"I...I'm afraid."

Tanning was trembling, and she leaned against Jun Ci.

She is really scared.

Most people have long collapsed when they encounter this kind of thing.

They hid in the cave, fearing that the group of people would suddenly catch up.

The piano is probably a conscience discovery, and rubbing the tannin with the dog's head is probably to give her strength and comfort.

It's a pity that I don't have any eggs.

Through the camera's perspective, Junci saw that the few people should still be hiding there, anyway, the camera can't fly in, and they can't go.

But now that even this thing has flown out, they must think that they have been found, and with their guns in their hands, Junci is afraid that the other party will rush up like a madman and shoot, or die.

So she didn't let Jiang Yi come up, and only hoped that Jiang Yi could bring someone there.

In case the two sides ran into each other, Jiang Yi would have three strengths and two shortcomings, she guessed it would tear each other's heart alive.

She was grunting now, but she didn't worry about interrupting the external communication, and sent a message to the crew saying that she was okay, but she still kept the rest of the crew with problems and let the security guard control it.

"His hiss..."

A sudden strange voice sounded, and Jun Ci's expression changed at that time.

Tannin heard it too, and her whole body became extremely stiff.

And behind them, a figure in the shadow panned up...


Suddenly a snake jumped out, a flower appeared in front of Junci's eyes, and the piano swooped quickly and directly behind Junci. The direction of the snake's attack was exactly at Junci’s neck. As a result, the piano jumped over and the snake’s The fangs bit the piano's belly.


Grass mud horse, I'm so painful! !

The piano screamed, and his body fell directly. Jun Ci saw the snake biting the piano tightly. His slender body wanted to entangle the piano, so he reached out and grabbed the snake's seven inches. There was a scream in an instant, cold sweat was soaked on his forehead, but he reflexively covered his mouth, bit his hand firmly, and did not dare to scream.

Jun Ci slammed his eyes, strangled the snake directly with his hands, threw its whole body to the ground and stepped on it, and then immediately crawled out of the cave.

At first, I just wanted to go and hide, but I didn't expect there would be a snake inside.

The piano grinned with pain and couldn't help shaking. Junci realized that something was wrong and carried the piano up.

Hidden behind a big tree, Gulu watched that the few people hadn’t moved. Junci pulled off the dog’s hair on the piano and saw that its stomach had gradually turned black. Two snake teeth marks were clearly visible, and the wound was lightly visible Touch, it has been swollen and hardened.

Seeing the wound on the piano, Dai Tanin's eyes widened immediately, and tears flowed out: "Is... a poisonous snake?"

"It's a five-step snake, another name for a local venomous snake. If the piano is not treated within four hours, it will die."

There was a slight tremor in Guru's voice, and when Jun Ci heard it, his heart cruelly picked up.

Although it was a dog, it was a dog who had been with him for so long, and it was sent by Jiang Yi...

The piano was poisoned and penetrated into the body. Although I was not delirious, I felt pain all over my body, and its voice became a little lower: "Ohhhhhhhhhhh..."

Shovel shit, am I going to die? Was the babe who bit me just now the grandson of the tortoise of the Viper family?

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