The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1442: Alta's remarks

What needs to be done needs to be done, but what needs to be checked still needs to be checked.

It is worth mentioning that the trailer for "Seventh Killer Space" is officially released.

But it's just the general version of the trailer. When many European and American people with expectations and Chinese people watched it with anticipation, they were all a little...unspeakable disappointment.

Europe and America

[From the perspective of the plot, it is very exciting, but does this so-called Chinese director only have this level? 】

[With all due respect, I can’t see any difference from director Jeremiah’s production. It seems to be a normal version of the trailer. Now there are too many things to predict the **** of wonderful movies. I feel that this is the case]

[Watching a movie is obviously very exciting, if it is not prejudiced, the preview is really good, just watch the movie]

[The usual Hollywood movie trailer mode, special effects, and the plot seems to be very exciting? 】

[What the **** is the female lead, how is this sweet girl, my god, won't you even play? 】

[Seeing Eastern faces in Western movies is an indescribable violation, so ugly! 】



China Weibo

-The movie trailer is very exciting, and it feels like it fits the original, but it feels like the emperor's normal level performance?

-The heroine is not the pre-planned Alta...emmm, it feels weird to see the sweet girl Cecilia

-Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

-If only according to the level of this trailer, I am not optimistic about exceeding the emperor’s 6.5 billion peak record (Hua Guo box office)

-It feels like a trailer for Hollywood’s customary mode. I don’t see anything outstanding. Wonderful is wonderful. The Emperor’s director this time is a bit disappointing.



Yes, all of them, the trailer is very exciting, but there is a kind of, unspeakable, the emperor did not play the necessary level of comments.

Especially in Europe and America, they were not optimistic about the Chinese director. When the trailer came out, it was a mockery.

However, many people chose to watch it, because the book is really good-looking, and the plot of the trailer fits the original, but it is the heroine that makes many original book fans very dissatisfied.

It was originally the home court of another more popular heroine, how did it become the home court of the sweet girl Cecilia?

While watching the trailer, she felt that her acting skills were pretty good, but she didn't feel anything too special, which made quite a large part of the book fans of another female character unacceptable.

As soon as the trailer came out, the external network began to launch the topic # "七杀手空间"电影预告riot#, which made some fans in China quite popular.

But what pushed this topic to the top was the heroine who previously refused to star in the film, Alta Johnson.

She has a very high popularity in the United States, and she could say that she expressed her dissatisfaction a little earlier, until the trailer came out. In a recent interview, the reporter asked her about her resignation in "Seventh Killer Space". From the perspective of the current trailer, Alta said quite proudly and mockingly.

"I have watched the trailer, and now I think it is wise for me to reject this film. I think the so-called Chinese director has not respected the original work at all, especially when it comes to the choice of perspective of the heroine. Knowing that the heroine of this movie shouldn't be the image of a sweet girl, is he crazy?"

As soon as the interview came out, public opinion suddenly exploded!

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