The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1012: Unexpectedly!

"Oh shit!"

Mike's face changed, as did the kidnappers around him.

In an instant, they were all a little panicked, the kidnappers holding the knives couldn't control much, so they chopped them up with a machete.

The young man quickly shook off the female kidnapper who was holding her neck, swiftly avoided the attack, and shot back at everyone with an incredible speed.

She grabbed a steel baton and hit the kidnapper with dazzling movements, only to hear the kidnapper's constant screams.

Jun Ci didn't show any mercy at all, and every kidnapper who was hit by her stick almost couldn't get up.

Mike's face changed at the time, and he couldn't sit still anymore, and followed the shot without squinting his eyes.

His moves are incomparable with others. He is a boxing player himself, with fierce strength and vicious methods, but it is still no use facing Junci.

When Jun Ci first arrived, even the former Uncle Tao was able to draw a draw, but would he still be afraid of him?

In a few moves, Mike was hit in the leg by Jun Ci with a stick.

His complexion changed drastically at that time, his pale face turned back uncontrollably, and the severe pain followed.

This is still when the teenager is dealing with other kidnappers.

Some kidnappers have begun to notify other kidnappers when they see the situation is not good, but no matter how many people are notified, it is too late.

They thought that the plan would be successful, and they did not prepare much to hinder it.

Furthermore, Gulu controlled all the automatic door switches on the ship and controlled all the kidnappers.

But in just a few minutes, the form of the scene changed dramatically.

The hundreds of people squatting on the ground were shocked.

They wanted to scream in their throats, but did not dare to scream.

God, is this a movie? Or is it a nightmare?

Face thirty kidnappers alone?

Hit all down!

How is this possible?

The young man holding a wooden stick looked like a demon alive, his face was cold and frightened everyone.

She looked gloomy. As the leader, Mike was still trying to struggle, so Jun Ci hit it down with a wooden stick.


The tremendous strength made people sound like a tremor of liver.

Mike couldn't control it, and screamed while clutching his legs!

The kidnapper lay on the ground.

They didn't think about it, it only took a few minutes to change the form.

Mike, the strongest player, was beaten to the ground by the teenager without any resistance.

If there is a gunman, porcelain will hesitate, but even if there is no gun, why are these kidnappers so confident.

The boy moved her neck and moved her wrists. She was able to start with a sense of measure and didn't catch it to death.

Once you kill someone, you can't stop yourself.

But the sticks that beat Mike are merciless.

Every time you hit a stick, you can hear the young man's low-alcohol voice with a low smile: "Uncomfortable? Rude?"

The sound of questioning seemed to resound in the human heart, making people tremble.

It was more terrifying than Mike threatened them just now.

Until Mike's legs were beaten to **** blood, and he couldn't make a scream, Jun Ci threw away the wooden stick.

I really don't know what B this person pretended to be.

She was stained with splashes of blood.

The pure white suit was dyed the red of hell.

She stood there with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, which became an eternal nightmare for these people present in the future.

This Chinese teenager saved them all by himself, but it became their eternal nightmare.

Leading to the future of Hollywood, many people dare not put a fart on anything about Junci.

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