The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1075: Dog buy dog

This is the first time Junci has seen a piano so lost.

Ma Li saw that it was unhappy, so she went to slaughter her big bones.

Since the piano came to Junci’s house, he has no worries about eating and drinking, as well as Gulu to open up his wisdom, and finally met a little spy. Never before has he been so sad.

Obviously it was very happy to save someone just now.

Jun Ci squatted down and touched it: "There will be more dogs!"


The little spy was also with him, and opened his mouth. "I don’t think you can just focus on Jixiang. Give up on it. You see it is pregnant again. You saved it just now. Waiting for the afternoon. You can go to the pet base to see that there are many dogs that are more beautiful than auspicious! VIPs, Tibetan Mastiffs, weaker, tough, you have any type you like!"

Junci: "..."

The little spy's tone was a pimp.

She reached out and hit the little spy, motioning him to shut up.

She checked the time: "No, I'm going to school. You two stay at home and I'll be back in the afternoon."

The time for her class is approaching due to the delay just now.

Fortunately, she didn't have class today in the morning, only the last class will be over.

She packed her things and went to school, and the little spy on the back foot ran away from home with the piano.

It went through difficulties and obstacles, took the piano through the crowd, and relied on the map to reach the largest pet base market in the Imperial Capital.

In the market, there are dog cages with various breeds of dogs.

The unusual ones are placed in a slightly wider space, and the general ones are kept in a separate small cage.

This is the largest pet market in the Imperial Capital, so many people come here, and most of them bring children to pick pets.

Huskies, like those who just started walking on the street without being led by the rope, can be said to represent the extremely lack of quality of the owner.

Don’t you all call to go out now and pull the rope?

Jun Ci didn't know this in school, so it can be said to be very innocent.

The little spy sat on the head of the piano, arrogant and arrogant. This peculiar combination aroused a lot of people's onlookers. Some children giggled at them, and some curiously took out their phones to shoot.

Although the piano only had auspiciousness in his heart, seeing so many dogs, he gradually became happy in his heart. After shopping for a long time, it stopped in front of a cage in front of a pet store with Chihuahuas.

Little spy: "...With such a small size, you can handle it too!"


It just thought the dog was too small, so he stopped to take a look.

Then the piano continued to move forward.

There are not many dogs that fit his mind. After looking all the way forward, the piano finally spotted born pit bull...male!

Little spy: "Beast!!"

Forget about the achievements of playing and raising, but actually still start with the father!

Piano: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

You have a second problem, I don't want a wife anymore, buy a son and go back to raise him, let it come to my retirement.

Little spy: " are so thoughtful."

This peculiar combination also caught the attention of the store clerk. He had been staring at the two curiously. In order not to show his shock, the little spy deliberately asked the clerk in a mechanized voice: "Pitbull milk Dog, how much is it, how much is the pitbull milk dog?"

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