At first, Lao Jun was doing fortune-telling for a specific target, such as himself. Even in the past Nine Heavens Profound Realm, when he was alone, there was no such thing as a ten thousand ominous fortune-telling.

To be honest, Lao Jun is not afraid when he sees his ominous hexagram. After all, the realm is over there. For hundreds of thousands of years, what scene has Lao Jun not seen?

If it's just him who is going to be unlucky, then Laojun will not lose his temper.

But then he foresighted for others, and the result was also a horrific hexagram. This time, Lao Jun really couldn't sit still. Among his fortune-tellers, there was Lin Jin.

From Laojun's point of view, Lin Jin owns the fragments of the foundation stone of the Dao of Heaven. He is someone with great luck. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the son of Heaven.

According to Lao Jun's divination experience in the past, this is simply impossible.

And because the hexagrams of several people in a row were like this, Lao Jun realized that something was not right, so he stopped at random at that time, and found an ordinary ordinary person to help him fortune-telling, and the result was also a horrific hexagram.

This time Laojun is the real shock gaffe.

He is very clear about what this means, and after his investigation and understanding in the next few days, he has basically determined that this is the 'phase of extinction'.

The so-called annihilation of the world means the extinction of the heavens and the earth.

Because of this, Lao Jun came to look for Lin Jin in a hurry. It can be said that the one who can make some moves in this matter, in Lao Jun's opinion, is him and Lin Jin.

Other immortals can't do it at all, and as for mortals, they can't count on them right now.

Laojun has deduced that the problem lies in the cornerstone of Heaven.

"This cornerstone of the Heavenly Dao is the foundation of heaven and earth. It was broken by the Immortal Emperor more than 2,000 years ago. Although they have been in peace for more than 2,000 years, how can there be no consequences when the cornerstone of the Heavenly Dao is broken? Now, I am afraid that the consequences will come, To tell the truth, I used the method of deduction and tried my life to explore a little bit of heaven. All living beings must perish." On the way, Lao Jun revealed this secret.

Lin Jin's heart skipped a beat when he heard it.

He thought of the great god who opened up the heavens and the earth in ancient times. The heaven and earth that he opened up before were not just chaos, but he also thought of the reincarnation of heaven and earth. Daomen said that the fallen leaves return to their roots and spring flowers bloom. In fact, it can also be applied to the whole world.

So Lin Jin immediately understood the truth.

Lao Jun said that it is the phase of the world's destruction, but in Lin Jin, there is a word that is easier to understand, and that is the end of the world.

Immediately, Lin Jin's face darkened.

It's only been a few days since this good day, how could something like this happen?

For a while, Lin Jin felt a little irritable, and he didn't even want to think about too many things, he just asked Lao Jun: "Is there a solution?"

In Lin Jin's opinion, there should be room for manoeuvre in this matter. Isn't Lao Jun looking for him for this matter?

The old man nodded, then shook his head again.

This nod and shook his head confused Lin Jin.

"Lao Jun, if you have any idea, just say it."

The old gentleman smiled bitterly: "The so-called method is just my own idea. I don't know whether it works or not. If it doesn't work, then the world will still return to chaos, and all living beings will perish."

Only at this time did Lin Jin realize how serious the matter was.

Suddenly he felt heavy.

Laojun then said what he thought, since this matter may be caused by the foundation stone of the heavenly way, it is because the foundational stone of the heavenly way is damaged. In this way, all the broken and missing pieces of the foundational stone of the heavenly way need to be recovered and filled up. , should be able to avoid this catastrophe.

Naturally, for this kind of thing, of course, you have to find Lin Jin. Lin Jin has several fragments of the cornerstone of the Heavenly Dao in his hand, and if he wants to find other fragments of the cornerstone of the Heavenly Dao, Lin Jin can also contribute.

"Since I discovered the world-annihilation phase, I have been looking for fragments of the foundation stone of the Heavenly Dao. So far, I have found two pieces." At this time, Lao Jun threw another heavy bomb. There were two pieces of gravel the size of fingernails floating around.

