The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 154: Perfect shake

"Oh, who the **** let you do that kind of wicked thing in the first place!"

Shinan was obviously an insider, and was very ruthless after the ridicule: "No, you can handle it yourself."

Dog brother:"……"

Brother Gou feels that he is a Buddha who has sacrificed his life as a human being. No matter how hot his eyes are, he still has to talk about it.

Dog's tail grass: If you do this again, we'll cut off justice.

Jinshan Culture: Ouch, don’t tease you, what does your website mean about the emperor?

Dog's tail grass: We can have a fart, the copyright is not in our hands, I am here to ask you the price, the one that is not suitable for you, even the emperor does not need to see it!

Jinshan Culture:...

Jinshan Culture: What a big joke, big brother TM. Even if the emperor's book is suspended, you don't even hold the publishing rights in your hands? Brother, is your website dizzy by doing good deeds?

Jinshan Culture: Can the emperor's book, the copyright of that book, be freely given to him by TM?

Jinshan Culture is so surprised. The industry has been cooperating for so long. To be honest, except for the few super gods on the end website Sadhuafan, they are not included in this list to qualify for their full copyright.

The emperor is a newcomer author, how could Luodu Literature Network give him the copyright?

Luodu Literature Network as a transit station, dedicated to the emperor as the first website?

No matter how kind-hearted Luodu Literature Network is, it can’t do such a silly and compelling thing. Is the value of that book still in Jinshan culture?

Dog's tail grass: Hey, there is no way, I was pinched by someone. Compared with anti-theft software and full copyright, which one do you think we want?

Anyway, it is spread all over the industry now that the anti-theft software is either developed by the emperor or made by friends of the emperor.

It's fine to say it.

Jinshan Culture: Ouch!

Jinshan Culture: The big brother is 666666!

Jinshan Culture: In the future, when his copyright is sold for tens of millions, all of you Luo are waiting to cry.

When I saw Ten Million, I just poked Brother Gou in his heart. The emperor’s broadcasting of copyright was already bad enough.

Dog's tail grass: Don't mention it, the intention price is not counted here, you just mention what you are willing to pay.

Jinshan Culture: Forget it, I'll just point it directly. As our editor-in-chief said, the price is reduced by 20%, and the intended price is one million. Additional profits will be distributed after 10,000 copies have been sold.

Dog's tail grass: Means 800,000? It's coming soon, I can directly refuse it without you telling me. You don't want to talk about this price to the emperor.

After all, Brother Gou is in the industry, and he understands some prices.

Eight hundred thousand is indeed a high price, but it is definitely not enough in the eyes of the emperor.

After the broadcast rights are sold at a sky-high price of 10 million, you can count on 800,000 to sell the publishing rights?


Jinshan Culture: ...The price is really not low, at most one million, the conditions cannot be changed.

Dog's tail grass: I'll tell you something that sounds like something, you must not say it, or I will die. For the sake of relationship, the emperor's book has only sold a certain copyright, um, sold for 10 million, you weigh it yourself.

Jinshan Culture: You are really full of love from the top of your website if you live to the present.

Jinshan Culture: I dare not tell you this kind of thing?

Jinshan Culture is currently chatting to Brother Gou about this relationship on QQ. Brother Gou knows that he has a strict tone, so he is not afraid to say it.

But seeing that, it was still a while.

Dog's tail grass: What can I do, I am also very desperate, just after we signed the full copyright, dare I say him?

Dog's tail grass: Besides, it was signed by our vice president!

The last sentence of Brother Gou perfectly shakes the pot.

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