The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1098: The dog head that blasted the piano

The little spy rushed in and told Jun Ci that after the piano was gone, he immediately came out and left.

Gulu gave the notice that the piano was going downstairs.

But the little spy was not tall enough to press the elevator, and even the cello didn't understand, so he had to tell Junci first when he came back.

In the video, Junci saw the silly dog ​​on the piano and walked down the hall in the lobby.

Strictly speaking, dogs are not allowed in the building, and security guards immediately tried to catch the piano.

Jun Ci was afraid that someone would hurt the piano, so he frowned and went downstairs to pick it up.

It used to take the elevator downstairs to walk by itself, but Junci was not afraid of other things.

However, it is agile. The security guards were afraid of causing panic among the people in the building, so they did not dare to catch it.

When Jun Ci came downstairs, I saw the piano leisurely wandering among the crowd. As a result, when Jun Ci's figure appeared on the elevator side, its eyes looked over, and then the dog's eyes became a little strange.

It seems to be a bit happy.

Jun Ci is still a little puzzled, probably because the eyes of the piano just now made Jun Ci feel a kind of instinctive anxiety, and his steps are a little slow.

Suddenly, the piano suddenly ran towards a girl in a short skirt who was standing there talking on the phone. The girl stood with her legs apart, and the piano dog's head pierced between the people's legs and looked up...


The girl's scream resounded throughout the hall.

Peeking at the piano under the skirt of the person, in full view, ran towards Junci.

Jun Ci suddenly turned around like the little spy, and flashed into the elevator at extremely fast speed.

This dog was not raised by her at all, it should be taken into the research institute and chopped off! ! !

When the piano rushed, the elevator door just opened. As soon as Junci entered, Gulu closed the door instantly.

Standing in front of the elevator door, the piano flicked its tail regretfully.

It just wants people to see who raised it.

Who knows that the master is too scheming, flashing too fast!

Behind them are a few security guards who have shown their hideous features.

Seeing that the piano was in trouble, his master ran away. When he realized that the catastrophe was imminent, a figure that was now extremely stalwart in the eyes of the piano came in outside the building.

The former owner's tall figure and unique temperament are really eye-catching. The piano eyes shine, and he bypasses the security siege and rushes over quickly.

Just as Junci, who reentered the elevator here, was about to go upstairs, he heard Gulu’s embarrassed report: "Your Highness, Jiang Yi is here, on the first floor..."


Why does he always appear so suitable?

And Jiang Yi, who happened to be sent here by the military region’s hand, still had a deep face. Before he had time to attract more people’s attention, he saw a silly dog ​​rushing towards him with his tongue. The temperament made Jiang Yi barely recognize that it seemed to be the silly dog ​​he had raised.

Before he could react, he saw the silly dog ​​rushing in front of him, and his two paws directly hugged his thighs. The hind paws actually knelt down humanely, and then began to howl.

Jiang Yi hasn't kicked his thoughts yet, but he will have it in the next second.

The security guard with a distorted face came to him: "Sir, this is your dog? Sorry, no dogs can be entered in the building, and it just..." The security guard's eyes were complicated, as if he was condemning or looking at BT. Look at Jiang Yi: "Peeked at the bottom of a young lady's skirt."

Wow, if a dog has this habit, isn't it the owner or pervert?

When Jiang Yi received similar sights from all directions, he wanted to blow the piano's head on the spot.

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