The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1066: Your Highness is the total offense!


When I heard that it was not from Lucifer, Yao Kitten's nerves tightened: "Then who else will our company have?"

Although Yao Kitty's information is not fully disclosed, if it is really from the same company, it will be seen in minutes.

And her ID and her name are so easy to recognize.

"Don't worry, I will find out for you."

Lucifer is very confident, Yao and kitten almost forgot, they are both great hackers.

She patted her head and walked out in relief.

Behind her, Lucifer couldn't help laughing.

But now the little cat Yao has gone out, with her back facing her, the handsome blond young man laughed and patted her thigh twice. When the cat Yao walked halfway, her face suddenly turned a little weird, and Lucifer quickly returned to normal. The face, slumped on the boss chair, looked at Yao kitten inexplicably.


Nothing was wrong, Yao Kitty sat back in his place.

The words on the 18th floor were really not sent by Lucifer, so Lucifer waited for her to leave and opened her laptop, preparing to invade the IP address of this ID to see who it was.

However, after checking it twice, Lucifer, who had a confident smile on his mouth, sank.

Can't find out!

The IP address of the other party is not just a mess of garbled codes. After cracking it, the addresses pointed to are everywhere, even if it is analyzed, it can't be analyzed.

So far, the IP address can be confused or hidden to the point that even Lucifer can't find it, only the former Seven Angels or Hera of the Myth Alliance, or Hades.

But a few others don't mix in this kind of forum, and whoever has time to stare at the post of Yao kitten.

Also know about the company...

Lucifer pinched his chin, and a name flashed in his mind that he almost forgot.

He also looked at the office next door, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.


He stayed here for too long, and he really almost forgot that Emp itself is a top hacker, and the hacking skills are even above him.

From this point of view, the big boss has nothing to do to visit the forums under him to see his gossip?

Gee tut tut tut.

Thinking of this, Lucifer put his hands on the back of his head and switched the computer to the TV series page leisurely.

However, Lucifer really wronged the emperor.

Jun Ci has been working all the time, and there is no time to read all these miscellaneous information. Obviously the only people who can do this kind of thing are Guru.

Gulu saw that the little girl Yao was cute, and had a good impression of her, and laughed aloud when she saw her post.

Don't the two bosses have one leg?

And it's not just as simple as having a leg, it's about to split each other!

However, seeing many gossips in the post questioning the authenticity of this story, Gulu couldn't stand it, so he jumped out and turned into an ID and left a word.

Unexpectedly, he almost scared Kitty Yao to pee, and made his Highness carry the pot.

Seeing that the posts of Yao kittens are getting higher and higher, Gulu is also very satisfied. It likes the behavior of sneaking off subordinates and picking up bosses!

However, Gulu disagrees with the uncertainty in Yao's words.

Do you look at our Royal Highness like this? Does it look like?

No matter how you look at it, it should be Jiang Yishou!

Hey, I forgot that my Royal Highness is not a boy, and there is no problem of attack and acceptance.

But no matter what, your Highness will attack, the emperor will attack! !

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