The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1428: He is gone, is he?

The new year is also full of celebration.

Although the crew could not go back to celebrate the New Year, Jun Ci organized a New Year's dinner in the mountain.

The ingredients are brought fresh from the bottom of the mountain as much as possible, and the villagers help to make it, and spend a new year together with the villagers.

In fact, on this mountain, the New Year atmosphere is more lively, but after all, it is in the mountains. Although everyone did not sleep at 12 o'clock in the evening, they also seemed boring.

Mahjong is the quintessence of the country, and they don't know where it came from. They put together a table, and many people still come out to watch the fun.

They also encouraged Jun Ci to participate. Jun Ci gave up wisely when he saw that this thing was out of luck, and quietly played with his mobile phone in the tent.


Canada, it is still bright day.

At the best time in the morning, in a luxurious castle, beautiful and elegant women are lying quietly on the chaise couch.

She has a slender and white neck like a white swan, her skin is as white as a vampire, and her delicate facial features will eclipse even the most famous beauty in Hollywood.

An elegant little black dress, white neck and shoulders are exposed, every movement, there is a kind of natural elegance and nobility.

She has a breathtaking beauty, and her delicate features do not show the specific age, only a different kind of mature charm.

A dazzling blond hair, dignifiedly coiled, the diamond hairpin of the small crown is pinned between the hair, which brings a kind of nobleness.

She is extremely beautiful, she also feels the ultimate in sex, every move has a crazy impulse.

As long as he is a man, he seems to be willing to dedicate everything to this beauty, to dedicate the whole world.

She closed her eyes, and when those eyes opened, it was the dazzling light of diamonds, but with an incomparable coldness.

As tall as a queen.

The maids who were also good looking beside her were completely eclipsed in front of her, becoming ordinary rouge fans.

The room is very big, but the woman's aura fills the room, making people only notice her existence.

There were light footsteps outside, and the woman didn't blink her eyes. When the oriental man in the white suit appeared, her brows were somewhat unmarked, but for a moment, she quickly recovered her calm.

She waved her hand, the maids nodded and stepped back, she closed her eyes again and said nothing.


The man’s English is magnetic and elegant, "We need to talk."

The woman opened her eyes again quickly.

She just looked at him, her eyes were extremely calm and composed, and the look in her eyes reminded Jun Chengyue of the good boy she saw. It was very similar, but not enough.

"I heard you cough the day before yesterday, it's very bad."

Her voice is also like a natural sound, no matter what language, it seems to be able to be spoken by such a voice, it is an honor.

"Jason is back, he is looking at your illness."

One word, one word, combined into a sentence that made Jun Chengyue look down.

Lydia stood up, her figure was also tall, her figure like a devil was wrapped in a close-fitting dress, which was an irresistible temptation for men.

But the man in front of him has no signs of fluctuations in his expression.

For so many years, whether commonplace or not, he has never been half distracted by her.

She walked gracefully in front of Jun Chengyue, her red lips slightly hooked: "He is gone, isn't he?"

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