The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 605: Teacher Cang returns to his old job

This fragment is just a long strip of land about 100*200 meters, with a base height of no more than 50 meters. On it sits the remains of a building with only 7 floors left.

It can be seen that this place experienced a fierce battle when the disaster occurred, about a year ago. The walls of the ruined building are full of bullet holes, traces of explosions and blackening, as well as blood stains and stains from the decomposition of corpses. It stained almost the entire building.

As for whether these weird walking zombies were the first to mutate or whether they were the survivors after the first battle, Mr. Li Cang has no way of knowing. Thousands of walking zombies placed in other places would not even make waves. But placed on such a piece of debris that is mostly occupied by the remains of the building, it can really only be described as having no place to stand.

Lao Wang was surrounded by dozens of zombies and blocked the corner of the half-collapsed staircase. Below was the concrete debris and there were steel bars on top. While communicating closely with the zombies, he had to pay attention to the rough edges of the steel bars, for fear that one might accidentally damage him. I'm done with it myself.

Li Cang was not much better. There was not much room for performance in such a small space. When the first batch of zombies rushed out, he was pushed in the opposite direction to Lao Wang and his younger brothers. At this moment, the only thing left was The action is to lean against a wall and swing the stick mindlessly.

The embarrassment between the two of them is simply unbearable to watch. Not only are they covered in burly bodies, but they are also the kind of people who can't even get out of their skin.

"Ahem!" Lao Wang's voice came out together with the roars of the zombies, "Teacher Cang, although it's not the right time, you know my strong character, Wang. Even if I am dead or nailed Even in the coffin, I have to scream my heart out with my rotten vocal cords: You said I wanted to take a picture of your current appearance and post it on the forum. Does that count as a sex act? Isn’t it already popular?”

"Fuck!" Li Cang didn't know where the strength came from. He was stunned by the density and desperate hard licks of dozens or hundreds of walking zombies like sardine cans. He used his backhand to force the seven or eight zombies closest to him into his pocket. The corpse fan went out four to five meters away, and a crowd of people fell on their backs, "How dare you, surnamed Wang!"

"Hey, hey hey."

There was no need to rely on this guy's silly laughter for confirmation. Based on Li Cang's understanding of Lao Wang, he knew that he should have already done what he needed to do when he said the previous sentence.

"Beast! What the hell are you doing! Stop it! Damn it!" Li Cang was really panicked.

It can only be said that the complicit guys around high-quality human males will not be cheap, they are all ruthless scoundrels.

Lao Wang didn't even bother to take photos properly while being blocked by dozens of zombies, but he just updated the post in spite of those foul-smelling mouths, and he was bitten and scratched like a bloody gourd.

"Wow~" Lao Wang laughed wildly, "This wave, this wave is called wealth and wealth in danger!"

"You're so crazy!"

Lao Wang and Li Cang are different. Li Cang's big magic wand can overflow milk anytime and anywhere, while Lao Wang will not be able to recover from these injuries for a while - this guy is a crazy guy!

Before Lao Wang's laughter could complete the first stage, Teacher Cang had already set up a hook and locked the slide under the cover of the two groups of magic mountains and Ms. Qiu's corpse brother. He then slipped out to another adjacent fragment and was currently on the slide. With nimble hands and feet, he removed the rope without hesitation.

Lao Wang and the zombies all over the island stared at each other for a few tenths of a second:

"Holy shit, shit, shit, teacher Cang, please calm down~"

"I haven't gotten in the car yet! I haven't gotten in the car yet!"


"Dad, I was wrong, Dad! I was so wrong, damn, you are so fucking awesome!"

The distance between each fragment is far or close, at least to the extent that their current physical fitness cannot simply rely on jumping ability to travel between them. Without the flying tiger claw hook to lock the rope, Master Wang can still walk Damn it, stay here and live with the zombies!

On another fragment 60 meters away, Li Cang finished removing the chains and waved kindly to Old Wang, turned around and left - Master Wang's eyes were filled with tears.


The next second, Lao Wang was completely overwhelmed by the surging corpses.

By the time he got up again, holding his buttocks, he didn't know how much time had passed. Thousands of walking corpses all over the island had turned into parts. But he himself wasn't much better. He barely, vaguely, maybe still had one left. Approximately human-shaped, losing more than ten kilograms of weight in minutes.

Lao Wang sat on the pile of corpses and breathed heavily.

"You are as petty as a timi girl. Hey, that's it. Do you think I'm afraid of this?"

After taking a look at the number of clicks on the forum, this guy suddenly showed a bloody grin, Damn, it’s worth it!

"How is this going?"

Master Wang scratched his head and glanced around wildly. Before he could find a suitable tool, he found that the pile of corpses on the island was slowly getting lower at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, he was sure that the moss on the ground and the vines in the cracks in the walls had not been so bright and dense before.

The plants on these fragments are simply like groups of flawless alternative digestive systems, subtly sucking the life of all living creatures on the fragments.

Lao Wang subconsciously looked at the wounds on his body, and he didn't know if it was because he was dazzled. He seemed to see a flash of green in the bloody wounds.


"Damn, let's go, let's go."

Lao Wang removed a lot of rusty steel bars of different thicknesses from the wreckage of the building, twisted them with brute force to form a "steel rope", tied several sets of cross hooks to the front section, and threw it dozens of times. Only then did he finally successfully hang it to the edge of the fragment on the opposite side, hanging upside down like a maggot and squirming up.

The steel bars were heavily rusted. Lao Wang hung upside down and ate a mouthful of rust. The steel bars connected in sections made a harsh cracking sound when they rubbed against each other. They looked shaky and might break at any time.

Seventeen minutes later, Lao Wang arrived at the other side safely.

"My dear mother~"

Lao Wang had no time to denounce Teacher Cang's ruthlessness and cruelty, and saw a row of stones crookedly placed on the edge of this fragment: →

Climb another fragment: →

Another one:

So where is Teacher Cang at this time? He was chatting with people with such enthusiasm.

"We entered from the northeast, and we didn't encounter any zombies, but we encountered a giant alienated insect called schistosomiasis, and 6 people died," the pale bearded man with sucker-shaped wounds all over his body and bleeding non-stop said weakly: "The bleeding can't be stopped. If it keeps flowing like this, I can live for three hours thanks to the example set by the southern cockroaches since I was a child, hehe~"

Including Li Cang, there are 11 people and 9 servants of fate on this fragment with a radius of about 500 meters, and almost everyone is injured.

The bearded man Li Congyong was the most seriously injured. The vortex-shaped wound left by the schistosomiasis was not deep, with an average of 1 to 2 centimeters of flesh missing, but it was extremely large, comparable to the size of an adult's palm. Blood gushed out from the broken blood vessels, and soon soaked a large area of ​​the ground under Li Congyong's feet.

Even with the survivors' physiques that have been strengthened several times, this terrible bleeding speed can't last more than a few minutes.

Everyone looked at each other, and then Li Cang took out the old actor's lighter from his pocket.

"This, will this work?"

"If there is no other way to stop the bleeding, this is probably the most effective emergency."

"Who will come?"

Pick up firewood and light a fire!

Li Cang rubbed a three-finger-wide thick steel plate on the stone until sparks flew, then put it in the fire and burned it fiercely, and then rubbed it. The sound fell into the ears of others, like the whisper of the devil.

"Almost done!" Li Cang said, "Are you ready?"

Li Congyong couldn't help but shudder, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Fuck!"

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