The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1268: You look so beautiful when you smile

Besides, for at least three hundred years, no one has ever found it there, so it wouldn't be so coincidental.

But the more you think about it, Junci can't help it.

In fact, she wanted to know the truth too much.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, Gulu will shield all the signals and magnetic fields around it to ensure that no one will find out there."

"I know."

Jun Ci sighed and planned to choose a suitable time.

The main reason is that the place is too chaotic. If it passes, it is bound to hide its whereabouts, otherwise it will be easy to be discovered.

She asked Jack to draw herself a map of the nearby road so that she could find it easily.

In the end, I found that I didn't have time for a short period of time. In addition to taking a week off, Jun Ci planned to leave the island.

She must know the truth of this matter.

Jun Ci fixed these and returned to the place where he happened to see Jun Chengbai holding a video at the campfire party.

This is a bit surprising. According to what she thought, Jun Chengbai and Jiang Yi should hang up the video within a few words.

Junci went over and just heard Jiang Yi's sentence: "Uncle, according to the eyes of your generation, do you think I am handsome?"


Jun Chengbai: "..."

This question embarrassed father-in-law. Although Jiang Yi was really handsome, Jun Ci was shocked by Jiang Yi's cheeky being able to ask this question.

When Jun Chengbai was about to answer, he felt something. When he turned his head, he saw that Jun Ci was back. He handed her the phone in embarrassment: "Jun Ci, give you the phone..."

Jun Ci raised his eyebrows: "It's okay, Dad, just keep talking, don't I think you have a good chat?"

"I...I still have something to do. I want to go back first. I'll come over and chat with Jiang Yi later."

Jun Chengbai smiled faintly, returned the phone to Jun Ci, and then left by himself.

Jun Ci took back his phone and watched the person in the video: "You can actually ask my father what you said, so cheeky."

"How is this thick-skinned?" Jiang Yi cut his voice, "I don't know what to say to my uncle. I asked him some simple and obvious questions to promote the relationship. Is it difficult to answer this question, Porcelain, look at me Face, you answer once, am I handsome?"

"It's okay." The boy sneered. "Not as handsome as me."

Narcissism and persecution are not left behind.

Jiang Yi's face sank: "Porcelain, how can you say that you are handsome? You are beautiful and beautiful! Look how beautiful you looked when you were wearing women's clothing, you are beautiful!"

Jun Ci was a little disgusted: "Handsome, I am handsome, and beautiful is a sissy."

"What is a sissy, you are obviously a woman, you are not a mother! Wrong, you are also a mother... Oh, no, you are not a mother..."


Jiang Yi was almost crazy.

Why does my daughter-in-law always don't know the true sex? She knows she is a woman and she always fights with her.

Seeing Jiang Yi who was about to collapse in the video, Jun Ci smiled unkindly.

She let out two chuckles, obviously happy.

The boy's beautiful face was a bit dumbfounded when he laughed. Jiang Yi originally argued with her, but now he saw the good-looking Junci and was immediately taken prisoner: "Porcelain, you look really good when you smile."


Someone over there asked Jun Ci to enjoy the bonfire party. Jun Ci and Jiang Yi talked a few more words and then hung up the video call.

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