The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1563: I met Junci


Jun Ci's tone was very casual, as if he was saying that the piano went for a walk: "The kidnapper just called me and extorted 10 million."

Tannin: "..."

He almost couldn't restrain himself and screamed: "How come, how could the piano be kidnapped?"

People who shouldn't panic are panicking here, and those who should panic are here as if nothing happened.

"Calm down!"

Jun Ci also persuaded Tanning Dai: "It's normal, isn't it just kidnapped? Don't worry, you will be back soon, don't worry, just hang up."

Tannin: "..."

Soon after Junci hung up the phone, she received a text message from the kidnapper, saying that she was asked to transfer 10 million to an account at some point, and then go to a certain place to pick up the dog.

Junci perfuse them while discussing with Nie Weiyuan on the company's next projects, such as starting to cooperate with other companies to produce smart online games, or technical cooperation.

After a discussion is reached, the agreed time will come.

Junci, who had just finished the meeting, took the time to look at the time: "Oh, it's time to pay the ransom."

Yao kitten next to her helped her process some data. Hearing these words, he subconsciously asked: "Boss, what ransom is to be paid?"

Jun Ci said casually: "My dog ​​was kidnapped."

Yao kitten: "..."

After staying for a while, seeing the calm face of the teenager, she couldn't hold back: "Need help?"

"No need."

The teenager got up, finished everything, and left the company.

She went there at the address given by the kidnapper.

Of course, only the coordinates indicated that she had gone there, but in fact she had already gone to the kidnapper.

A few kidnappers dared to come out without a gun and learn from other kidnappings. Even if they were kidnapped, they **** a dog who was not up to the standard. Jun Ci really looked down on them.

Of course she didn't report to the police. If all these minor matters were reported to the police, I would really be sorry for the busy people's servants.

Several kidnappers were located in residential buildings in downtown.

There are a lot of migrant workers who live there, and they are very mixed and familiar with each other. The selection of several kidnappers here actually confuses their calculations.

Even if Jun Ci called the police, the police might not know where they were hiding.

The computer expert created several different IP addresses.

There are three kidnappers, except for A and B, who is a computer expert, Xiao Zhang.

Judging from the video, except that B is slightly stronger, they are actually weak.

I really don’t know where the self-confidence learns from kidnapping.

When Jun Ci arrived in the downtown area, he wore a hoodie, covered his hat, and wore a white mask.

From her thin figure, it can only be seen that she is an ordinary teenager, at most something is wrong.

But there are so many well-informed grandpas and aunts in the downtown area, and there are many gangsters nearby, and some people dress up like Junci, so they didn't attract much attention.

The residential building where the kidnappers are located is a C-shaped joint building. Each floor is lined with dozens of households. Each room is very small, with a total of only tens of square meters of bungalows. Living here means that the rent is cheap. workers.

These kidnappers were originally wage earners, so they came to do this kind of thing only if they had a bad idea. Unfortunately, it was Jun Ci.

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