface. The concentration of everyone’s alienated bloodline is also extremely high. This timi is obviously to adapt to and absorb the unformed coin, or part of the free energy matrix. Kind of forced evolution!

Lao Wang squinted at Li Cang: "What did you say?"

"Ninety-nine percent of it is what you said." Li Cang organized his words, his posture suddenly humble, "Master Wang is mighty, Master Wang is domineering, Master Wang is an unparalleled scholar, and when Master Wang goes to the toilet, someone passes him paper!"

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