"No, it's Jiang Yi's friend."

Hearing that it was Jiang Yi's friend, Yuan Chenyan's expression changed in an instant.

Bai Duyi's eyes widened: "Jiang Yi, is that Senior Jiang?"

Sura on the side also showed some confusion, obviously she didn't know who it was.

Yes, they were all freshmen. Jiang Yi had already gone to the military academy when they came in, but there were probably some rumors in the school that let them know some information about Jiang Yi.

But it must be unknown.

Yuan Chenyan cried and said, "It's not Senior Ji and Senior Xia?"

Yuan Chenyan was a little bit embarrassed to face these few people. None of these people existed at the same level. It is usually difficult to get a conversation in school.

Normally, even if Yuan Chenyan met them a few times because of Junci, it was not that he felt sick, but that the obvious class gap made people feel a lot of pressure.

So when he heard that Jun Ci's friend was Jiang Yi's friend, Yuan Chenyan regretted it.

If you know it, ask first.

Jun Ci smiled and looked at him: "Why are you so persuaded? They don't eat people, and you are not for what you come to eat hot pot."

Yuan Chenyan's expression was still a bit embarrassed, and Bai Duyu continued to ask: "Senior Yuan, who are they?"

The people of several big families are not something ordinary people can understand.

Before arriving, Yuan Chenyan explained to them one by one. After listening to the answer, Bai Duyuan widened his eyes and wowed, while Sura sneered silently.

When they arrived upstairs, as soon as they opened the door, several people saw Jiang Yi in the middle of the living room.

He looked cold, not much enthusiasm, just standing there gave people a kind of unreasonable pressure, and he looked like a stranger would not enter.

Yuan Chenyan was a little confused when he saw him, and hurriedly shouted: "Hello, boss Jiang!"

Bai Duyuan immediately knew who it was, and then called out: "Hello, Senior Jiang."

Jiang Yi didn't answer, frowning, his eyes locked on Sula.

He recognized at a glance, this girl is Sura.

From the appearance point of view, she is more threatening than the girls who were close to Junci before, because she is so beautiful.

Although he knew Sura's information, he didn't know more about Sura, he only knew through Junci. Not only did he have something wrong with him, but he was also a kind of serious illness.

Although the original words of Junci are not like this.

His eyes were a bit sharp for a while, Sura felt such a targeted gaze, and the gaze that looked at Jiang Yi did not show any weakness, cold and silent, Jun Ci pulled away Jiang Yi calmly: "Come guest Yes, I will pour a glass of water."

One sentence made Jiang Yi a little bit energetic.

Seeing it or not, this is the difference.

In Junci's house, everyone except him is a guest, which shows his extraordinary status.

Sura originally felt that this man had a malicious gaze towards her. The natural defense system made her subconsciously dislike this man. In addition, Yuan Chenyan said just now that this person belongs to the boss level at school. When she got up, she was domineering and resembling herself, which made her unhappy.

Now when I see Jiang Yi saying that he changes his face, he changes his face, just because the boy said a word as if from cloudy to sunny.

Sura sneered in her heart and commented in her heart.


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