Lin Jin knew at a glance that it was a fragment of the cornerstone of the Dao of Heaven.

"Lao Jun has worked hard." Lin Jin said this with emotion. This matter concerns the whole world, and most importantly, Lin Jin's own life and death, so Lin Jin also did his best, and it was his duty.

Lao Jun smiled: "What's the hard work, I'm doing this for myself."

After a pause, Lao Jun lowered his voice at this time.

"Lin Jin, there is something I have to clarify with you first."

Seeing how mysterious Laojun was, Lin Jin was also curious about what Laojun was going to say.

"This catastrophe may have been destined a long time ago. We need to be clear about one thing. Even if the fragments are successfully repaired, it may not be able to stop this catastrophe." After Laojun finished speaking, Lin Jin nodded, which is the reason he naturally Clearly, the old gentleman said it very clearly before. Complementing the cornerstone of the Heavenly Dao is only his guess, and it may not change the result after completing it.

If so, the end of the world?

Lin Jin was a little flustered for a while, he was not ready for this, it was not only about himself, but also so many friends and apprentices.

After counting with his fingers, Lin Jin realized that he had already cared so much in this world.

In this way, the heart is even more irritable.

But so what, the end of the world, what can I do?

Really, it can only be based on Laojun's calculations and try to supplement the cornerstone of the Heavenly Dao.

At this time, Lao Jun whispered: "Lin Jin, if the world's destruction is really inevitable, what are your plans?"


Lin Jin was stunned.

Then what else can we plan to destroy together, Lin Jin felt that Lao Jun asked this question a bit strange, but after thinking about it, Lin Jin knew that Lao Jun asked this question, there must be a reason.

"Lao Jun, are you hiding something from me?" Lin Jin immediately pressed, and Lao Jun hurriedly said: "What are you hiding from you, I just want to tell you, listen carefully, this will destroy the world. If the disaster is really unavoidable, I have a method that may allow you and I to avoid the disaster and wait for the next chaos!"

Lin Jin was stunned.

After a while, Lin Jin calmed down after listening to Lao Jun's explanation.

Laojun's method is to hide somewhere with a special method, and then wait for the destruction of the world to come. If you are lucky, you can survive, and then fall into a deep sleep, waiting for another great power to split the chaos and create the world.

"This method is actually extremely dangerous. In today's world, the only people who can do this are you and me. The others, not even true immortal masters." .

Lin Jin definitely wanted to drag his family and bring his friends and apprentices with him.

Lao Jun told Lin Jin that this was obviously impossible, and it could be regarded as breaking Lin Jin's mind.

"This is just a desperate retreat, and I have a word in advance. Even if you and I use this method, you may not be able to escape this catastrophe, so it is still the best way to stop the world." Lao Jun sighed, he Having lived for hundreds of thousands of years, he has experienced all kinds of storms, but this is also the first time he has ever experienced such a thing as destroying the world.

Lin Jin is also adjusting his mentality at this moment. Indeed, no one knows that things like the end of the world will not be easy. Fortunately, Lao Jun did not say when this world-destroying disaster will come.

Maybe thousands of years?

Next, he and Laojun marched all the way, and they had already penetrated deep into the Nine Heavens Profound Realm and reached the last heavenly realm.

Lin Jin had been looking at the Immortal Mountain from here before, but this time he had to step into it.

"Lin Jin, since the cornerstone of the Heavenly Dao was broken by the Immortal Emperor more than 2,000 years ago, no one has set foot on the land of Immortal Mountain. The situation there is unpredictable. You must be very careful when you go in later!"

As Lao Jun spoke, he cast spells to hide Lin Jin and his breath.

In terms of techniques, Lin Jin would not be able to show his ugliness in front of Lao Jun. When the techniques were completed, the two approached on a cloud.

Xianshan is huge.

Legend has it that Xianshan is the only thing that runs through nine days. In the next few days, only the foot of the mountain and the mountainside can be seen, but here, the top of the mountain can be seen.

Although it is a mountain in name, a mountain is actually the size of a king's city, and there are many mountains on the immortal mountain. The largest and highest one can be said to be 9,000 meters high into the sky. .

