Gulu wouldn't be surprised for no reason, so Jun Ci stopped, a little wary: "Who?"

"I didn't dare to get closer. From the camera's point of view, that person was hiding in a tree opposite Taninda. Gulu guessed there was more than one, but the camera was too conspicuous, and she looked nervous."

The camera does not fully expand the viewing angle function, so it is too far apart, the machine can't see clearly, and the grunt naturally can't see the real situation.

"Daily Tannin!"

"Daily Tannin, where are you?!"

Around the mountain, there were voices of other staff shouting tannins.

The whole voice echoed from the top of the mountain, and Gulu continued to report: "That person has shrunk."

He probably heard the sound, so he hid.

Upon hearing this, Jun Ci became more hesitant to move forward.

For no reason, how could anyone deliberately target tannins?

Gulu simply showed the picture to Jun Ci.

The whole picture is in the form of a hillside, because the camera is flying high in the sky, so you can see that Tanning Dai is located on a small road at the top right corner of Junci, surrounded by tall trees, but she stands there as a whole , In a vacuum, just happened to be photographed by a high-altitude camera. She seemed to be a little anxious, spinning around, following the piano next to her.

The piano was quite honest at this time, and she didn't scream out. Dany squatted down from time to time and touched the piano's neck, seeming to be soothing.

As for the figure that Gulu said, hiding under the tree, it is no longer clear.

She was not afraid of someone, so Jun Ci pursed the corners of her lips when she saw Dai Tan, and continued to walk in the direction of Dai Tan.

But she improved her concentration, and the whole person paid attention to her surroundings.

When approaching the tannins, Junci could see some new traces of man-made damage in the dense forest. Obviously, some people walked around in a panic, and the branches, flowers, and grasses broke a lot.

It is also visible because the plants are dense.

The closer she got to Tanning Dai, all Jun Ci focused on observing the surroundings.

Because it is obvious that if there is no problem with Tanning Dai, she can't stand still in such anxious situation but dare not leave.

The staff called her so loud, if you get lost, you only need to respond with one voice.

She didn't say a word.

This is obviously abnormal.

A tree was pushed aside, and the ejected branches hit Junci's white sportswear, scraping out traces of blackness. Some cleanliness, she didn't care much about it.

It still matters to save people.


No matter how careful you are, the sound of stepping on the dead branches is still constant, and you can hear it just a little bit.

The wind was also blowing, and when Junci emerged from behind a tree, Tannin was stunned.

At that moment, Taninda suddenly opened her mouth and said anxiously: "Director, run away!!!"

Her voice was terrified. At the same time, the piano yelled frantically: "Ohhhhhhh!"

You who are shoveling shit, run quickly. Someone rushes at you. They have guns! !

People who don’t know thought the piano was barking, but after Gulu understood the content, they were a little anxious: "Your Highness, they have guns..."

At that moment, Jun Ci's tense nerves exploded after a shot.


She heard the violent gunfire coming from behind, and at the same time she had a troublesome scalp chill.

It was a strong premonition of danger, endangering life.

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