This is no exaggeration, it is true.

Therefore, this immortal mountain is no longer a mountain in the ordinary sense.

After half a day, Lin Jin and Lao Jun were already in the mountains.

"There are special restrictions on this immortal mountain. It is difficult to fly over the clouds. From here, we can't fly, we can only climb the mountain on foot." At this moment, Lao Jun's expression became much more solemn.

At this moment, the interior of the Immortal Mountain was silent, and the sound of beasts and birds could not be heard. Lin Jin clearly felt a heavy feeling when his feet stepped on the bluestone below.

Lao Jun said that this was the ban on Xianshan, but Lin Jing thought it was due to the increased gravity of Xianshan. In other words, the gravity here was several times higher than other places.

The immortal mountain is very big, not only the mountain, but everything here is very big, the rocks and trees are the same.

Lin Jin was also amazed when he walked all the way. He never imagined that there would be such an incredible place in the Nine Heavens Profound Realm.

It was at this moment that Lin Jin suddenly felt something and stopped, and Lao Jun also noticed it.

"What's wrong?" Lao Jun waited for a while without noticing the problem, and asked in a low voice.

Lin Jin was actually sweating on his forehead at the moment, he kept winking at Lao Jun, and at the same time sent a voice over: "Lao Jun, there is a beast under our feet, eighth-order!"


Lao Jun was puzzled. He looked down and found that there were ordinary rocks around him. Where could there be any shadows of beasts?

And there is no breath.

However, the old gentleman understands Lin Jinjian's ability to beasts, so since Lin Jin said that he has it, it is likely that he has it.

At this moment, Laojun used his means to look again, and suddenly he was sweating.

The rock under their feet is extremely huge, more than a hundred feet long and wide, and the surface is exactly the same as the rock, but if you look closely, you will find that it is actually a giant toad.

It's just ignored because it's too rock-like and doesn't have the slightest breath.

"What should I do now?" Laojun asked through voice transmission, and at this moment, the rock under his feet suddenly shook, and not far away, two protruding rocks actually opened a pair of huge eyes.


There was a thunderous sound, and even Laojun Lin Jin was dizzy at the moment.

"Run!" Lin Jin rushed forward immediately, and Lao Jun responded quickly, but he felt aggrieved when he followed behind, thinking how old Lao Jun was at the beginning, but now he was startled by a giant rock toad.

But having said that, if this rock toad really has the eighth rank, it is the cultivation base of Xiaoyao Xian level, even if it is placed in the peak of the immortal way, it is still a strong one.

"It's just a toad, why do you need to run?" The old man was puzzled when he saw that Lin Ji didn't look back at all, but Lin Chu said without turning back, "Who said there was only one?"

The old man was stunned.

When I looked back, my scalp felt numb.

The ground was shaking and the mountains were shaking, and at least dozens of those giant rock toads began to chase the two of them. These toads that looked like hills looked quite scary.

Lao Jun's face is ugly. In this case, he did not say that he would win during the heyday of his cultivation, let alone now. Although he has a herring and a dragon, he is only an eighth-order beast, and the opposite is a group of eighth-order beasts , it can't be beat at all.

"There is a cave ahead, go in!" Lin Jin's eyes were sharp, and when he saw a long and narrow cave entrance, he immediately ran over, followed by Lao Jun.

Those toads are huge and can't get in, so as long as they rush in, they are out of danger.

After entering the cave, Lin Jin and Lao Jun continued to go deeper, only to hear loud noises behind them, which was obviously due to the impact of toads, but the rock of Xianshan was firm and hard, and although those toads were huge, they couldn't get in.

Lin Jin was also sweating profusely: "Lao Jun, was this immortal mountain so dangerous before?"

Lao Jun smiled bitterly: "I don't know either."

There were dozens of giant toads outside, and Lin Jin and Lao Jun didn't dare to go out. After waiting for a while, the movement outside suddenly changed. There were more screams, and the sound was completely different from before, as if something was fighting.

After a while, it was quiet outside.

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